Red Viper

By Ronnika409

458K 10.4K 974

"Love me or hate me, both are in my favor.... If you love me, I'll be in your heart. If you hate me, I'll alw... More

Red Viper
Purple Wedding
The Trial
The Red Viper and The Mountain
His Prize
The Rock
Welcome to Dorne
Sand Snakes
Not an Update
The Wedding
Morning After
Sparing and Schemes
Failed Seduction
Poison Poison
Stones and Sand
Merchant and Talks
A walk to Sept
Vipers and Letter
Not an Update
Ships on Ocean
Questions by Me
The Conquer of Tully Castle
Battle of Bastards
The Queen and King in the North
Snow and the Hunt
Not a Update
Untold Stories
Schemes over Lunch
The End
Just some Musings

Water Gardens

12.2K 324 19
By Ronnika409

"I imagine this all very different for you, my lady." Daemon linked her arm through his, his orange sleeve brushing against the red viper coiled around her arm.

Ronnika just smiled, a smile that in her books meant that you're dead but she controlled herself. She didn't like Daemon touching her, only touch she wanted was Oberyn's." It is, but it is a nice change. Weather is different, the clothing, food, the people and their accent is all very different. I like it but I must confess that I do miss Casterly Rock and Winterfell, at least what I remember of it."

They walked through the maze of green trees, yellow and pink flowers with beautiful fountains that enhanced the beauty of the water gardens on a warm sunny day, under the crystal blue sky. Ronnika didn't knew the motives Daemon had, the only reason she agreed to walk with him was to find his motives. Everyone had motives, small or big, everyone including charming flirt such as Bastard of Godsgrace, even him.

"Why are we here Daemon ? What is it that you want ? Ronnika abruptly stopped, unlinking her arm from Daemon's, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned against the wall." Be honest."

Daemon's surprised face turned into a smug one with sly smirk gracing his lips as he licked his bottom lip," It is true what they say about you. Nothing gets past the Lone Wolf."

Ronnika unimpressed stared at him blankly," If you don't start talking the only thing that is going to pass is my dagger through your heart. I'm not a patient person."

"I know. I've heard stories about you, about your temper, your impatience, your skills and most importantly your beauty." His dark hazel eyes diluted as he stepped forward towards her. His hand cupped her cheek as his thumb caressed her fair skin." You. I want to spend a night with you."

The only thing that was running through her mind was how much she wanted to chop off his fingers. Had he gone mad ? Did he forget who she was ? Who Oberyn was ? If Oberyn even saw them in this position he'd kill him without a second thought, not that she would mind.

"Was this the same thing you said to Arianne Martell ? Before you took her virginity, before you fucked her ?" Her question took Daemon off guard as he his eyes widened slightly but still he didn't move an inch away from her.

The atmosphere between them thickened, Arianne Martell was still a touchy subject and she knew she had hit the nerve. She grabbed his hand, snatching it off her." I wonder where she is ? Tell me Daemon did you love her ? Or did you just want to fuck her like me ? His fists clenched just as his jaw clicked, yet the silence between them screamed loudly." I see I've hit a quiet nerve here. Tell me Daemon, I'm waiting."

"You loved her." She stated, the silence between them confirmed her suspicions when Daemon made no move to correct her statement. Her fingers brushed against the golden snake, her eyes met his," You see this." She referred to Oberyn's gift. "Oberyn will kill you before you even lay a finger on me if didn't kill you first."

"Tell me why I shouldn't tell Oberyn that your dirty fingers touched me." She demanded as last bit of her pity left when the image of Daemon kissing Oberyn the night before flashed and her resolution strengthened. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you." He took a step back in fear as she stalked forward, rounding him up like a prey." You know I can and I will. I'll just say you tried to rape me and I killed you in self-preservation. The case will be closed there and then, so tell me, Bastard of Godsgrace, why I shouldn't I kill you ?"

He audibly gulped as a shiver ran down his spine when he felt the tip of her dagger press into his shoulder, as it was dragged across his broad shoulders to shoulder blade of another side," Tell me Daemon." She hissed, poison filled her voice.

"Because I can help you." He raspy voice choked. "I'll share secrets, words that roam around the castle walls and streets. Wolves and snakes don't mix, you know it."

Ronnika stilled, she knew it. Martell's ruled the Dorne, as especially the Sunspear but you couldn't rule an empire without making a few enemies. As the wise words said, Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. "Leave. Before I kill you anyway." She lowly whispered in sultry voice as her pink lips brushed against his ear shell.

And he did. She saw his figure disappear into green maze as she muttered," Such a pity, a boy so pretty." She knew Daemon would approve a creditable assert, he was well liked, famous and a charmer, all of three were deadly combination if given in wrong hands. She was still trying to process the guts he had, he proposed her to spend a night with him, if it was anyone else they'd have been dead lying in a pool of blood on the floor. But it was Daemon, cunning bastard under the pretty face.

She wondered through the hallways, thinking about her wedding. Wedding which was only two days away which everyone was busy preparing for. In two days she longer would be a Stark, she'd be a Martell, princess of Dorne; Oberyn's queen, Ronnika Martell. The name sounded tasted so strange on her tongue, so unfamiliar yet had a certain appeal to her. She still couldn't believe she was going to get married, no less getting married to Red Viper himself.

Before she met Oberyn she was just a fierce warrior who everyone feared, the Lone Stark stuck at The Rock who cared for no one else. The only things she cared about was Winterfell and the Starks who she couldn't protect even when she wanted to, the only thing that kept her alive was thought of getting Winterfell back but in the process it made her cold and ruthless, feared by everyone. But then she met Oberyn and not the wildest dream had she imagined she'd fall in love with him, marry him, care for him when she didn't even care about herself. Maybe that's the thing about him. He makes her care.

She stopped in front of the ebony door, colored dark brown. She had no idea how she ended up there, she looked around to find no one else but herself. She was curious of what was behind those heavy doors, and she pushed them open. The door slightly creaking, and she entered the lone room. Her eyes roaming around the room, there was bed on one side, a fireplace, a balcony opening to the ocean. Books arranged properly, even dusted as her eyes ran down and pinned on toys. The little toys, heavily jeweled with deft crafting. She picked up the small sparrow that had diamonds for its eyes, fashioned in gold.

"That was Ellia's favorite toy from when we were little." The voice lowly spoke, creating goosebumps on her arms. The voice she was so accustomed to, a voice that she'd never forget even if she wanted to, Oberyn's

She turned around to find him walking out of balcony, walking towards her in his yellow sun studded tunic but she soon realized where she was, she was in Ellia Martell's room, his sister's room. She now understood why no one else was around, why was it so neatly kept. Oberyn's fingers brushed against hers as he took the toy out of her hand," She always wanted to fly and see the world, always so curious with tinge of wanderlust in her eyes. I still remember the day when father said we were to sail to Kingslanding and how her eyes brightened with excitement. "

Ronnika kept quiet as she listened to him, she knew he loved his sister dearly. He had to be close to her from everything he had done for her. She knew Oberyn was complicated man with unknown past, a past she only heard in rumors. A past she so desperately wanted to listen about but she never asked him, thinking he would tell her when the right time came. "She was the only person who taught me everything I know about love, she used to smack me at back of head and call me an idiot when I played dangerous pranks. She loved the Mad King, and when she left for Kingslanding, I thought it was strange that absence can feel like presence."

"When I heard he left her for another woman, I was enraged. My sister loved him with everything she had yet he still left her. The war broke out and I came to face a reality I didn't want to. Reality where my innocent sister was dead and so were her children. I tried to drown myself in alcohol, women and fights but sometimes reality has a way of sneaking up and biting us. We can only lie to ourselves for so long. I was tired, I was scared, and denying it doesn't change the truth. Sooner or later I had to put aside my denial and face the world. I learned I was going to watch the ones I love die, and there's nothing I can do about it." He said as his hands tightened around the gold toy and Ronnika put her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it, giving him reassurance that yes, she was there. She will always be there for him.

He looked at her and smiled weakly," And all of these sorrows I have seen, they lead me to believe that everything's a mess."

"What better way to forget our sorrows than to fall in love." She said softly as her other hand came over his hand that was holding the golden sparrow.

Their eyes connected, his black eyes clashing her chestnut brown. There was this connection between them that made everything around them chemical, a connection that made it impossible for them to stay away from one another. She was beautiful and bright like the sun and just as deadly, he thought as he leaned down to press a chaste kiss on her lips. And she kissed him back, a man without ethics was a wild beast loosed upon the world. He was the beast and she was the beauty just as deadly. They leaned away and spent some time watching the waves crash on golden seashore, letting the silence talk between them.

Ronnika was reading a book about dragons, a sudden interest ignited in her when she remembered that Daenerys Targaryen across the Narrow Sea had three of them. It was then when Jamie entered her room with loud bang of doors. His expressions grim as he walked in long strides right at her. Confusion clouded her mind as she stood up," What happened -" Before she could even finish the sentence she brought into a warm embrace. Jamie held her tightly to himself, as picked her up twirling around.

"You were right ! You were right about Myrcella." Jamie happily exclaimed, that explained a lot. Hearing Jamie's happy voice made her lips curve into a wide smile, she was so happy for him. Jamie meant a lot to her, he was her rock, he was always there when when she needed someone and he deserved every happiness there was. He set her down again bringing her into hug, and she wound her arms around him, returning his warm embrace as he whispered," Thank you. Thank you."

She leaned away," I told you so idiot." She knew Myrcella would accept Jamie. She tucked her hair behind her ear," So, how did you tell her ?" She asked him curiously. Her blonde cousin was not the one who could put his feelings into words.

Jamie poured himself wine," We walked and then I talked. Well, I tried to talk about love and how complicated it can be but I ended up as me looking like a rambling fool. She told me she knew." He sipped his drink giving her a sharp look,"She knew, she told me she it for a while now." She just wanted Jamie to be happy and accepted by his children, she was happy Myrcella accepted Jamie as his father, just like Joffrey. And maybe her sweet niece was not as oblivious as she anticipated her to be. 

"So, what  are you going to do now ? Tell Tommen." She asked as put his goblet down. Tommen was a sweet boy who didn't get the fatherly love he wanted or deserved. Robert was drunken bastard who could care less about his children, Jamie couldn't go near him and his elder brother was a sadistic bastard who loved torturing people. Tommen needed some father figure and Jamie no doubt would make an excellent one, after Tommen got over the fact that his father was his uncle.

"Yes, I will tell him when I get back. He is my son and it his right to know." Jamie spoke as he flipped first few pages of the book Ronnika was reading not so long ago. "When is the wedding ?" He asked as shut the book, not bothering her ask her about the book. He knew his cousin would read anything and everything. She always had curious mind.

Ronnika looked away from Jamie, looking ahead," In two days." She stiffly answered. The mere thought of marriage scared her, and she was marrying Oberyn Martell and that was something that terrified her.

"You don't sound or look happy about it." Jamie narrowed his eyes at her, commenting on the weary expression she had. 

She wanted scoff, of course she wasn't. She was getting married and not only marrying any one but none other than Oberyn Nymeros Martell. She was marrying a man who was known for his infamous sexual appetite and people shuddered in fear just by hearing his name. He was the viper in skin of sinfully beautiful man. Beautiful but poisonous, a man who poisoned and killed anything that stood in his way.

She smiled weakly," I'm." Jamie shot her look that said are you kidding me. She sighed, running her hand through her hair," I'm just... I don't know Jamie. I never thought I'd be getting married and a prince at that. I mean I was never that girl - a girl who would get married to a darling lord and live in castle, popping some children out as his heir. I'm not that."

"What if it doesn't work out between me and Oberyn. We both have tempers and head strong opinions. The things we can do, the chaos and destruction we can cause, things we could do to one another that will drive us crazy. The only thing I see in scenario like that is, : Kiss me or kill me."

Jamie just smiled at her, an idiotic smile that irked and annoyed her to no end. She huffed," What is it Jamie ? And wipe that idiotic smile off your face before I do."

His smiled widened as his eyes twinkled in amusement," You're in love, my dear cousin. Crazy stupid love."

She just shook her head, letting out an sardonic chuckle," Fuck my life."

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