
By theprincehes

697 105 298

Just because you're misguided doesn't mean you won't end up where you're supposed to be. More

The One with the Runaway Bride
The One with Obvious Flirting
The One with An Audition
The One Where Katie and Jen Eat Lunch
The One Where Michael Dyes His Hair...Again
The One with the Divorce Papers
The One Where Nicole is Fine
The One with the Date
The One with Apology Cake
The One with Jameson's First Day
The One Where Jennifer Goes Out
The One Where Luke Calms Down
The One with a Wine Drunk Kiss
The One with Two Parts (Part 1)
The One with Two Parts (Part 2)
The One with a Promise
The One Where Everyone is Arguing
The One Where It's a Secret
The One Where It's Just Started
The One with Some Snooping
The One Where They Open Up
The One Where Luke Gets An Agent...And A Date
The One Where Luke Tells
The One Where Everyone Cheers Luke Up...Minus Jen
The One Where No One Makes Up

The One with Pizza

26 4 12
By theprincehes

N i c o l e

To say I'm sad is a big understatement. I had sunk into depression, and all because I got my hopes up a lot higher than they should've been. It felt like I had been broken up with in the most horrible way.

So, walking around and working, I had to fake a smile when I interacted with the children. The kids make me happy, no doubt about that, but they weren't bringing me out of my slump. But it's okay. I'll be alright. I just have to work through this on my own.

"What's up, Nic?" Louis, the guy who trained me, asks me as he steps into the break room.

"Nothing." I shrug my shoulders, not making eye contact as I look through Facebook. I sigh as I find myself staring at a profile picture update, Harry's of fucking course. I like it, of course, then scroll on past it.

"Hey." Louis stands beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "What's the matter? You aren't your usual smiling self today."

"It's nothing." I shake my head, sure he doesn't want to hear my pathetic problems.

"You can tell me." He reassures me. "C'mon now." I look over to him and lock my green-brown eyes with his blue ones.

"I just. . .I told this guy that I liked him a couple days ago, and he completely rejected me." I explain, sparing him the details.

"That sucks, love." He frowns the slightest. "How could he reject you? I mean, has he seen you?" I blush instantly, and avert my eyes back to my phone.

"It's complicated." I say. "I just have to move past it now." I lock my phone and stuff it in the pocket of my jeans before turning my attention back to him.

"I can help you get over him." He's quick to tell me. "I mean, if you'd like to, we can go out on Friday and have some fun."

"Yeah. That sounds good." I nod, then get up from my seat before realization hits me. "Wait—like a date?"

He laughs, scratching the back of his head as his cheeks turn pink. "Well, yeah. That was the intention."

"Okay." I smile. "It's a date then." I lean up and kiss his cheek before waving goodbye, getting back to work.


"You have a date? On Friday?" Katie asks for clarification after I told her what happened today. "Is he cute?"

"I'll show you his picture on Facebook." I pull up his Facebook page and show her, to which she nods approvingly.

"Very cute." She smiles. "I'm so glad you have a date. This will help you get over Harry!"

"Yeah, hopefully." I say just as Michael and Luke wander in.

"What're you hopeful about?" Michael asks as he plops down on the couch.

"Nicole has a date on Friday."

"Oh, great!" Luke cheers, smiling as he sits as well. "Are you excited?"

"I am, actually." I nod. "He's supposed to pick me up here and-"

"Oh, awesome." Michael says. "We can all embarrass the shit out of you then?"

"What?" I laugh lightly. "Embarrass me?"

"Yeah, big mistake there." Katie intervenes. "Eventually Jen is going to know, Harry as well, and they'll all be over here bugging the piss out of you and embarrassing you."

"Fuck." I mutter. "Guys, please. I'm begging. Don't embarrass me. At least not on the first date. There's got to be a rule or something. No embarrassment until you see the guy a second time around."

"Fine." Luke and Michael agree. "But I bet this guy will be around for a second time, and then we shall embarrass you." Michael states jokingly.

"Hey, what're we doing for dinner?" Luke inquires. "I want pizza."

"Ooh, yeah." I agree.

"Then let's order some pizza." Katie says. "I'll call them and someone else can call Jen and Harry to see if they want to come over and eat pizza with us."

"On it." Michael calls, to which he pulls out his phone to call our other friends. Luke excuses himself to the restroom and I flip on the TV, finding something to watch as we await on our food to arrive.

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