Sticky-notes & Skateboards

By AlwaysSmile808

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Kara Foxx is your average small town girl. Jace Phillips is your average skater boy. They both have two thin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 17 *Last Chapter*

5.8K 280 46
By AlwaysSmile808


It was now lunch and instead of going to the cafeteria like normally, I sat outside on the bleachers and worked on some of my homework.

A few minutes before the bell was about to ring I went to my locker to switch out my books. I put in my combination and opened the small metal door.

When I did this something small fell out.

I reached down and picked it up and I saw that it was a small piece of paper.

A sticky-note.

Kara's POV

I looked to my left and then to my right, but I saw no one in the hallway. I glanced back down at the sticky note I held in my hands. I already knew who wrote it, I mean its pretty obvious that is was Jace. It was his handwriting.

What is written on it is a different story though.

Without any more thoughts I opened it up. There on the small square piece of paper was two words and a time. Only two words and one time.

Hudson Park.

8:00 p.m.

That was all it said. I honestly didn't know what it would say or what I expected to say but for some reason I thought that maybe, just maybe that it would be something...sweet? Or maybe that he forgave me and then he would come around the corner and hug and kiss me and then we would live happily ever after.

Yeah, I watch way too many romance movies.

I shoved the sticky note into my pocket and grabbed the books I needed just when the bell rang over head. Shutting my locker, I turned and headed to my class. English which I have with Max. I guess I can't avoid everyone forever.

I hurried and got to class, luckily before Max, and I took my normal seat. My eyes wandered over to the window that stood beside me and I stared at the courtyard below.

"Why have you been ignoring everyone today?"

I jumped at the sound of Max's voice. When I turned and faced him I saw that he had his arms crossed and he wore a look of confusion mixed with hurt. I could see it plain as day.

With a small sigh, I answered him," I just don't have anything to say I guess." What I said wasn't a complete lie. I honestly didn't want to talk about what happened.

"Yeah ok. When you want to tell why you have been ignoring us then let me know." Max said with an irritated tone. Then he turned away and ignored me for the rest of class.

Great I have made yet another person mad.

I grumbled for the rest of school and all the way back to my house. Now since I was in a bad mood all I wanted to do is lay in my bed a maybe cry a little. Or a lot. Whatever works.

I probably sound so pathetic right now but honestly I don't care. I have now lost my friends and the one guy I gave my heart out to. Its all my fault.

Sure enough, when I got home I did exactly what I said I would. I layed in my bed but surprisingly not a single tear fell.

By the time the sun started to set, I had looked at every little detail on my ceiling. I hadn't moved from my spot over the three hour that had passed. There was no need too. That is until something flew into my window.

It startled me and I quickly sat up thinking that a bird or a monster had flew into my room.. I looked around on the floor and saw what had flew into my room. It was a rock.

My next movement was to the window to see if I could catch a glimpse of who threw it in my window. When I looked though, there was not a single person in sight.

Do people not know that it is dangerous to throw rocks in peoples open windows? Wait, then again who does that. I just shook my head and walked back to my bed. I stopped and picked up the rock first and I was ready to throw it back out the window when I realized that there was something tied to it.

I undid the little string that was holding the piece of paper to the rock. The small paper fell into my hands when I did so. After tossing the rock back out the window I sat down to read the paper.

It wasn't an piece of notebook paper, nope it was yet another sticky note. In the pit of my stomach I felt the all familiar butterflies come back alive.

This time though, on the sticky note were only two words.

Don't forget

Don't forget what? I didn't think I had any plans. I sat back and racked my brain thinking if I had made any sort of plans for the night.

Then it hit me.

The other sticky note I got early in the day. My eyes flashed to my alarm clock that was resting on my nightstand beside me. It read 7:37 p.m. I was supposed to meet Jace at Hudson park in twenty three minutes that is if I go.

Do I go? Why does he want to talk now? Has he not already hurt me enough?

So many questions swam through my head at that moment. I had to make my decision and soon but I didn't know what was the right choice.

After pondering the idea for another few minutes, I found myself tying up my Vans and walking out my front door with my car keys in hand.

If it wasn't clear, I decided to go and find out why Jace wanted to talk now and why not when I came to his house.

Before I knew it, I was pulling up to the empty parking lot across from the park. After turning off my headlights and turning off my car, I got out and looked around.

With a shallow intake of air, I walk across the street and enter the park. When I entered the gate I saw no one around. Everything was still and silent except for the single childs swing that was swinging back and forth because of the slight wind.

I checked the time on my phone and it read 8:04 p.m. Surly Jace wouldn't ditch me right? Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw something yellow.

Another sticky-note.

I reach over and pluck it off the iron entrance to the park. I quickly read it since I am curious to see what it says.

You interest me a lot.

Skate park.

What? Thats what I was thinking. You interest me a lot and Skate park? Ok then. I guess now I have to go to the skate park. Maybe Jace will be there.

Since the skate park was right beside Hudson Park, I can walk. By now it was dark out and everything looked creepy. The whole way to the skate park I watched over my shoulder.

When I reached the skater park I let out a sigh of relief and I walked in. Inside there was no one beside me and an old janitor cleaning off some tables. But no Jace.

What now? I thought to myself as I looked around.

Then there was a tap on my shoulder. The first thing that ran through my mind was that I was going to die. Yeah great though right? But when I turned around I saw that it was just the old janitor.

Well thats not creepy at all.

"Kara...?" He asked me in a thick persian accent.

I slowly nodded my head yes since I was still a bit creeped out.

"This is for you, Kara." He told me after pulling out another sticky note and handing it to me. Then he went back to washing the tables.

I looked down at the new sticky note and read the words.

I'm sorry too.

Our first kiss.

Our first kiss? That isnt a place?

I thought about those words for a few minutes when I realized that Jace must have meant the place we shared out first, and only, kiss. His drive way.

I sped walked back to my car and I drove to Jace's house. I parked on his street and walked to his driveway where again there was no one in sight. I groaned in frustration. Why is he doing this? Writing the sticky notes. Why not just come up to me and tell me what he wants to say.

After I thought that I realized something. I did the same thing he is doing. I didn't just come up to him and talk to him. No, I used sticky notes and that is what he is doing.

Since I was in deep though I didn't notice the hand waving in front of my face. I blinked my eyes in surprize.

"Kara!" The voice shouted.

I looked in front of me and my eyes widened as I saw Jamie standing there. Jaces sister and the person that hates me that Jamie.

"This is for you." She handed me another sticky note.

I gave her a confused look when she did so. She let out a loud sigh of annoyence.

"Look, as much as I don't like you or my brother, I am tired of my brother mopping around and you, you look like crap so I decided that I would help. But if you tell anyone I helped you and my brother, you are dead meat." And then Jamie walked away leaving me there in shock.

I quickly recovered and I read the sticky note.

I forgive you.

Where it all fell apart.

My heart leaped as I read that Jace forgave me. The last sentence made me smile a sad smile before I walked back to the car and drove to our school.

Students aren't allowed on campus after school hours, but at that moment that honestly didn't matter to me. As I pulled up at the front of the school and walked out to the outside lunch tables, the only thing on my mind was 'what's next?'.

When I reached the exact concrete table we sat at there was another sticky note. I reached down and grabbed it, reading the words as I did.

I like you too.

Behind you.

When I read the last two words I spun around. When I did there in front of me stood the boy I had been looking for the past hour and a half.


I opened my mouth to speak but he held up his hand stopping me from speaking. Then he spoke.

"This is the place where it all fell apart and this is the place that I am going to fix it all. I'm sorry I really am. I shouldn't have gotten so mad, but the day I received that first sticky note I thought it was a joke so I was cautious and soon, I found myself falling for my 'mystery girl'. I had a problem though, you had came into my life and I was falling you also not knowing that you were my 'mystery girl' also." He paused then continued a moment later.

"When I found out that it was you writing those notes I thought it was a joke. And I had fallen for you and I thought that you were messing with me. After I told you to leave my house I realized that it really wasn't a joke and you honestly did like me and now here I am."

After hearing Jace basically pour his heart out right in front of me I wanted to cry. Tears of happiness that is.

Without another second I ran to him and hugged him. I shed a few tears in the process also.

I lifted my face and pressed my lips to his.

And that my friends is how sticky notes and skateboards brought a misfit popular girl and a misunderstood skater boy together.

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