Sara Sidle and Gill Grissom R...

By AlanaBanana470

11.4K 219 37

Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom Romance, Fan fiction, Basically what i would love to happen in season 14, GSR fan'... More

Sara Sidle & Gill Grissom (CSI Fan Fiction)


1.3K 28 2
By AlanaBanana470


“Sorry I can’t take your call right now, Please leave a message, Thanks.” I groaned as I pressed the hang up button on my phone.  I guess her answering machine was going to be the only way i could hear her voice now. Wow I really, really missed her. To be honest I don’t even know why I called her. I wasn’t even sure she would answer after all I had ended our marriage. Over the phone... “Classy Grissom” I said out loud to myself. It echoed around my lonely apartment. I sat down on my leather couch. Frank came over and put his head in my lap. “I really, really miss her Frank, what am I going to do?” Frank just groaned in response. I put my head in my hands. Frank started licking my hands. He jumped off my lap and padded off. O how life was not going great at the moment, Work was thinking of cancelling our whole research project and cutting funding too. This would mean I would be out of the job soon. I heard Frank coming back dragging his lead in his mouth. I laughed, “okay, Frankie boy, Lets go walkies.”

There was a nice breeze blowing, for Peru anyway. It was dusk. The perfect time, were it was not to warm and not to cold. I walked out of my apartment and out onto the collage campus. The sun was making wonderful streaks across the sky. Sara would of loving to seen this. It would have been such a special moment if she was here. Crap! I was suppose to stop thinking about her. You know what never mind, I was never going to stop thinking about the way she laughed, or the way she smiled when she was trying to prove me wrong on one of our debates on baseball or insects. Wow that classy Sidle smirk, Never failed to make me smile and let go of all my fustrations.

I called Frank and started to walk back. "Dr, Grissom?" I heared. I turned around and standing there was my co-worker Shelly. "Shelly" I said, "How you been?" I Smiled at her. "Grand, stupid kids want me to come home" She said in her southern accent, with a smile. "Well you'll have to go back now they're with-drawing our funding and shuthing down the facilites" I said with a grimce. "Ye I know, feckin goverment" She said. "Ye but you do really want to go home" I said with a smile, Shelly was just hilarious. "Ah ye, I do misss my dogs" She said smiling down at Frank. "and your kids" I laughed. "Don't tell them that, or i'll never be able to leave there" We both laughed. "What about you GIl? Gonna go back to Vegas?" She said seriously. "I might, I havn't decided yet" I said. "What about your wife? You not going to go back to her?" She said. I hadn't told anyone about me splitting up with Sara. I looked down at Frank and started rubbing his ears. "Ye, we aren't together anymore, me being over here wasn't good for her." I mumbled. Shelly frowned. "Since when?" "2 weeks ago" I said looking up. "Ah Grissom cmon, Ive Known you 2 years, and I even had the pleasure of meeting sara when she was over here, You guys are seriously inlove. I was never like that with Robert." I looked at her and frowned, "But me being over here and her back in vegas wasn't good, for either of us, I was trying to do the right hting." I said. "You know Grissom, sometimes the right thing isn't always the best thing" She said with a small smile, "You say that all the time." I smiled at little, Shelly always had that effect on people. "So lets say I do go back to vegas... Then what?" I said.  She sighed. Lighting up a cigarette, She took a long puff before answering my question. "You find your wife, and you tell her what you just told me, and how much you love her, and that your home now forever." I frowned, "What if she says no?" I asked. "She won't." I looked up at Shelly as she snuffed out her cigarette "She still loves you, trust me." I let out a huge puff of air. "So I guess I have plans now, Vegas here I come." I laughed "What else have you got to lose?" Shelly said with a small smile as she walked away. I smiled at the thought of seeing my beautiful Sara again. "Cmon Frank" I said as i walked back inside, "Lets get packing."

Hey, Thanks guys. hope you like this. I tried as much as i could to get the real Grissom in. This is what i would love to happen, Please tell me if you have any clues to what will happen, or even what you want to happin the comments below :)


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