The Shadow Walker

princesswithashotgun tarafından

537K 27.1K 17.4K

Eda is a flight-risk mercenary with a bad track record. Living on half-payments from uncompleted jobs, she ho... Daha Fazla

1. Half a Payment...Again
2. Gandalf's Pet
3. Gandalf's Pet's Nephew
4. Babysitting. Lovely.
5. Wishing for a Boat.
6. Bree. Not Much Improvement.
7. Meeting Gandalf's Pet
8. Oops.
9. Echoes of the Past
10. And, That's why I'm Here.
11. I'm Not Dead!!
12. Hi! Remember Me?
13. Plan B (Elladan)
14. I'm Officially Confused.
15. Late-Night Spelunking
16. Bored Equals Dangerous
17. In and Out
18. Apparently I Have a Conscience.
19. Playing With Fire
20. Bilbo's Legacy
21. Grouchy Elves
22. And, Here We Go.
23. Runaway Romance
24. Double Trouble
25. What did you do. Stop for Coffee??
26. Guest List
27. Touch-and-Go
28. Okay. I Don't Spelunk.
29. Spar of Princes
30. Havoc
31. Wait. What?
32. Another Adventure
33. Uncontrollable Variable
34. Releasing Fate
35. I Eat Crow, Not Crebain.
36. Where the Heart Leads
37. Precious Moments
38. Kiss the Girl
39. The Kraken, the Wizard, and the Cave
40. New Adventure
41. Truth Comes Out
42. Aragorn, Elected Peacemaker
43. Eye-Openers
44. Running
45. Survival
46. The Long Dark
47. Die?
48. Reunited
49. Nightmare
50. Awkward Silences
51. New Best Friend, Old Worst Enemy
52. Finally Understanding...?
53. Forgiveness (or Lack Thereof)
54. Some Things Bite You in the Butt
55. Truly Lost
56. On the Anduin
57. Planning. Bad Idea.
58. The Edge of a Knife
59. Music in the Night
60. Riders of Rohan
61. Village Healer
62. Mortality
63. The Time That is Given
64. Tula Nortor
65. The Trek
66. And, I Thought You Were Dead?
67. "Relationship" Issues
68. Wargs Make Bad Pets.
69. Alone
70. Words Finally Spoken
71. Honestly. Does Nobody Ever Stay Dead?
72. The Galadriel Factor
73. Galadhrim...and Friend
74. On the Wall
75. Off the Wall
76. Decisions
77. The Hardest Farewell
78. Difficult Choices
79. Whisperings
80. And, More Trouble
81. Coronation
82. Unwelcome Surprises
83. Naughty Dwarves are Disciplined.
84. Puzzle Pieces
85. Return of the Shadow Walker
86. Straight to the Castle
87. Messy Politics
89. Actions, Reactions, Overreactions
90. Unexpected Reunion
91. The Pillowfight
92. The Talk
93. The Wedding
94. After Hours
95. Life Goes On
96. Call to Battle
97. Journey Into the Unknown
98. Strategies and Their Perils
99. Denethor's Rebellion
100. Woodland Magic
101. Family Domestic
102. The Day Before
103. Us

88. Alliance Proposal

2.8K 177 117
princesswithashotgun tarafından

When Lachiel was safely out of the throne room, Thranduil sighed and moved down the stairs with the grace and poise of a lion. "Let us go to my private study. It seems we have more to discuss than I realized."

I nodded and followed him to the back of the throne room. I didn't dare breathe a word; Thranduil almost seemed willing to talk out the situation, maybe even come to an agreement.

He walked to a dark corner and knocked on the wooden wall. A panel slid back and to the side, revealing a hidden door. Thranduil walked through and motioned for me to follow.

On the other side was a wide hallway. The decorations were minimal, but elegant, lending this area a particularly noble feel. Two guards on either side of the door eyed me warily.

"She's with me." Thranduil's tone booked no argument. I really needed to learn how to do that. Thranduil strode down the hallway, and I scurried after him. He stopped in front of a large, carved door, and opened it. "After you," he said, standing back.

I hesitated. Was it a trap? Would he murder me in a hidden wing of his castle? Surely not...?

He rolled his eyes. "I too wish for peace, Amariel, and regardless of how poor or inexperienced a queen you may be, I doubt your kingdom would view an act of violence with kindly thoughts."

I snorted and walked past him into the room. "Um, thanks?" The study had a fireplace with couches arranged around a low table, which held a crystal pitcher of wine and several wineglasses. To the left sat a large desk with a large upholstered chair, and behind that were rows and rows of books.

"You're quite welcome." He came in and closed the door behind him, and motioned toward the fireplace setup. "Have a seat. Would you care for a glass of wine?"

As if he could fool me into getting drunk! "No, thank you." I sat on one of the plush sofas. Thranduil poured himself half a glass of wine and gracefully sank into the cushion on the opposite end. He placed Lachiel's necklace, and the pearlescent key, on the table, and we both gazed at it for a long moment.

"I spoke the truth when I said I knew nothing of your key's existence," he said finally. "I still am not entirely convinced this is the item you speak of. Lachiel has worn this piece for several decades."

"Like..." I did a quick calculation, "...three and a half?"

Thranduil's brow furrowed, and he glared at the table in thought. "Perhaps."

"Because that's when the key went missing."

Thranduil gave me a suspicious look. "Why are you just now looking for it?"

I huffed and sat back, letting my head rest on the cushion. The crown was really doing a number on my neck. "Because my stupid councilors thought I'd stolen it. And then for all those other years...I don't even know."

Thranduil gave a single snort of humorless laughter. "That moment when we realize our councilors aren't necessarily there to help us, and invariably have their own motives and schemes?" He sipped at his wine.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, pent-up frustration leaking into my exasperated tone. "'Yes, Your Majesty, you'll be eating breakfast with us for the indefinite future.' 'Oh by the way, Your Majesty, we're marrying you off. No matter that he's half your age and can't think with his own brain; you two will make a fine match.'" I threw my hands into the air in complete aggravation.

Thranduil laughed, startling me. To my surprise, his tone and expression held no condescension, only genuine amusement. As best I could tell. "Your simplistic view of politics is both refreshing and entertaining," he said. "I find myself empathetic—my advisors have gone to unnerving lengths, attempting to haggle me into remarriage."

"Hmm." I raised an eyebrow. "So who's the unlucky elleth?"

Thranduil scowled. "It's a pity your humor is more amusing when it is unintentional."

"So you have evaded them?" I pressed.

"Yes." He swirled the wine around the glass. "It is not so difficult to give them something else to bicker on about. There are marriages more critical than mine to arrange, for example."

I wondered if he'd arranged a marriage for Legolas, or if his advisors had. If so, why hadn't he told me? Had he even known?

Easy, Eda, let's take this one problem at a time.

"Back to the matter at hand..." I said slowly.

"Ah, yes. The key." Thranduil took a sip of his wine. "I am inclined to keep it. If it is what you say, I will be securing my kingdom from any potential harm your dragon may cause, intentionally or otherwise. If it is not, I will have saved myself the trouble of replacing a piece of my daughter's jewelry."

"And what am I supposed to make of that?" I said sharply. "My job is to protect my people—I can't do that if there's a key to a dragon's cage lying around somewhere!"

His eyes flashed. "And I cannot allow a witless Dwarf access to a force that could burn down the entirety of my forest!" His tone had turned cold and cutting.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead—honestly this stupid crown was giving me a headache. "Why are we enemies, Thranduil?" I asked quietly.

He scoffed. "What else could an Elvenking and a mountain Dwarf possibly be?"


Thranduil barked a sharp, single laugh. "And what could an alliance possibly benefit my kingdom? Would we be friends?" Bitterness saturated his sarcasm.


"And would my people be treated with fairness and equality within your boarders?"


"And would your warriors march to our aid, should we be overcome with foul creatures?"

I looked him in the eye. "Only if you would march to ours."

Thranduil held my gaze, unblinking, unwavering. He abruptly tore his eyes away and knocked back the rest of his drink. He set the glass on the table with a sharp clink and he stood, beginning to pace in front of the fireplace. "I am allied with the greatest kings of Arda. I have fought alongside the legends of Elven myth. I have become an Elven myth." He whirled to face me. "Why would I ally with you?"

I struggled to keep my calm. I hadn't lost this battle, not yet. "Two reasons," I said. My voice shook a little, and I cleared my throat.

"Do tell," Thranduil sneered.

I took a deep breath and lifted my chin. "Firstly, where did you think all your pretty little trinkets come from?" He opened his mouth to respond, but I interrupted him. "Oh, Elves can make pretty little trinkets, but I meant the jewels. You don't find precious stones lying around on the ground—they have to be mined."

Thranduil stopped his movement and glared at the wall behind my head, his expression reluctantly thoughtful.

I continued tentatively. "An alliance would mean Elven-made tools for my workers, which would mean an increase in efficiency. We, in turn, would trade some of our wealth, causing an increase in wealth, for both our nations. You'd get more trinkets, sell the ones you don't want, make more famous friends."

There was a long pause. Then Thranduil said, "You said there were two reasons I should ally to you. What is the other?"

I hesitated. Did I really want to do this? The simple answer was yes—if it worked, which it should, the end would justify the means.

"I would let you keep the key."

His eyes snapped to meet mine. Disbelief crossed his expression, then distrust. "Only a moment ago you insisted such an act would endanger your precious mountain."

"It would, unless we had a strong alliance and mutual trust," I replied. "If, however, that alliance were in place, it would be wiser for the key to remain in your posession. My defences clearly aren't what they ought to be; I stole my own Arkenstone and the guard let me! Now what does that tell you?"

Thranduil snorted. "That you have no minimum intelliegence required for your selection of guards. Really, it's a miracle Lachiel didn't steal that, too."

I made a mental note. It actually sounded like a good idea.

"I will work on that," I said. "But I would want an outward expression of your trust, as well. I could not surrender the key to anyone unless I was absolutely sure they would not betray me."

Thranduil sighed and crossed his arms. "That would seem reasonable. What did you have in mind? I have a number of artifacts worthy to decorate a throne room; I would let you pick one."

"Oh no no no," I said, and chuckled under my breath. "I have no interest in your pretty trinkets. They mean even less to you than they do me—why else would you give them away so freely?" I smiled. "After all...what could my precious little mountain possibly want that you would have to offer?"

He gazed at me for a long moment, his countanance darkening to a glare. "Do you derive pleasure from this?"

"Oh yes." I tried to at least control my smile, but seeing Thranduil caught between what he wants and what he needs was too beautiful a moment.

He continued his restless strides back and forth. "You must have the answer to your own question, otherwise you wouldn't have asked it."

"You're right, I do." I smirked, even though I couldn't help but feel nervous. Did I even stand a chance of gaining his approval?

Thranduil suddenly froze mid-step, a look of horror sweeping over his face. "You...aren't suggesting...we get married!?"

I laughed. I laughed until I was doubled over, gasping for breath. And then I laughed a little bit more.

I finally sat up and attempted to rein in my reaction. Despite Thranduil's shocked and slightly insulted expression, I managed to calm myself. "No, King Thranduil, I was not suggesting you marry me."

He sank into the sofa nearest to him and ran a hand over his face. "Praise the Valar for their merciful kindness."

I folded my hands primly and braced myself for the hurricane. "I was suggesting your son marry me."

***Author's Note***

Cliffy!! ;) Please vote and comment, I look forward to seeing what you think! I am still in the process of writing the next chapter; life is happening without my consent and writing is unfortunately the first thing to go. :/  But don't worry my little peepacheeps, I'm hoping to finish the next chapter and update next week. Lots 'o luv!

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