A Dangerous Enigma

By HaveFaith101

168K 6.4K 1.4K

[COMPLETED!!] SEQUEL TO A DANGEROUS INNOCENCE! (You must read ADI, to fully understand the sequel) Danger, I... More

A Dangerous Enigma
1. Photograph
2. Am I wrong?
3. Alone
4. Happy
5. Prison Life
6. Revelations
7. The ex-cellmate
8. Still a long way to go
9. Honey I'm...
10. A Thousand Stars
11. The Many Sides Of Leo Russo
12. The Test
13. 'We're going where?'
14. Italy
15. Unexpected
16. Salted Caramel
17. The Truth
18. A Fresh Start
20. Hunted
21. Christmas
22. In The Middle
23. Birthday Surprises
24. A Birthday to Remember
25. Lost Time
26. Memory Lane
27. 'Family Reunion...'
28. The Video
29. Fix You
30. Save Me
31. Struggles
32. Smurfs and Pink Marshmallows
33. A pink baby shower?
34. Complications Part 1
34. Complications Part 2
35. Baby Russo
36. Moving Forward
37. Routine
38. Three men and a baby
39. Only you
40. Secrets
41. The calm before the Storm
42. The Storm
43. Unknown Deception
44. Incineration
45. Fallen Hero
46. Second Chances
New Story!

19. Down in the dumps

2.4K 114 28
By HaveFaith101

 just one kiss of you lips
feels nothing sweet like this,
girl you're so perfect
how you so
girl when you do what you do
i'm always amazed by you
you're so perfect, how you so
that's why you're my number 1  

~ Stylo G

Chapter nineteen. Down in the dumps

Leo's POV

The soft breathing of my sleeping Leah, was soothing to me, she looked so peaceful and at ease. Leah's hair was spilled out all over her pillow. Curly strands of hair framed her beautiful face. I would never get bored of watching Leah sleep; it was only when she was asleep that I got to appreciate her without her getting embarrassed or annoyed at the fact that I would stare at her for too long. 

I had always found it cute, how Leah always curled herself up in a small ball when she slept. She always held a pillow tightly to her as well as the fact that she held onto one of my arms when we cuddled at night. Leah's grip was always tight, as if she never wanted to let me go, I would never leave her, not now and not ever. 

Leah shifted in her sleep and turned her position so that she was no longer curled around her pillow but lying flat on her back. 

"What time is it?" she mumbled in her sleep, I stared at her dumbfounded. I wasn't sure if she was awake or if she was asleep. I decided to ignore her and play with her curly strands of chocolate brown hair. Leah's hair felt like silk in my fingertips, at times it would be dry if she didn't use conditioner and at other times it would be soft and smooth.

"Time..." Leah mumbled again, barely moving her lips. To be honest I didn't even know what the time was. 

Over a week had passed since we had come back from Italy, Leah hadn't received any threats and that had me so confused. 

Due to my abundance of being around my wife, I had guessed that the threats would only come if I wasn't by Leah's side at every minute of every day. 

I looked over at the alarm clock that was on the bedside table, on my side on the bed and saw that it was only nine thirty. 

I told Leah the time and she nodded her head sleepily. 

"What do you want to do today, beautiful?" I asked her, as I caressed her face slowly with my hand. 

"Sleep," she replied, not opening her eyes. 

I was getting extremely bored of just staying in doors all the time, Leah never wanted to go out. She didn't even want to go grocery shopping so I had to order our groceries online because I couldn't leave her by herself. 

The only times I walked outside of the house was to put the trash out and that was it... apart from the odd occasion where I would go out to the garden and have a cigarette without Leah knowing.

 I was starting to miss my cars as well, I was starting to miss the simple fresh air that I only got whenever I opened a window. However as it was December, Leah often complained that she was cold and never wanted the windows open. 

I smiled as a memory entered my mind. 

"Leonardo!" I heard my wife calling for me.... I would never get tired of saying or even thinking that... 'my wife'. 

I took one last puff of the fag I was smoking and through it on the ground before I stepped on it. 

I walked back into the kitchen from the garden and leaned against the counter as I saw Leah enter.

"Yes bella," I answered with a wink. I had expected her to blush but she didn't she glared menacingly at me as if she wanted to stab my eyes out with a pin. The thought of Leah doing that was scary as hell.

"Close the fucking window and the goddamn door," she spat out, as she shivered.... Why was she shivering? 


"I mean it Leo! You need to close...... ACHOO.... you need to close the f.... ACHOO... you need to close the win.. oh for the love of ch.... ACHOO-"

"You want me to close the windows," I finished off for her, as she nodded her head and reached over to the nearest tissue box. 

"Yes," she replied after she blew her nose. It was only then that I took in what she was wearing and it made me laugh quietly. 

Leah was dressed in a huge baggy jumper, that was definitely three sizes too big for her. On top of that, she also wore a scarf and thick woolly leggings along with her slipper uggs. Her hair was down and wavy, but what I also noticed was that her nose was as red as Rudolph's nose! There I stood opposite my wife, wearing dark jeans that were well fitted against my long legs, along with a white tshirt that clung to my body like a second skin. 

I knew Leah and myself were opposites, she was like the beautiful summers day that was filled with light and love, whereas I was the cold winters day... my enemy's worse nightmare. However right now I couldn't help but think that Leah and I had switched. 

"Bella it's not even that cold-"

"Leo please I am freezing, look feel my hands,"  Leah said as she practically ran into my arms and placed her icy hands against my cheeks....

It was funny to see Leah dressed like that, but she really was cold and ever since then I hadn't opened any window in the house. 

Suddenly, Leah sat up abruptly and put a hand to her mouth. Her blue eyes widened and it shocked me that she bolted out of bed like a bullet and ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Instantly I ran after her and opened the door, thankfully she hadn't locked the door. 

Leah was crouched over the toilet and she was throwing up. 

Morning sickness. 

Sighing, I walked over to Leah and bent down. I gathered all her hair into my hands and rubbed her back soothingly, as she threw up violently into the toilet. She wretched, she gagged, she gasped, she even cried out at one point but I was there whispering to her that it would all be alright soon. 

"Shh beautiful, it's okay," I said soothingly, rubbing her back. 

Leah coughed and stopped throwing up. Her heavy pants were all that could be heard in the bathroom. 

"You shouldn't-" she was about to say before she gagged again and started puking again. 

What the hell was she even throwing up, since it didn't look like food from what I could see. Last night Leah had cooked a simple meal of sausages and mashed potato with peas and gravy. I knew that Leah was losing the energy that she used to have before when she wasn't pregnant. Don't get me wrong, she wasn't completely useless, but she had less energy than before. Even though she was nearly five months pregnant, soon she would be really tired and even more grouchy than she was already. 

Leah groaned as she stopped throwing up and slumped to the floor. I watched her curiously as she closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. Did she do this when I wasn't around?

"Babe," I said trying to get her attention.

She made a small groan as a reply, I chuckled and bent down to help her get up. Once she was standing on her feet, I flushed the toilet for her and closed the lid of the toilet. Leah sat down and kept her head bent down. 

I passed her toothbrush to her, and squirted a blob of toothpaste on it. Leah began to brush her teeth and I did the same with mine. 

Once we were both done refreshing ourselves with the usual morning routine, we returned back to bed and laid down in silence. Leah was turned away from me, she didn't want me to even cuddle her or even touch her. 

I hadn't done anything to upset her, in fact I had spent all my time trying to make her happy ever since we had talked on the day we arrived back home. 

"Leah what's wrong?" I asked stupidly, I felt that I should have known but I was clueless. Was she upset because of the morning sickness? Was she annoyed with me for one of her personal reasons? 

I couldn't help but feel helpless because I just didn't know.

"Nothing," she replied glumly. I turned on my side and slid my left arm underneath her and pulled her close to me. With my right arm I wrapped it around her waist and held her tight so that were spooning. Leaning my chin against her shoulder I kissed Leah's neck, liking the fact that it made her shudder. 

"Bella tell me," I pleaded softly as I nuzzled my nose against Leah's neck, breathing in her vanilla musky smell, the smell that often had me intoxicated. 

Leah sighed heavily and turned around so that she was facing me. She stared at me sadly but moved her hand up to stroke my face, I smiled at her but she didn't return the smile.

"I feel upset," she finally said after two minutes. 

"Why's that-"

"Because I feel like everything is falling apart. I miss how close you were to Angelo and how close I was with him. I miss the fact that we weren't alone.... Everything has changed and I don't like it."

Her words were not new to me, she had every right to think and feel like that because at times I also felt like that. But I was a stubborn arsehole so Leah would never see me talking to those who had neglected both of us. I would never talk to my parents, I would never talk to my sibling unless they made the first move. In my eyes, I hadn't done anything wrong and neither had Leah, therefore we didn't deserve the treatment that we were getting by everyone.

"Babe... I really don't know what to tell you," I said stroking her precious face. "You can't blame yourself for everyone's views, nothing is your fault-"

"But if I didn't get taken by Raphael than none of this would have happened," she protested. 

"Leah something good did come out of it... We have a baby on the way," I said placing my hand against her stomach and rubbing it soothingly. 

She sighed again in response and that was when I really knew that she was down in the dumps. 

"Leah, why don't we go out today. I'll take you shopping and then we can go out for lunch and maybe even see a movie," I stated, I wasn't asking her since I knew she would say no; I was telling her that we were going to do that, whether she liked it or not. 

"But Leah-"

"I'm not gonna take no for an answer sweetheart," I told her arrogantly as I slid out of bed and walked over to her walk in closet.

"Here I'll even pick your outfit for you," I knew Leah preferred to chose her clothes herself, so I was hoping that it would make her get up. 

"Go ahead," she said glumly. Jeez this girl was even making me feel depressed, but I fought against the emotions she was sending my way. 

Shaking my head, I wandered into the walk in closet, instantly regretting that I had told Leah I'd pick her clothes. The only times I was successful in choosing Leah's clothes was when it came to dresses, she always seemed to like the dresses I used to buy for her before she and I were together... except for that one time at La Lanterna. The first ever restaurant that we ate in together.

I groaned and just picked a random pair of jeans and a knitted grey jumper, it was simple and hopefully she would wear it. 

I went back into the bedroom and saw that Leah was still in the same position that I had left her in. 

"Here," I said as I placed the clothes on the bed near here. Instantly Leah wrinkled her nose and shook her head at the pile I left.

"Then pick your own clothes then!" I exclaimed, I felt like I was talking to a five year old. Well I would need practise sooner than later, I thought to myself. 

"Leo I don't want to go out-" my hard stare was all it took to stop her talking. 

"I'm gonna get ready and as soon as I'm done I'll wait downstairs for you. You have fifteen minutes to get ready, that's all I'm giving you," I warned her as I started stripping out of my tshirt and shorts. I grabbed a dark pair of slim fitted jeans and a grey jumper and slipped them on. I turned my head to see Leah staring at me with wide eyes. She was just too innocent, it wasn't like she hadn't seen my body before but yet she always seemed shy whenever I took my shirt off. 

"We're married hun, don't forget," I reminded her, as I grabbed socks, my phone and wallet and headed downstairs. I left Leah alone, knowing that she would want her privacy to get ready.


Over twenty minutes had gone and Leah still hadn't come downstairs. I kept checking my Armani watch every single minute, which obviously wasn't helping with the fact that she was taking way too long. 

How long did it take just to get dressed? I didn't tell her to put any makeup on because she didn't need it. In fact she never needed it, because she always looked beautiful no matter what. Although I did like it when she did her makeup differently, sometimes she would wear a darker lipstick which was different to when she used to wear a lighter one. No matter what she always looked good. 

I paced around, growing more and more impatient with my wife, I couldn't help it; being impatient was apart of me. 

After ten agonising minutes Leah finally came down, I looked up at her with a huge smile but that smile soon turned into a glare when I saw her still in her pyjamas. 

"Really Leanne?" I spat out, as I pulled her towards me, not caring if I hurt her. "What the hell are you playing at?!" 

She didn't answer me and that just aggravated me even more.

"What are you playing at?" I seethed through gritted teeth. I just couldn't understand what was going on in her silly head. Where was her logic, in dream land?

Again she didn't answer me and I continued to glare at her. Leah stared at the floor, not meeting my eyes which was really rude. 

"Listen and look at me, as your husband I want to spend time with you! I don't want to stay in this f*cking house, I'm so bloody bored Leah! I'm f*cking fed up of you just moping around like death, is that what you'd rather do, just live a life full of f*cking misery instead of actually living and appreciating every stupid day instead of waiting for it to bloody end! Grow the f*ck up"  I shouted at her and watched as she flinched at every single word, I had reached boiling point, and the fact that Leah had caused all of this, made me regret shouting at her. I felt like the biggest d*ckhead when I saw the tears streaming down her face. Relaxing my face and clearing the stupid glare I had on. I crouched down and looked up at my wife. 

"F*ck sake, I'm sorry bella-"

"All you ever do is shout at me," She cried, her voice breaking. 

At once, I felt like my father, when I was younger all he did was shout at my mother. No, I didn't want to be like him. I didn't ever want to shout at Leah, I didn't ever want to hurt her but yet all I ever seemed to was hurt her, and that broke my heart.

"Baby, please I'm sorry, I didn't mean any of it-"

"You can't treat me like one of your men, don't swear at me," She cried in a broken voice. 

Then it hit me... Where was the Leah that argued back with me? 

There was something wrong, my strong wife wasn't the same. Something had changed her and I couldn't understand what it was. What had triggered all of this?

Engulfing Leah in a hug, I held her tight as she sobbed into my chest, soaking my jumper but I didn't care. I had to make everything better, she deserved better than me but I could never let her go.

Leah was my light in my darkness, she made everything visible and better. 

"I do want to go out..." Leah sniffed.

"But.." I carried on.

"I'm scared that something will happen," she answered and I knew what she was referring to.

"I'll make sure that nothing happens to you and our baby, remember I'm supposed to protect you Leah. You're under my protection, both of you are," I told her, lifting her head to look at me. Her watery eyes shone with love, I could tell that she wan't angry with me which I was grateful for. 

"Okay," She nodded her head and pulled away from me before going upstairs. 

Finally she was getting ready....


Leah's POV

Leo and I finally arrived at the local mall. I didn't take long to get ready, since I had just put on leggings, a longish grey jumper and my grey UGG boots, along with my coat and my long red and blue scarf. I avoided makeup since I wasn't in the mood to put any on. In a way Leo and I matched, he wore dark jeans and a grey jumper along with his leather jacket and his Colorado boots. 

The jumper I was wearing clung to me, but also kept me warm. I just felt comfortable in what I was wearing I no longer cared weather I looked bad or not, because Leo always managed to find a way to make me feel beautiful, even if it was just by calling me beautiful in Italian or English. 

"Right let's go shopping!" Leo said excitedly as he chuckled. He was trying to make me feel happier and I was thankful for that. 

Leo got out of the car, and walked around to my side and opened the door for me. He helped me out, even though I didn't need his help, he would do anything for me.

We held hands as we walked to the entrance of the mall. I was expecting it to be really busy in the mall because Christmas was only two week away. 

Usually I wouldn't have panicked about Christmas, but right now I was starting to get worried. It was mine and Leo's first Christmas together and I hadn't even brought him anything yet and I didn't even know what to get him. 

Leo had money.

Leo was rich.

Leo had everything PERIOD.

So what was I supposed to get him. I knew he was a sucker for an action movie but getting Leo a DVD seemed really childish, I wanted to get him something memorable and special but I just didn't know what to get. 

What did Leo need most? Well to be honest if he wanted something he'd just get it himself, he didn't have to worry about not having enough money for it because that was never an option for him. I knew Leo liked his alcohol, but then again giving him alcohol didn't seem special enough. Leo had enough watches for him to wear one every day, he had enough ties to one for every day of half the year nearly. Those items didn't seem special enough either. 

I sighed heavily and groaned internally. 

"What are you sighing about my love?" Leo asked looking down at me, and I quickly thought of a lie to cover up.

"I'm not sure if we should start buying baby clothes yet or not," I told him. Baby stuff was far away from my mind right now.

Leo smiled at me, showing me his infamous grin that had butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"Well baby's R us, is here so we could check it out if you wanted to," he suggested. 


For roughly an hour, Leo and I had gone to most of the clothing shops in the mall. Leo was set on buying me maternity clothes, even though I had already brought some when he was in prison. His only excuse was that he had missed buying things for me and that he didn't like the fact that he had left me to fend for myself. I did have to keep reminding him that I wasn't helpless, I didn't always need his support but yet I wasn't complaining. 

Leo had brought me a few jumpers and t-shirts but he had also brought me a load of dresses and he claimed that I looked better in dresses than anything else. I didn't dare argue with him, since this was the first ever time that he was enjoying shopping with me. 

After we had gone to the clothing shops, which were just Topshop, New Look, Next and a few others, we stopped to look at jewellery which was Leo's idea. Not mine.

Although we didn't buy anything it was still nice to look at all the shiny bracelets and diamond rings, necklaces and earrings. I had plenty of jewellery at home, and I really didn't need anything new. 

"What do you prefer, bracelets or necklaces?" Leo asked me randomly.

"Um bracelets," I shrugged, looking up at him. "Why?"

"Just asking bella, anyways let's go get something to eat, I'm sure you're hungry since we left home without breakfast."

"I'm not really hungry," I said, but as soon as I said that my stomach growled and it made Leo chuckle loudly.

"But our baby is," he said, as he brought my our entwined hands near his face, and he kissed my knuckles before letting our hands drop down. In Leo's other hand he was holding all the shopping bags, he wouldn't even let me carry those which was so frustrating but I decided to just let Leo do what he wanted to do. 

"What do you want to eat?" Leo asked me as we came to the food court. There were so many restaurants and I didn't really know what I wanted. 

"You can chose, I don't mind."


Leo led us to an unfamiliar Italian like cafe, it seemed cosy inside and also not too packed. 

The host walked up to us and instantly seated us at a table for two. Leo placed all the bags on the floor near us, and pulled out a chair for me to sit down. I sat down and he pushed me in. 

As I was taking my coat of, Leo also sat down and the host gave us two menus and told us that he would be back soon to take our drink orders. 

I wasn't ready to look at the menu yet, so I took in my surroundings. The cafe was brightly lit, and had a Christmas tree in the biggest far corner, the tree was extravagant and decorated from top to bottom in glorious decorations. The lights on the tree were white and bright and it actually made me feel a bit Christmassy. 

As I continued to look around, my heart almost stopped as I saw four familiar people sitting two tables away from Leo and I. 

Suddenly, the bleakness that I had been feeling previously engulfed me and I couldn't help the sad sigh that left my lips.

"What's up buttercup?" Leo asked, sensing my sadness.

"Look to your right, " I told him, and he did so. His eyes widening for a split second before they turned cold and dark. His eyes were now narrowed into slits, and it was something that I hadn't seen in a long time. To say that I was feeling scared was understatement, I was freaking terrified since I had seen this look many times, and each time it had me crying on the inside. 

"What the f*ck are they doing here!" Leo spat out under his breath, loud enough for me to hear. 

"Leo, honey... It's okay, we can go somewhere else if you want-"

"I ain't f*cking moving anywhere!" He snapped at me, looking my way. He gave me a look that told me not to p*ss him off right now. He was far too angry to even talk rationally with me. 

I turned my head back to Lia, Angelo, Don and April's table, feeling envy as I saw them all laughing and enjoying themselves. 

I almost jumped when Angelo looked at me, his eyes widening slightly before he looked at Leo. Angelo's shocked face was replaced by a glare, as he stared at Leo and Leo stared back. 

Without warning Don was instantly involved as he stood up and walked to the table that Leo and I were sitting at. Leo stood up, pushing his chair far back. I didn't know what to do, I was in shock, paralysed to my seat. 

It had been months since Leo had seen Don and Angelo. They hadn't come to see him in prison at all... actually the last time they all saw each other was at our wedding... 

Don approached Leo, and my heart started beating faster and faster. 

"So you're out of prison," Don said gruffly. Leo scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Obviously," He replied. I could feel the tension in the air and it honestly wasn't nice.  I was glad that Leo was nearly half a foot taller than Don. Leo still had authority over him but it seemed like Don didn't care.

"Good to see that you're well-"

"Cut the crap Donatello, what do you even want?" Leo snapped, his voice hard as nails. 

What did Don even want? Why had he even come up to Leo. Angelo and Don had made it clear that they didn't want anything to do with me.

Angelo appeared and stood next to Don, you could tell that they were still against Leo, no matter what.

"Why did you neglect Leah when I was away-"

"Are you really the one asking us questions? We should be the ones asking questions-"

"What are you talking about you idiot!" Leo snapped cutting Angelo off.

"What's your problem Leo, why are you treating us like the enemy?" Angelo continued. 

Did he have a crayon stuck in his brain? Was he really that stupid?

Leo laughed humorously,his green eyes twinkling with hatred. 

"Go fuck yourself Angelo! How dare you question me! Don't forget that you didn't once come and see me in prison. You didn't even look out for Leah! You two are both dead to me!" Leo spat out, he looked so disgusted. I had never seen the repulsive look in his eyes before, until now. 

"She's carrying his  baby! What did you want us to do, hold her hand while she fucking walk and his spawn is inside her!" Don yelled.

I was beyond confused... what the f*ck was going on? Leo turned to look at me, his gaze softening as he looked down at my bump.... at our unborn child.

"My wife is carrying my baby, you f*cking dick! How dare you treat her like that, she didn't ask for me to be put in prison, she didn't ask for none of this!"

Angelo looked at me, his look wasn't the nice one that I was used to... He was showing me his dangerous side.

"She fucked Raphael Leo! Don't tell me you're that stupid to believe that the baby is yours," Don laughed darkly. That was when I stood up, anger radiating off me. I stood by Leo's side, my rightful place and glared at Don.

"What the hell is your problem dickhead? I was fucking raped, for fuck sake! How many times would you like me to repeat that to get it in your pea sized fucking brain!" I shrieked. 

"Bitch you do not talk to me like that!" Don seethed as he took a step forwards towards me. Before I knew it I was placed behind Leo. He was shielding me from Don and Angelo.

"Che cazzo hai chiamata?" Leo growled out. (What the f*ck did you call her?)

Suddenly Leo, Don and Angelo were all arguing in Italian. I heard swear words, I heard insults aimed at myself and Leo. I heard Leo promising death threats! It was all too much to take in.

"What the hell is wrong with you Leah, why do you always have to ruin everything!" A feminine voice yelled. I turned to see April glaring at me with Lia by her side.

"Shut up! Why are you even getting involved, it's got nothing to do with you so back off!" I seethed out.

Why were the four of them against Leo and I, what had we even done to cause such a big thing.

"This has everything to do with me! You just ruin everything! If you didn't get raped, fucked whatever you wanna call it, we all wouldn't be here like this!"

Anger flashed through my eyes and before I knew it, I did something that I knew I wouldn't regret.

My fist had collided with April's nose and I heard a satisfying crack and her blood curdling scream of pain.

"You bitch!" She cried. I saw blood pouring from her nose and tears in her eyes.

"Fuck you!" I spat out, and with that I grabbed all the bags and walked out of the cafe, not caring if Leo followed or not because I knew that he would.

I walked off to the direction of the car park but I was stopped in mid track when Leo caught up to me and snatched all the bags from me.

Leo muttered under his breath in Italian, he was too quiet for me to even hear what he was saying but I decided to ignore it. 

"Fucking idiots." He stated bluntly. 

I shook my head but I couldn't help  but agree with him because he was right.

"We'll go Babies R Us another time," Leo said, as he grabbed my hand and walked to the car park. I didn't dare protest. 

We walked to the car and Leo unlocked it, throwing the bags of clothes into the boot, he opened the door for me and I got in. Once he was in, he started the engine and zoomed off. I nearly got whiplash at how fast he was going... I hadn't even put my seatbelt on yet.

"Honey, slow down!" I yelled, as my head nearly banged against the window. "Leo please slow down!"

He did what I said and slowed down by 10 mile per hour, he was still going fast but he had slowed down sightly. 

"Sorry," Leo muttered. I hated it when he muttered, his voice changed from being velvety, deep and smooth to something horrible and at times scary and dark. 

I didn't know where Leo was driving to but for now I didn't care. 

"I don't want you speaking to any of those fuckers, don't even speak their names to me. I just don't want to hear any of it!" I nodded my head solemnly at his words. "Do you understand me Leah?"

"Yes," I answered.



I flopped down onto one of the couches in the living room, feeling really full after the McDonalds that Leo had brought for us. 

Leo sat down next to me and sighed heavily. 

"What a day, huh?" I chuckled, as I stared at Leo's handsome face. His eyes were closed but he wasn't relaxing, he was just thinking.

"Hey Leo," I said to get his attention.

"Si bella," he answered in Italian.

"Are we going to celebrate Christmas?" That had cause Leo to open his eyes and stare at me in disbelief. 

"Of course we are!" He answered, bring a smile to my face. He smiled back and raised his hand up to my face, his fingers lightly stroked my face. He moved closer to me and leaned in for a kiss. I planted a soft one on his lips, and pulled back. 

"Is that all I get?!" Leo asked innocently and in shock. "That's not enough bella!"

I stuck my tongue at him and stood up.

"Suck it up buttercup!" I replied, I was about to walk away but Leo pulled me down onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and held me gently but tightly. 

"I know something that you can suck," Leo whispered into my ear, causing me to blush like a tomato and squeak out in embarrassment. 

"You're so dirty!" I groaned, turning around to face me.

"Oh so you wanna get down and dirty do ya?" Leo asked winking at me, completely twisting my words.

"NO!" I yelled, swatting his head. 

He laughed loudly causing the butterflies to erupt again. 

"I'm just playing with you love," He smiled innocently as he pecked my cheek. 

"Whatever," I replied with a sigh. Leo kissed my chin, and then my nose and then my other cheek till he had kissed every part of my face, even my eyes, except for my lips.

"Mrs Russo, may I kiss you, please?"

"Hello no!"

But he kissed me anyway. It was the type of kiss that had me begging for more as our lips moved in sync. I submitted into Leo, letting him guide me as he kissed me passionately. It was one of those kisses where I could feel Leo's love. He poured his heart and soul into those times of kisses, the ones where he left me breathless and intoxicated with his drug. 

We pulled away and rested our foreheads on each other. 

"We need to buy a tree," I said, thinking about Christmas. 

"We'll go during the weak," Leo said. I nodded my head and continued to stare into his eyes. 

The green eyes that I had deeply fallen for, the eyes that made me feel safe and protected whenever I looked into them.

"I love you," I told him.

"I love you too," he replied.

We just needed each other, as long as we were together, nothing could ever harm us... 


Well another chapter huh?

I have a lot to make up for, so I'm trying to update as much as I can.

I know that this chapter may be boring and I know that I have lost a lot of readers :'( please do show me your support because it does mean a lot to me!

Do any of you guys have any plans for the summer? I do lol, I'm going to France for 10 days, next month. 

Let me know what you think about the chapter!



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