Destiny's Embrace (Bunnymund...

Galing kay Joshu_fox

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An 18 year-old named Josh with special abilities and powers lives right next door to Jamie and Sophie. Soon... Higit pa

Character description
Meeting Jack Frost
The Guardians
The Boogeyman
Meeting the Guardians and Reunion
Being a Guardian and Defending a Friend
Our Center and Trouble
The sleigh and the Tooth Palace
The Boogeyman and Josh's Powers
Teeth and Explainations
Teeth Collecting and Talking
Change of Clothing, Gifts, and Mayhem in Jamie's Room!
Nightmares and Sandman
Sandy's Funeral, The Warren, and Sophie!?
Easter Preparations, Painting, and Decision
Gifts and Confessions
Pitch, Easter Disaster, and The Truth
Finding and Believing in Jack. Aster is a...bunny!?
Fighting Pitch, Jack's Center, and Regaining Believers

Strength, Sandmans Return, Fun, Goodbye Pitch, and Oath.

2.6K 63 6
Galing kay Joshu_fox

Josh POV

After getting Jamie's friends to believe, we were now standing, looking at Pitch as we see huge amounts of black sand moving towards.

"You think a few children can help you? Against this?" Pitch said gesturing to his massive amount of black sand cornering us and the kids.

North raised his sword, only to let it down as he was too weak from lack of believers. Jamie gasped behind us. Jack turned to him.

"They're just bad dreams, Jamie." Jack told Jamie.

"And we'll protect you, mate." Aster said adding his two cents.

"You'll protect them? But who will protect you?" Pitch asked us as some of started having doubts, except for me. I glared at Pitch as I summoned my whole keyblade in my left hand as Jack was about to stand beside me. To our surprise, Jamie stood in front of us.

"I will." Jamie told Pitch.

"I will." Cupcake said as she stood in front with Jamie. Soon, all of the kids followed they're example and stood in front of us.

"Still think there's no such thing as the Boogeyman?" Pitch asked the kids as waves of his black sand hurdles towards us.

"I do believe in you. I'm just not afraid of you." Jamie told Pitch as the black sand came closer to us. But as soon as the black sand reached Jamie's outstretched hands, all of the sand turned gold. Strings of gold sand floated everywhere. All of us looked around happily, more so, Tooth an North as they regained they're strength back.  Pitch however, was not happy.

"No! Get them! Do your jobs!" Pitch yelled to his Nightmares as they charged towards us. North by then, threw two of his snow globes down on the ground as two portals opened up as yetis came running out of them. The kids looked on in awe.

I looked over to see Aster's little form running from the Nightmares. "I'm just a bunny!" He yelled as he hid under a car. I rolled my eyes at that comment. We both know that doesn't mean that he's innocent, and I should know. ;-)

The Nightmares then dug under the car and pulled Aster out from under by the tail. To my utter joy, Aster was back to being 6 ft 1 again!

"G'day, mate." Aster said as he kicked the Nightmare in the face and hit both of them with his boomerangs. He then tapped the ground as a big hole opened up. What came out was those sentient egg statues of his.

"Let's get 'em!" I heard Cupcake say as she and the other kids ran towards a Nightmare and turned it into gold sand as soon as they touched it.

While the others were busy dealing with the Nightmares, me and Jack landed a rooftop away from Pitch as he turned around and looked at us in anger.

I made the first move and swiped at the Nightmares that stood with him with my keyblade. Some into gold sand and some into nothingness. Jack shot a frost beam at Pitch, which he dodged and ran on his Nightmare as he shot some black sand at Jack who also dodged. From there, it was me, Jack, and Pitch attacking and dodging.

We lost him for a second, until we turned a corner on the roof and saw him pointing the same arrow that killed Sandy at us. We stood there in shock as he shot the arrow at us. Before it was about to hit, Tooth came flying by and destroyed it.

"Thanks, Tooth." Me and Jack said as she destroyed a Nightmare. From a chimney nearby, Aster popped out, to my surprise, and threw a boomerang at Pitch, which he dodged but his Nightmares weren't so lucky. From where we stood I saw North pop out of another, but it was a few rooftops away from us.

We had Pitch on the run as his Nightmares that he was riding on, jumped the rooftop, unfortunately for him, he was heading in North's direction. North took that opportunity to jump and slay the Nightmare as Pitch fell and land on his feet on the streets.

North ran towards Pitch with his sword raised as Pitch made a scythe out of his black sand and clashed with Pitch. From there, it turned into a tag-team as Aster jumped over North and threw his boomerang at him as he dodged. Pitch grabbed his scythe and sliced the boomerang, only for me and Jack to attack him as he wasn't looking. Jack hit Pitch in his chest with his staff as I hit him in his back from behind with my keyblade before I moved in front with Jack as we both delivered a kick to his chest, pushing him back as me, Jack, Aster, North, and Tooth stood in our battle-ready forms.

We then started to back Pitch into a corner. "It's over, Pitch." I told him as Jack added his two cents. "There's no place to hide." Jack told him.

Pitch looked panicked at first, before he grinned and hid into the shadows as he laughed. We all looked around for Pitch, unknown to us, Pitch appeared behind me and Jack with a scythe, ready to strike the finishing blow. Aster turned around towards us alarmed.

"Jack, Josh, look out!" Aster warned us as he threw his boomerang behind us to hear it made contact with something that sounded like sand. Me and Jack turned around to see Pitch about to strike us with his scythe. Before Pitch could kill us, a stretched hand grabbed Pitch's wrist and yanked him away from us, screaming.

We all looked to see Pitch dragged to something forming from a tornado of gold sand. Me, Jack, and the Guardians smiled, knowing what this meant. To our pure joy, Sandy came out of it and pulled a frightened Pitch towards him as he glared.

Sandy then waved his index finger in a 'no no' like fashion before he uppercut Pitch high into the sky. We then saw the kids walking towards Sandy in awe as Sandy greeted them. Sandy then yanked down his whip towards his left as we ran towards him in happiness.

Sandy jumped in happiness as North grabbed him and lifted him up in the air, only for Sandy to float back down on the ground. As the others were surrounding Sandy, I looked over to my left to see Pitch knocked out on the ground with golden sand butterflies flying above his head.

From there, I turned to see Sandy in the air on his golden sand cloud, spreading strings after strings of his sand into children bedrooms. I heard the sound of a horse running as I turned around to see a Nightmare trying to make a run for it. Unfortunately for it, it stopped still, in front of Cupcake as she touched it's snout, turning it into a golden sand unicorn. From there, a couple of humongous dinosaurs, some stingrays, and dolphins made of gold sand were all around us.

I decided to have some fun, I flew into the sky and shape shift into a colorful eastern dragon.

Everyone looked at me in awe as I flew in the night sky. I even dove down and grabbed Jamie and the other kids with my dragon hand, gently. I then put them on my back as they then started to laugh.

"You guys ready?" I asked them, in return, I got a bunch of 'yeah!'s as I spread my wings. "Hang on tight!" I told them as they did just that as I flew back into the night sky. The kids on my back were screaming and yelling in joy as I flew around the continent.

Ten minutes later, I flew back towards Burgess and let them the kids down where we were all standing originally. Then, I shifted back into my human form. As soon as that happened, a snowball hit the back of my head. I turned around to see Jamie holding a snowball, looking at me mockingly, in a teasing manner of course.

We all then engage in a big snowball fight. Sometime during the snowball fight, Pitch tried to make himself known, only for Jamie to pass right through him. Pitch's face then turns to one of horror as me, Jack, and the Guardians looked at him. He looked back at us before running away, in the direction of where the lake is.

I then teleported us to where the lake is, just in time for Pitch to run into North's belly and fall on his butt. Pitch then looked up at us as we looked down at him, me standing right next to Aster.

"Leaving the party so soon?" North said

"You didn't even say goodbye." Tooth said as she tossed Pitch a quarter. I was confused, why did she give him a quarter?

"A quarter?" Pitch asked in disbelief and confusion. But when he looked up, to my surprise, Tooth punched him in the face as a tooth fell out of his mouth. I couldn't help but smirk at this as Pitch felt the spot in his mouth where his tooth used to be before he looked up at Tooth.

"And that's for my fairies." Tooth told Pitch as he got up.

"You can't get rid of me! Not forever. There will always be fear." Pitch told us. We stood unfazed by what he said.

"So what? As long as one child believes, we will be here to fight fear." North told Pitch.

"Oh really? Then what are they doing here?" Pitch asked us, gesturing towards the Nightmares that started to surround us. Again, we stood unfazed by this.

"They can't be my Nightmares. I'm not afraid." North told us as Pitch came to a realization.

"Looks like it's your fear they smell." Jack told Pitch while smiling as Pitch looked around in fear as the Nightmares start to corner him.

I grinned. "Boo." I said as the Nightmares then started to chase Pitch as he ran. But, the Nightmares soon caught Pitch and dragged him down the hole that he resides in as we heard him yell 'no, no, no', before the hole closed up, Pitch is gone.

The clouds in the sky then moved, revealing the moon in all its glory. I looked over from besides Aster to see Tooth hugging Jack, before Baby Tooth then scolded her.

I chuckled at this scene until I was pulled into a furry chest. I looked up to see Aster smiling at me.

"Thanks Josh. For the necklace and saving our butts." He told me as I smiled and hugged him back.

"No problem, and I couldn't have done it without Jack, or your guys." I told Aster as I snuggled into his chest.

Me and Aster then heard chuckling and an 'aww' from behind our left side. We looked over and to our embarrassment and horror, Jack and the Guardians were looking at us with knowing smiles.

Me and Aster let go of each other as we both blushed heavily and turned away from each other. To hide my blushing face, I put up my hoodie so they couldn't see my face.

North then called for mine and Jack's attention as we soon stood in front of him and the Guardians. I pulled my hoodie back down as my blush left my face.

"Are you ready now, Jack? Josh? To make it official?" North asked us as me and Jack looked at each other and back at North before nodding our heads. A yeti then came from North's right a gave him that big book from before.

"Then is time you two take Oath." North told us as he opened the big book. Jack stood beside me with his staff in his right hand and me with my combined keyblade in my left hand.

"Will you, Jack Frost, Josh Cameron, vow to watch over the children of the world, to guard them with your lives, their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams, for they are all the we have, all that we are, and all that we will ever be?" North asked us ceremoniously.

Me and Jack looked behind us to see Jamie and the others standing their. We both looked at Jamie as he nodded his head at us. Me and Jack turned back to North.

"We will." We both said in unison.

"Then, congratulations, Jack Frost, Josh Cameron, for you two are now, and forevermore! Guardians." North told us as he closed the book.

Everyone around us cheered at the news of me and Jack becoming Guardians. North then, to mine and Jack's absolute surprise, lifted us off the ground and kissed both our cheeks in joy before letting us down and laughed joyfully.

Aster then came beside me and shoulder hugged me.

"That's my boy!" Aster said before leaning into my right ear.

"And my mate." He whispered into my ear. I blushed and put my hoodie back up to hide my face as Aster soon laughed.

We all then heard a booming sound as we look up to see North's reindeers in the air, pulling his sleigh before landing beside us.

"That's Santa's sleigh."

"Wow, it's real!"

"You guys see that!"

"Wow, look at that!"

We heard some of the kids say as they looked at North's sleigh.

"Everyone loves the sleigh." I heard Aster say to North before he grabbed mine and Jack's shoulders.

"It's time to go." North told us as Sandy shot fireworks made of his sand, into the sky, making millions of gold dust to float down.

Aster then stood in front of Sophie as she was surrounded by Aster's Easter eggs.

"Happy Easter, you little ankle-biter. I'm gonna miss you." Aster told Sophie as she put her right hand on his nose.

"Bye-bye, Bunny." I heard Sophie say as I watched from where I stood before walking to the sleigh. And before Jack and I could get to the sleigh, Jamie spoke up.

"You're leaving? But what if Pitch comes back? What if we stop believing again? If I can't see you..." Jamie trailed off.

"Hey, slow down, slow down. You're telling me you stop believing in the moon when the sun comes up?" Jack asked Jamie as he kneeled down to Jamie's level.

"No." Jamie told Jack before I added my two cents.

"And do you stop believing in the sun when the clouds block it out?" I asked Jamie, standing next to Jack. Jamie chuckled.

"No." He told me.

"We'll always be there, Jamie. And now, we'll always be here." Jack said, poking Jamie's chest.

"It kinda makes you a Guardian too, Jamie." I told him as he smiled. Me and Jack then walked to the sleigh. I then got in the sleigh besides Aster. Jamie however, spoke up again before Jack could get on.

"Jack!" Jamie called out as he ran towards Jack. Jack turned around just in time for Jamie to hug him. Jack froze for a second before hugging him back. After the heartwarming hug, Jack got on the sleigh wing as we flew off, heading back for the North Pole. But not without waving by to Jamie and his friends.

------------------------------------------------------- End of story. There will be an epilogue, though it entirely revolves around Josh and Aster, finishing what they started. ;-)

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