An Iron Fist for an Iron Maid...

By khadijiah1

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Danny Rand lived in K'un L'un for most of his life, earning the Iron Fist and was destined to become King of... More

An Iron Fist for an Iron Maiden (A Danny Rand Fan Fic)
Chapter one: The Beginning
Chapter two: Her Story
Chapter three: A.....certain turn of events
Chapter four: The (incredibly stupid) Deal
Chapter Five: "Dream Boy"
Chapter Six: Just a date, with a secret (part one)
Chapter seven: Just a date, with a secret (part two)
Chapter eight: Clash of Heroes
Chapter Nine: Not fair
Chapter ten: Merry Christmas to me.
Chapter eleven: Past....Assemble!! ish.
Chapter twelve: Lying by omission
Chapter fourteen: More about us
Chapter fifteen: Battle Scars
Chapter sixteen: The color purple sucks
Ugh, I hate tags
Chapter seventeen: Her Destiny
Chapter eighteen: Recuse the bad guy...?
Chapter nineteen: Remember
Chapter twenty: The Choices We Make.
Chapter Twenty-one: In Comes the Knight
Chapter Twenty-Two: Date with Reality
Chapter Twenty-Three: Fixing the puzzle
Chapter Twenty Four: Pick Your Posion

Chapter thirteen: Who I am

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By khadijiah1

Chapter thirteen: Danny

I was tempted to follow Joy to Avengers Tower. She had so many secrets, so many things I knew about her, yet did not know at the same time.

"Yo Danny!"

"Yes Luke?" Luke wrapped an arm around my neck, pulling me over.

"Come on. You've been stressed out lately. Why don't we blow off some steam." He said, leading me down the street.

"But the helicarrier is that way." Luke chuckled.

"Fury ain't gonna help you, he's just going to add on some more stress. I'm saying we should hit the streets. For old time sakes?" Sighing, I nodded. I did need to get my head away from Joy. She was with the Avengers, she should be fine...right?

"Great!! I say we head for Hells Kitchen."

"You just want to see that girl you like again don't you?" I asked, as we walked over to a taxi.

"What?! No of course not. I want to help my boy Danny Rand get his mind off a girl."

"Whatever you say Luke."


Hells Kitchen did have a lot of gang fights, which was good for someone like Luke who punched their way out of stress. Personally, I would have preferred meditation.

"Man, if meditation works so well, why are you still stressed?"

"Because I haven't meditated in awhile." Luke snorted.

"Just punch a few guys and you'll feel better. Pretend their Sam." I chuckled quietly. Maybe that will help.

"Should I ask who Sam is?" I smiled. I had a feeling we were close to where she worked...or lived. One of those.

"Jessica!! Didn't uh...didn't expect to run into you here." Luke said, grinning. I rolled my eyes, sitting down. This might be interesting to watch.

"You guys are beating people's head in and it's not even dark out. You sure you want to do it in broad daylight?" Jessica Jones was Luke's high-school crush. Originally she went to Midtown High, but she transfered into Hells Kitchen High. Rumor is she's trying to start up a private eye business.

Anyway, Luke pretty much goes out of his way to make sure he can see Jessica. Like purposely leading the gang near Jessica's house and making as much noise as possible to draw attention.

"Well maybe I felt like taking a little risk today." Luke said with a smirk. Jessica smirked right back.

"Cage getting out of his comfort zone. Well then, I was going to invite you inside, but if you two want to risk getting caught by the cops..."

"Which one is your house again?" Of course he knew. I'm convinced he sneaks out of the helicarrier to see this girl.

Completely different from Joy and I. I promise.

When we walked in, we were greeted another classmate of Jessica's and another friend of ours. You might know him as the Devil of Hells Kitchen.

He was studying law.

"Luke? Danny? Is that you?" He asked. I nodded.

"Indeed my friend. And how has the superhero life been treating you?" He chuckled.

"It's painful. Lot of lying to cover up where I got the friend wants me to get a dog."

"You should get a dog." Luke said.

"I don't need a dog."

"I love dogs. You should get one."

"I don't need a dog."

"Who doesn't love dogs?"

"For the last time, I don't need a dog."

"Those who think Devil Boy should get a dog say I!"


"Those opposed?"

"Nay!!!" Jessica chuckled.

"Sorry, out of luck. Get a dog." He growled, and muttered to himself. I chuckled, sitting down next to him. These were my first friends when I left K'un L'un. I wasn't immediately found by S.H.I.E.L.D, and Luke was on their watch list; "Devil Boy" declined and Jessica declined as well. Despite our life differences, we promised each other to keep in touch. Make sure one of us wasn't snuffed out by Kingpin while the others had their back turned or something.

"So, what's shaking in the Avengers world?" Jessica asked.

"We aren't Avengers." I interjected, before Luke could answer.

"You're training under S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D works with the Avengers. You're practically Avengers already." Jessica nodded in agreement.

"He has a point." Luke chuckled.

"Whatever. Danny has a new girlfriend who doesn't even remember his name."


"I thought you were dating some chick named Misty." I shook my head.

"No, we broke up awhile ago."

"Yeah Horn Head, keep up with the times." Jessica playfully snapped at him. She didn't know we broke up either; it's not that I didn't tell her, but I could tell from her tone.

"Anyway, she choose Bucket Brain Nova over him, which is messing with his head. Which is why we're here."

"Because Hells Kitchen is full of people who break the law and need their head punched in." Luke grinned.

"What he said." Jessica snorted.

"And here I thought you were here to see me." I swore I saw Luke blush.

"Well, that too...." I rolled my eyes. Luke may look tough, but I swear he was like a giggling school girl around Jessica Jones.

Like how most girls acted around Horn Head next to me.

According to the rumors anyway.



"Blade, you came. Now, why don't you just--." The Man who I assume was Blade, turned to me with a dark glare.

"You." Before I could blink, he was charging at me with a sword, trying to run me through.

Naturally, I screamed, nearly dodging his sword.

"Blade, stop!! We asked you here to help, not hurt her." Captain America blocked the next strike with his sword, while I scrambled and hid behind Thor.

"Trust me, I'm doing you a favor." Blade flipped over him and ran towards Thor and I. Letting out a squeal, I backed up and ran behind Hulk this time.

"Warrior Blade!! Explain your actions!!" Blade snarled, seeing he was surrounded by Avengers and continued to glare me.

"Killing her won't help, so I suggest you start talking." Black Widow said. Blade huffed in annoyance, putting his sword away.

"When Stark called saying he had a daywalker, he didn't mention it was that monstrosity." Monstrosity?

"I didn't think you knew her." Stark commented, landing in his armor. Blade snorted.

"Know her? No. Heard of her? Seen her? Yes. I even tried to kill her, before her mother enlisted me to stall while she got her away from Transylvania."

"I'm from Transylvania?" I asked, poking my head farther out from  behind Hulk's massive body. Blade barley acknowledge my question. I don't think he heard me speak.

"You tried to kill her? Why?!" Falcon exclaimed.

"Didn't you hear me bird brain? She's a monstrosity who shouldn't still be alive. The fact that she made it this long without a stake in her heart is a miracle." This guy, was great for self esteem. If you wanted your self esteem to be rock bottom and you wanted to feel like you were worthless.

"Why don't you start from the beginning." Captain America said, eyes on me. Probably saw the tears that were starting to form.

"Everyone here know that Dracula is real?" Everyone nodded, including me.

"Great. About 19 years ago, Dracula took a bride. Or tried to anyway. She ran off with Deadpool, but that's a different story. Anyway, Dracula still needed a bride. Someone who could grant him a powerful heir, just in case he did end up dead and couldn't plunge the world into darkness. After I broke into his castle, and almost successfully killed him, I guess he figured he needed someone who didn't have the weaknesses of normal vampires. He needed a daywalker." My phone vibrated in my pocket, but I ignored it.

"So, he sent some slaves of his to find him a mortal bride, one worthy of his time. They brought him a women named Savanah Montoya." birth birth mother...

"Savanah was beautiful, it was quite obvious. She was also apart of a cult who tried the whole, "bride of Satan" thing. Didn't expect it to work I suppose, so they were surprised when vampires showed up and took her away."

"People still try that?" I heard Hawkeye whisper to Black Widow.

"So, Savanah was to be married to Dracula. She didn't have a chocie, but being stubborn, outspoken and down right annoying, I'm surprised he tolerated her." Seriously, this guy sucked.

"A couple years later, she finally ended up pregnant with a girl, whom she named Joy, for being the only joy in her life or something. The girl, Joy was actually born sickly and weak."

"Wait, if your life goal is to kill Dracula, then how do you know all of this?" Falcon asked.

"Savanah told me. That's getting ahead of the story, so stop interrupting!! So Joy was born sickly and weak. Dracula was extremely mad, and almost killed Savanah. He would have too, if she didn't point out that there was other ways to make her healthy and strong. So Dracula started his experiments. Started injecting her with vampire DNA, infusing her with mystical potions and making sure his heir wouldn't be a weak little girl. When Joy hit the nice age of five, Dracula began preparing his heir. Started brutally training Joy until she didn't have any tears to cry and continued training after that. Savanah, despite weakened by the fact Dracula barley tossed her a bone, wasn't about to let her daughter suffer."

"Should've thought of that before she married king of the undead." Hawkeye said sarcastically, earning him a punch from Black Widow.

"Ow!! What, she should have!!"

"Shut up Archer. Savanah managed to reach out to me and asked for my assistanance. Basically, try to kill Dracula again while she escaped with little Joy. Despite my new drive to want to kill the little brat as well, my desire to kill Dracula was greater." Well thats...comforting.

"So I agreed. Attempted to kill him and she escaped with Joy. I failed, obviously, and I tried tracking the Montoya's down; didn't find anything. Figured they took Joy and Savanah back to Transylvania and killed them. But I can see I was wrong." Blade turned his seemingly soulless glare to me.

"What happened after that?" I swallowed nervously, again  ignoring the phone vibrating in my pocket. Harry could wait.

"I...I...I don't know."

"Joy has a case of amnesia. She doesn't remember anything."

"Lucky her. Now you said Hyperion was apart of this...Kabal? Dracula apart of it too?" The Avengers nodded.

"Then Dracula wants his heir back."

"Can you explain why her vampire DNA wasn't showing up in scans till after Hyperion showed up?" Stark asked. Blade shook his head.

"Like I said, I thought the little brat was dead. Personally, I think you need to get rid of her as soon as you can."

"I'm right here!!" I finally exclaimed, but instantly regretted it. Blade was scary.

"You shouldn't be. You shouldn't be alive. You're a genetic mistake Joy Montoya. Powers of a full blooded vampire yet you are still a daywalker. Mystical abilities yet you can't even bring your own memory back. You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't exist. You are a mistake. You should've died you--!"

"Blade that's enough!! Maybe you should leave." Captain America cut in. Blade snorted and walked out.

"Good luck mortals." He muttered before leaving.

There I sat, on the floor, feeling crushed. I wondered for so long who I was...and come to find out I was a genetic mistake. Daughter of Dracula, the Lord of evil and darkness, King of Vampires. Great.

"I'm sorry if those weren't the answers you were looking for." Falcon finally said, walking over.

"In hindsight, perhaps asking the vampire hunter if he could give us clues on who you were might have not been the best idea." Stark said.

"You think?" Hawkeye snapped.

"It's fine...I just...I just wanna go home." I said quietly. Black Widow nodded, helping me off the ground.

"Of course, that's understandable. We'll call a taxi to come get you."

"Thank you." Black Widow lead me back down to the front of the tower, where I decided to finally check my phone.

Apparently it was Dad. Several texts messages and a missed call. Whoops.

"Hi Dad." I said, after I worked up the courage to call him back.

"Joy Osborn, do you have any idea how worried I was?!"

"Dad, I told you that I was at Ava's house."

"Funny, because I talked to Mister Parker about Ms. Ayala and she wasn't with you. In fact he informed me that he saw you get into a cab and drive off. Anything you want to tell me?!" Curse you Parker!

"I'm sorry Dad. I just wanted to know more about me...about who I was. I know you said that I shouldn't trust Stark but--."

"You STARK?!?!" He roared into the phone. I flinched. I had been yelled at enough today, couldn't life just cut me a break? Maybe just one? Please?

"I mean to say, is that darling, Oscorp has the power to find out as much as Stark does."

"I know Dad, but--."

"That's what I wanted to show you when I got home. Someone who wants to help you learn more about yourself." Like who? Blade made it clear he doesn't like there other daywalkers?

Or did Dad not yet figure out I was a...vampire.

"Thank you Dad. I'll head straight home."

"Attagirl Joy. We'll talk more about this later. Just end your meeting with Stark and come straight home." He hung up the phone, just as a taxi pulled up.

"Hopefully you'll come by again Joy." Black Widow said, smiling. I couldn't decide if it was fake or not; I also couldn't decide if she wanted me over so she could snap my neck and get rid of me like Blade wanted.

"Yeah. Thanks again." I said, climbing in, giving the driver the address. Looking down at my phone, I quickly called Sam.

"Joy? What's up?"

"I know who I am Sam."

"Uh....okay? I don't know what you're talking about..."

"I mean me Sam. Before I was an Osborn." Silence. Did he know something?

"Oh. Well, that's good right?" Sighing, I shook my head. Sam wouldn't understand....

"Sam, can you do me a favor?"

"Anything you want Joy."

"I need to speak with Iron Fist. Can you set up a meeting?" More silence.

"Please Sam, it's really important."

"How much do you remember?"

"Excuse me?"

"How much, do you, remember?!" I swallowed nervously, not fully understanding his question.

"Nothing. Well, not much anyway. All I know is what Stark told me, who my parents are. I just...need to talk to him."


"Are you jealous?"

"Maybe I am. So why Iron Fist?" Truthfully, I didn't know myself. Something urged me to speak to him.

"I need to thank him for saving a friend of mine yesterday. That's all." I lied. I could tell that got Sam to relax.

"Well if that's all. Sure, I'll get him to get together with you. No promises through."

"Thanks Hero Boy."

"Anything for you Joy." I hung up and stared out the window, Blades words echoing through my mind.

You shouldn't be alive.

Genetic mistake.

You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't exist.


You should've died with your mother

"We're here lady." Nodding, I paid him before getting out. Time to face Dad.

When I got up there, Dad was laughing at something. Harry too.

"Uh, hello?" Dad turned and opened his arms smiling.

"Hello Joy. Come, meet a friend of mine." Dad gestured to a pale man, who looked some-what uncomfortable, with brown hair and light brown eyes.

"This is George Tarleton. George, meet Joy." George reached out and shook my hand.

"Nice to finally meet you Joy. I cannot wait to dissect your abilities." At my blank stare, he attempted to cover it up.

"And by that, I mean, you know, help you learn about them. Learn what makes them tick....or work." I frowned. Something seemed, off about this guy.

"George will be staying for dinner so he can get to know you better Joy. Then every day after school he will help you with your powers." Great. A babysitter and a punishment all wrapped up into one.

"I appreciate it Mister Tarleton. Thank you." I said, forcing a smile. George smiled back.

"Of course Ms. Osborn." I think the highlight of my week might be...well, nothing by this point.

Whatever my gut wants me to tell Iron fist, I really hope it's worth it.

You all might know George Tarleton by a different name..

But if I told you that, I would ruin the surprise. And I don't want to do that!! I already gave away half of Joy's origin where's the fun in revealing who Tarleton is?

But I will give you a's not Blade, and he's a supervillain (not Dracula).

Hoped you liked the Defenders reunion I added in the beginning. Thought it added a nice touch to the book (also I wanted to add suspense for what happened to Joy).

Anyway....yeah. Joy is the daughter of Dracula!! (Dun dun dun!!!)



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