Pregnant By The School's Play...

By SapphireFox

2.3M 43.3K 12K

Sophia Daniels was just an ordinary girl who, like every girl in school, wanted Jake Campbell to be their boy... More

Pregnant By The School's Player.
Suspicions Confirmed.
Dead Meat!
Bad Case Of Morning Sickness.
James Knows.
Not Ready To Tell Him.
First Doctor's Appointment.
Accidents Happen.
Jake Finds Out.
The Secret's Out.
Next Doctor Appointment.
Not Again.
A Stupid Regret.
The Truth Comes Out.
Tough Situation.
The First Kicks.
Excited For The Genders.
The Fall.
Jayden's Feelings.
What Should I Do?
Fun In The Shower.
Jayden's Confession.
Baby Shower.
Labour Symptoms.
The Birth.
Recovery Ward.
The Twins' First Day Home.
Not Him Again.
Wedding Bells.
Update - New Book: The Boy Next Door.

Picnic On The Beach.

46.7K 842 213
By SapphireFox

Chapter 27:

Sophia's POV:

"For my beautiful birthday girl," Jake greets, handing me the flowers and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Aw, Jake, they're beautiful," I gasp. They were black roses with lavender surrounding them; he knew they were my favourite. I know they're an odd combination but I thought they were the most beautiful flowers. "Thank you so much."

"Anything for you, my love," he winks. I start giggling and Zoey comes down the hall.

"Oh sorry, Soph, I didn't know who was at the door," she apologises.

"It's fine, Zo, can you put these in some water in my bedroom and tell the others I'm going?" I ask.

"Of course, you guys have fun. Bye!" she smiles, taking the flowers. We say our goodbyes as I depart out the door with Jake. He locks arms with me on the way and kisses my cheek again.

"Happy birthday, Sophia, how are you feeling?" he inquiries as we walk to his car.

"I'm feeling great, today just keeps getting better and better."

"I hope I can make it even more wonderful then." He opens the car door for me and guides me inside like a gentlemen, again another corny move. I don't care how corny he is, it's so sweet. He gets in the other side and starts the car.

"So where are we going?"

"Can't tell you, you'll have to wait and see," he smirks.

"Aw please, please, please tell me!" I beg, giving him my best puppy dog face.

"Nope, I won't cave in. It's a surprise." As much as I love surprises I hate them. I'm very impatient, I can't wait, I need to know now! "Close your eyes," he orders. I close them slightly, hoping he won't notice them a bit open. "Ah-ah, close them fully." I sigh and close them fully this time. "That's my girl." A smile forms on my lips when I hear him say "girl". Yup, I'm his girl. I just love saying that! After a fifteen minute drive he stops the car.

"Can I open them now?" I question.

"No, not yet. You can't look, okay; if you do you'll ruin it."

"I promise." He goes out of the car and I hear my door open. He takes both my hands. "Jake, I can't see; I might fall."

"Don't worry, baby, I got you. I won't let you fall, here, honey." He lifts me out bridal style and I giggle like a freaking maniac.

"I don't know how you can lift me," I note.

"You're actually not heavy, you're very light even though that bump is so big," he chuckles. I would hit him too like I hit Zach earlier but if I hit him he might drop me, so best not to do that. He carefully puts me on my feet and wraps his arms around my waist, kisses my neck and nuzzles his nose against the back of my neck. "You can open them now." Instinctively I open my eyes and look at the building in front of me. AWWW, it was a spa, yes! I wanted some pampering, I need some pampering. "This isn't just it by the way, there's other stuff. After here we're going somewhere else, then I'm giving you your presents and doing something special."

"Jake, this is so kind but that's so much stuff. I don't deserve all this."

"Yes you do and I'm giving it to you. Now let's relax." I nod excitedly and we go into the spa. After two hours of relaxation and pampering while chatting we go back into the car. This time I didn't have to close my eyes. The next place took a half an hour to get to, it was the beach. Today was hot, fortunately. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, the sand was white and the sea and sky were a light blue. We take off our shoes and walk onto the beach while I rest my head on his shoulder as we walked. After a few minutes of walking, Jake leads me to a place closed off on the beach. There was a picnic basket, picnic blankets, candles for when it got dark, a guitar and something in a big box beside the picnic basket.

"Is this all for me?" I ask with disbelief.

"Yes, I hope it's enough," he says uncertainly.

"Jakey, it's more than enough, it's unbelievable, it's too much. You didn't have to go to all this trouble for me."

"Yes I did because you're the most valuable and special thing in my life and I never want to lose you, baby. I want you to be mine forever."

"I'm sure I can make that happen," I inform. He smirks and gives me a long kiss. He moves his hand up to my cheek and strokes it as we make out, his soft touch leaving tingles behind. By the time we had finished our meal on the beach it was around seven and quite dark. Jake lit the candles and it was gorgeous with the scenery. He takes some blankets out from the big box and wraps them around me. I thank him and rest my head on his chest as we lie down and look overhead at the stars above us.

"This is the most amazing thing anyone has done for me," I confide.

"It's not over yet, I still have your presents and another surprise."

"There's more!" I exclaim with astonishment. He chuckles while nodding. I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Jake opens up the big box and gets out two things wrapped in wrapping paper; one was a small present and the other was medium.

"Open them," he insists. I smile and open the smaller one first. There was a box which I opened to find the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen. It had a gold love heart surrounding the words Sophia and Jake forever. I stare at it with happiness and amazement. This must have cost a lot!!!

"Jakey...I'm not worth all th-" He stops me with a kiss on the lips.

"You're worth so much more than this, nothing can compare to your beauty, Soph."

"Jake, please don't waste your money on me."

"Soph, you know I have lots to spare, you deserve all this and more. Here let me put it on for you." I hold up my hair as he ties it at the back of my neck. I stare at its beauty and kiss him passionately.

"I fucking love you, Jake," I announce after we break apart.

"I love you more," he says on my lips. I grin down at the other present. "Open that one too, I hope you like it. I was keeping it for myself at the time, but then I thought you may want it to fill with your favourite moments too." I look at it curiously as I lift it up. I open it slowly and inside was a scrap book with Jake and I on the outside making a funny face. I look through the scrap book in awe. There were lots of pictures of us and there was also all the ultrasound pictures we've gotten. Most of the pictures were off me, some were of Jake and I making faces, holding hands and kissing. There were three lovely ones with his hands on my waist and one on my bump and my hands on top of his.

"Jake, these are all of our moments," I manage to whisper as I was still shocked.

"Yes because all our moments together are my favourite."

"This is definitely the most thoughtful and fantastic present anyone has ever given to me, thank you so much, Jakey!"

"You're welcome, Sophia, but thank you for spending all those moments and memories with me. I've been keeping it for the past three months. Now it's yours to remind you how much I care and love you."

"Too bad all of the pictures are of me pregnant, I'm so big in all of them," I sigh.

"You're cute and sexy with your baby bump, Soph. You're lucky you're so beautiful and glowing."

"Do I have that whole pregnancy glow thing?" I ask with a giggle.

"Yes," he agrees with a smirk. I look back down at the scrapbook with a smile. "This one's my favourite." He points to one of him kneeling while kissing my bump and me kissing the top of his head as he bent down. "It's perfect."

"Like you," I admit and he chuckles.

"No, that's you, honey," he disagrees, cupping my cheek. The guitar catches my eye as I look over at the big box.

"What's with the guitar?"

"Oh, that reminds me. Now I've never sung in front of someone before so brace yourself for some shit singing." He goes over and gets the guitar then crosses his legs as he sits. Aw, he's playing me something for me. "This song reminds me of a memory I will never forget." Ooh, which song is it? He starts playing the first few chords and then I got the song. It was Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus. It was our song, the song that was playing on the night our children were conceived. Jake came up to me when this song was playing and asked if I wanted to dance just like the lyrics of the song except instead of the girl asking the guy it was Jake asking me.

I accepted and we danced. It was very romantic and I was too busy falling for Jake, with him being sexy and a player. So then we ended up making out and of course I remember what happened next. We went upstairs and that's when I had my life changed forever, but not for the worse. I wouldn't change a thing if I could go back now, yes I wish I was older but these babies have made me so happy and especially now that I have the guy of my dreams I'm not complaining. Jake starts to sing and he was so fucking good. I would never suspect a guy like him to have an amazing singing voice.

He has a sexy voice and a sexy singing voice, he's so lucky. I get lost in the words, his voice and eyes as he sings to me. Today's been the best thing someone's ever done for me. First, going to the spa, then for a walk on the beach, a picnic, gazing at the stars, two amazing presents and now him singing to me! Life is so amazing; it's definitely the best birthday ever. When he finishes the song I couldn't get a word out of my mouth because I was still in a trance.

" have the most....wonderful...perfect...unique...spectacular...words just can't describe how amazing your voice is. And that song....oh my god, you remembered! I can't believe you've done all this for me!"

"Of course I remembered, how can I forget the memories with that song. It was the first time we...did...well we did all of those things and yeah right, my voice is not."

"Yes it is, Jake!"

"Well thank you, Sophia," he smiles, taking my hand.

"No thank you, Jake. You've made this the happiest day of my life!" I confess.

"It's not over yet, there is still one more surprise but that's not till later. Want to come over to the water with me?" I smile and he helps me up. We dip our legs into the water, it was freezing. We run away from the tide like little kids. As we were laughing we went back over to our picnic blankets and lie down. I lie on top of Jake and he wraps both his arms around me protectively. I pull the blankets over us and close my eyes. I kiss his chest while he kisses my head.

I run my hands down his chest and he smirks. I don't know how long we stared at the stars for again but it was long. We talked about things, mostly the future and also what things we could make out in the stars. It was very romantic, I never wanted the day to end but eventually it got late and even darker. As I was leaning up to get ready to go home Jake got very nervous. He started fidgeting and looking at me with worry.

"Is there something wrong?" I observe.

"Soph, I need to ask you something. I know it's too soon and we've only been going out three months but I love you and want to spend the rest of my living days with you if you'd have me. I want us to be a family and to be together forever. People might think I'm an idiot and don't know what love is at my age but I do know because I feel it for you; every time I hear your name, every time I see you, when you smile, laugh, look shyly around you, every time I see you I just want to take you in my arms and never let go. When we touch and kiss I skip a heartbeat and I feel a tingling sensation. I don't want to rush you and if you say no, I totally understand, I just have to ask. I need you, Sophia, and I want you so bad! You've made me into such a better person and I wouldn't change myself back to who I was. I am so thankful to have you in my life and to be having two wonderful children with you that I love so, so much. There's so much I want to say right now but I can't think of all the right words to tell you. You don't realise how much I'm in love with you and how much I really mean all these words. Words cannot describe how much I love you. You could only know how much I love you if you were in my physical body. I have never meant those three words more in my entire life."

"Jake?" I continue suspiciously. Is he going to propose, it sure sounds like it? But that's unbelievable, we're only teenagers. But I do love him, so much. I want to spend every minute with him for the rest of my life. He gets onto his knee and I kneel up as I look at him with shock. Okay this is one hell of a surprise; I did not see this coming. He takes out a small black box from his pocket and takes a deep breath.

As he opens it he says, "Sophia Daniels, I love you and want you to be mine forever. Will you do the honour of marrying me and being my wife?" I'm already the mother of his children so I guess marriage was the next step but it's so soon. We've only being going out three months. We may have been going out longer if I had told him about my feelings and that I was pregnant. I look at the ring, it was a diamond and huge. I could see my reflection in it and it was perfect.

"Jake, of course I will marry you. I love you so much," I whisper, tearing up. He smiles the biggest grin I've ever seen and takes me into his arms. We fall backwards as we kiss passionately which leads to a total make-out session. We laugh and continue to kiss while me on top of him. Slowly as we pull back he takes the ring and slides it on my finger. The tears continued to flow down my face; I've never been so delighted in my life.

"You don't know how unbelievably happy I am right now, I don't want to ever let go of you," Jake chimes in.

"I know exactly how you feel," I smile, snuggling up close to him while protected in his arms.

Avril's POV:

*Yesterday after Sophia leaves*

"So has Sophia helped you think of what you want to do?" Ryder asks, motioning for me to sit down beside him.

"Yes, she's been very helpful. I'm not going to get rid of the baby, I want them a lot. I've finally called Liam and told him to come over so we can talk about the future. I do like him too and I would be willing to be in a relationship with him because I believe things would work out and we'd make a good family. I'll let him be as involved as he wants but he's made it clear already how much he wants to be involved. We also talked about when I should tell Mum," I explain.

"Well if I was you, I would tell Mum really soon; the sooner the better. I think she'll stop drinking and be here for you, it'll be a wake-up call for her to be a good Mum for once. Although she's going to be a bit mad, she'll get over it. Don't let any of her words upset you; it's mostly the drink talking when she gets mad so we should tell her the news when she's in one of her rare sober moods."

"I feel like I've let everyone down and I'm going to ruin this family more," I break in.

"Hey, come here, Av. Don't say that, you haven't let me down at all, I'm only a tiny bit disappointed but I've learnt to deal with it now. You haven't ruined this family at all, you're always the one trying to make things better and get Mum to stop drinking and get a job and I'm very proud of you. You're a very responsible girl and I know you'll be able to care for and support this baby for the rest of its life."

"I won't be, not alone at least," I sob.

"You're not alone," he reminds, squeezing my hand. He takes me into his arms in a sudden hug and lets me cry into his chest.

"It's going to cost so much," I point out.

"Well then I'll get another job and Mum can get a job too," he proposes.

"No, please don't get another one. That's too much for you and you're already doing so much for me, I'll get a job, you don't need to do anything," I decide.

"Avril, there's not many jobs you can do when you're pregnant. Soon you're going to develop a bump and get bigger so it's best not to be working. Besides, you have enough to be worrying about than working also."

"I know but I need to do my fair share also. It's unfair for all of you to be bringing in money for my baby; it's my responsibility so I'll deal with it."

"No, I'm not letting you do that so enough on the subject, I'm older so I'm the boss of you," he smirks. I chuckle and hug him tight.

"I love you so much, big brother."

"I love you too," he repeats, squeezing me tighter. A sudden knock on the door pulls us apart with shock.

"That must be Liam," I conclude. Ryder offers me a good luck and goes off to his bedroom. This is it, Avril, this is where you decide if you want to be with the guy you like and have your family with him, no pressure. I take a long, deep, cleansing breath and then exhale slowly before opening the door to a handsome yet worried sight of Liam. Liam wasn't just your average guy; he was very hot and cute for his age, almost one of the best looking in the school besides from Jake. Jake will always be the best looking, he's so fucking dreamy and orgasmic, Sophia's so lucky that she's beautiful and her boyfriend is beautiful also.

Liam has shaggy, light mousy brown hair and these deep, dark blue eyes that made you get lost in them like a sea. He was slightly tanned and fit because he played football with Jake. Actually I think they're actually friends if I remember correctly so maybe Sophia has met Liam before. He has a wonderful personality and one of the only people who has ever listened to me and been there for me when I needed it most. The more I think about it, the more I think he could be the perfect guy for me. I hope he'll be here for our baby.

"Oh my God, Liam, you gave me and my brother such a fright," I laugh softly. He smiles weakly but he was still so concerned.

"Avril, I'm so glad you're okay," he comments, pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck in surprise. This is a sudden gesture but still a nice one. It felt good to be protected in his arms and comforted. "I've missed you so much. I hated that you were ignoring me."

"I'm sorry; I needed some time to think."

"I kept thinking the worse had happened and you had...gone through with it," he gulps, pulling back slightly.

"You shouldn't worry about me and I didn't. I couldn't bring myself to do it, it's too cruel and against my beliefs. I still have this little pea growing in me," I sigh, gazing down at my flat belly that will eventually balloon up. Liam surprises me again by placing his hand on it and I glance up at him.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," he stutters, pulling his hand away quickly.

"No, don't be sorry. I thought it was very sweet," I approve, taking his hand and putting it back on with mine on top of his.

A smile lights up on his face causing me to smile also. After he gently gives my belly a rub, he takes my hand on his and slips his fingers through mine. He uses his other hand that was free to touch my cheek in gentle strokes before pulling in closer. We both gaze at each other in the eyes and he closes the distance between us by kissing me softly. As soon as our lips touched I felt it. I felt electricity and lots of tingles that felt so right. I know he felt them too by the look on his face. After he got over the shock from the electricity he strokes my cheek again. With every stoke I felt another tingle.

"You look beautiful, Avril," he purrs. My name rolls off his tongue and it sounded so hot when he says it.

He is uses his hand on my cheek to move my chin up softly to looking at him again. Damn those eyes are hypnotising! We gaze into each other's eyes for I don't know how long! It felt like forever but it might have only been a few seconds. Whenever we looked into each other's eyes it was like the world stopped. This felt so amazing and so right. It reminds me so much of the night we slept together; I felt the tingles then too. He smiles and puts his hands down to my waist, bringing us closer. Now we were only a few centimetres apart, our lips were close again. He tightens his grip on my waist and then moves it to wrapping his arms around me in an embrace.

"Av, I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you," he says guiltily. "I didn't know how to tell you that I liked you because you were going out with Gavin."

"You don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault, I understand."

"When we first met I liked you a lot, you had something really special to me and I wanted to ask you out but I was scared to in case you turned me down plus Gavin had told me that he wanted to ask you out so I couldn't do that to him. I started to like you even more after you and him went out because I got to know you better. Whenever I saw you my love for you grew, more and more every day. I couldn't handle seeing you sometimes because I just wanted to take you in my arms and kiss you but I couldn't because you were with Gavin. I want you. I know you're probably shocked now and probably don't even like me let alone love me back but I really can't stop thinking of you, I want you to be mine." I stare at him with complete surprise. I knew he liked me but not loved me! I can't believe someone's in love with me and what makes it even better is it's Liam who loves me!

"I want you too, Liam," I reply with a huge grin on my face.

"I'm so glad you want me too, Avril. It's been so difficult to hide my feelings and I feel so much better now by letting them out. Your smile is so perfect, everything about you is. I love your body, personality, your views on things, how you treat everyone, your hobbies, just everything about you I love. I really wish I could have gotten the courage ask you out before Gavin."

"I wish you did too but I don't care about the past, I only care about the present and our future together." He moves in closer, our lips were so close that we were basically breathing on each other. I lean in closer and break the space between us by kissing him. It was so soft, so perfect and so tingly! It was definitely the best kiss ever. He deepens it and grips my waist tighter. I put my hands in his hair and start to ruffle it. I bite his lip for entrance and be grants me it. Our lips mingle in a dance and his hands roam my body. We pull apart smiling and me giggling. The affect this guy had on me was unexplainable.

"Do you want to come in?" I offer. He nods and I take him inside by holding his hand. "How about we talk on the couch." We walk over to the couch and he lies down, sitting me on top of him in a cuddle.

"Does anyone else know yet?" he asks, stroking my hair.

"My friend Sophia, Elena and my brother; Sophia was the first to know, then Elena, you, Gavin, Anna and lastly my brother."

"Is this Sophia Daniels, the girl you used to bully?"

"Yeah...I know. I'm a horrible person but my bullying days are over, I won't let Elena dictate me anymore. This is my life, not hers. I really have changed; I'm not going to be like who I was before. Sophia has been a wonderful friend to me, she's forgiven me and she's helping me through this a lot. I don't know what I'd do without her."

"Well I'm glad she's forgiven you, Jake has told me a lot about her and she seems very sweet. It's nice that you two can go through this experience together, I guess I can ask Jake for some fathering advice," he chuckles.

"You don't need any advice, you'd be a wonderful father," I correct.

"I hope so. I'm going to tell my parents this weekend just to get it over and done with. Do you want me to be here when you tell your Mom?"

"I'd like that but it'd be much better if you stay as far away as possible when I tell her, there's no thinking what she'd do."

"Well if worse comes to worst, you can live with me, I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind at all."

"No, I can't do that," I object.

"No, I insist. I put you in this mess and I'm going to look after you and our baby." He tightens his grip on me when he says "our baby". His words felt so comforting and I wish I could just stay in his arms forever. He kisses me on the head and whispers in my ear those soothing and loving words, "I love you." This must be a dream; it's all too good to be true.

"I love you too, Liam." I've never been this close with someone before in a relationship, probably because the others consisted of mostly just sex. But this one is much different, this one involves real feelings. It didn't matter about the sex, the only thing that matters is he loves me and I love him. We're having this baby and we're not going to let anything ruin it.

"I promise you everything's going to be okay. Don't ask how I know, I just do." Even though I didn't know how we were going to do this, I believed him. I would trust him with my life, I know he's going to look after us right. Despite all the bad things in my life, this one good thing makes everything else seem not so bad. "Sleep, honey; fall asleep in my arms, I'll protect you." I close my eyes and do as he says. I snuggle up against his chest and he places a protective hand over my belly, our little baby... Well hopefully his....

Thanks for reading. Please vote, comment, follow, check out my other stories and tell others about this story. If you could do at least one of those it would really make my day, so please, please, please do one! Anyways, that's all for now, bye my faithful readers!!! :)

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