An Endless Supply Of Rubies

By literallylikeuh

223K 4.8K 186

Disclaimer: this is not my story this story belongs to Ithunn on I am posting this story beca... More

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Act Of Sucession I
Act if Succession II
His Majesty's Pleasure
His Majesty's Pleasure
The Definition of Love I
The Definition of Love II
The Definition of Love III
Matters of State
Lady of Waiting I
Lady in Waiting II
Act of Treason I
Act of Treason II
Destiny and Fortune
Civil Unrest I
Civil Unrest II
Civil Unrest III
Civil Unrest IV
Civil Unrest V
The Northern Uprising
Dissension and Pubishment I
Dessension and Punishment II
The Death of a Queen I
The Death of a Queen II
Search for a New Queen I
Search for a New Queen II
Protestant Anne of Cleves I
Protestant Anne of Cleves II
Protestant Anne of Cleves III
The Undoing of Cromwell
A Moment of Nostalgia
Natural Ally
Bottom of the Pot
Sixth and the Final Wife
As It Should Be
Death of a Monarchy and Epilogue

You Have My Permission

3K 70 0
By literallylikeuh

Fanfic: An Endless Supply of Rubies Ch 39, Tudors | FanFiction

A/N: The show seems to skew ages just a tiny bit. In 1542, Catherin Parr was thirty years old, and Elizabeth was nine. Also, Mary and Elizabeth were not restored to the line of Succession until after Catherin and Henry were married. Even so, they were never legitimized and retained their bastard status, which led to some difficulties later down the road. The change in succession will not be recognized until later in the story.

25 December 1542

Mary had been delighted to host the Christmastide festivities. She had gotten much better over the past few months, and now seemed happier and healthier than she had been before. She was pregnant for a second time, and positively glowing. She was maybe four or five months along, just far enough to begin wearing looser dresses.

Philip stood by his wife's side as they greeted guests, proud of all the work that she had put into organizing the celebrations. It seemed that every time he attended an event with Mary, he grew more and more in awe of the grace that she handled herself with, particularly when saddled with figures whom she didn't like.

Mary greeted Catherin Parr with a wide smile. "How is Lord Latimer?" she asked.

"No better," Catherin replied, shaking her head. "He did not feel strong enough to come to court."

"We are so sad for him," Mary said, linking her arm with her husband's. "And for you. We pray for both of you."

"I thank you for that," Catherin told her. "I will give him the good wishes from you and your husband both, and we shall pray for your family as well. Happy Christmas to both of you."

"Happy Christmas, Lady Catherin," Philip responded for both him and Mary, smiling as he did.

As Catherin went to go greet others, Mary turned to look up at her husband. "I do feel rather sad for the Lady Latimer," she said softly. "Her first husband, gone after three years. And now, the Lord Latimer, I fear, will soon be gone as well."

"It cannot be all that bad for the Lady Latimer in the future," Philip whispered in response. He pointed to Thomas Seymour, who had been looking at Catherin the entire time. "I do believe that the Lord Sudeley is quite taken with her."

"You think so?" Mary asked, a smile playing on her lips.

"As taken as I am with you," Philip replied, gently kissing Mary as she giggled.

"His Excellency, the French Ambassador," the herald announced, shattering the moment between Philip and Mary.

"Excellence," Mary and Philip both greeted warmly.

"Lady Mary, Your Grace," Charles de Marillac responded, kissing Mary's hand. "Enchanté. Je persiste à penser que vous auriez fait une éspouse parfaite pour le duc d'Orléans, mais je coris que vous aves trouvé un excellent match dans le duc de Bavière." I persist in thinking you would have made a perfect bride for the Duke of Orléans, but I believe you have found a most excellent match in the Duke of Bavaria.

"Je suis honoré que vous croyez," Mary responded. "Peut-être ma sœur, Elizabeth, fera un meilleur match pour le duc que je ne." I am honored that you think so. Perhaps my sister, Elizabeth, shall make a better match for the Duke than I.

"Je peux seulement espérer," the ambassador replied.

Normally, Amelia would have advocated for Christmastide at Westhorpe. It was quiet and peaceful there, without all the loud people that seemed to populate court. Charles had returned to Suffolk after Katherine's execution, and decided to stay there. Whenever Edward came to visit his son, he would bring all the news that Charles needed to hear.

After they had been separated for so long, it was a bit awkward at first. It took a while for Charles and Amelia to get accustomed to being around each other again. Eventually, they fell back into their comfortable patterns, and acted like they were newlyweds once again. The passionate spark that seemed to have disappeared came back in full force.

Which was why Amelia found herself pregnant for the seventh time. Since she was nearly seven months along, she had attempted to have Christmastide at home. However, since Edward was expected to perform his first public duties, Amelia felt the need to be there to guide him.

As soon as Edward heard his name announced, he ran forward, followed by Elizabeth, John, Owen, and Eleanor, who Amelia felt were all old enough to attend Christmas at court. Sighing, Edward Seymour, who stood by her side, offered her his arm, which she accepted, and led her out into the hall.

Edward took the younger Edward's hand, and turned to the three Scottish lords in front of him. "My Lords, may I present His Grace, Prince Edward," Edward said.

"My Lords," the little Prince said, bowing. Amelia smiled widely, her heart filling with pride.

"Your Grace," the Lords said, bowing to him.

"You are most welcome to His Majesty's court at this Christmas time," Edward said.

"Your Grace is very kind to speak to us in person," one of the Lords said.

"I have been practicing," Edward replied triumphantly.

"Well done," Amelia whispered, leaning down to speak in her brother's ear. "You've done a very good job, Your Grace. You may go and play now."

"Thank you, mama," Edward responded, before running off to play with the other children.

"My Lords, the King has a proposal to put to you," the elder Edward said, turning back to business. "There should be a peace treaty between our countries, and a formal betrothal between Prince Edward and the newly born Princess Mary of Scots."

There was a pause in the conversation. Amelia herself was startled by this news. First, the King considered marriage for Elizabeth, and now Edward?

"The King is not unaware of any possible difficulties," Edward continued. "Which is why, if you support the cause, you will be rewarded with a handsome pension, and will be released at once to return to Scotland. I'm sure your families are missing you greatly at this time of year. I know that I dearly miss my wife, Anne, may God rest her soul."

"And I know how I would feel, if I could not have my wife by my side," a voice interjected. The five adults turned to see Charles standing nearby. "If I could steal the Duchess for a bit, My Lord Hertford?"

Edward smiled. "Of course, Your Grace," he responded graciously.

Amelia smiled and bid farewell to Edward and the Scottish lords before taking her husband's arm. "The Prince did wonderfully," Amelia whispered as Charles led her towards her sister. "He really is growing to be a proper young man."

"Your Graces," Mary exclaimed when Charles and Amelia neared her. "Welcome back to court. It has been a while. Look at you, sister!" Mary marveled at the size of her sister's belly.

"And look at you, sister!" Amelia responded. "I trust Margaret is soon to have a sibling. What would our mother say about us?"

A sad smile came across Mary's face. "I think she would be proud of us," she said softly. "I think that she would love our husbands, and all of her grandchildren." She paused. "As for our father, he has been melancholy. I think he despairs of finding any happiness in this life, although he has recently come into a better mood."

"Could it be that he has taken a mistress?" Amelia asked, almost afraid of another Katherine Howard.

"Perhaps it is simply his recent victory in Scotland," Charles answered.

Philip nodded in agreement. "The servants, or at least the ones who do not yet recognize me, talk," he told them. "But there has been no talk of a mistress, or a wife, or anything of the sort."

The King entered in that moment, wishing everyone a happy Christmas. Mary and Philip went to take their seats by the King, while Amelia and Charles blended in with the crowd. Amelia eventually found Lady Latimer, with whom she had spoken to once before, and decided to welcome her back to court. They watched the acrobats together with glee as they performed flips and jumps all down the hall.

"How have you been, Lady Latimer?" Amelia asked.

"I have been well, Madam," Catherin responded. "But, alas, my husband grows ever unwell."

"I am sorry to hear that," Amelia said, concern flooding her features. "I pray for your husband's health to return."

"Thank you, madam," Catherine replied. "And I shall pray for the safe delivery of your child."

Amelia prayed for that as well.

"You've been a long time absent from court, Your Grace," Henry said, not bothering to look at Charles as he spoke.

"Only to tend to my estates, Your Majesty," Charles replied.

"Your estates, or your wife?" Henry asked, turning to look at his friend.

Charles smiled. "Both, I suppose," he responded. "My wife and I missed each other dearly."

"I rather though you'd been careful of me," the King said. "You imagine I'm still angry with you." He leaned forward and lowered his voice. "You can be too careful, Your Grace. It is very remiss of you to neglect your sovereign for so long. Although, I suppose I can make an exception for Amelia."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Charles replied.

"Anyway, I want you to do something for me," Henry said, before launching into his plans for a secret alliance with Spain.

28 January 1543

"A peace treaty that leads to war?" Amelia asked as they sat by the fire. Her hands stroked her stomach lazily as she thought. "Is that not contradictory?"

Charles smiled. "I suppose it is," he replied. "But the war is set to take place in the next two years. There is still time for the treaty to become void. With the way that France and the Emperor are, the treaty could very easily break."

"But this is the King we are talking about," Amelia insisted. "You know how he has been hungering for war. I think if it were not for the death of King James, we would be at war with Scotland right now."

She was right, and Charles knew it. The French had barely given any reason for war. The seizures of ships at ports had been because of illegal smuggling and suspicion of piracy. The King was hungering for war, and the nation was likely to pay for it.

However, the following month, when the King held a dinner, Amelia held her tongue as the war was talked about, and Charles found it was simply best to agree.

5 March 1543

Lord Latimer had passed three days earlier. Amelia mourned his death, not only because she later found out that he was once a candidate for her hand in marriage, but because it meant something that Catherin had confided in her that she feared. With Lord Latimer gone, it was not possible for Henry to ask for Catherin's hand in marriage. And Catherin felt that if the King asked, there was no way she could possibly say no.

It was also on this day that Amelia welcomed her sixth child into the world, a squalling babe that they decided to name Philippa. Charles had been nearby the whole time, which had made Amelia feel stronger. He got to hold Philippa after she was born, something that he hadn't been able to do in the past, and his eyes lit up with joy as he held his youngest daughter for the first time.

"She's... perfect," he had whispered in awe. As soon as Charles had lifted her up, she had ceased crying, and instead stared at him with wide blue eyes.

"All of our children are," Amelia whispered back, a smile on her face. A feeling of dread pushed into her brain as she began to think about the fact that there would now be nine children under the age of ten all living under one roof, but she quickly pushed those thoughts aside, and instead opted to focus on the perfect moment that she was sharing with her husband and daughter.

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