The Lost Sons (Seto Sorcerer...

By Gamegirl32520

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What happens when a war is started, and the world's only hope rests in a small group? When the small group is... More

#1 The Base We Have
#2 The Expanded Base
#3 How This Story Begins
#4 Let the Training Begin
Bonus #1 Leaving by Night
#5 That... That's Very Odd
#6 Lots of Fainting
#7 More Fainting
Bonus #2: Losing The Fight
#8 Let's Spar!
#9 Marisa's Injury
#10 "Match!"
#11 The Beauty of the Sky

Prologue: The Prelude to Our Story

462 14 0
By Gamegirl32520

**Third Person POV**

The night was an eerie quiet. Not one sound could be heard except for the sound of grass crunching under a young boys feet as he ran through the forest. He looks to be 14 or 15, has a black cloak on so not much can be made out except for strands of light brown hair sticking out at the top of his hood. 'I must keep going, they must not find me,' he repeats to himself. Lost in thought, he jumps at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

He turns around as a girl, who looks to be 13 or 14, jumps off a tree branch, landing nimbly on the forest floor below. She wore a black, long sleeve shirt with a red shawl over it, a pair of almost black jeans, although she didn't have anything on her feet. She had gold bracelets on her wrist that had red gyms in them. Her hair was a fiery red color and only came down to her shoulders, her face, hidden in shadow, could barely be seen, but her eyes seemed to glow a faint red.

"To get an answer to your questions, I must first get an answer to mine," the boy says, obvious distrust in his voice.

"Well, I don't think I've given you a reason to distrust me, but fine, ask away," The girl replys in a light but serious tone.

"Who are you?" The boy asks, glancing at the ground then straight back at the girl.

"My name is Marisa, and before you ask, I live in these woods. I was just out getting food and you chased off my kill. " Marisa says, a small hint of a growl in her voice.

The boy seems taken aback by this, but immediately regains his composure, "Well, I'm Seto. Nice to meet you and all that, but I should really get going."

As he turns to leave, Marisa runs up to him and grabs his arm, not to hurt, but to stop. "Wait, you never answered my second question."

He stops, looks her dead in the eye, which now look a grey-blue color, and says flatly, "I'm running from those who want me dead. My village, my people, and my family."

Marisa doesn't break eye contact, flinch, or let go of his arm at all at this. Then someone stumbles into the clearing, seeming to have tripped while walking. Marisa and Seto glance over at the figure. It's a boy who looks to be between 13 and 15 years old. He stands up and dusts himself off. He's wearing a grey long sleeve shirt that has a black 'x' shape across the front, the shoulders are black, and he has blue gloves on his hands. He has black pants on, and a pair of red converse on his feet. He has a gold amulet around his neck that has a purple jem in it. He finally notices the two staring at him with stern faces. He jumps, scared of the two standing before him. "W- who are you to?" he asks, nervous.

"I'm Marisa, and this is Seto," the girl says, her facial expression softening as she noticed the boy's fear.

He seems less scared of the two, realizing they didn't intend on hurting him, "I'm Adam, but I prefer Sky."

Marisa smiles nicely to him, although she still has a grip on Seto's arm. She notices, lets go of it, and turns to leave. The boys seem shocked by her sudden movement. "Come along," she calls to the two behind her.

Realizing that they had nowhere else to go, the boys did as they were told and followed. "Where are we going," Sky asks her.

"To my house, I guess I would be correct in assuming that you two don't have anywhere else to go," she replies.

"Yes," They say in union.

"So Sky, what are you doing in the forest?" Seto asks him.

He's hesitant, but replies with, "I... I ran away from home."

"Oh," the other replies, but doesn't question any further.

As they had been talking the boys realized the clearing was no longer within sight. "Quiet," Marisa says suddenly, "I hear something."

As they listen, the boys realize they hear the sound of whispering. Marisa told the two to wait while she went ahead to investigate. She went, making no noise what-so-ever. The boys watched her go, amazed by her stealth. She stopped, looking into a clearing. It was brightened by a fire in the center, around the fire sat four boys, and two more were pacing around them, watching the tree line around the clearing, obviously keeping guard. Just as she was about to duck back and inform the two behind her what she saw, one of the guards spot her. "Hey, you there, what do you want?" He calls to her, he has a checkered jacket and a white shirt on, blue jeans, and white shoes. Around his neck hangs a dog tag, and looks around the same age as the rest.

Marisa signals for the two to come to her, and then turns to confront the boys in the clearing, all of whom are staring at her at this point. Once they're close enough, she steps out into the clearing, Seto and Sky follow her lead. "I don't want anything. We were on our way back to my house, I heard voices, and came to investigate. Is there a problem with that?" She says, matter-of-factly.

"No, not at all!" He says, taken aback by her tone.

"Who are you?" One of the boys sitting by the fire asks, he has a white V-neck shirt on, grey jeans, and black shoes on his feet, and looks to be 13 or 14.

"I'm Marisa, and this is Seto and Sky," Marisa says to boys.

"I'm Mitchell, but call me Mitch," the boy in the checkered jacket says walking over to us, "That's Jerome," the says pointing to the other guard, who was a bacca in a suit, "Ty," pointed to the one who asked us who we were, "Ian," he points to a guy in a black jacket, black pants, a blue shirt, and glasses, "Quentin," He points to a mudkip in a suit, "and Jason," he points to someone in a space suit.

"Alright, and what are you doing here," Marisa questions them, "I walked through this clearing only an hour ago and you guys were not here, when did you get here?"

"We got lost in the woods, so we decided to stop, rest, and find our way in the morning," Jason said.

"How about you come to my house then, I have three extra rooms, and a decent sized living room," Marisa suggests.

"Sure, why not," Jerome says.

Ian and Quentin put out the fire, and Marisa starts leading the way again. The boys follow her until they come across a nice looking cottage. "This is the place," Marisa says, opening the door, "I'll go get some extra blankets for those who are sleeping in the living room, y'all can decide who gets rooms and who's on couches."

As Marisa walks down the hallway, the boys enter and follow her down the hall. She points them in the direction of the living room on her way down. She continues into a small room full of pillows, blankets, and sheets. She grabs as many blankets as she can and goes into the living room, where the boys are deciding who gets a room. She glaces at them, shakes her head, then leaves to grab some pillows. Sky notices her shake her head, then follows her, wanting to give her a hand. "Hey," he says to her as she walks into the room.

"Hey Sky, " She says, glancing at him, "Can you help me with this?"

He nods to her, and grabs the pillows she handed him, taking them to the living room, the boys had finally decided who was going to sleep in a room. "Alright, so Sky, Seto, and Ty are the ones getting rooms?" Mitch says, as a question to make sure he's right. At his name, Sky glaces over to them.

"Yes, that's right." The others say, confirming Mitch's question.

"Alright, here are pillows and blankets, Sky, Seto, and Ty, follow me," Marisa says, placing the pillows down next to the blankets.

The three follow Marisa out of the living room, the others grabbing pillows and blankets and then claiming one of the couches. "Alright pick a room, " Marisa says, pointing to the three extra rooms. The boys run off into them, not bothering who got which room. Marisa went into her room, flicking on the light as she went in.

"What have I gotten myself into, " she whispered to herself. She changes into her pajamas, turns the light off, crawls into her bed, and falls asleep.

(9/10/16, edit: I removed Ty and I's headphones, because they don't have phones, so what purpose headphones would have or why they existed, I don't know.)

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