Destiny's Embrace (Bunnymund...

By Joshu_fox

83K 1.8K 255

An 18 year-old named Josh with special abilities and powers lives right next door to Jamie and Sophie. Soon... More

Character description
Meeting Jack Frost
The Guardians
The Boogeyman
Meeting the Guardians and Reunion
Being a Guardian and Defending a Friend
Our Center and Trouble
The sleigh and the Tooth Palace
The Boogeyman and Josh's Powers
Teeth and Explainations
Teeth Collecting and Talking
Change of Clothing, Gifts, and Mayhem in Jamie's Room!
Nightmares and Sandman
Sandy's Funeral, The Warren, and Sophie!?
Easter Preparations, Painting, and Decision
Gifts and Confessions
Pitch, Easter Disaster, and The Truth
Fighting Pitch, Jack's Center, and Regaining Believers
Strength, Sandmans Return, Fun, Goodbye Pitch, and Oath.

Finding and Believing in Jack. Aster is a...bunny!?

2.3K 60 1
By Joshu_fox

Josh POV

It has been an hour since I left the workshop, still looking for Jack. As I flew around in the sky, I stopped for a moment and sat on a cloud. "This is getting me nowhere! Think! Where would Jack go to be alone?" I muttered to myself as I think of a couple of places.

Burgess? No, that would be to easy to find him. Alaska? No. Australia? Probably reminds him too much of Aster. Hmm...

A few minutes passed before the answer came to me. "Antarctica..." I said softly as I got off the cloud and flew in the direction of Antarctica.

In 2 minutes, thanks to my super speed, I was directly above Antarctica. I flew down and flew around the place, in hopes of finding a figure wearing a blue hoodie and brown pants. White hair would be next to impossible to find.

3 minutes passed before I finally saw Jack, and unfortunately, Pitch too. What i saw made my blood boil. I was now seeing Jack lying in a crevasse, holding his sides in pain. But that wasn't what made me pissed. I saw Pitch throw down Jack's staff, broken in two.

I flew down towards Pitch, but landed a few feet away from him silently. I then used my powers to make one of the glaciers turn into a giant fist. Then, I made it hit an unsuspecting Pitch, knocking him a few feet from where he once stood.

He looked around in shock of what just happened to him, until his gold eyes landed on me. He smirked as he got up. "Ah Josh! Just who I wanted to see! How did you like bunny's hopeless face? It must be heartbreaking to see such a look on your favorite Guardian." Pitch said while grinning.

I glared at him as my hands started to glow an icy blue, ready to use my ice powers. "Shut up!" I yelled as I sent a couple of ice blasts at Pitch, but he used his damn black sand to block them. I got angrier than I was earlier.

"The look on his face was horrifying!! I don't EVER!! Want to see that look on his face again!!! I also saw what you did to Jack! YOU WILL PAY!!!" I yelled as my attacks became harsher as Pitch was starting to have some difficulty blocking my attacks.

I then switched from ice to water as I made a moving motion with my hands as some of the water rises from the sea. "THIS IS FOR ASTER!!!!" I yelled angrily as I charged at him as the water followed and attacked Pitch.

I heard Pitch yell in pain as the water attacked him furiously. I soon stopped my assault with the water as I heard him coughing furiously. I then switched from water to ice as I made another giant fist and aimed it at Pitch. "AND THIS IS FOR JACK!!!" I yelled as the giant ice fist punched him so hard, that he went flying very fast into the distance that I couldn't see him anymore.

I soon calmed down as turned towards the crevasse that I saw Jack lying in. I walked towards it and jumped down to see him looking at his teeth before looking up at me in shock as I then hugged him in relief.

"Jack! Your all right! I know that Pitch tricked you, so do the Guardians! I told them what was really going on!" I say as I let him go. I looked at his face to see a smile as he looked back at his teeth. I was confused at first, until I remembered what Tooth said about memories in the teeth.

"You just saw your memories, didn't you?" I asked him. He nodded. "You now know who you were or are now?" I asked him. He nodded again. I looked down at his broken staff. "What about your staff?" I asked as he picked up the two pieces.

Jack attempted on his first try, to piece them together again, it didn't work. The second time however, the area of the staff that was broken, let out a bright light as the staff became whole again. Jack laughed happily at this before turning to me with a smile.

"You ready?" He asked while grinning. I gave one back. "Oh yeah." I said as my wings expanded as me and Jack flew out of the crevasse and made our way back to Burgess. We then flew into the woods to find an old bed stand on top of a hole in the ground.

Me and Jack flew down there and I saw many cages, holding Tooth's fairies in them. We opened some of the cages doors to see that none of them are flying out.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked them as they squealed. We looked at all the other cages to see that all of them are perched on a bar inside the cages. "None of you can fly?" I asked while looking at them.

I heard Jack calling me from below. "Josh! The lights!" He yelled as I turned around and landed on the ground to see a Globe showing believers. Many of the lights were going out at once. "They're all going out." Jack said as we looked all around the Globe. "Only seven left, and there going out too!" I exclaimed as we watch all except for two lights to go out. "One of the two must be me." I told Jack as he nodded. "Your right. But who is the other one?" Jack asked. We came close to the Globe for a better look to see that the other believer was... "Jamie!" Me and Jack exclaimed as we left the dark cave and flew towards Jamie's house.

When we got there, Jack stood on the ledge of Jamie's room window, while I was hovering (right?) besides him as we listened to Jamie talking to a stuffed bunny.

"Okay. Look, you and I are obviously at what they call a crossroads. So here's what's gonna happen. If it wasn't a dream and if you are real then you have to prove it, like, right now." We heard Jamie say to the stuffed bunny. Me and Jack develop sad looks on our faces as we watched.

"I've believed in you for a long time, okay? Like, my whole life, in fact. So you kind of owe me now. You don't have to do much. Just a little sign so I know." Jamie said with a little hope. Me and Jack's faces gained a depressing look.

"Anything. Anything at all." Jamie said with what little hope he had left. When he got no response from the stuffed bunny, he frowned.

"I knew it." Jamie said sadly as he let the stuffed bunny fall off his lap and on to the floor.

I gasped silently in horror as I watched Jamie give up hope. 'Jamie please! Don't give up on the Easter Bunny just yet!! Please! If he disappears... I-I don't think I can handle life without my Aster!' I thought while I was silently starting to cry.

Through my blurry vision, I saw Jack enter Jamie's room and draw an Easter egg on the window using frost. (Did that make sense?)

I wiped my tears as I hid from Jamie's view as he looked at the window. Jack then used his frost to make an image of a bunny on the top window, which he soon, to my surprise, made it come to life in a slightly transparent, icy blue color as it hopped around Jamie's room.

I see Jack and Jamie laughing as Jamie chased the bunny around his room. Eventually the bunny then 'poofed' in the form of snow in the middle of Jamie's room. Jamie looked around in awe.

"Snow?" Jamie asked questionably as he looked around.

At that moment though, a small drop of snow landed on his nose. Jamie had a confused look on his face, until realization settled in as his eyes went wide. He then uttered two words that brought joy and happiness to my face as I heard him say...

Jack POV

"Jack Frost." Jamie said

I froze in shock. 'What...did he just say? Did I hear him right?' I thought as I turned to face Jamie.

"Did he just say..." I muttered, trailing off.

"Jack Frost?" Jamie said questionably as he stood up in his bed.

I gasped in shock of what I just heard him say.

"He said it again. He said... You said..." Trailing off again as I walked closer to Jamie.

Jamie then turned to me with a shocked face as he gasped.

"Jack Frost." Jamie said in awe as his jaw dropped a little looking at me.

"That's right! But that's me! Jack Frost! That's my name!" I said in happiness as I turned away from Jamie and back to him. "You said my name." I said, looking at Jamie as he continued to gawk at me.

"Wait. Can you hear me?" I asked Jamie questionably. He nodded. "Can you... Can you see me?" I asked him. To my pure joy, Jamie nodded, looking happily at me.

I started to laugh a bit in joy.

"He sees me! He sees me!" I said in pure happiness at finally being seen by someone in 300 years. I then did a back flip in joy and landed on his desk.

"You just made it snow!" Jamie said to me.

"I know!" I said to him.

"In my room!" Jamie said in mixed awe and joy

"I know!" I said in delight.

"Your real?" Jamie asked me.

"Yeah! Who do you think brings you all the blizzards and the snow days? And you remember when you went flying on that sled the other day?" I asked, already knowing Jamie's answer.

"That was you!?" Jamie exclaimed.

"That was me!" I exclaimed in equal excitement.

"Cool!" Jamie said happily.

"Right?" I asked. Again, already know the answer.

"But what about the Easter Bunny? And the Tooth Fairy?" Jamie asked me in high hopes of a yes.

"Real, real, real! Every one of us is real." I told him reassuringly.

"I knew it!" Jamie said as he hopped up and down on the bed.

"Jamie, who are you talking to?" We heard his mom say from another room. Jamie immediately stood still.

"Umm..." Jamie said while passing glances at me. I just jerked my head, telling him to go ahead, tell her. "Jack Frost?" Jamie said questionably, possibly in hopes that his mom bought that excuse.

We heard his mother chuckle. "Okay." We heard her say passively. Jamie then looked back at me.

"Well, I'm happy that you didn't give up hope, Jamie." We heard Josh say from the windowsill. I almost forgotten that he was there. I should keep quit though, I don't want to be trapped in a crystal again.

Josh POV

I jumped silently into the room as Jamie and Jack looked at me.

"Josh?" Jamie asked questionably to me.

I turned to him as I walked towards him. "Yep, I've been with Jack this entire time. Just thought of not interrupting an important moment for Jack just now, that's all." I said, looking at Jack happily.

We then heard the window open fully with audible 'bang'. We turned towards the window to see black thundering clouds in the sky. We looked back at each other before going up to the window for a better look at the situation.

We all then heard the familiar sounds of bells from North's sleigh as it pulled up near the house, in a very sloppy fashion.

Me and Jack then jumped out the window and in front of the sleigh to see Tooth and North.

"Jack! Josh!" Tooth exclaimed happily jumping out of the sleigh rather weakly, seeing as she can't fly, and North can barely hold himself up. 'Things have gotten worse since I left...' I thought as Jack helped Tooth stand up.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked her as North walked over to us.

"What are you doing here?" North asked Jack.

"Same as you." Jack said as Jamie came running out the house towards us.

"The last light." North muttered in slight awe.

"Wow. It is you! I mean, it is you!" Jamie said happily as he walked towards North.

"I knew it wasn't a dream!" Jamie said before turning around to look at Jack as he smiled at him.

Tooth and North looked at Jack in awe. "Jack, he sees you." North said as Jack elbowed Jamie playfully.

I then took a good look at Tooth and North to see that it is only those two. Where is Aster?

"Wait... Where's Aster?" I asked the two of them as Jack and Jamie took on a concerned look.

Tooth and North looked at me sadly.

"Well Josh..." Tooth trailed off.

"Losing Easter took its toll on all of us. Bunny most of all." North told us sadly as he and Tooth turned to the sleigh.

We all turned to the sleigh to see something small hop out of it. My jaw dropped as well as my eyes widened in absolute shock at what I was seeing.

There stood Aster, but he wasn't 5 foot 6 like when I last saw him. No...there stood Aster, as an adorable, normal sized bunny rabbit, with his nose wiggling cutely.


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