The Heart of Jade

By Werewolfgirl13

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Jade lived a normal life until she turned thirteen. Then she learned the truth of her heritage. She finds lov... More

Telling Ash and Maggie
Ash's Blood
The New Kid
I Love Mike?
Principal Blood
Another New Kid
Chapter 12: Pain
Chapter 14: Home
Blood & Kisses
I'm a Vampire, So What?
Screw the Honeymoon!

Bye-Bye Jack

131 4 0
By Werewolfgirl13

            I started running but stopped at the end of the driveway when I heard the sirens.  There were police cars followed by an ambulance.  Christen and Laylah was standing with me and the witch’s were catching up.  Katie was running as a cheetah.  Poor Sharone was running on two feet.

            I said, “Something’s very, very wrong.  That was basically our entire police force.  Let’s follow.”

            Sharone said, “Hey guys, I can’t keep up.”

            Katie shifted into a horse and said, “Get on.”

            We passed the police cars but we didn’t get lost.  My predator senses were on high alert and death was in the air.  We followed the smell of blood to a small house.

            The smell was so strong my fangs came out and I ran even faster. Someone put there hand on my shoulder and pulled me to a stop.  I whirled around and saw Laylah fangs and all.

            She said, “Mine!”


            She hissed at me and I growled.  Neither one of us sounded the least bit human.  We might as well been wolves fighting over a bone.

            She lunged and I dodged.  We screamed battle cries and ran head on.  We collided and what sounded like thunder echoed across the hills.  I pushed with my mind.

            I said, Down!  Down on the ground!

            She snarled and sent the same command back.  I hissed and used all my power.


            She fell to the ground with a scream but not before she bit.  I gasped but kept moving away.  I saw Christen trying to sneak towards the house.

            I ran towards him with another battle cry which made him turn around.  He snarled and lunged.  He was heavier and stronger than Laylah and knocked me down.  I tried biting him.

            He looked absolutely vicious looming over me through my red tinged vision.  His eyes were a blazing crimson and his midnight hair was falling across his face.

            He leapt away from my bite but was back on top of me before I could get away.  He bit my arm and tore.  With pain and anger and blood crazed strength, I shoved him off with a very loud, very nasty snarl.

            He looked dazed for a second but that was all I needed to be on my feet.  The smell of my blood was filling the air.  The skin from my elbow to my wrist was gone and there were two very deep grooves in my muscles where his fangs had slid down my arm.  Blood was dripping to the ground.

            While I’d been inspecting my arm Christen had charged me.  He hit me with more force than an 18-wheeler going full speed down a steep incline.  I gave a shriek of surprise and pain.  I heard several crunches.  He bit me again and tore away more flesh, leaving my bone exposed.

            I bit him but he jerked away before I got a good grip.  I got a foot free and kicked his nose with all my strength.  It gave a satisfying crunch and he went flying.  I was just getting up and limping over to him when I heard the sirens.  I stopped and looked towards the road.  There was now a news van in lead.  As they drew closer I could see they were already filming.

            I was looking between the blood filled house and the ever coming close news van, police, and ambulance.  I saw Christen doing the same.  I saw Katie come dashing across as a cheetah with Sharone standing at the edge of the woods.  She pulled on my shirt.

            She said, “Come on you idiots.  They’re getting close.”

            I flashed my fangs at her and tried taking a step towards the house but almost fell from putting weight on a broken leg.  She said, “Oh, you just did not flash me,” and changed into a huge elephant.  She shoved me and I bit her trunk.  Christen took advantage of my distraction and dashed towards the house.

            I growled and tried to follow him.  He tripped over a root that appeared out of nowhere.  It wrapped around him and started dragging him towards the woods.  He was hissing, growling, cursing, and struggling to no avail.

            I felt something wrapping around me and began dragging me.  The rough bark of a root rubbed against my arm and I let a growl so animal like that I could’ve made a pride of lions cower. 

            Katie was dashing back towards the woods as a cheetah.  The three of us were dragged farther into the woods until we were no longer in smelling range.

            Sharone stepped up to me.  She asked, “Are you okay?  Can I let you go?”

            I hissed and said, “Let me go!  Let me go back!”

            I tried mind control but I couldn’t.  She said, “No, no, none of that.  These are magically charmed roots that block mind control.”

            I struggled to get out.  Every time I moved, it was like throwing salt into all my wounds which would make me madder.  Then I’d struggle harder.

            Katie said, “Jade, stop.  That is wood.  It’s only rubbing away more flesh.  The sooner you calm down, the sooner you can get out of those roots and start healing.”

            “Let me go!”

            “No, do you see this?  I’m not a vampire so I won’t heal fast and it well scar.”

            I saw blood running from her nose.  It smelled so good.  The magic in her blood would make it better than human blood.  I watched it run like a dog watching a steak.  I tried lunging but the roots stopped me.

            “Jade, calm the heck down.  You are awfully feisty for a half-breed.”

            “Don’t call me that!  Do it again and I’ll get loose and you won’t have to worry about that nose.  You’d better worry about having a throat left.”

            “Feisty are we?”

             I growled.  Sharone said, “Try Christen.  I’ll work with Laylah.”

            “Fine, but I don’t think he’ll be any different.  Those two were going to kill each other.  I don’t even know what they were fighting about.”

            I watched Katie through a red haze.  She had absolutely no luck.  He snapped at her a couple times and called her a few unkind names.

            I switched my attention to Sharone.  She asked, “Laylah?  Are you okay?  Can I let you go?”

            “Let me go.”

            “Katie, what do you think?  She sounds sane and in pain.  But I don’t’ see any injuries.”

            “Let her go.”

            The roots slithered away and she dropped to the ground.  “Laylah!  Laylah?  Say something!  What’s wrong?  Can you hear me?”

            Laylah whispered, “Shut up.”

            Seeing strong Laylah down like that shocked me out of my blood craze. 

            I said, “Sharone, let me go.  I’m okay.”

            My roots slipped away.  I ran to her.  She looked at me with eyes full of pain.  I asked, “What’s wrong?”

            “My head.  It hurts.  I’ll be fine in a little while.”

            “Are you sure?”

            “Yeah, let me rest.”

            “Okay, back up, guys.”

            I walked over to Christen.  My vision was still filled with red.  He was looking at Laylah with a steady, non-crazed gaze although is eyes were glazed over.

            I asked, “Hey, are you okay?”

            “Yeah, is she?”

            “She will be.  Sharone let him go.”

            His roots went away.  He took a step towards her and I stopped him.

            He said, “I can help her.”

            “Can you just do physical injuries?”

            “Yes, only physical.”

            “Then you can’t help her.”

            He looked down at me and saw my arm.  He said, “Oh my gosh, Jade!  Did I do that?”

            “Yeah and a busted up leg and a wrist and maybe a couple ribs.  You even still have a little blood left on your fangs.”

            “Let me help.”

            “No, I’ll be fine.”

            “Jade, you’re a half-breed.  You’ll heal slower.”

            My already shortened temper flared.  I said, “I don’t care!  Don’t call me a half-breed.  It’s not my fault.”

            “Jade, do I need to get my roots again?”

            “You can keep your wood away from me.  Let’s go.  Christen, carry Laylah.  Katie, can I ride you?  We’re going to Ash’s.”

            “It’s almost dark and Nick’s is closer.”

            “We’re going to Ash’s!”

            “Okay, okay, don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

            I growled and she shut up.  We moved at a steady pace until we reached Ash’s.

            Katie said, “They’re going to freak when they see you.”

            I sighed.  I said, Mike throw me a jacket and don’t look.

            A jacket came floating down.  I put it on and winced.  “Katie, help me walk.  I can’t put any weight on my leg.”

            I walked through the door.  Their house seemed strange with my red vision. Mrs. White came running.

            She asked, “What happened?  Is she alright?”

            “Yes, she just needs rest.  We need to go away so we won’t be in the way.”

            “Are you alright?  What’s wrong with your leg?”

            “I’m fine.  You just take care of Laylah.”

            “Okay, lay her on the couch.”

            Nat and Mike were waiting at the top of the stairs. I said, “Mike, come down here and carry me.”

            We reached the top of the stairs.  Nat took one look at us and his eyes could’ve popped out of his head.

            I asked, “What are you staring at?”  My voice came out full of pain and anger.  He took a step back and said, “Your auras.  They’re blood red and the black is thicker and sort of pulsing.  It’s so weird.”

            Mike asked, “Why does Christen smell like your blood?”

            I pulled off my jacket and Nat backed against the wall for support.

            His voice was like steel when he asked, “What. The. Heck. Happened?!”

            “Oh, that ain’t all of it.  My leg is broke in multiple places, my wrist is shattered, and I think a couple ribs are cracked.”

            I replayed everything from when I first heard the sirens to us leaving the forest for here.  He asked, “How’s your vision?  It’s still red, isn’t it?”

            “Yeah, how do you know?”

            “Your eyes are glazed over.  Was that really your entire police force?”

            “Pretty much.”

            Nat asked, “Police force?  What happened?”

            “I don’t know.  I, uh, I got distracted.”

            “How do you get distracted from that?”

            “You don’t want to know.  Let’s say I was an animal.”

            “Jade, you are not an animal.”

            Mike snorted.  Nathanielle asked, “What’s so funny?”

            “She can be an animal.  She showed me what happened.  It made rabid wolves look like cute little poodle puppies.  Jade, you are lucky those sirens distracted you.  I’ve heard of fights where vampires have been shredded.  A simple meal can turn into a blood bath.”

            “I could’ve won.”

            “Really?  Then why does your arm look like you tangled with a wolf pup and the rest of you look like a mangled mess and Christen doesn’t have a scratch on him?”

            “I bit him.”

            “Apparently not very good.”

            “Shut up.”

            He broke into an irritating grin.  He lifted me up and carried me down stairs.  Mrs. White took one look at me and almost fainted.

            “Mrs. White, I’ll be okay.  I heal fast.”

            “You look like you fell through a paper shredder.”

            “I’ll be okay.”

            “You’ll let me take you to the hospital right now!”

            “I will be fine.  Mr. White, can you turn on the T.V.?”


            Not five minutes later the show was interrupted.

            The screen flashed a message. “We interrupt this program with breaking news!”

            A woman reporter said, “We were on our way to the scene of a murder when our camera crew caught something remarkable at the crime scene.”

            The video was of us.  The camera zoomed in on it all, Katie changing, our fangs, our speed, the roots, and my mangled body.  I looked the wild and hurt animal I had felt.

            The reporter came back.  She said, “It seems something dark and dangerous is hiding in our peaceful mountains.  Are they connected to the murder of Jack Harmann?  He was the brother of Bill Harmann, an animal attack victim a little over two years ago.  He was found by Mellanie Redfield, Jack’s current girlfriend.  A coincidence?  Maybe, but maybe not.  Is Mellanie hiding a dark secret?  Who knows?  We’ll keep you posted.”

            The T.V. went back to the regular program.  Mike cursed.  He said, “Well, this is great, just great!  You were on the news.  Didn’t you know to run when you saw them coming?”

            “I couldn’t!  I showed you what happened.  Even Christen and Laylah were blood crazed and they’re older.”

            “Jade, they zoomed in on Christen’s bloody fangs, they saw Katie faze more than once, they saw Sharone’s roots, they saw your speed, and they saw you.  No human could’ve survived that.  They would’ve bled to death at the very least and you were standing there.  You got an elephant to let you go.  You. Were. On. The . News!”

            “I couldn’t stop!  Don’t you get that?”

            “The news, Jade, the news!  If Council finds out, we’re dead!  If Slayers find out, they’re going to come here like in Allaisha.  We’re dead!  If Hunters find out, they come and pin us up like animals and you’ll want to be dead.  We are screwed, Jade.”

            “I couldn’t stop!  If those sirens wouldn’t have stopped us, I’d be dead.  If I would’ve got the chance, those witches would’ve been ripped to shreds.  I don’t want to be like that ever again.”


            “No, I’m not the only one at fault here.  They were caught on tape, too!  Stop yelling at me!”

            I wasn’t really over the blood craze and the red had started fading but it came back when I got angry.  My temper flared and I had enough sense to hop out of there before I hurt someone.  I ran into Ash on my way out.  He saw me and almost dropped the eggs he was carrying.

            He asked, “Jade!  What happened?  Where have you been?”

            “Not talking, leave me alone.”

            “What’s wrong?”

            “Leave me alone.”


            “Stop Ash!  Leave me alone.  I don’t want to be bothered.  And it would be idiotic of you to mess with me.”

            “I just want to help.”

            I sighed.  I said, “Fine,” and I hopped away on my good foot.  He set the eggs down and followed me.  I stopped by the chicken house and sat on the ground.  I winced as the movement jarred my ribs.  I looked up into the dark blue sky.  A couple of stars were just beginning to show.

            I felt Ash beside me but I didn’t look at him.  A lone tear slid down my face.  Ash wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head on his shoulder.

            He asked, “What happened?”

            “I got into a fight and I would’ve lost.”

            “What’s so bad about losing?”

            “Losing would’ve meant dying in my world.  It’s dangerous.  I was a complete animal.”

            “What were you fighting about?”

            “Blood.  I was awful.  I would’ve killed to get it.”

            “Can I help in any way?”

            “Don’t tempt me for awhile.  Let’s go inside so I can get these bones set.”

            “I’ll help.”

            We made our way slowly back to the house.  Mike was nowhere to be found.  I asked anyone in the house within hearing range, “Can you help me?”

            “Oh, of course!”

            My leg had started healing and had set wrong so Christen had to re-break it in several places.  Laylah winced with every scream.  They simply wrapped my leg and Mr. White gave me some crutches from when Ash had sprained his ankle.  They wrapped my arm in gauze and wrapped my shattered wrist in the same stuff as my leg.  There was nothing for my cracked ribs.

            I was dizzy from the pain and everything looked like it was spinning.  I looked at Christen and asked, “Is it me or is your nose crooked?  Because nothing seems straight right now.”

            “It’s crooked.  You broke it and I was too busy trying to kill you to set it straight and I didn’t feel like breaking it again to make my now pretty face gorgeous again.”

            I giggled and said, “I did get you.”

            “Yeah, but I’m not the one on the couch bandaged from head-to-toe, ready to pass out.”

            Mrs. White said, “Shhh, she needs her rest.  Do you need somewhere to stay?”

            “No, I’ll go back to Nick’s.  You witches coming?”

            “Yeah, I don’t want anymore holes in my nose.”

            I was watching T.V. when another broadcast came on.  The reporter said, “We have been able to identify four of the five creatures thanks to a hotel clerk who said they had been staying at his hotel.  The red head is said to be Jade Redfield, the guy is Christen Razor, the blonde on the edge of the woods is Sharone McCumbers, and the black hair girl in the background is Laylah Newly.  The thing that shifted forms is unknown.

            “Many people say they know Jade.  She grew up fatherless because he died in a war.  They say she is the sweetest little girl you’ll ever find.  She had disappeared two years ago, but her mom, Mellanie Redfield, had said she’d been in boarding school.  People say they didn’t believe her because they know her too well.  A couple who were close to the Redfields said they knew secrets nobody else knew and thought Jade had runaway.

            “Laylah had been a student at our high school.  She had disappeared with Jade along with her brother, Mike Newly.  Where is Mike?  Was he hiding in the forest?  What does Mellanie know?  What happened to these young teens when they disappeared? 

            “We will be interviewing more people.  We’ll be back with more of this breaking story.”

            I said, “Oh, crap.  Laylah, did you hear that?”

            “Yeah, it sucks.  We messed up bad.”

            “How’s your head?”

            “It’s better.  You are strong.”

            We laid in silence.  I listened to the crickets chirp until I fell asleep.  Every time I moved, I woke up with a gasp or groan.

            I was the first one to wake up in the morning.  I was just sitting up when there was a knock on the door. I tested my wrist on a crutch.  When a sharp pain went through my arm, I quickly decided to use one crutch.

            I made my way to the door, still a little groggy from sleep.  I opened the door and there was a woman in a business suit.

            She saw me and took a step back.  I looked past her and saw a man with a camera.  I said, “Crap.  What do you want?”

            “You, you’re Jade Redfield.”

            “So what?  And you’re just a nosy reporter who can’t keep her nose in her own business.”

            “Can we come in?”

            “No, I just woke up and everyone else is asleep.”

            I heard someone walk up behind me.   The reporter’s eyes got big and she took another step back.  I heard Laylah yawn.  She asked, “What’s going on, Jade?  That’s a camera.  Why’s there a camera?”

            I looked at her.  She looked confused for a minute and then her face cleared.  She said, “Ohhh, what do they want?”

            “Do I look like I care?”

            “You’re awfully grumpy.”

            “Oh really?  I wonder why.”

            “Let them in.”

            “What?  Why?”

            “They won’t leave us alone until we do.”

            “I can get them to go away.”

            “No, that doesn’t solve all answers.”

            “It solves an awful lot.”

            She gave me a stern look and I said, “Fine, but we’re staying outside.  We don’t need to wake up everyone.  Besides, the porch swing is closer than the couch.”

            “Here, let me help you.”

            “Don’t touch me!”

            We sat down outside.  I said, “Where do you wanna start?  As long as you go away soon.”

            Laylah elbowed me in the ribs.  She said in a sweet sounding, innocent voice, “Be nice and smile for the camera.”

            I took a sharp intake of breath which made my throbbing ribs hurt worse.  I said, “Ow, Laylah!  Don’t do that.  Are you stupid or have you forgotten?”


            “So, what happened, Jade?”

            I smiled through the pain and said, “You don’t want to know.  Next question.”

            “Are you human?”

            I looked at Laylah.  She said, “Might as well go all the way.  We’re screwed either way.”

            “Nice optimism.  Well, yes and no.  Laylah and I are only half human.”

            “What’s the other half?”

            “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

            “Did you kill Jack Marlann?”


            “Do you know who did?”


            “Why were you there?”

            “We heard the sirens.  We just followed the smell.”

            “How’d you get those injuries?”

            “I got into a fight.  What teenager doesn’t?”

            I looked up and saw Mike walking towards us.  I smiled and the reporter looked behind her.

            I said, Hurry up and get over here.

            We’re going to be in so much trouble.

            I thought you lived for trouble.

            He smiled and ran to us.  They were still looking at where he “disappeared” while he was standing beside me.

            He asked, “What are you looking at?”

            They jumped and looked at him with wide eyes.  He sat down beside me.

            The reporter asked, “Who are you?”

            I planted a quick kiss on his lips and said, “This is Mike.  He is my boyfriend and he is mine!”

            “Were you at the crime scene?”


            Her pulse was wild and the sound was intriguing.  She saw me staring at her.  I looked into her eyes and saw myself reflected there.  I looked hungry and slightly crazed although if I was truly crazed my vision would be tinted red and my eyes would be glazed over like a drunk’s.

            She looked away when I broke eye contact.  She asked, “Where were you?”

            “Here and there, but not at Jack’s.”

            “Would you tell us what you are?”

            “You mean they wouldn’t tell you?”


            “I guess it’s up to me.  We are monsters from your biggest nightmare.  If you get a group of us that are crazed, friends or not, actually, family or not, and you put a human in the middle, you’ll have a blood bath.  And not all that blood will be that human’s.  It ain’t pretty.  We are vampires.”

            He smiled with his fangs and the reporter gave a little shriek.  I laughed and said, “Someone’s a little chicken.  Are you scared?  Do you want to see more?”

            They were both terrified.  Laylah said, “Stop it.  You’re making us look bad.”

            “H-How old are you?”

            “We’re fifteen and Laylah’s seventeen.”

            “I think we’re going to go now.”

            “Can’t you stay for breakfast?”

            “No, we really can’t.”

            “Sure you can.  It’s rude to just up and run like this.”

            Ash came stumbling out the door.  He asked, “Jade, why are you out here?  You shouldn’t be…  Aunt Donna?”

            “Ash, you never told me Donna was a reporter.”

            “Ash, darling, what do you know?”

            “Why do you care?  Ever since you got this job, you’ve all but turned your back on this side of the family.  You’ve been acting like a nosy, snobby rich person.”

            “Come on, we’re family.”

            “Turn the camera off.”


            “Turn it off.”

            “Okay, turn it off.”

            Ash looked good.  His hair was messed up from sleep and he was shirtless.  He ran his hand through his hair nervously.

            He said, “Come on in.  Jade, let me help you.”

            “I got her,” Mike said.

            I asked in a voice low enough so only he could hear “Jealous?”

            “Would you if I was checking out an ex-girlfriend?”

            “I wasn’t checking him out!”

            “Yes you were.”

            “Relationships don’t remove the eyes.”

            “I’ll remember that.”

            He picked me up and put me over his shoulder.  He did it gently so it only hurt a little although it looked like he tossed me like a sack of flour.  I gasped and let out a little squeak that had people looking at us.  Laylah smiled and shook her head.

            “Put me down!  I can walk.”

            “No you can’t.  You hobble.”

            “I don’t care.  Put me down.”

            “Jade, you’ll only hurt yourself.”

            “I don’t like it when you’re the reasonable one.”

            “Don’t get used to it.”

            He asked, You know they have hidden cameras, right?

            Ash told them to turn them off.

            No, he said turn the camera off.  Not turn off the cameras.

            Oh well, it’s not like we planned on killing them.

            He carried me past the living room.  I said, “Hey!  The couch is over there.”

            “I know where the couch is.”

            “Then what are you doing?”

            His silence annoyed me.  I said, “Your stubbornness is so irritating sometimes.”

            He sat me down at the kitchen table.  He asked, “Mrs. White, what’s for breakfast?”

            Everybody else had finally stumbled out of bed.  She said, “I’m not sure.  I’ll find something.  Who’s in the living room?  And call me Anne.”

            I said, “You can carry me back now.”

            “You love having it your way, don’t you?”  His voice was kind of steely.

            I said, “Yep.”

            He carried me in his arms instead of over his shoulder.  He sat down on one of the couches with me in his lap.  I ran my hand through his hair.  I looked up into his eyes and found them guarded.  I brushed his mind with mine and it was guarded, too.

            Anne walked in and stopped in the doorway.  She asked, “Donna?  What are you doing here?”

            “Honey, I’m a reporter.  This is a big story and I might get a raise.  They told me what they are.  The question is, do you?”

            “It’s none of your business what I know or don’t know.”

            “I’m sorry to go but I really want a shower before breakfast.”

            “Oh, go right on up, dear.  Do you want me to help?”

            “No, no, Mike’ll help me.”


            “I’ll scrub your back.”

            “No, you’ll help me up the stairs.”

            We were up the stairs in a flash.  I got my clothes and took a shower.  Mike was standing beside the door when I stumbled out.  He caught me and I looked up into his still guarded eyes.

            I asked, “Can you take me to the attic?”

            He picked me up and when we got to the attic, he set me down on the bed.  I said, “Mike, sit down.”  And patted the empty space beside me.

            He sat down and I asked, “What’s wrong?”

            “I don’t know.  I guess I’m still a little mad at you but I’m mostly mad at myself.”


            “I should’ve been there for you.  Even if I was crazed I’d still protect you.  But I wasn’t.”

            “It’s okay.”

            “No, it’s not.  You would’ve died.  I just don’t know how I’m any use to you if I can’t even protect you.”

            “Don’t say that.”

            “It’s true.  I don’t know if I can stay.”

            I fought back tears (unsuccessfully) and shook my head.  “No, no, no, no, you can’t leave.  You can’t leave me!”

            “Don’t cry.”

            “Don’t leave me.  I couldn’t take it.  You are the only thing I have now especially after what happened with Mom.”

            He sighed.  “Alright, we’ll see.”

            He leaned in and kissed me.  It was gentle and sweet and tender and it made me sigh.  Why was I the only one to get to see this side of him?  Then it turned hungry and greedy.  He reached down to take my shirt off.

            I pulled back and said, “Not now, Mike.”  My mouth went back to his.  His tongue was fire on my lips.  Out lips never parted and our tongues danced as the smell of breakfast floated up.  He kissed my neck with a light grazing of teeth.

            I finally pulled back, breathless.  I asked, “Did that convince you to stay.”

            His eyes sparkled.  He said, “I don’t know.  I’m still considering.  Come over here and convince me some more.”

            I laughed.  I said, “Come on.  They’re probably missing us.”

            “Let them miss us.”

            “And we need to go see Christen.  The faster I heal, the sooner I can convince you to stay for good.”

            He was up and had me in his arms.  He kissed me to cover my gasp.  He smiled and said, “Let’s go see Christen.”

            I was still laughing when we came into the living room. Donna asked, “What’s so funny?”

            I sighed, blissfully, and said, “Nothing you need to know about.”

            “Does it involve being a vampire?”

            I kissed him quickly and said, “Absolutely not.”

            Laylah asked, “What have you been up to?”

            “I didn’t ask you what you had been up to when we got separated.”

            “This is very true.”

            “I’m sorry Mrs. White, but we gotta go.  Laylah’ll keep you company.”

            “Where are you going?”


            “Have fun.”

            We were out the door and at Nick’s in no time.  I banged on the door.  Katie opened the door.  She said, “Well, you look better.”

            “Yeah, where’s Christen?”

            “Inside, come on.”

            I had Mike set me down in the nearest recliner.  Christen came over, took one look at me, and said, “Ouch.”

            “Yeah, can you help?”

            “I should.  That leg would usually take a couple of weeks but could probably take care of it today.”

            He rolled my pant leg up and took the bandages off.  I felt his energy soaking into my bone.  I felt the bone start knitting itself back together.  It was painful and then blissful as what felt like cool water floated through my leg.

            He stepped back and his face was paler than usual.  He said, “It’s not completely healed.  It’ll be sore and still brittle.  I could’ve done better at night.”

            “That’s okay.  It already feels better.”

            “You should be able to run.  Just don’t fall or trip.”

            “Thanks Christen.”

            I stood up and gave him a hug and quick kiss.  He said, “No problem.  It’s the least I could do since I’m the one that did this to you.”

            “I’ll see you later.”

            He was right.  I was still sore and every time I put weight on it there was a dull pain shoot all the way through my leg.  But I could run.  It wasn’t as fast as the way I usually ran and I slightly limp, but I was running!

            We made it back by the time they were cleaning off the table.  Nat said, “You’re standing on your own, that’s good.”

            Jada ran up to me, human speed.  She said, “I’m so glad your okay.”

            “I am, too.  Do they know you’re a vampire?”


            “Let’s go.”

            The camera guy was the closest.  He was putting leftovers in a bucket for the dogs.  I said, “Hey, camera guy.  Come here.”

            His back went rigid and his heart sped up.  He came over and was trying to conceal the obvious fear on his face.  His voice slightly wavered.  He asked, “What do you want?”

            “Relax, I don’t bite.  I just wanted you to meet my cousin.  Camera dude, this is Jada.  Jade, this is camera dude.”

            She was clinging to my arm.  She whispered, “He’s human.”

            “Yes, he is.  And Jada, off limits.”

            She made a pouty face.  She said, “It’s not fair.  This one’s off limits and this one’s off limits and this one’s off limits.  The only thing that’s never off limits is wild animals!”

            “I’m sorry.  I’m only fifteen and your momma told me to take care of you.  I’m doing the best I can.”

            “I want Momma.”

            “I know.”

            “Well, this has been touching.  I’m gonna go feed the dogs.”

            I heard the sarcasm in his voice.  I turned to face him.  I said, “You insensitive jerk!  You better be happy I don’t enjoy killing or I would’ve done torn you to shreds and left you for the vultures.  Just because we’re vampires doesn’t mean we don’t have families we care for.”

            He took a couple steps back.  I bared my fangs and then I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder.  I turned around and looked into Mike’s brown eyes.  He said, “It’s not worth it.  Almost every human is like this.  You found out with your mom.  He’s just another example.”

            “I know.  Let’s go up stairs.  If anyone wants us, too bad.”

            I sat on the windowsill.  I said, “Humans think of vampires as heartless killers.  Have they looked in the mirror?”

            “Well, humans are right about a lot of us, but you got a point.  We end up loving humans more often than they love us.  I bet your dad loved your mom and she only wanted him for looks.”


            I stood up and walked to him.  I looked up at his face and smiled.  I said, “I am going to convince you to stay.”

            He smiled and said, “Convince me.”

            I leaned in to kiss him.  His lips were feverish on mine.  We made our way to the bed.

Mike’s P.O.V.-

            I pulled her down on my lap.  She wrapped her legs around me and pressed her body against mine.  No clothes came off but she didn’t need that.  The way her lips moved on mine could turn a gay guy straight.  Who knew someone sweet like Jade could be this awesome behind closed doors?

            I decided right then I wanted her forever.  I wanted to be hers.

            I said, “I’ll stay, Jade.”

            “I’m only fifteen.  Wait until we’re older.”

            “Marry me, Jade.  I wanna be yours forever.”

            She looked at me like I was crazy.  She said, “We’re only fifteen.”

            “When are you going to learn that those kinds of age laws don’t apply to us?”

            “I will.  Let’s go tell Mom.  It’ll show her I don’t need her to make me happy.”


            “Right now, but let’s make arrangements first.”

            “Alright.  When, where, and who?”

            “I think it should be at night and during the winter.  I don’t know who to invite.”

“If we wait until winter we’ll have plenty of time to think about it.”

“Let’s go.”

She took my hand and led me downstairs.  Donna asked, “What have you been doing?  Were you planning your next meal?”

            Jade said, “We were planning, but not for a meal.  Not everything we do has to involve being a vampire.  We’re going to go talk to my mom, Mrs. White.”


            Jada asked, “Can I go?”


            Laylah said, “I’m going to go to Nick’s and see my Christen.”

            She was smiling as she stood up.  I got the mental picture of the beginning of a daydream.

            I said, “Laylah, keep your daydreams to yourself.”

            “It’s not like I haven’t seen some of yours.”

            We were walking down the street.  A lady that was walking her German shepherd stopped when she saw us walking towards her.  She dropped the leash and said, “Get ‘em, Killer, get ‘em.”

            The dog came running at us.  It lunged at Jade.  It latched its jaws around her bad arm.  She screamed and I pulled the dog off her.  I pinned it down and put a hand over its mouth.

            The woman screamed, “Get off!  Get your hands of my Killer.”

            I released it when she whistled for it.  I asked, “Are you a mad woman?”

            I rolled up Jade’s sleeve.  There were new holes in the exposed muscle.  I kissed it and said, “There’s nothing I can do.  We’ll go to Christen when he’s rested.  Good news is I don’t see anymore bone.”

I looked back at the woman.  She looked ready to pass out.  She said, “Get away, get away!”

            “We didn’t do anything.  We were just walking and you turn that dog loose on us.”

            “You killed that poor man.”

            “That’s what this is about?  We didn’t kill Jack.”

            Jade said, “We just happened to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time.  We have nothing to do with Jack’s murder.  I kind of liked him.  He was easily scared but seemed nice.  I had nothing against him.”

            “You shut up.  I always knew there was something off about you.  You used to scare me by being too aware of things to be a normal baby.  You were too bright.”

            “Mrs. Wirnagher?  I haven’t seen you in forever.  Who’s this?”

            “Don’t talk to me.  I’ll put Killer on you again.”

            “Don’t get all huffy.  Come on, Mike.  We have better things to do than be put down by my old babysitter.”

            She took my hand and Jada followed us as we ran until we were out of her sight then continued walking.  When we passed the school she said, “Jada, go have fun.  We’ll find you later.”


            She pulled me to the side.  She led me around to the back of the school.

            She smiled and said, “Looks like we got here in time.”
            “For what?”

            “It’s Saturday.  We made it here before other couples could.”

            I backed her up against the wall.  I leaned in to kiss her.  She whispered, “Someone’s here.”

            “Too bad.  I’m not done here.”

            I heard someone say, “Oh man, someone beat us here.”

            Jade smiled against my lips.  She said, “It’s Suzie.”

            She pushed me back a little.  She said, “Hi Suzie, Austin.”

            Suzie stepped back.  She said, “Look Austin!  It’s her.  She was on the news.

            Austin said, “Hi Jade.  I never took you for the killin’ type.”

            “I didn’t kill Jack.  Suzie?  Do you want to say something?”

            She shook her head and took another step back.  Austin asked, “What’s wrong Suzie?  It’s just Jade.”

            “You don’t know her like I do.  I bet he’s one of them.  Isn’t he?”

            “Yes, he is.  Come on.  You can speak your opinion.  I don’t bite…Much.”

            “Jade stop.  There’s cameras.”

            “Oh well.”

            She pulled me back to her.  She said, “I wasn’t done with you.”

            Her tongue felt great on my lips, on my tongue.  If there was ever a dance of tongues, she had it perfect.  I pressed her closer to the wall and reduced the space that was between us.

            There wasn’t an inch of her I didn’t want.  No, make that need.  Her lips were sweet.  I kissed her lips, her jaw, and I kissed her neck with a light grazing of my fangs.  I felt her shiver.  I wrapped my arms around her and brought her closer.

Jade’s P.O.V.-

            I wanted to be closer to him.  His hands were warm as they traveled up and down my back.  One hand went to my lower back and still lower.  I couldn’t think straight to tell him to stop.  All I could do was kiss him and moan in pleasure when that low hand gave a slight squeeze.

            My hands knotted in his hair.  He kissed me harder.  Is it possible for lips to be both rough and gentle?  It seemed the harder I kissed him, the harder his hand squeezed.  I pressed even closer.

            I pulled my mouth away from his.  He asked, “Want me to stop?”

            “No, don’t stop, please.  Just let me have my mouth to catch my breath.”

            His free hand traveled to the top of my jeans.  I gasped when his fingers slipped past the waist band.  They toyed with the top of my underwear.

            He kissed my collar bone.  He asked, “Why do you have to wear high neck shirts?”

            I took his hand and said, “Come on.”


            “You’ll see.  It’s another place only no cameras.”

            We entered the woods that started a few feet away from the school we exited into a clearing.  There were a couple benches.  I pushed him down on one and sat down on his lap.  I wrapped my legs around him and said, “Now, where were we?”

            His hand slid back down.  He said, “I don’t know.  You tell me.”

            His fee hand had just slipped under my shirt and was rubbing little circles while we were kissing.  I heard someone gasp.  They asked, “What is going on here?!”

            I immediately jumped off his lap.  I asked, “Who are you?”

            “I’m Mrs. Wine.  I bought this property.”

            “Oh, I didn’t know anybody had bought it.  I used to come here a lot.”

            “I’m guessing this is what you used to do.”

            “No, my ex and I used to come here for picnics.  We never did that.”


            “The other couples are the ones that did that.  On Valentine’s Day you couldn’t walk here without having R-rated nightmares.”

            “You look familiar.  Have I met you before?”

            “No, you probably saw me on the news.  I’ve been on it lately.”

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