An Unusual Mate

By TempestariiDragon

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Brooklyn Kelly or Brooke for short is a part of the Talkeetna Shifter Clan in Alaska because she is a shifter... More

An Unusual Mate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Author's note
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Author's question
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Five

829 36 6
By TempestariiDragon

Edited - 05/01/2015

Chapter Five

We pull back up to the territory and I see that Nora is on gate duty. She stops the car and comes to my window. I roll my window down while looking at Nora carefully. She looks worried.

Nora notifies “S.H.I.E.L.D is here well Nick Fury alongside Captain America and Black Widow.”

I moan “Deep joy. Why are they here?”

“They want to know what the tornado was from what I’ve gathered.”

“Who do they need to talk to?”

“You alongside Morgan, Roxy, Quinn and Aaron.”

“Great that’s all I need. Where are they now?”

“From what I know they are waiting in Morgan’s office with Morgan and the others.”

“Okay thank you Nora.”

I drive slowly up the drive way making sure the cost is clear for Loki. I park the Land Rover in the garage and quickly get out.

I ask “Skye can you take my bags up to my room. Keep Loki in his room and supervise him until I come alright.”

Skye notifies “Of course Brooke, Athena and Esme can help.”

Athena and Esme nod grimly. They know what is at stake here.

I head into the house and straight to Morgan’s office. I open the door and I find the S.H.I.E.L.D agents there.

Nick Fury greets “Hello Brooklyn it’s been a long time.”

I grumble “Not long enough Fury.”

Captain America asks “How do you two know each other.”

Fury admits “She was on our radar for a time due to her unruly animal.”

Morgan demands “We’re all present now tell us why you are here in our territory.”

Fury notifies “There was an unusual weather occurrence here not even twelve hours ago in your territory. We’re looking for permission to investigate that occurrence.”

Morgan informs “This is a matter of security and as such should be dealt by our forces not yours as it is nothing to do with you as this is our territory.”

Captain America comments “But this is a matter of national security and therefore we should by right...”

I interrupt “Actually no you have no right to trespass on what is Shifter territory as a part of the Shifter Territorial act of two thousand and ten no governmental organisations official or not can search a Shifters territory without consent by the Shifters who rightfully own that land and if they do not have Shifter company to accompany them then they are not allowed by law to carry out that search. Otherwise the Sifters of that territory are allowed by law to do as they wish with the intruders.”

Captain America asks “Is this true Fury?”

Fury notifies “Yes it’s true.”

Morgan asks “So what is it that you think you’ll find in our territory that we wouldn’t have already found.”

Black Widow asks “Are you saying that you’ve found something?”

Morgan notifies “No we haven’t found anything. If we had we would be telling you about it.”

Fury notifies “You see I don’t think that you would.”

Roxy notifies “Yes we do usually shroud ourselves in as much secrecy as we possibly can but on this occasion we are telling the truth.”

Fury asks “So then you wouldn’t mind us looking around then?”

Morgan admits “That’s up to Brooke since she’s our Head Enforcer and as such is in charge of security.”

Fury turns to look at me. I see a small amount of hope in his eyes. It’s too bad that I’m not going to let them search. It’s too risky.

I admit “No if there’s a breach in our security it’s my job alongside my Enforcers to sort it ourselves. We are more than capable to deal with anything.”

Fury asks “Are you capable to deal with a God who’s caused large amounts of damage in New York.”

I smile in question “What Loki?”

Fury notifies “We think he may have returned.”

I look at Morgan then start to laugh. Quinn, Roxy and Aaron join in quickly. Morgan smiles and shakes his head.

I smile in question “You think that Loki came here in that weather occurrence don’t you?”

Fury admits “This is only one location where he could have ended up.”

I ask “Are you saying that this has happened before?”

Fury admits “There were multiple occurrences simultaneously.”

I ask “Then why come here why not look at the other places?”

Fury notifies "Agents have been dispatched to those locations but I thought that I should be at this location personally.”

I snarl “How noble of you.”

Fury is quiet and he stares at me.

“I see your dirty face, high behind your collar.”

Great timing there if you ask me. I break off the staring competition me and Fury are having to fish my phone out of my pocket. I look at the caller ID. It’s Nora.

I hold it to my ear while asking “Everything alright up there Nora?”

Nora admits “We’ve got rival Shifters on our doorstep.”

I comment “Thank you Nora we’ll be there soon.”

Morgan asks “What’s going on?”

I admit “We’re needed at the gate immediately.”

Morgan nods and orders “Fury I’m going to have to ask you to take shelter in our holding facility in case this turns into a battle.”

Fury nods then asks “Can someone please show us the way?”

Captain America objects “We can help though.”

I notify “You cannot help in clan affairs.”

Captain opens his mouth again but Fury shakes his head and pushes him towards the door slightly.

Morgan orders “Quinn and Aaron can you take them to the holding facility.”

Both Quinn and Aaron nod their heads and they head out of the door alongside the S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

Once the door is closed Morgan orders “Brooke you go and secure Loki and makes sure that he doesn’t leave his room and then gather the Enforcers.”

I nod my head then head out of the door while digging my phone out of my pocket before dialling Rocco.

Rocco answers within the first tone while asking “What’s the situation Brooke?”

I admit in a serious tone of voice “Gather as many Enforcers as you can then call me once you’ve got them. We’ve got intruders at the gate.”

Rocco asks “Who’s on gate duty?”

I notify “Nora is on gate duty today.”

Rocco notifies “Alright I’ll get on with gathering the Enforcers where shall we meet you?”

I notify “Just outside the front door.”

Rocco comments “See you in a minute or so.”

I hang up and place my phone back into my pocket before running towards Loki’s room. I burst into the room and I’m met by a strange look from Loki and smiles from Athena, Esme and Skye.

I admit “We’re being challenged so I need you to look after Loki for a bit longer and keep him here because Fury is still on the premises until we can get rid of the other clan.”

Esme nods her head while notifying “Okay we’ll guard this room.”

I nod then head back out only to hear Skye yell “LOKI GET BACK IN HERE YOU HEARD BROOKE!”

I turn to Loki and snap “Get back in that room Loki.”

Loki objects “I want to help.”

I snap “Not while Fury is still on site it’s too risky.”

Loki smiles “I told you that you liked me.”

I snap “Not the time Loki now get back in that room.”

Loki reluctantly retreats back into his room and I hear the door being locked behind him. I quickly run downstairs and out the front door where I meet the Enforcers as well as Morgan and Roxy. I nod my head at Morgan who nods his head in return and we quickly head towards the gate at a fast jog.

When we arrive we find that Nora is the only thing blocking the rival’s entrance due to her being in her Polar Bear form. I feel my Snow Leopard jump at her cage trying to be released. We know the rival clan their Alpha male is called David Finnegan and he’s a Wolf Shifter although he isn’t as strong as Morgan which is probably why he keeps challenging him. 

Morgan asks “What do you want now David?”

David snarls “This territory.”

I hiss “So you’re still after something you can’t have.”

Morgan snaps “Go home David unless you’re going to challenge me.”

David snarls “I challenge you Morgan for the rights over this territory.”

Morgan snarls while going into his battle ready position “I accept your challenge and our packs can lay witness.”

David flies at Morgan unannounced. Morgan skilfully dodges to the side and then lashes out with a clawed hand catching David in the side of the head. I’m standing with my legs apart and arms at the side ready to jump into the fight even though I know that I won’t be needed.

Morgan jumps onto David’s back and holds his head. If David changes then by right the rest of us are allowed to join into the fight which I’m pretty positive will be what happened because it’s always happens. Just as I predicted David changes into a dark brown wolf.

Morgan snaps “And by this act you bring our clans into play.”

I quickly dispose of my clothing to the side as does everyone else and I shift into an already angry Snow Leopard.

Third Person’s P.O.V

The Snow Leopard known as Brooklyn leaps towards a Leopard on the opposite side.  Before too long the Snow Leopard has the enemy Leopard’s neck in her mouth. The Snow Leopard tightens her jaws around its neck and holds it in her death grip even though the other Leopard is thrashing wildly. Just before it goes completely limp the Snow Leopard releases her grip knowing full well not to kill because this isn’t a full on territory war.

Out of the corner of the Snow Leopards eye she spots two enemy Cheetah’s attacking an already slightly wounded Golden Jackal. Raya. With incredible speed the Snow Leopard leaps over to them grabbing one of the Cheetah’s by the neck with her fangs pulling it away from the Golden Jackal. The Golden Jackal quickly flings itself at the other Cheetah’s neck. Once again the Snow Leopard holds on until the Cheetah falls into unconsciousness.

Just as the Snow Leopard releases the Cheetah she is sent flying into a nearby tree. Eventually she gets back to her feet only to have a Grizzly Bear sinks its fangs into her neck. The Snow Leopard squeals in pain and lashes out with fully extended claws catching the bear in the eyes.

A Jaguar leaps onto the Bears back and sinks its fangs and claws into its furry hide. A Cougar does the same as well. Jacob and Pierce to the rescue.

The Bear throws the Snow Leopard into the air and goes to attack the Jaguar and Cougar who leap back away from the Bear. The Snow Leopard lands in a heap not that far away and quickly gets to her feet before flying at the underside of the Grizzly Bar while it’s distracted. The Grizzly Bear swipes its huge paws at the Snow Leopard catching her around the face.

A Polar Bear suddenly ploughs into the Grizzly Bear sending it sprawling to the floor in a fit of growls. The Snow Leopard slowly limps around too worked up in the heat of the fight to calm down to see the rival clan retreating. She flings herself at an enemy Wolf biting it on the neck.

Eventually the Snow Leopard realises that the enemies have retreated allowing Brooklyn to regain control and change back.

Brooklyn’s P.O.V

I slip my clothes back onto my bleeding body. Many of us are wounded but we’ll be able to get medical attention as soon as we get back

Morgan who is standing right in front of David snarls “Come back to this territory once more and I’ll issue a war and I know you don’t want that.”

David growls but retreats back to his clan. Why do they keep putting themselves through this they’ll never win?

I hear a female voice next to me smile thankfully “Thank you Brooke for saving me back there.”

I look to the side to see Raya standing next to me.

I smile “No problem I’m glad I could be of help.”

Raya smiles then frowns while looking at my neck and face.

“I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to help with that Grizzly Bear. It looks like it got you good.”

“Deep joy I get to have stitches again.”

“You’re not the only one.”

“We can be stitch buddies again.”

Raya bursts into laughter. We watch as the rival clan flee in their cars. Once they’re completely gone we all head back.

I call “Pierce and Jacob thanks for helping me out with that Grizzly Bear.”

Jacob calls “Don’t mention it.”

Pierce smiles “Yeah we don’t want you thinking that you owe us anything.”

Eventually we all get back in. While Morgan, Quinn and Aaron head to talk with Fury and co the rest of us either head to the healing room or to go and do whatever. As it so happens it’s Crystal and Kira who are on medical duty today. Kira see’s the state I’m in and gets me to sit down immediately.

Morgan comes in half an hour later telling me that the coast is clear for Loki to come back out. I quickly send Nora off to go tell Skye that Loki can be released from the room.

Thinking back on that it was probably a bad idea.

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