Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book...

By JosephineCastillo-Nu

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Just when he thought he had the most out of his life - a career as a doctor and alpha lupus to a strong pack... More

Fate Smiles on My Alpha
Chapter 1- New Beginnings
Chapter 2 -Fight for your Life
Chapter 3 -To Know You is to Love You
Chapter 4 - Wide Awake
Chapter 5 - Three for the Love of One
Chapter 6 - Homeward Bound
Chapter 7 - The Lake House
Chapter 8 - Missing Piece
Chapter 9 - Visitors
Chapter 10 - Complications
Chapter 11 -Meet the Folks
Chapter 12 - The Nύptíís
Chapter 13 - Wedded Bliss
Chapter 14 - Amazing Discoveries
Chapter 15 - Surprises and Contradictions
Chapter 16 - Imperiled
Chapter 17 - First Heat
Chapter 18 - Whore's Dust
Chapter 19 - A Glimpse of Red
Chapter 20 - Real and Normal
Chapter 21 - One Tough Cookie
Chapter 22 - Unexpected Progress
Chapter 23 - Precipice
Chapter 24 - Go Into the Light
Chapter 25 - Kiss and Make Up
Chapter 26 - Real Issues
Chapter 27 - Rewind
Chapter 28 - Control and Surrender
Chapter 29 - Taken
Chapter 30 - It is Done
Chapter 31 - Aftermath
Chapter 32 - Afterglow
Chapter 34 - Natalis

Chapter 33 - Second Chances

14.3K 633 45
By JosephineCastillo-Nu


“Will you stop squirming, Queran.”  Keegan whispered with pursed lips against her ear then biting the soft spot that he discovered gets her all excited.

“Behave!  Your tent is poking on my ass and its turning me on.”  Queran admonished through the mind link.  “Haven’t you had enough orgasms already?”

“Oh baby, you know the answer to that.  I can never have my fill of you.  I would always want you.  Now, unless you want me to take you again right here in front of Dan and your mom you’d better stop giggling and squirming that pretty ass  or you’ll blow my cover and I’ll come in my pants.  So Stop!”

This was an order she couldn’t follow at the moment.  It felt good to laugh freely knowing there is no more danger looming over their heads.  When they both came through the doors silently, they caught on the sweet exchange between her mom and Dan.  She knew there was something there before and she could never be happier for her mom that she has found somebody to love – her second chance mate.  Of course, her mom would always love her papa but since she is still looking good at age 45, she hasn’t aged much.  She was a petite woman with raven colored hair and hazel brown eyes like her own.  Dan, having werewolf genes doesn’t even look old in his late 40’s.  They looked so good together and obviously in love.

“You are doing it again!”  Keegan broke into her thoughts.

“Doing what?  I didn’t do anything.”  She said innocently.

“You’re moaning again and it’s one of my favorite sounds coming from you.”

“You’re a sour puss. I’m just happy my mom is happy and in love. Aren’t you happy for them?”

“Of course I am.  But I have plans for Dan so you’d better play along.”

Queran kissed him soundly on the lips then biting his lip. 

It was Keegan’s turn to moan but she pulled away abruptly leaving him with a raging boner down his pants. 

“Queran, come back here!  You’re so going to pay for that later.”  Keegan whisper-shouted.

“Oh yeah? So what are you gonna do about it? Hmm?”

“I have my ways.  I think I have a mind to turn you over my knee and spank you.”

Queran gasped in mock surprise and winked at him. He cursed under his breath.  His little minx of a mate laughed at him and swayed her hips playfully at him as he followed suit and once again enchanted by another one of his favorite sounds coming from her.  This was going to be pure torture at dinner when all he wants right now is to have her wrapped up and cozy in their bed.  Better get this thing done sooner so he can get Queran home for more alone time.

“So what is this about Dan?  Is everything alright?”  Keegan asked as he caught on to Queran and held her close to his chest.  Gawd, he couldn’t stop touching her.  She just feels so soft and fit perfectly in his arms like she was made especially for him.  He rested his hand above her tummy with his thumb gently rubbing circles on them.

Dan seemed to lose all sense of capacity to blurt out a single word.  His mouth was like a fish out of water, he just stood there blinking his eyes repeatedly while beads of sweat started forming at the back of his neck.  Meg was looking at him with an amused expression on her face and decided to break the awkward moment.  She knew Keegan was going to play Dan through her telepathy. Poor Dan.

“How about we sit down for dinner first and we can talk about it over coffee and dessert?”  Meg chirped.  “Queran, could you help me set the table and leave the men to their port?”

“Sure mom.”  Queran was pushing forward when Keegan pulled her back and spun her to face him.  He pinned her with a heated look and traced every soft features of her face. 

“What is it B?”  She asked worriedly.

“Nothing, I just.  I just love you.”

Queran sighed sexily and smiled brightly.  “And you know I love you too my sweet man.  I’ll just be in the kitchen helping out.”

“I know.  I just like holding you against me.  Hurry back okay?”

Queran kissed him and playfully nibbled the side of his mouth.  “I will.  You behave yourself you hear?  Be nice.”

She broke away from his embrace receiving a playful slap on her bum as her laughter echoed through the walls leading to the kitchen.

Dinner was splendid with Almond crusted Halibut in special sauce, asparagus and mashed potatoes.  There was nothing but the clinking sound of the crockery filling the silence that stretched.  They discussed mundane topics and the 2 men dissected the events of the last 48 hours touching a little about patient’s cases and interventions.   It seemed like a pretty normal sit down dinner but the experience was entirely different for Dan.  He couldn’t stop squirming in his seat and was just about ready to burst and just get on with his declaration.

“So, what are your intentions toward Meg?”  Keegan bluntly asked.

The wine went down the wrong pipe and he choked on it after hearing the question.  Thank goodness he was able to control not spewing all over the dinner table.  Meg tapped his back as Dan composed himself and cleared his throat.  Here it goes.

“I think you are aware that I have fallen completely and irrevocably in love with Margareta since the first time I met her.” 

Dan clasped his hand with Meg’s and kissed her knuckles.  He locked eyes with her as he continued; never worrying that he just spilled his gut and infinite affection for this woman.

“Just yesterday, after I found out she was in danger my heart stopped knowing she was left behind at the center where the explosives were still being disarmed.  She has become my reason for giving life another chance at happiness.  I know Lucille would have wanted me to be happy as well as Mikel would have wanted Margareta to be happy. I promise to love her and spend the rest of my life taking care of her.”

Then, he slowly panned his gaze into Queran’s eyes pleadingly and slowly into Keegan’s.  “I had already proposed to her and she accepted.  But out of respect for you, my alpha and my luna I would like to seek for your blessing of this union for I cannot wait any longer to make her mine.”

Queran was already sniffing as she bit her lips to contain the emotion.  Tears streamed down her cheeks and let it flow freely.  Dan is a good man and the scene that just played out in front of her was like watching a chick flick with all the mushy elements that can make any girl squeal in delight.  She extended her hand and folded it against her mom’s as she squeezed.  Meg was also tearful but a smile was still pasted on her face.

Keegan on the other hand was in a more contemplative mood.  His arm crossed around his chest as the other rested under his chin.  He blocked off his mind link and looked at Dan square in the face.  Not even a swift kick into his shin moved him and he pinned a menacing look at Dan.

He schooled his features but deep inside he was happy.  He was happy that Dan has found love with his second chance mate.  He recalled his friend’s devastated state when Lucille died and their son died with her after the Venators attacked their home and left her hanging by a few breaths till Dan can discover her.  He never got to see and hold his son.  He buried himself neck deep into his work after 3 months of grieving.  He pulled through and has opened his heart to this amazing woman like his Queran.  It’s time to relent and cut the act.

“Don’t fuck this up Heeley.  You could be my friend and I do have an enormous respect for you; but if you hurt her I am going to rip your throat and shove it up your ass, you hear?”  Keegan warned.

“Shit Keegan, you know me better than that.  You know well enough that I would never hurt her.  She’s my world now and I’m looking forward to our life together.”  Dan rubbed his tensed neck muscles and looked at Keegan square in the face.

With bated breath and a long pregnant silence, Queran belted out a full on laugh and nearly rolled over the floor.  The 3 followed suit and she yelped as Keegan grabbed her hips so she can sit on his lap. 

“You enjoyed that didn’t you?”  He burrowed his face into her neck and nipped her earlobe.

“Hell yeah.  You were good, B.” 

She replied as she wiggled her bum against his crotch.  Keegan hissed and squeezed her hip.  He rearranged her seating and cleared his throat.  He stared back at Dan and Meg who were still staring at each other.  Geez, is that how he looks like when he stares at Queran?  Well, it cannot be helped.  These 2 women are just too amazing and beautiful for words.

“So?  When do you plan to have the ceremony?”  Keegan asked.

“Tomorrow night?  The next full moon.”  Dan quickly announced.

“Wow, man you never waste any time.”

“No.  I can’t go on another day without her.”

“I’m right here in this room too, you know.”  Meg reproached.

 “Me too.”  Queran chirped as she raised her hand up.

“You’re hard to miss baby.”

Keegan winked at her and pecked her cheek.  He pushed back the chair and set Queran on her feet and extended his hand to Dan.

“Then I guess we have a ceremony to plan then.  Congratulations Dan.  You’re good for each other.”  

“That we are.”  Dan beamed at his bride and clasped Keegan’s hand with a firm handshake.

“Well then, thank you for dinner Meg it was delicious.  We’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You’re welcome but, how about dessert and coffee?” Meg asked.

“I think we’ll skip.  Were heading home now to give you guys some time to talk about what you want to do tomorrow night.  Just fill me in on the plans.”  Keegan was already pulling Queran behind him towards the door.

“What?  We’re leaving?  But, but I want dessert.”  Queran chided and put on her cute pouty face.

Keegan kissed her soundly as he laughed.  “I have dessert waiting at home.”

Queran rolled her eyes.  “You are incorrigible and insatiable.”

“Only with you baby.  Only with you.”

And they were already out of the door before Dan and Meg could say goodbye.  As the door closed against the jamb, the newly affianced couple burst in laughter.


Thank the goddess for romance and hopeless romantics in the person of Caitlin.  Queran pitched in with the preparations but her mother-in-law was a natural born events planner.  Because Meg is human, they would not be having the mating ritual as any full bloodied werewolf would have.  Instead, they will be holding a simple wedding on the same lake Keegan and Queran were united in marriage.  The pack gathered around the marquee pavilion that stretched to about 80 feet to house every member.  A wooden floor tile at the center serves as a dance floor and the place was surrounded with tulips and calla lilies.

Meg was beautiful with her black tresses fixed up in a Grecian hair up do.  Her simple dress in nude ecru had shaped her ample curves with a conservative sabrina neckline, the hem reached just an inch above her knees.  She wore a wrist corsage and the rock Dan has given her.  Dan looked dapper in a white button down shirt and deep beige linen pants.  They locked into each other’s gaze as they said their vows before the elders and the entire pack.  Moments later the room burst into cheers and wolf whistles at the sight of a blushing Meg as Dan pulled her to his chest, cupped her face in his big hands and swooped down for a kiss that lasted more than 30 seconds and dipped her in his arms for the finale.  A round of applause resounded as Dan held Meg close, tears on their eyes.

Queran snuggled her back against Keegan’s chest which seemed to be Keegan’s favorite stance whenever they are talking amongst family and friends.  This position asserts his possession of her and how he loves holding on to her belly that seemed to grow by the minute.  Tears fell on his arm so he turned her so she would look at him.

“I take it that these are happy tears baby?”  Keegan whispered as he wipes the tears away from her flushed cheeks.

“Yes, B they are.  I am just happy for them.  Thank you.”

“You’re welcome baby.  Come, it’s time to formally address the pack.” 

Keegan clasped his hands with hers as they walk up to the podium.   He raised their joined hands and with his left hand gestured for silence.  They all bowed and gestured into a sweep of their neck to show respect.

“As the rightful alpha of Crimson Hollow, it is with great pleasure that this blessed union of Dan and Meg be known to all.  Today is a celebration of life and renewed freedom.  The events of the past several days have been tremulous and filled with fear as the peace that we have tried so hard to keep had been shook.  But we prevailed and succeeded over a tyrant and a bully who preyed on our women and children.  We managed to vanquish him and he shall never walk the face of the earth ever again.  I vow with my life, to protect this pack and every single life in it.  We shall remain strong and steadfast in our love for this family.”

He released his hold on Queran and raised his glass in salute.  “To Dan and Meg, may your lives be as blissfully happy and content as mine and Queran’s.   Here’s to love and life.”

“To love and life!”  And everyone clinked their glasses with bright smiles on their faces.

“Let’s get this party started!!”  Tanner shouted as everyone howled. 

Then a blast of happy and an upbeat music came through the speakers and the teens got up their feet and flanked to the dance floor.  The elders and the grown-ups watched in amusement, the atmosphere festive and everyone content.  This was what belonging to a pack felt like.  This place will forever be a haven for people of their kind. 

Keegan swooped down on Queran’s neck and nibbled at her bare shoulders.  This was the kind of happiness he craved all his life and damn anyone who would dare harm a hair of his mate and every member of his pack. 

“I’m so proud of you, Keegan.  This has all been amazing, B and there is nowhere I would rather be but here safely in your arms.”  She turned to face him and pulled the back of his head for a kiss.  She poured everything she had in her in that kiss which was no different for every passionate kiss they share. 

“You are all I ever wished for baby.  Having found you and you are here with me now, I can never let you go.  You are the light in my moment of darkness.  With every breath I take I will always love and cherish you; to be the man you can be proud of.  Every moment with you is perfect and I am overwhelmed.  Thank you for just being you.”

“Wow! You have a way with words, B.  You wield the power to make me weak in the knees.  I love you madly, deeply and irrevocably, my sweet alpha.”

“And I love you – madly, deeply and you make me incandescently happy.  May I have this dance, Mrs. Lucas?”

“I thought you’d never ask, Dr. Lucas.”

A/N:  Hi guys.  Only a couple of chapters left and I look forward to the unveiling of Tanner and Bryleigh's story.  Let me just say that K and Q will remain a constant in the Fate series.  Since getting the axe from wattpad, I have no recourse but to speed up on the launch.  I never expected to still get followers after that but I still am getting a few and I think they come from people who actually cared to recommend me to their friends.  I may not know who they are but I am eternally grateful.  Please spare a vote and a comment.  If you think others would enjoy my work and it is a worthwhile read, please do tell your friends about it.  Thanks.

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