Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book...

By JosephineCastillo-Nu

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Just when he thought he had the most out of his life - a career as a doctor and alpha lupus to a strong pack... More

Fate Smiles on My Alpha
Chapter 1- New Beginnings
Chapter 2 -Fight for your Life
Chapter 3 -To Know You is to Love You
Chapter 4 - Wide Awake
Chapter 5 - Three for the Love of One
Chapter 6 - Homeward Bound
Chapter 7 - The Lake House
Chapter 8 - Missing Piece
Chapter 9 - Visitors
Chapter 10 - Complications
Chapter 11 -Meet the Folks
Chapter 12 - The Nύptíís
Chapter 13 - Wedded Bliss
Chapter 14 - Amazing Discoveries
Chapter 15 - Surprises and Contradictions
Chapter 16 - Imperiled
Chapter 17 - First Heat
Chapter 18 - Whore's Dust
Chapter 19 - A Glimpse of Red
Chapter 20 - Real and Normal
Chapter 21 - One Tough Cookie
Chapter 22 - Unexpected Progress
Chapter 23 - Precipice
Chapter 24 - Go Into the Light
Chapter 25 - Kiss and Make Up
Chapter 26 - Real Issues
Chapter 27 - Rewind
Chapter 28 - Control and Surrender
Chapter 29 - Taken
Chapter 30 - It is Done
Chapter 31 - Aftermath
Chapter 33 - Second Chances
Chapter 34 - Natalis

Chapter 32 - Afterglow

15.4K 592 43
By JosephineCastillo-Nu


The alpha pair panted after miles of running.  The sun was about to set in the horizon.  It was exhilarating to run in their wolf form.  They decided to run to the pack house and check on everyone.  They were now treading along the bank of the lake when Queran suddenly halted at the sight of a beautiful structure that reminded her of their union.  She panned her gaze questioningly at Keegan and back at the sight of a beautiful cedar glass enclosed gazebo on the exact same spot where the make shift chuppah was, the night of the Nuptiis.  It was surrounded by half windows adorned with heavy curtains providing protection from the elements and enough privacy. The main door opened to the view of the lake.  It was breathtaking.  The inside was glowing with low burning candles that she was drawn to go take a peek.

“What’s wrong baby?  Are you sick?”  

“Since when did you have a gazebo built here, B?”  

“The day after the ceremony.  I thought I would like a cenotaph of that night you became mine.

“I never pegged you as sentimental but I love it. Can we go inside?”

“Not until we wash off the soot and blood from our bodies, baby. The cleansing after a blood lust has to be done in the lake to purify us.  I’ll get you out the moment you feel cold.”

“Ok, but we don’t have anything to wear or dry ourselves with.”

“Baby, you won’t need clothes with what I got planned for us.”

“Oh?  In that case, I need to eat first since we skipped meals earlier.  I’ll need the energy if I will be ravaged, you beast.”

“Damn right baby.  Ok here’s a good spot.  Shift back baby, I want to see you and touch you.”

They stood facing each other under a birch tree.  Their locked gazes turning their orbs into a glassy look full of love.  They conjointly howled to the moon that was slowly emerging from the horizon.  They circled each other playfully nipping at each other.

“Transeutur.”  Keegan boomed through the link.

The transition took place with a stream of illuminating rays of light seeping from their chest as they slowly phase taking the shape of their human naked forms.  The alpha in his muscled magnificence stood before his luna, his feet apart and balled his fists at his side.  He caressed her with his assessing glance from the crown of her hair to her shoulders, her full breasts down to her pubis and did a double take on the sight of her belly.  The bump was now obviously raised and his heart was making a beeline in his throat choking him with enormous pride.  He was transfixed on that part of her anatomy that is cradling and nourishing the next heir to the alpha of Crimson Hollow.

“What is it, B?”  Queran asked as she crossed an arm to cover her breasts and clenched her thighs.

 Not knowing what to say, he purposefully shortened the distance separating them and knelt before her, kissing her belly as he held her hips in both hands.  Queran’s fingers combed through his hair as he nipped his way upward and planted a kiss just below her ear. 

“You’re a beautiful sight to behold.”  He whispered. 

Queran shivered at how sexy his whisper sounded.  Hell, a whisper or a bellow is both sexy and a major turn on for her as long as it’s coming from him.  He interlaced his fingers with hers as he leads her toward the lake.  The water was unbelievably warm and as they reached to a waist deep level, Keegan cupped her face and kissed her passionately.  He motioned for them to slowly submerge their bodies cleansing them off from all the iniquities Carter Vargas has brought upon their lives.  They broke the kiss as they held their breath for a few seconds before slowly emerging from the water.  Keegan’s eyes were molten shade of deep sea blue held spellbound by her luminescent amber.  His big hands rubbed her skin gently erasing the traces of blood and Queran mirrored his ministrations.  She loved how the muscles on his chest contract beneath her fingers.  He sucks in a breath when she caressed lower to his toned abs and brushed against his splendid erection.   The wounds have healed and not a single scar marred his flesh.  She was astounded by his bravery. 

“I love the way you touch me, B.”

“I love touching you, baby.  But the water is turning cold and I don’t want you to get sick.”

Keegan pecked her on the lips and ran the short distance to the gazebo.  Moments later he held out a terry robe for her.  She smiled and walked into them, immediately warming her.  His hands at the small of her back led her through the gazebo entrance and she oohhed and ahhhed at the romantically set up interior.  A golden yellow carpet in wool surrounded by throw pillows gave it a cozy look.  Bay windows on all four sides of the room held dozens of tea lights that glowed from the outside. She was enraptured by the sight that she whirled to face Keegan and linked her arms around his neck and buried her face at the crook of it. They held on to each other, once again in their own blissful bubble.


“Yes, baby?”

“Make love to me.”

Keegan sucked in a breath and lifted her.  She crossed her legs around his lean hips as he gently laid her among the plush pillows.  He unfastened the tie holding her robe and slipped them free from the hoops but thought better of it. The edges exposed her pink pebbled nipple and he caught one between his teeth and slowly suckled.  Queran’s body arched as she selflessly offered him her body.  She was too turned on that she hardly noticed Keegan interlacing their fingers and held it up on top of her head pinning it in place as he gave the other breast the same attentive loving of his tongue.

“You glow when you’re turned on, do you know that baby?  So beautiful.”


“Grab on to the pillows, baby.  Don’t let go.”  He said as he nipped his way to her baby bump.

“B-But I want to touch you.”  She protested.

“I know baby but later.  I need this.  I need to make love to every inch of your body and exorcise the memory of Carter’s touch.  Please baby.  I need this.”  He looked at her imploringly.

She did not protest any further. “Yes, anything for you my love. I’ll do anything.  I need you inside me, please.”

But Keegan was driven by the extreme need to reclaim every inch.  He trailed kisses downward to her toes, putting one into his mouth and sucked.  He continued to move up again to her knees and the inside of her thighs.  Her arousal was making it hard for him not to jump her at this instant.  The sight of her moist heat pushed him to taste.  He opened her labia with his 2 fingers and sunk the middle deep inside.  Queran’s moans were getting fevered.  He lapped at her essence and added another finger in pushing and pulling.  He glanced at her biting her lip and her fingers turning pale white as she clutched against the pillow.  As he suckled her clit, she lifted her torso up and gripped his bicep.

“Hands on the pillow, baby.”

“Oh gawd, Keegan you’re killing me.  Please..Oh please.  I’m coming.”

“Let go, baby.  Come for me.”

It was not an order but she came into his mouth anyway. Her chest was heaving at her climax as Keegan climbed atop her and kissed her mouth.  His lips covered in her juice crashed into hers and made slow love with her tongue.  As he bit her lower lip, she gasped at the feel of his swift entry into her, filling her.

“Oh baby, you feel so good, so tight and wet only for me.  Touch me.”  He whispered into her ear.

She grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him to her.  “Faster, B please.”

“No baby, I need this slow.  I want you to feel every inch of me possessing you.  This body is mine.  You are mine.  Say it baby, I need to hear the words.”

“I’m yours Keegan.  I belong to you and only you. Ahhh.”

“Come with me baby.  Let go.”  He lifted her hip to go in deeper hitting a good part of her G- spot.

Their eyes turned into the darkest hue, their canines erupted as they growled in deep pleasure.  Queran sank her teeth in first on his mark and lest he did the same to assure himself of her claim.

And then they both splintered from an explosive climax, screaming each other’s name on their lips as it resonated into the early night.  There was nothing but just the sound of the owl hooting and the steady trickling of the water lulling them into deep slumber.  The food forgotten and so is the past of Carter’s wrath.


A few hours later, Queran woke with her head resting on Keegan’s chest.  The room was thick with the musky scent of sex.  Her legs felt wobbly as she disentangled from Keegan.  He looked so innocent when he sleeps.  No trace of that enraged look of a man ready to kill.  She planted small kisses down his washboard abs and swirled her tongue against his slowly hardening splendor.  A pre-cum escaped the opening and she licked it, taking him fully into her mouth.  Keegan hissed and combed his fingers through her hair.

“Fuck, that feels good.  I love your mouth on me baby.”

She completely ignores him and relentlessly took him deep until the head tickled her throat.  She sucked till her cheeks turned hollow and she stole a glance at Keegan whose eyes were shut and his mouth open in ecstasy.  He met her gaze as he followed the bobbing of her head.

“I’m ahh, almost there baby.  Fuck, I don’t want to come in your mouth.  Oh shit.”

And there was no other option, he came into her mouth anyway.  She swallowed every single drop of her semen and let go, licking the head one last time.  She squeaked as Keegan grabbed her shoulders as he flipped her into all fours.  He was immediately behind her kissing the length of her spine from her neck to her shoulder blades and down to both hips.  He poised into her entrance and slammed into her.  He held her steady at the hips and his finger cupped her breast teasing the nipples, rubbing them briskly.  She panted and held on to the edge of one of the benches pushing against his penis.  The rhythm turned carnal and once again he empties into her as he grunted in his release.  They collapsed on the floor to catch a breath.

They were both facing up the ceiling when Keegan looked at her heaving on his right.

“You minx. That was a great way to wake up.”

Queran snorted.  “That’s what you get for not feeding me.  It’s late, I’m hungry and I want our bed.”

Keegan got up and reached for the silver domed dish plate with cold subs and fruit slices.

“Will this do for now, baby?  I’m sorry I got caught up in the moment.  Forgive me.  But I really want us to stay the night and sleep with you under the stars.”

A rumbling noise from above startled her as the roof slowly opened and they were indeed lying beneath the stars.  Queran climbed atop Keegan and buried her face into his neck again breathing him in.

“You’re amazing and impossibly sweet, B.  How could I ever say no to you?”


Come morning, Keegan woke up alone in the sheets that smelled of them and mind blowing sex.  His eyes searched for her and found her wrapped up in the blanket, her back to him and sitting on the top step of the stairs.  Rivulets of her hair reached up the apex of her bum and she was looking delicious as ever.  He crawled to her and sat behind her pulling her up against him.  She sighed and leaned back to him.

“What are you thinking, baby?”

“Just a playback of yesterday.  I woke up hurting. It hurt me too much to think I nearly lost you.  That you were hurt because of me and that if anything would’ve happened to you I’d simply die.”

“I’m here baby.  Nothing is going to happen anymore.  He will no longer hurt us or come between us.  I’d rather you just think about the now and the future ahead.”

“I love this place.  Thank you for having this made, B.  It brings back good memories.  It’s now my happy place.”

Keegan kissed her bare shoulder and cradled her baby bump. She panned her gaze to her man and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“You’re my happy place, baby.”

“Oh Keegan.  You’re my happy place too. I love you so much it hurts.  I don’t ever want to lose you.”

“You’ll never lose me.”

Then he kissed her softly and dried the tear that escaped her eyelid.  It was getting to be heated when a faint call was tapping into his mind link.  He broke the kiss.

“What is it, B?  What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.  Dan is just asking when we’re coming home.  He said he needed to talk to us.”

“Oh okay.  How about if we head home first and grab a real shower and come back?”

“Sounds like a plan.  I Love you Queran.”

“I love you more, B.”


“It’ll be fine, Dan. You are wearing a hole in the carpet.” 

Meg sat on the couch in a simple and conservative dress that reached her ankles. They invited Keegan and Queran for dinner and tell them about the engagement.  Meg blushed at the thought of that trying day which turned out to be one of the best days of her life apart from marrying her mate and having Queran in their lives.  Mikel would have wanted her to be happy.

“I feel like a teenager.  Keegan is 17 years younger than me for crying out loud and I am as nervous as hell.”

“It’s just dinner Dan.  Besides they would be thrilled.”

Dan knelt before her and held her hand to his chest.  He kissed her knuckles and brushed a strand of hair to the back of her ear.

“How can you be so calm about all this?”

She shrugged her shoulders.  “Because I know my daughter and that she would wish us happiness.  Keegan is no different.  They will understand.  And most of all..”

She traced his jaw with her finger.  “You are a good man Dan.  You would never hurt me.”

“Oh Meg. That is so true. I would never hurt you.  I love you too much.”

With that promise he sealed it with an impossibly sweet kiss that took their breath away.  He sat beside her as she wrapped her arms around his neck.  It was a chaste kiss between 2 people who respected each other and loved deeply.

“Is there something you wanted to tell us… Dan?”  Keegan interrupted as he tried to keep a serious face on.

He stood behind a giggling Queran.  He was smirking at the passionate exchange between the two love birds.  They hardly felt nor heard them walk through the door.  Queran turned all mushy when they heard the verbal exchange and she was now giggling because her moan of delight at seeing her mother happily in love again turned him on big time.  And so he quickly pulled her in front of him to hide his hard on before he embarrassed himself.  This was going to be a fun evening with the tables turned and he was going to have fun for sure in drilling a lovesick pup like the great doctor Dan Heeley. 

A/N:  Hey guys. Here is another chapter for your reading pleasure.  I am now tying up loose ends.  This is not yet the last chapter so please don't worry.  Thank you enormously for the support and the kind comments you send my way, not to mention the votes.  It feels so good to be appreciated so like always, please spare a vote and a comment.  I respond to each one of them.

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