Dont Put Off for Tomorrow Wha...

By browneyedgirl_24

47.8K 571 173

My continuation of Only the Good Spy Young :) : I had seen the symbol the man wore around his neck more than... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19, The Last Chapter, first part
Chapter 19: The Last Chapter, Part 2
Epilogue, The End

Chapter 17

1.7K 39 27
By browneyedgirl_24

Chapter 17

Okay , hello there everyone :D Im sorry I hadn’t uploaded in so long but honestly, if I remember correctly, I had a sudden major block and then I had a LOT of things happening at once so I let is slide a bit…. But here it is :D I tried to make it long since you all haven’t had a chapter in so long. Im sorry it took so long! I hope you all are still reading this :D Please tell me what you thought about it :P

                Breathe in, breathe out. They had my mom. The circle had my mom. Running felt natural at that moment. My eyes were burning as were my lungs but I couldn’t stop. Something wasn’t right. Why would the Circle come inside the Academy to get my mom? Why would they leave before even leaving a clue to where we should go after them?

                I could feel my mind trying to work these out and taking me back to an afternoon in Boston. Get her. Get me. Why did they want me? After all this time, it still wasn’t clear, and now they had my mom.

                I kept running, past the sword of Gilly and the great hall, past the place where a certain Blackthorne Boy had once kissed me for the first time, past the main door and ran until my mind no longer processed where I was going. I hadn’t left the grounds yet, I knew that much. I wasn´t stupid and I knew it would be foolish to go after them alone but I needed to think.

                When I finally sat down, I could feel the tears streaming down my face. Tears I had kept hidden for too long. I cried. I cried for my father, for my aunt Abby who had once been hurt, for my secrets, I cried for Mr. Solomon and his cryptic messages, for my friends, for Macey who had gone through so much. I cried and couldn’t force myself to stop, not even when I felt the familiar arms embracing me, trying to calm me down.

 Zach’s POV:

                She ran fast. It was hard to catch up to her so instead I thought about where she would likely end up and waited. When she got there, she did what I least expected her to do, she broke down crying.


                “Gallagher Girl, we will get her back”

                “Zach, something’s not right.”

                “I know, I know but we will get her back.”

                Didn’t he get it?

“No Zach, listen to me! Something is not right! Why would they take her and then leave? It’s me they are after, remember?”

                I saw Zach think about this as he stared at me and a frown formed on his face.

                “Gallagher Girl….What if….”


                “You are right. Why would they take her and leave just to continue this pointless scavenger hunt around the world while they could finish this once and for all. It IS you they are after. Gallagher Girl….what if they haven’t left?”

                Macey POV:

                I was back at the Academy with Mr. Solomon. Everything was chaos. Bex and Liz were trying to calm down the girls but they just wouldn’t listen and Solomon had disappeared to assemble the teachers as soon as we had arrived. It seemed like it was up to me.

                “Everyone shut the hell up and listen!”

                You could tell they weren’t used to someone speaking to them that way because they obeyed.

                “You are spies, and not just any kind, you are Gallagher Girls. What would your headmistress say if she say you all acting this way? Where is your training? Tonight we have to rescue one of our own, we have to protect our secrets, and we have to protect our sisters.”

                I was used to having all eyes on me, after all it had been only a year or so since my dad was one of the most powerful people I knew.

                “Who are we?”

                The answer came back to me as an echo, a chorus of voices,

                “We are the sisters of Gilly”

Cam POV:

                “But where could they have her?”

                “I don’t know! “

                “Come on Cam, you know this school better than anyone!”

                Liz was right yet I couldn’t think of anything at the moment. Neither her nor Bex nor Zach had been able to figure out where could have the Circle taken my mother without leaving the grounds. There was something at the back of my mind telling me I knew where she was, but I just couldn’t grasp it. I needed to focus! I needed to think.

                “Gallagher Girl, think, where would they hide?”

                I was Cammie Morgan. I was the chameleon and as I thought about this, I could feel my brain waking up again. The most important rule about hiding is to look as though you belong. You cannot live your life crouching behind a trashcan, you need to look as though you were meant to be there. You need to hide in plain sight.

                “Find Mr. Solomon. I need to talk to him.”

                Bex and Liz went running to look for him but I grabbed Zach’s hand to keep him from doing the same.              

                “What? Why him?”

                “Remember how you would disguise yourself in order to go on missions?”

                “Yes. Why?”     

                “Because that was not Mr. Solomon, and we need to find out who it really was.”

                I had known it for a while now, I realized. Why would a teacher be travelling with me and not tell my mother? Why would he know to come back here and bring Macey with him? Why hadn´t he tried to persuade me at all? That wasn’t the real Joe Solomon. He was here, locked up somewhere, and he had answers we desperately needed. We needed to find him but first, we needed to find the impostor.

Sooo I know that wasn’t as long as you all expected but I think it dooes have quite a lot of story to it J soo tell me what you all think, and were you expecting that? Was it too confusing? Please tell me. Also, what are your guesses for the next chapter?J 

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