Forbidden Love at Waterloo Ro...

By imfeelinghappynow

95.8K 1K 188

When the Barry family move to Waterloo Road, Mr Byrne's daughter, Kaitlin becomes fascinated by the eldest so... More

Forbidden Love at Waterloo Road
Chapter 2: Going back to school and ending up in hospital
Chapter 3: The party and the kiss
Chapter 4: There's a first time for everything
Chapter 5: The return of an old face
Chapter 6: Birthday engagement
Chapter 7: Dad's opinion
Chapter 8: Sian's goodbye
Chapter 9: Exams and Easter holidays
Chapter 10: The school house
Chapter 11: First day blues
Chapter 12: Moving in
Chapter 13: Running away
Chapter 14: Josh
Chapter 15: First treatment
Chapter 16: Steve-O arrested
Chapter 17: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Chapter 18: Good bye father
Chapter 19: Wayne
Chapter 20: Kyle's back
A Sequel
Sequel: Family is only skin deep
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 2
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 3
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 5
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 6
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 7
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 8
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 9
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 10
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 11
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 12 - Christmas!
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 13
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 14
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 15
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 16
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 17
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 18
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 19
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 20
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 21
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 22
Family is only skin deep: Epilogue
New story
10 years later

Family is only skin deep: Chapter 4

1.1K 15 4
By imfeelinghappynow

“And look who’s come to stay with us tonight” Maggie said when we were all in the dining room eating dinner, I wasn’t paying attention since I was doing coursework as well as eating but Rhiannon slapped my arm and I turned around to see Ashleigh walking inside. A Huge smile spread across my face as I stood up and she let out a shout of ‘mummy’ and came running over, smiling I gladly picked her up and engulfed her in a hug. “Her foster parents are running late with work and the babysitter cancelled, said you’d be happy to have her” Maggie told me and I smiled as I sat down on the chair again, bouncing Ashleigh on my knee. Most of the kids in the schoolhouse hadn’t really met Ashleigh yet since I’d always gone to her house rather than brought her here so they all came over to see her. “She’s proper cute, Kait” Rhiannon said and I let my new best friend hold her which Ashleigh apparently loved as she sat giggling the whole time Rhiannon had her. Ashleigh had come with pyjamas and clean clothes and all the things she needed so at 7 o’clock Maggie let me give her a bath and I got her into her pyjamas. While bathing her, Maggie had done a blow up bed and sorted out some blankets so at 8 o’clock I tucked her into bed and read her favourite book which she had also come with. “Night princess” I whispered to her and kissed her forehead before getting up off the floor, I turned on the nightlight she’d brought and shut the door slightly and went downstairs. “She asleep?” Maggie asked quietly and I nodded before going into the dining room again to finish my coursework and I went to bed at about 1 o’clock when I’d finished.

 I woke up earlier than I normally did the day after, I got straight into the shower and quickly got dressed, putting my hair up in a bun to dry. I quickly got out Ashleigh’s clothes and woke her up “Hiya love” I said to her and she smiled sleepily, rubbing her eyes. I picked her up and took her and her clothes into the bathroom, I brushed her teeth and washed her face and under her arms before pulling on the dress she’d come with and pulled her pants up. I brushed her hair slowly and lightly before chasing her down the stairs and leaving her with Maggie so I could go back upstairs and get ready properly, doing my hair and make-up. “Will you tell Lowsley I’ll be late in, taking Ashleigh round to her foster parents” I said to Rhiannon as we walked up the drive, Rhiannon nodded and hugged Ashleigh before we went the opposite way down the street and I walked Ashleigh back, hugging her tight when we had to say good bye.  Once I’d stood and talked with Georgina for a couple of minutes, I said bye and stuck my earphones in as I walked along the pavement and blasted out Pierce the Veil as I went to school. “Ahh, nice of you to join us” Mr Lowsley said when I walked into the classroom they were using for the Waterloo Road Junk-tion or whatever it was, all I knew was that I was the only girl doing it with Barry, Kevin, Connor, Darren, Harley and some other lads. “Sorry sir, had to take Ashleigh back home” I told him and he nodded as I went over to where Connor and Kevin were, I pulled my hair back and tied it up “So, what have we got?” I asked and went through the clothes, decided what would sell better than other’s and what probably wouldn’t sell at all.

The bell had already gone for first period and I was sat with Barry and Darren, helping them to decide the items that would sell better when Miss Boston walked in. “Aye, are you going to the party later, miss?” Darren asked when she was about to walk out, me and Barry looked at each other then over at Darren again. “Sounds like you’re asking me on a date” Miss Boston said and I burst out laughing “Aw yes, Miss” I said and high fived her as Darren tried to cover it up “I just meant that are you with the other teachers?” he said frantically and I carried on laughing while putting out some more of the things onto the table. “Relax, Darren. It’s a joke” Miss Boston said and she walked out, the smirk still plastered on her face from what had happened, I turned back to Darren and laughed again “Ah, she bombed ya out there, mate” Barry said and everyone laughed as Darren looked down in embarrassment. I looked at Barry and rolled my eyes as I stopped laughing “So who are you taking then, Darren?” I asked him and leant forwards on the table, leaning my elbows on it. I watched him as he looked at me then saw his eyes glance down, “Nah…I-I wouldn’t take any of the girls from this school” Darren said and I did a sarcastic gasp and sat back off the table “And what’s wrong may I ask with the girls at this school?” I asked and raised an eyebrow, looking at Barry. “Well er what I meant was that the only decent girl is you and your Barry’s lass” Darren stuttered and I laughed a little, I saw Barry glance at me almost hurt in his eyes but I dismissed it and looked back at Darren. “I might o’ been Barry’s lass last year, Darren” I said and got up from the chair I was sat in, “Going for a slash, sir” I said to Mr Lowsley and walked out the classroom before he could object.

Barry’s POV

“Thought you an’ ‘er was alright now? You said you was back together?” Darren asked me, I looked at him and grabbed some computer games, putting them under my jacket. “Yeah well maybe I were wrong” I said and stalked off out the classroom, not even asking to leave or telling Lowsley where I was going. I was angry that was certain, I thought me and Kaitlin were alright, I wanted us to be alright, actually I needed us to be alright I felt empty without her in my life. I stormed off down the corridor, smirking a tiny bit as some first years jumped out of my way. I hated not knowing where I stood with Kaitlin, I loved her, and I loved her a lot. I was scared she had found someone new, someone better than me, someone who could protect her and not put her in any danger like I had, I hated myself for putting her in danger last year. I shouldn’t have let her meet Steve-O, I shouldn’t have let my mum break us up the first time, I shouldn’t have done any of the crap stuff I did last year and I would hate myself for it probably for the rest of my life. “Dyn, can I have a word?” I asked my sister when I approached her, she turned around from Imogen and nodded before I walked into an empty classroom and she followed behind. “Has Kaitlin got a new lad or summit?” I asked her straight and she just stared at me, obviously shocked by my question. “Dyn, has she or not?!” I snapped at her. Dynasty looked at me and sighed “Last week when we were selling the cakes in town some guy came over and she knew him and she was hugging him and he kissed her cheek but she wouldn’t tell me who he was…” she told me, I felt my fists clench and I again stormed out the classroom, stalking off down the corridor, to where I didn’t know.

Kaitlin’s POV

Once I’d been to the toilet I managed to catch up with Connor and Kevin and I went with them to get some more of the stuff we needed. “Hey” I said to Barry as he came into the classroom a few minutes later but he ignored me and grabbed some other stuff, “Barry?” I shouted to him but he didn’t reply or even look back, I just shrugged it off and grabbed a box before walking with Connor and Kevin. I just carried on walking when Christine walked out and put the box I had on a table in the other classroom, I walked over to Barry once I’d discarded of the box but he walked away from me “For fuck sake” I said to myself and grabbed Barry’s hand, dragging him across the corridor and into an empty classroom, ignoring his shouts to be let go. “Why are you ignoring me?!” I snapped at him when I shut the door, he walked away and over the window, looking outside. “Barry Barry you fucking answer me right now. Why are you ignoring me all of a sudden?” I shouted at him and he turned around to face me, I could see the obvious anger in his eyes as much as he tried to hide it. “Who is he?” he asked sternly, I knew who he was asking about but I didn’t want to tell him, not yet. “Who, Barry?” I asked acting dumb but he saw straight through it, he always knew when I was lying. “Don’t play dumb, Kaitlin, who’s this new guy you have?!” he snapped at me, I knew Dynasty had told him, who else would have? “What’s it to you, Barry? We broke up!” I shouted at him and for the second time in the space of about 10 minutes I saw a prang of hurt in his eyes. “Yeah and I thought we were getting close again, we were getting like we used to!” he said, he didn’t shout. That’s what hurt me most, the fact that he was almost upset about this that he couldn’t shout at me anymore. “I-Sorry…I’m sorry that you thought that, Barry, I really am but I-I just want to be happy and I’m happy with my new boyfriend…” I said to him and I walked out the door before I let any sort of tear fall from my eyes, I walked down the corridor and into the bathroom. I missed him. I missed him a lot, I really did.

I quickly re-applied my make up after I’d stopped myself crying and pulled out my phone “Babe? Ya know that stuff you was on about last week? Can I get some please, babe?” I asked him down the phone, I smiled when he said yeah and I told him I was coming round before hanging up the phone and shoving it in my pocket. I opened the toilet door and peered out to check nobody was coming and practically ran down the corridor and into the entrance hall, luckily not being met by anyone. I pushed open the doors and ran down the steps, going up the drive and along the pavement to where his house was. “’Iya baby” he said when he opened the door and he pulled me instead, closing the door by pushing me back on it and kissing me. I smiled against his lips, almost forgetting how upset I really was about Barry and kissed him back before he took me into the living room “I’ll let you have them for free cause I love ya” he said and he rolled up some weed blunt and handed it to me, he did one for himself and lit them both up. I’d done weed a couple of times before but vowed not to do it again, I guess that went down the drain as I put the roll up to my lips and smoked it.

I spent about half an hour at his house before heading back to school, I was about half way there when my phone went off, I pulled it out to see a text from Barry ‘The body prize’ it read with a picture attached, I frowed my brows thinking it would be some jokey picture he’d taken of himself and my eyes widened when I opened the attachment to see an explicit picture Rhiannon, I knew Barry wouldn’t of just sent this to me so…he must of sent it to everyone. “Shit” I said and started running back to school. Once I got back though it was already break time and it seemed as though everyone had seen the picture of Rhiannon already “Barry, why have you got a picture of Rhiannon like that? And why did you send it to other people?!” I hissed at him when I approached him and Darren; I looked at Darren, who was looking at something on his phone so I snatched it from him, “Don’t tell me he sent it to you too, Darren” I said and looked at what he was looking at. My eyes widened. It wasn’t a picture of Rhiannon; it was a picture of me. I clenched my jaw and grabbed both of their arms, dragging them into an empty classroom, I also made sure to dig my nails into their skin a little bit. “Did you send this to Darren?!” I snapped at Barry and he looked down at the ground before I went on Darren’s phone and deleted it from there, I chucked the phone at Darren then stomped over to Barry, shoving him against a wall. As much as he’d hate to admit it, Barry was scared of me. “How dare you think it’s okay to send those pictures of Rhiannon round, how dare you!” I snapped at him and he looked at me “And how dare you send that picture of me to Darren!” I shouted at him a little bit louder this time, I’d sent that picture months ago and I knew he still had it, I never thought he’d send it to even one person so I was hurt that he had. “You promised me you wouldn’t send that picture to anyone and you just sent it to Darren like it didn’t even fucking matter. You’re such a cunt, Barry. I fucking hate you!” I snapped at him and walked out the classroom, going to find Rhiannon. I pretty much ran down the corridor, I had a free that period so I carried on looking for Rhiannon when the bell went, I’d pretty much given up and pulled out my phone Rhiannon, someone’s sent round a picture of you xxx I texted her then sat down in the library, I’d been sat in there for about 5 minutes when I saw a flash of red run past the window and I got up running out “Rhiannon!” I shouted and went to run after her when I saw Sonya running over, she looked at me and we both started running off after Rhiannon down the corridor. We ran after her and she soon ran into a corridor full of people “OI SHUT THE FUCK UP, ALL OF YA!” I screamed at them and they went quiet as Sonya ran after Rhiannon “Do you think it’s funny to fucking bully someone like that?! Because it’s fucking not, go and sort your fucking lives out you low life pieces of shit” I shouted at them and walked through them all into the bathroom. “The people that matter really love you” Sonya was saying when I walked inside; I went over and leant against the stall frame “Nobody does. Not after this” Rhiannon said and I took a deep breath. “Rhiannon? Babe? You can get through this, okay, I’ll be here for you the whole time because you’re like a sister to me, you really are and sister’s stick by each other and that’s what I’ll do. I’ll make everyone stop, you know me, they’re all scared of me anyway” I said through the door and I heard Rhiannon laughed, just a tiny bit but it made me smile all the same. “Listen, Rhiannon we’re gonna go get Mrs Mulgrew, okay” Sonya said, she nodded to me and we quickly left the bathroom, going up to Christine’s office where she was speaking to Lowsley.

While Sonya and Christine went to find Rhiannon, I had to go with Mr Lowsley back to the junk-tion thing to help sell some stuff. When I got inside, I shot a glare at Barry and went over to Dynasty to help her sell some things which we did easily. Once we’d finished selling the stuff I went into the library to do some coursework, it was last period and I was skipping PE, not that it mattered since I’d spoken to Miss Boston before about doing my coursework instead and she’d Okayed it. As soon as I’d finished the work I was doing I packed my things away in my bag and walked out the library with my work, going to put it back, I was walking down the corridor that the changing rooms were in but stopped when I saw all the boys standing outside soaking wet and only wearing a towel with all the girls standing around with phones out. “What the bloody hell’s going on?” I shouted over them and Dynasty turned around, she showed me her phone and I blinked a little at the picture until I realised it was Barry’s…”Oh my god” I said but turned around when Miss Boston started shouting and just stood there when Christine came over and called an emergency assembly. The assembly went pretty quickly and at the bell for the end of the day I walked back to the school house with Rhiannon, we ventured up to my room and pretty much locked ourselves away so we could get ready for this party, I did Rhiannon’s hair and make-up and even helped her pick out an outfit. Once Rhiannon was ready, I got myself ready ( then we walked out of the school house and to the school again. When we got to school, I left Rhiannon and went inside the hall with Harley, Lula, Shaznay and Archie. I stood next to Harley as Mr Lowsley gave a small speech to us all then laughed and cheered with everyone as Miss Spark and Mr Lowsley started dancing before we all came together and danced. “Kaitlin? Will ya dance with me?” Barry asked and I turned around, I looked him up and down then laughed “Erm nah I’m alright actually. Harley? Wanna dance?” I said and danced with Harley and Lula as Barry stalked off on his own.

Sorry for the late update, been ill the last few days! Sorry for the amount of "he" and "him" etc when talking about Kaitlin's boyfriend, you'll find out who he is next chapter but in the mean time who do you think it is? Here's a hint: He went to Waterloo Road but before Kaitlin started! 6+ votes for next chapter!!

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