Her sons best friend (Aka Cou...

By DezertFlower

1.9M 31.3K 3.1K

Text copyright © Dezertflower ™ 2013, 2014 All rights reserved WARNING! ADULT CONTENT. ONLY SUITABLE FOR TH... More

Chapter 1. Pontiac Firebird -68
Chapter 2. Easy on the beer
Chapter 3. All of that in reverse order
Chapter 4. Opportunity on a silver plate
Chapter 5. That would probably turn some heads.
Chapter 6. Dressed to kill
Chapter 7. Stockings and garters?
Chapter 8. Oh heavenly chaos!
Chapter 9. You want the list?
Chapter 10. Patience is a virtue
Chapter 11. What every man wants
Chapter 13. Kissable? Oh certainly yes!
Chapter 14. Oh Please ground, swallow me up!
Chapter 15. Stop the bloody echo!
Chapter 16. You are MINE. You hear me? MINE!
Chapter 17. Some sort of magical remedy
Chapter 18. To meet in secrecy
Chapter 19. It's just a button.
Chapter 20. Screw mom's supper.
Chapter 21. High on speed.
Chapter 22. Sense of serenity.
Chapter 23. You can thank me later.
Chapter 24. Some god forsaken bad excuse
Chapter 25. Any day, any night, any time. . .
Chapter 26. Necking is probably just the tip of the iceberg
Chapter 27. Contrary to expectation
Chapter 28. I just had a realization.
Chapter 29. A perfectly awesome bitch.
Chapter 30. A void of cold darkness.
Chapter 31. Caught up in your web.
Chapter 32. The least desirable place to be.
Chapter 33. Game on, baby! (The end)
Chapter 34. Cougartown Wattpad Trailer

Chapter 12. Cars, motorcycles and girls.

53.6K 788 75
By DezertFlower

Laura stood in the backroom of the bar making herself ready to leave. She had two minutes earlier handed over the duties in the bar to her friend Regina, and with a friendly smile and a wave of her hand she said goodbye to her.

The night was balmy and warm with a soft breeze that played with her hair, and she felt elated as she started to walk across the parking lot, knowing that she would soon meet Cody at his home. That wonderful tingle inside spread like a tidal wave in all of her body and pooled relentlessly at the apex of her thighs, making her ready and wet for him. Just thinking about what he had in store for her made her shudder with delight.

Her face split up in an expectantly warm smile.

Suddenly a car pulls up next to her and stops. Laura backs away one step, getting startled, then she sees the door open and a person stepping out.

"Well, hello again." a dark voice says and as he turns to her she sees who it is.

"Hello Neal" Laura says slowly and lean her head to the side.

"I was just on my way home, so I thought I might give you a ride. ." he told her and walked around the car, his intentions clear as he opened the door on the passenger side, "Would you like one?"

Laura stifled a small giggle and bit her lip. She could bet her last dollar that Kay had told him when she got off for the night.

"Honestly, I was looking forward to some fresh air on my way home, but because you are so nice and all, I will take you up on it." she said, seeing his face lid up in a huge smile. So huge in fact, it could almost be mistaken for a beastly grin.

She climbed into the car, and he closed the door. Then he hurried over to the driver seat and got in.

"Kay told you, huh?" Laura said, looking at him with a wry and careful smile.

Neal took a deep breath, then he gazed at her looking all guilty. "Yeah he did. But only because I asked him."

"You did?" Laura asked a little bit stunned, "Why?"

"You honestly don't know?" Neal said and started the car.

Laura looked at him all quizzical. Should she?

"No I don't. Should I?"

Neal shook his head with a smile on his lips. "No, I guess you should not."

Laura looked at him, her facial expression blank. She studied him from the corner of her eye as he steadily drove the car in the right direction of her home, no doubt he had been told where she lived from Kay. He was a handsome man. Tall and muscular, and with an indisputable good taste in clothes. But he was no Cody. And there was something about him, something she could not really put her finger on.

Oh shit!


Laura gasped silently as the thought hit her.

She had to get rid of Neal as soon as she got home, she just had to. Cody was waiting for her.

Laura stared out through the window on the side, the road home seemed longer than usual, and as the brief conversation between them had died out, the silence in the car became awkward. Her gaze fell to the floor.

After what seemed an eternity, they finally pulled up on her driveway outside her garage, and when Laura raised her gaze to look out the car window, her sigh of relief got caught in her throat.

There outside on her driveway next to her sons, she saw Cody.

Why in god's name was he here?

In an instant she felt her limbs go weak, and when he raised his head and gazed up on her with his beautiful eyes, he called to her inner most carnal feelings and she could feel herself warm up in certain lower areas.

Nervously opening the door on her side, she turned her head to Neal and gave him an unsure smile as she as agile as possible put her feet out on the ground.

"Thank you so much for the lift home, Neal." she said dutifully, but then she froze and her eyes widened as she heard him kill the engine of the car. Her mouth slacked a bit when giving him a quizzical look. Oh no! She felt a chill run down her spine.

Neal leaned his head a bit and took in the sight out on the driveway. "Nice bike the boys got there."

Laura swallowed.

"That's Lances bike. . .they both have one of their own. Boys and their toys."

Neal gave out a short laugh.

"Yeah! I know, I was like that myself at that age. . .cars, motorcycles and girls."

When Laura heard him say it like that she felt a shudder run through her as reality hit home. . . 'at that age' .

Her eyes met Cody's dark gaze and she could see his lips curve into a strained and fake smile. When his eyes fell on Neal it looked like he could barely contain his anger.

Neal clambered out from the car and approached the boys with confident steps.

"I'll fix us some coffee" said Laura and turned fast on her heels to head into the house. She just had to get away from there.

"Good idea." Neal said as he saw her disappear through the kitchen door, then he squatted down next to Phil beside the bike, "So. . .what's the problem with this one?"

Not wasting any second, Cody took the opportunity and stood up. "Got to clean up a bit" he explained and hurried after Laura into the house. As he got into the kitchen he slammed the door shut behind him and he stalked over to Laura with a grim expression on his face.

"What the hell is he doing here?" he growled and motioned with his index finger outside, as he leaned in close enough to smell her alluring scent, "Or better yet, why the hell was he giving you a lift? Tell me."

Laura bit her lip and looked up from under her lashes at Cody. God, he looked hot even when he was angry. The guy practically oozed sexiness and he did not even have to work hard at it. . it came naturally with him.

Rebelling against her, her body shivered and became warm with want for him. God, this was insane.

Laura closed her eyes and took a deep shuddering breath.

"I think Kay told him when I got off. He just came by and offered me a lift, it's okay really."

Cody snorted.

"The hell it is okay, Laura. The fucker wants inside your panties."

Laura snapped her eyes wide open and she stared at Cody with her mouth agape. He was literally fuming as he stood there before her.

"What? Are you insane?" she could not believe what he had said. That was just stupid.

"Trust me, baby. I know what I am talking about," carefully peeking over his shoulder to see that no one was looking, he then moved even closer to her, snaking his arm around her delicate waist, holding her firmly, "I can't believe you have not gotten that yet, honey. But every fucker in this town, wants inside your panties. It's that simple."

Laura gasped silently, her eyes still widened. The proximity to Cody making her tremble with hidden desire. His words making her stunned.

"I. . .I can't- oh my god!" she stuttered as her eyes flickered between Cody and the closed door, and she tried to wriggle her way out from his grip, "They might come in any moment Cody. . .we can't be seen like this."

Cody released her and took a small step back, studying her, his mouth pressed into a thin line. Leaning his head slightly to the side, he then brushed his hand over his stubble  and a smirk slowly grew in his beautiful face.

"Okay baby, we do it your way. . .for now." he reached for her and let his fingers brush some errand strands of hair away from her cheek, then he whispered hoarsely in her ear,"But what I really would like to do, is to take you right here and right now in the kitchen, on the counter. . .again."

His words sent sparks flying haywire throughout her body, and her hand flew up to cover her mouth as she gasped gazing into his burning eyes.

"Cody!" she whispered all stunned, "Please don't say like that. ." the intensity in his eyes and her own   arousal ,  scared the shit out of her.

He smiled roguish at her and gave her a wink with his eye. "Oh baby. . What I want to do with you. ." his words trailed off, then he turned to walk out, but he stopped himself and turned back again,

"Make sure he gets that bloody coffee a.s.a.p so he can get the fuck out of here. . okay?"

Laura pressed an unsure smile to her lips and nodded back at him. God,  how she desired him. Him,  and his perfect body. This was madness.

As she watched him open the door and go back outside, she felt utterly ashamed of herself.

She, a grown woman in her forty's, pining like a lovesick teenager for the town's most desirable hunk. She had to be crazy. And an idiot.

God. . why was he even wasting his time on a woman like her? He should be with one of the younger, more beautiful girls instead. One his own age. He should not be around her. It's was not right.

With shaking hands she prepared a cup of coffee. She had to do something. Make him realize that she is not the one for him. But how?

Closing her eyes, it dawned on her, just what she had to do. She had to encourage Neal somehow, even though she did not want to. The mere thought of it made her feel sick, because deep inside she did not want to. She could not help but to feel attracted to Cody. Damn!

She had to be sensible. . .my god, she was a grown woman.

She could be accused of numerous things if someone were to find out about her and Cody. My god, his parents. Mick and Diane. They would cut her heart out for seducing their boy, that she was absolutely sure of.

With a heavy heart, she came to terms with what she had to do, then she swallowed hard before she pushed the door open to go outside.

~  ~  ~  ~

"Ah!" Neal's face split up in a huge grin as he saw Laura come out with a cup of hot steaming coffee, putting down the tools he had occupied for some time, he immediately started to walk towards her, "Thank you so much sweet Laura."

He took the cup from her delicate hands, resting his own on hers a little bit longer than necessary, then he gave her a seductive gaze far from hidden. He deliberately went all out in his attempts to flatter her like silly.

A few feet away by the bike, Cody stood seething, his eyes cold and dark. His inside burned with undisputed rage and jealousy.

He could tell that the new deputy sheriff had his eyes set on Laura. On that there was no doubt. Just the look in his eyes told him that he was out on a hunt.

Cody desperately tried to get eye contact with her, but she kept avoiding his stare and instead she fastened her gaze on Neal, and that made Cody seethe even more.

What the hell was she doing?

If he did not know better, she was openly flirting with Neal. Cody gripped the tool he had in his hand so hard his knuckles slowly turned white.

What the hell. . .?

He turned his head slowly to look at his friends and to his dismay he saw that they stood there smiling as their mother talked and flirted unabashedly with the towns new sheriff.

Cody nudged Lance with his elbow and motioned towards Laura.

"You guys' approve of . . of 'THIS'?" he hissed out with contempt. He could not even hide his disapproving grimace.

Lance lifted a surprised brow at Cody as he turned his head his way and looked him up and down.

"Yes. Why not?" he said, a lopsided grin on his face, "He seems like a nice guy. Mom deserves attention. She is a beautiful woman."

I know that, Cody groaned inwardly and gnawed his teeth, I know that all but too well. What could he do? What could he say?


Laura allowed herself a careful glance towards Cody and she felt a sudden chill go through her system as the stare she got back from him was nothing but cold and hard.

She inhaled slowly, feeling very uneasy as she stood there with Neal. She utterly hated what she was doing, but she felt that she had to. Cody was way too young for her, and she knew it would be an enormous scandal in their small town if this thing they had ever came out in the open.

Even though she knew that it had been him taking the first step, she couldn't let him take the fall for it.

She had to think clearly for a change, she had to put her feelings aside and not allow them to take over.

Deliberately giving Neal all the attention, she then loud and clearly accepted his invitation to a date the next day, deciding to follow him to Kay's and Donna's house. She gave him a goodbye kiss on the cheek and then she hurriedly went into the house.

Without a word, Cody dropped the tools on the ground and left. He had to get away from there as fast as possible before his two best friends saw the vast of his hidden rage and jealousy and before he got physical with the law. The way he felt right now, it could as well be written all over his forehead, in flames.

As he walked with determined step towards his own home, he figured that he had enough time until tomorrow to come up with an acceptable excuse for this sudden departure of his. And maybe enough time to cool down a little. Just maybe.

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