Wandering Alone

By Fictionwritter

85.2K 804 186

Demitra Watson is your average teenager. Scratch that, she has major issues. She cuts, she is bulimic and a... More

Wandering Alone
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 23

2.1K 14 3
By Fictionwritter

It was official, I hated airplanes more than anything.  We left the house at five in the morning, got on the plane at ten, and had been on it for about ten hours.  Needless to say, Aria and Ian were bored to death.  I would've slept the whole way, but they had put it upon me to be their source of entertainment.

"Aria, why don't you watch a movie?"  I asked, running a hand through her long hair.

"Okay."  She sighed.  I smiled and popped the TV out of the arm rest. Maybe she would finally go to sleep.  After searching through all the channels I stopped on Dora, her favorite show.  "Dora!"  She exclaimed, gaining us several glares from people anywhere near.

"Sorry."  I said, placing a hand over Aria's mouth.  I popped the head phones in her ears and she sat back on my lap, resting her head on my chest.  Slowly, after about five show, her eyes started to drift closed.  I held my breath as much as I could so I wouldn't wake her, she was a very light sleeper.  After what seemed like forever she was finally out.  I stood and handed her off to her mother, who smiled at me gratefully.

"Thanks, she really does need some sleep."  Emma said.

"No problem."  I turned and sat back in my seat, which was next to Zane.  He grabbed my hand and I smiled, "Can we trade seats?  I want to look out the window."

"Sure." He said, standing so I could take his chair.  I opened the window shade and gasped as I saw the outside.  We were above the clouds, so it looked like we were on top of the world, "Amazing isn't it?"  Zane asked.  I nodded and shivered as his breath hit my neck.  He was leaning over the seat to look out the window as well.  I watched the clouds go by, trying to count how many we passed, but eventually even that was boring.

"How much longer is this flight?"  I groaned.

"About eight more hours."

"What?"  I exclaimed, placing my head in my hands.  It's because Will is dead, I kept telling myself.  That, of course, made me feel even worse.  I could feel my throat closing up, so I pushed the thoughts away, "So where are we landing again?"

"In London, that's where I used to live."

"And what are we going to do?"

"Well my mom and the kids are going to visit family and friends, but my mom gave us permission to roam about the city. I can show you around."  He smiled at me, his eyes twinkling.  I smiled back, I couldn't help it.  Whenever he smiled, my heart started to race and my face grew red.  Zane laughed again, "You're cute when you blush."

"Stop saying that!"  I slapped his arm playfully.

"But it's true."  He said, holding his arms up in surrender.  I giggled, grabbing his left hand and lacing our fingers together.  Little shocks of electricity shot up my arm as my fingers tingled.  Every time we touched I felt that way, even if it was only a little brush of our hands.  He smiled at me, shifting his gaze over my whole body, from head to toe.  I blushed and looked away, I didn't want any more teasing.

I felt Zane cup my face under my chin as he pulled my face so I would look at him.  His eyes were twinkling as he smiled at me, eyeing my red cheeks.  I sucked in my breath as he lent forward, brushing my hair back from my neck.  He started sucking on the skin just below my ear, causing me to shiver.  "You're cute when you blush."  He whispered against my skin, and for some reason I didn't care anymore.  I grabbed his shoulders, digging my nails into his flesh, before wrapping my arms around his neck, tugging at his hair.  I could feel my heart racing as my body began to throb.  That feeling was new to me.

"Zane, stop.  We're on an airplane."  I said breathlessly, putting my hands on his shoulders and pushing him back slightly.  I heard him sigh as he pulled away, looking me in the eyes.  He looked so disappointed, I almost laughed.  But then again, I probably looked exactly the same way.


Eight hours later, the airplane was finally on solid ground again.  I had really enjoyed my first flight, although Emma said she may not let us sit together on the one home.  It's not that we were doing anything bad!  I mean, just a little kissing isn't bad, is it?  I had a feeling she just didn't like seeing her "little boy" kiss a girl, that meant he was growing up.

We all made our way through the air port, following the signs that were supposed to lead us to our luggage.  Twenty minutes of attempting to find something that I was starting to think didn't exists, Emma stopped to ask someone.  After the normal "oh what a cute baby" talk about Aria, we were finally told how to get there.  We were on the opposite side of the building that the luggage rack was on, so we had to walk all the way back over.  Across the air port and down a flight of stairs, lay the luggage rack.

I spotted my suitcase right away, but we couldn't find any of the others.  Just as we were starting to freak out, they all came out onto the shelf.  Then we made our way outside, into the cold morning air.  I shivered and wrapped my jacket closer to my body, shielding me from the wind.  Zane noticed and wrapped his arms around me until Emma was successful in hailing a taxi.  We all piled in, which was hard to do, and were off.  Aria was sitting in my lap, while I was on Zane's.  Emma had Ian and Miles in her lap and Alex had James.  James put up quite a fight about sitting on his sisters lap, but eventually he gave in when we all pushed him into the car.

"Ma'am, are you sure about this?"  Asked the taxi driver, glancing at us uncertainly.

"Yes, I don't have the energy to get another cab."  Emma sighed, and we were off.  It honestly scared me to be driving on the opposite side of the road. I kept expecting a car to ram us, but it never happened.  I eventually relaxed enough to realize I was in London, and I wasn't looking at any of it.  The view was amazing, everything looked so old, and yet new, that's what made it beautiful.  As the buildings flew by I tried to take in as much as I could, but it was hard at the speed we were going.  Taxi drivers in London obviously were reckless drivers.

"Don't worry,"  Zane whispered in my ear, "You'll see everything."  I smiled and leaned back on Zane's shoulder, closing my eyes.  I spent the rest of the ride fighting sleep, even though it was nine o'clock in London, it was four in the morning back where I lived.  Jetlag sucks.  The car eventually pulled to a stop in front of what looked like an apartment building, Zane called it a flat.  Emma paid the Taxi driver and we made our way to the door.  The door was glass so I could see into the building beyond, but was covered by a black gate.  The gate was shaped like a heart, or so it looked to me, and had swirls instead of bars, like the ones at a jail.  The stairs were a dark brown color, almost read, and on either side lay a beautiful flower garden.

Emma stuck a key into the gate and it flung open along with the glass doors, letting us into the building.  We all shuffled into our flat with our luggage and, after some struggle to get everything in, checked out our temporary home.  There were four bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms.  Me and Zane got to share a room, Alex and Aria were sharing a room, Emma got her own room, and Ian, Miles, and James were sharing. 

Me and Zane walked into our room, setting our luggage down and plopping down on the beds.  There were two twin size beds which were covered in blue sheets that had light blue flowers.  At the end of each bed was a wooden chest, which we filled with clothes.  The walls were painted a pure white, which looked even whiter against the peach colored carpet.

On the left wall there was a closet which opened into two different closets.  There was a wall in between the two sides, although there was only one door.  There was a window inbetween the two beds, and on the far right wall, filling the room with light.

"Zane!  Demitra!  Come here, please!" I sat up as I recognized Emmas voice, and ran into the living room.  She was laying down on the couch, looking sick.  "Could you two run to the store and pick me up some medicine?  I forgot how much jetlag effects me."

"Sure, mom." Zane said, stepping forward to kiss her on the cheek.

"Thanks so much, and could you pick up some food as well?  Just enough to last for today and tomorrow morning.  Then I can get out and pick up the food we need for two weeks."  Zane nodded as we made our way to the door, slipping on our jackets on the way out.  As we reached the front gate and the cold hit me, I immediately started to shiver.  Zane started to take off his jacket, but it wasn't until it was around my shoulders that I noticed what he was doing.

"Zane, no!  You'll be cold!"  I exclaimed, trying to get his warm jacket off my shoulders.

"No I won't, I'm used to this cold, and you aren't"  He pushed the jacket back into place.

"No!  You will be cold."  I said, crossing my arms across my chest. 

"Fine."  He sighed, rolling his eyes, "Then you can keep me warm."  Before I could blink I was on his back, like he was giving me a piggy back ride.  He started walking forward, so I had to wrap my arms around his neck.  I was still cold, even though I had his jacket and his warmth was seeping into my skin form our body contact, I couldn't understand how he was not shaking like a lost puppy. 

The wind hit my face, and I could feel it splitting my lips.  I buried my head in Zane's neck to shield myself from the harsh, biting wind.  He chuckled, sending tingles up my spine.  My body started throbbing again, and my heartbeat sped up.  I had no clue what that was, and it was starting to scare me a little bit.  This was not okay.

After a ten minute walk the wind stopped and I could tell we were inside.  Slowly I slid off Zanes back, running my hands down his back and stopping just before his pants.  It was an accident, but I smiled as he shivered.

"Okay, medicine for my mom and food."  Zane said, grabbing a cart, or a buggy as he called it.  We made our way over to the medicine part of the store and selected some aspirin to help her headache and pink stuff to help with her nausea.  Then we made our way through the whole store, stopping when we thought we had enough food.  We had fresh veggies, a small ham, lunch meat, bread, mayo, mustard, ketchup, and cereal Zane called muesli.  When we checked out,  Zane handed the lady some kind of colorful paper.

"What's that?"  I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"British money."  Zane said, stuffing the extra back into his pocket.

"They have different money here?!"  I exclaimed, grabbing some of the bags from the counter.  How had I not been made aware of this?  It looked like Monopoly money, for God's sake!

Zane rolled his eyes, "Yes, you should know that, you are in tenth grade."  He bumped my shoulder playfully.

"Shut up." I said, throwing myself onto Zane's back.  He slumped over a little, due to the grocery bags, but didn't complain.  "Go faster, horsey!"  I said, shifting the bags so I had a free hand and slapped his butt.  He laughed and started to run down the street, weaving in and out of the people in our way.

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