We're Both Monsters (Sebastia...

By authorchan0001

432K 13.4K 7.7K

Attack On Titan and Black Butler crossover I guess? I SUCK AT SUMMARIES, BETTER THAN IT SOUNDS!!! Everyone in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
A/N (please read)
A/N 2
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
NEW Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 12

13.2K 436 279
By authorchan0001

Haaaaiiiiii!!!! Jk Hello my fellow readers!! So I decided I was going to continue posting the story on here cuz why not? Anyways sorry for letting some of you down. I love you all for reading this story and reviewing!! Trust me I just re-read all of the comments and I was laughing my ass off at some of them (most of them tbh). So yeah, sorry for wasting some of your time reading this note but just wanted to say I love ya'll (again) and let the story continue!! :]

Reader-chan POV

I grunted as I dodged another tree out of like 1 million! I swear that there's more trees than the Forest of Giant Trees!! I looked across from me and saw a dark shadow jumping from tree branch to tree branch. I looked back towards the front and lightly smiled. Sometimes I wonder how someone like Sebastian Michaelis be a demon. I mean, sure he can be a butthead and a pain in my ass, but his persona demonstrates the opposite of such a creature.

I clenched my teeth and furrowed my eyebrows. Never judge a book by its cover, Erwin would say, after more titan-shifters were discovered. I guess that's what makes me so wary when I'm around him, I thought. The fact that he's too perfect makes me stand on guard, ready to take anything he throws my way.

However...I can't deny the feeling of my heart racing when I feel his presence close. The way I try to not make a fool of myself in front of him, especially when he sends a true, genuine smile towards my way, that leaves me having to control a blush.

Snap! I looked up and released the hooks from the trees, squatting down in the high tree branch. I looked around me, and met Sebastian's gaze on the branch on the opposite side.

I heard something, I mouthed and pointed at my ear with one hand as I pointed towards a rocky wall nearby.

Grr...I placed my operating devices against the blades that were slightly sticking out by my sides and pulled trigger, making it attach to the blades. I slowly and quietly pulled them out and squinted, trying to see through the fog. I inhaled deeply and my eye twitched when I saw....a naked man? My lips pursed as I saw him clearly, ignoring looking...down there. He had long white hair, not as long as that red haired creep (Grell!!). He began walking closer to our location, sniffing as he went. My grip tightened. Why was he acting like a dog? Is he related to the so called curse? And if so-

My mind focused once more on the man when his head suddenly snapped up and his eyes locked on mine. I stood up and raised my chin lightly, not intimidated by his gaze. His eyes showed confusion and curiosity...much like a dog. But then his head turned behind him and he let out a loud exhale. He looked at me one last time, before he ran off, into the fog.

Before I knew it, I felt a familiar hand resting on my shoulder.

"Let's go after him, maybe we'll-"

"No," I interrupted Sebastian. I looked up at him and saw him raise an eyebrow.

"Not yet. At the moment, we'll head back, report what we found to Ciel...and wait," I said.

"And wait for what exactly, (y/n)?"

"For the right moment to launch an attack," I responded and jumped off the branch.


"A man, not decent, was wandering near the village?" Asked an incredulous Ciel. 

"Two and a half miles, to be specific," I added.

"Why didn't you two do anything?" I glanced over at Sebastian and nodded, beckoning me to continue.

"Because I felt that there was no need to do anything, not yet at least. Besides, he didn't seem like he would attack. He seemed curious...much like a dog," I said. Ciel was about to speak when a knock on the door stopped him. Sebastian opened the door and we saw Angela standing outside with a fear stricken face, and her hands clasped together, pressed against her chest.

"What is it you need? My young master was about to retire," said Sebastian with a cold tone in his voice. My back stiffened when her sad eyes looked at me. Why do I always get a bad feeling around her?

"I have a request to make. Leave the castle! Leave the manor completely! You mustn't stay here!" She cried.

"Why is that?" Responded Ciel in a bored tone as he continued reading his book.

Just then, we heard a loud howl and Angela gasped.

"Oh no! The demon hound! It's coming!"she pointed at the window. A shadow of a large dog's head was cast over the curtains.

"Sebastian!" ordered Ciel. Sebastian ran towards the window and opened the curtains. I approached him and looked outside.

"Master, look there," Sebastian pointed towards a figure covered in a green, shimmering substance, in the distance, leaving a trail behind it.

"(y/n) go ahead, we'll be behind you," said Ciel. I nodded, opened the window and jumped out. I pulled the triggers one my gear and the hooks shot out, attaching to the trees nearby. There weren't many trees in the area so I had to sprint most of the time, until I arrived at the village. I ran along the rooftops, following the trail of the green substance on the road. I heard footsteps behind me, catching up, and I knew it was Sebastian.

"It's the demon hound!"

"The demon hound is here!!"

"Who is it?! Who's the bad dog?!"

The screams of all the villagers got louder and louder. I stopped running, and jumped off the building I currently stood on top of.

"Master, you might want to look at this," I said, as I leaned down and ran my fingers over a footprint shape on the road, outlined by the green substance. It felt like a titan's saliva...gross...

I wiped it on my uniform pants when I heard footsteps running towards us. I looked up and saw a mob of villagers with torches in their hands approaching us.

"Who was the punished one?" Asked Angela behind us. I guess she ran after us too.

The villagers moved to the side so we could see a limp body not too far from where we stood. As we approached it, I could see it was a young boy, maybe two or three years older than me with his clothes torn, blood stained his whole body, along with bite marks. I gulped and stood behind Ciel as he crouched down and inspected the body.

"So that's it then," mumbled Ciel.

"Stand back! Don't touch!!" Shouted a familiar voice behind us. We turned and saw the swine, Lord Barrymore, in front of the crowd with a scowl on his face. 

"He was the bad dog, then," he said.

"Yes, he broke the rule on dog ownership. He had six dogs, one more than it is allowed," responded an old man beside him.

"A sixth dog...this was inevitable," he said. I curled my fists and stepped forward.

"That's all you can say?! Really?" How dare he?!  A man was murdered and all he can worry about is an extra dog?!

He glared at me and responded, "This village is under my rule and no other. The demon hound protects that rule. As the guardian of the Barrymore family, it punishes anyone who dares to defy me!"

I was about to lunge at him when an arm snaked around my waist and held me back. I opened my mouth to say something but the villagers began chanting.

"The white dog is a good dog, good dog good, the black dog is a bad dog bad. It'll eat your flesh down to the bone, down to the bone..." Two men stepped forward and each grabbed one end of the body, carrying him away with the villagers following them.

"You outsiders will be its next prey. You were lucky to have escaped it," said Lord Barrymore as he and Angela began to walk away.

"I could always go have a little chat with him," I suggested as I walked out of Sebastian's grip, and standing besides Ciel. Sebastian walked towards us and stood beside me.

"Well, young master?"

Ciel lightly bowed his head and glared at the pig and his maid walking away from us.


"This is probably the worst holiday ever," whined Bard. I scrunched up my nose and sighed.

"Shut it for a second Bard," I called. I closed my eyes once more and bowed my head. After Erwin had taken me under his wing, he suggested I keep my emotions in check, in case I were to transform if I lost control. Therefore, I meditate whenever I can. It usually relieves me from stress and it calms me.

"Uh...what exactly are you doing (y/n)?" Asked Finny.

"Inner peace...inner peace..." I murmured.

"What is the matter with all of you?" Asked Sebastian, as I heard him approach us.

"You all seem rather bored. And yet you seemed excited when we were on our way here," he said.

"Yeah well that was before," responded Bard.

"Don't look so gloomy, we're on holiday and time to relax," said Sebastian.

"Yeah, especially (y/n) who's tryin' conjure up somethin'" chuckled Bard. My eyebrow twitched.

"WILL YOU SHUT IT!!" I shouted. Damn, can't get five minutes of quiet. I heard Sebastian quietly tell them something and heard them running off. I mentally thanked the walls and straightened my back. Suddenly, I felt a hand rest on my shoulder.

"What do you want, butler?" I replied in monotone. He chuckled lightly and I felt him squat down next to me.

"The young master and the servants are going on a little trip, you should accompany us," spoke Sebastian. I opened my eyes and glared at him. I stared into his crimson eyes, searching for any sign of it being a joke. He smiled at me, making a blush creep up my neck and rest on my cheeks. I looked away from him and sighed.

"Yeah, okay, I'll go" I mumbled.

"Excellent," he stood and offered me a hand. I looked at it for a second and grasped it. He pulled me up and towards him until our chests nearly touched. I placed my hands on his chest and looked at his tie, refusing to meet his gaze. I felt his fingers tilt my chin up, forcing me to look at him.

Sebastian smiled softly at me and stroked my jaw with his gloved finger. I smiled and looked down in embarrassment as I felt my heartbeat speed up. I bit the inside of my cheek as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"We better get going," he replied softly. I nodded and stepped away from him. He offered me his arm and raised his eyebrows in question. I laughed and took it, walking towards the carriage Ciel was sitting in.


"AHHHHHH, stop it Finny!!" Squealed Mey-Rin as Finny splashed water on her. We were currently beside a lake, with the servants playing in the water, Ciel resting on a chair reading a book with Sebastian standing beside him, like a statue.

Me? I was sitting on a rock, sharpening my blades.

"(Y/N)!!" I jumped slightly and ran the blade away from the other one and cut my palm. I cursed and curled my hand into a fist. 10...9...8...

"You should come with us!!" Shouted an over excited Finny.

"I'm good!" I responded with a fake smile. I glanced towards Sebastian who was looking at my fist. Blood dripped onto my blade resting on my lap, but dissolved away and became steam the second it came in contact with the metal. I looked  back and saw Sebastian walking towards me. I cursed and opened my palm. I sighed in relief when a little bit of steam came from the wound as it closed up.

"Are you alright? I saw you cut yourself when-"

"Why were you looking at me in the first place," I snapped at Sebastian as I continued to sharpen my blades. I heard him sigh and, with lightning speed, grabbed my forearm and inspected my palm.

"What the-! HEY!" I shouted and hit his head with the flat side of the blade. He blinked and let go.


"I was only-"

"Did I ask you? No so shut up and go back," I replied.

"Why are you upset?"

"I'm not upset! Just pissed off!"

"(y/n) why are you mad?" He leaned closer. Because you almost saw that, I thought.

"Because...Because I miss home," I responded. Well it wasn't a lie, so...

"I understand...after we return to the manor, we'll focus on helping you...return..." He replied.

I looked at him and nodded.

"Sorry for hitting you," I chuckled.

"It's fine. I've dealt with worse," he chuckled. I snorted and lightly punched his arm.

"The young master is calling for me," he said. I nodded as he turned on his heel and walked back.

"We caught him!! We caught the bad dog!!" Shouted two men with pitchforks as they ran past us. I looked over at Ciel, who nodded. I jumped off the rock and followed them with Ciel, Sebastian and the servants following me.


A crowd was surrounding a dog chained to a wall, with dogs surrounding it as well. Lord Barrymore stood in front with his arms crossed.

"He's got something in his mouth! Get it from him!" Shouted someone in the crowd. A man stepped forward and hit him a stick. My eyes widened.

"What a bad dog, he deserves a punishment. Get started," barked the swine. I watched frozen in place when they released other dogs on the one chained to the wall. No...how can they be so cruel to an innocent animal? He's helpless...just like I was, when those soldiers wanted me dead...Suddenly, the image of the MPs pointing their rifles towards me flashed before my eyes.

I blinked and growled. Then it hit me. A surge of anger spread throughout my body. I ran towards the dogs, pushing the crowd away. I lunged and kicked the dogs away. THe yelped and rolled off to the side. They looked at me and I glared at them, staring into their eyes. They backed away slowly.

I heard the crowd gasp and scream curses at me.

"HEY!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Silence. I turned toward them.

"You bastards! How could you do this to an innocent creature!?" I shouted.

"You're all a shame to humanity!! You all deserve to be taught a lesson!!" I raised my thumb to my mouth and froze before I could bite and transform. I lowered my hand and took a deep breath. Lord Barrymore glared at me and beckoned all the men around him to release the dogs once more. I got into a fighting stance. Five dogs...all around me...

I jumped up and gave a roundhouse kick towards their snapping jaws. They yelped and landed on the floor.

"(y/n)!" Shouted the servants. I looked up and saw them running towards me.

"How dare you interfere!?" Shouted the swine.

"I am tired of hearing you squeal like the pig you are," I smirked and pulled out my gear's swords. "So why don't we fix that."

"I knew you could handle this situation perfectly (y/n)," said Sebastian as he walked beside me. The dogs stood once more and growled at us.

"Oh how I despise dogs," he said and his eyes turned fuchsia once more and he stared down at the dogs. The dogs yelped and bowed down.

"What the hell!? What did you do?!" Shouted Lord Barrymore. Yeah, what did you do Sebastian, I thought, looking at him.

"Listen! There is no demon hound! There's just him! An old man obsessed with power, determined to do whatever it takes to keep it!" Shouted Ciel.

"What evidence do you have?!" He responded.

"We found this in your mansion," said Sebastian, pulling out a skull from a dog's mouth.

"I can confirm that the teeth marks on the man's body from yesterday match the teeth in this skull," he continued.

"Do you see it now? The truth behind the demon hound? It's shadow is nothing but a projection and the glowing is phosphorescent dust which was sprinkled on a normal dog," explained Sebastian.

"The demon hound is an illusion, a story made up by the man you let rule over your village; Henry Barrymore," said Ciel.

"No! It's not true! You can't fool them! Where's your evidence?" I sighed and walked towards the passed out dog chained to the wall.

"You poor sweetheart," I whispered and pet his head softly after getting a piece of cloth from his mouth.

"This scrap of cloth is from your pants, which was ripped off from your pants when you attacked the man yesterday," I said and held it out to him. The idiot growled and turned around, facing the villagers, who began to surround him and shout.

"Give up Barrymore! It's over now!" Ciel shouted as they carried him away. I sighed and turned once more towards the dog. I ran my hands over his fur and stroked his ears.

"You poor dog, such a loyal companion..." I whispered. I heard Finny cry out and run towards us. He picked up the dog's corpse and hugged it as he cried. I patted his back and smiled softly. Sebastian placed his hands on my shoulders and I reached back to place my left hand on top of his and squeezed.

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