Chase Atlantic ( Lauren/You )

By fxckingcamren

236K 7.5K 3.2K

My band, Chase Atlantic, is one of the biggest bands in the world. What happens when we go on a headlining to... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
New Story and Announcements

chapter 3

11.9K 364 231
By fxckingcamren

"GIVE IT UP FOR CHASE ATLANTIC!" Fifth Harmony just finished performing their set list and Dinah introduced us as they made their way off stage.

Shannon walked on stage first, taking a seat at her drum set. I came on next followed by Chloe and Alycia.

"Well, hallo there." I said into the mic with a smirk. "That one was for you Lauren." The fans went crazy causing my bandmates and I to laugh.

As I walked over to pick up my guitar Alycia spoke into the mic. "YOU GUYS READY FOR A HELLA GOOD TIME?"

"That was for Dinah. Alycia, remember to site your sources!" Chloe said causing that fans to absolutely lose it.

Shannon was next to speak, introducing our first song. "Guys, let's get to the songs! This first one is called Clouds." Everyone loved this song and it was a great opener.

I walked over to my mic as Alycia began the song with her amazing guitar skills.

I know you said that you don't like it complicated
That we should try to keep it simple
But love is never ever simple no

Alycia came in next.

You're gonna see the things that I see
You're gonna want air that I breathe
You're gonna wish you never left me

I came back in and we sang the chorus together, Alycia walking towards me with her head mic on. I couldn't move because I was using a regular mic.

Here we go again
Another go round for all of my friends
Another non stop will it ever end
Here we go again
Another go round for all of my friends
Another non stop will it ever end

Alycia dropped out as I took over the chorus.

We're never coming back down
We're looking down on the clouds

After performing that song we continued on with the rest of the concert. The crowd was so alive and I knew this tour was gonna be a good one.

We all ran off stage and were greeted by the girls of Fifth Harmony. "Y/N!" I heard which caused me to turn around right before I received a koala hug from the one and only Camila Cabello.

I laughed as she dropped her feet and pulled away. "What's up, monkey?" I said with a smile.

"Nothing. You guys were so amazing, oh my god." Camila exclaimed.

"Oh my god, so were you guys." I said while throwing my arm around her and walking us over to everyone else. Once we got over there I noticed Lauren was..glaring at us? Weird.

We all talked for a few minutes and I then noticed Austin walking towards us.

"Sup, ladies." He said with a gross smirk. "Alycia, looking hot. Camila, you're sexy, as usual." It was then I started laughing really hard. He frowned. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I just know why I recognized you a few weeks ago. Fifth Harmony opened for you, didn't they?" I paused to control my laughter. "Now you're opening for them! That's fucking hilarious, mate."

He basically pouted before giving me a quick "whatever bitch" and walking off.

I turned to Camila and then Alycia. "If he ever messes with either you, better yet any of you, "I said addressing everyone in the group, "I'll fucking beat his ass."

Camila kissed my cheek. "Thanks, Y/N/N."

"No problem." I told her with a smile. "I'm gonna head back to the bus, anyone care to join?"

"I'm coming." I heard Lauren say.

I smiled at her and we started walking out of the venue and to the bus in silence.

"So, Y/N, what's up with you and Camz?" Lauren questioned as we got on the bus.

I let out a laugh and sat down on the couch, Lauren following right beside me. "Nothing, why?"

"You guys seem really close and she kissed you on the cheek and stuff." She stated.

"We're just friends, I promise." I paused before continuing, "Why do you care anyway?" I asked.

She blushed a little before clearing her throat. "I don't, I was just wondering."

"Okay well how's Brad?" I was proud of myself for not saying bread.

"He's good. I'm actually going to call him soon." She said before looking down at her phone. "Actually, I'll be in the back, it's time to call him."

I watched her walk away while thinking to myself. Nice ass.

A few minutes later I heard a knock on the bus door. Why would the girls knock?

I got up to open it and noticed a guy with curly hair and no upper lip standing there.

I stared at him for a moment before his eyes got wide and he started talking. "Whoa, you're Y/N from Chase Atlantic. It's so cool to meet you in person." He said with a smirk.

"Uhm yeah, always great to meet a fan. And you are?" I said with distaste.

He frowned. "I'm Brad from The Vamps. I'm actually here to surprise Lauren."

I rolled my eyes before calling the younger girl's name. "LAUREN, COME HERE."

"What the fuck do you want I'm trying to call Brad?" She said while walking over to me. I then gestured towards the open door. She gasped, "Brad, oh my god what're you doing here babe?"

He smirked and made his way up the steps of the bus. "I came to surprise you, sexy." This caused Lauren to blush and they moved in for a rather disgusting kiss. I gagged on my own spit and decided to walk off the bus.

I saw Camila approaching the bus and decided to save her. "Monkey, you might not want to go in there. Bread is in there with Lauren."

"Who's Bread?" She asked with a frown.

"Oh my bad. I meant Brad." I corrected myself.

Camila let out a huge laugh. "That made my day. You wanna get out of here then?"

"Sure, I know a good place to go. I found it last time we stopped in Oakland on tour." I said before grabbing her hand and leading her through the streets of late night California.

We walked in a comfortable silence for about ten minutes until we reached the location. It was an old abandoned building. It was safe to go up the stairs because they were concrete.

"M'lady." I said with a cheeky grin as we reached the staircase, gesturing for her to go first.

"So sweet." She laughed before walking up the stairs. I followed closely behind. "Wow." She said as we reached the top. The wall on one side was missing, giving the perfect view of the city.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her front. Over the past few weeks we'd grown extremely close, and seeing as we were both fairly touchy, we both thought nothing of the affection. "It's amazing, huh?" I asked while looking out over the city, resting my chin on top of her head.

"Can we sit?" She asked quietly.

I smiled and walked around beside her, tugging her down with me to sit with our legs dangling over the side of the building. She rested her head on my shoulder while I laid my head onto hers. "You know, we've gotten extremely close, but I still have no clue how old you are. I don't know how old any of you are actually." I stated.

She giggled before answering, "Well if you must know I'm 18 and so is Dinah, Lauren and Normani are 19, and Ally is 22." She said before continuing, "How old is the Chase Atlantic?"

I leaned my head back and laughed before putting it back in its previous position. "Well the Chase Atlantic is around those ages. Shannon is the oldest, she's 24."

"Whoa she doesn't seem that old." She said with a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying!" I giggled before continuing, "Alycia is 22, I'm 20, and Chloe is 19." I said before smiling.

She lifted her head up and looked at me, "How'd you become a band?"

I looked over at her and laughed before saying, "It's a funny story actually."

She looked at me with a hopeful eyes and I continued. "Well one day after school I was in the toilet, using a school shower because I'd just got done playing rugby." I paused when she let out a little sigh and saw Camila turning to lay her head in my lap. I started to play with her hair before continuing on, "I thought I was the only one in there but nope, Alycia was in there using the toilet. When I got out she was just sitting on the bench and smiled at me. I was pretty fucking creeped out."

"Did you know her at the time?" Camila asked.

"Yup, we were pretty good friends at the time. We've grown closer over time, obviously." I laughed. "So anyway, she said I had an amazing voice and that we should make a band. I was like alright? How do we make a band? She then explained that Chloe, who was my neighbor at the time, played bass and her, don't laugh, ex Shannon played the drums." I paused when Camila started to laugh.

"They dated? That's fucking rich!" She barely got out while trying to contain her laughter.

"I said not to laugh!" I exclaimed while laughing myself.

"Okay, okay sorry. Keep going." She smiled up from my lap.

"They dated but decided it was weird by the way. They work better as friends." I clarified before continuing my story. "Okay so basically that's how it started. We all got together and started making covers and performing at little local places until we got noticed." I finished and looked down at her.

"That's so cool. I really love your music by the way. I don't think I've ever told you that." The small Cuban told me.

"I really love your music too. It makes me so happy." I told her honestly.

She smiled before turning her head and looking out at the city. "What do you write your songs about?" Camila asked after awhile of just laying in silence.

"Everything." I muttered quietly. It's true, everything gave me inspiration. "What do you write yours about?"

"Everything." She said with a little giggle before her face turned serious. She paused for a moment in deep thought before continuing, "I wish someone would write a song about me." She whispered.

"I will." I told her, meaning it.

"You don't have to, Y/N. I was just saying." She explained.

I took her hand into mine and squeezed it before saying, "I want to. You're really inspiring to me."

"Thank you." She said with a little smile.

"Of course. So you have any crushes on this tour?" I asked with a smile.

She shook her head a little in my lap. "Honestly, no. Well actually..." She said before trailing off.

"Actually...?" I asked.

"Alycia is cute." She said with a smile. "That's between us though, promise?"

"Oh my gosh little Cami has a crush on my best friend!" I said while pinching her cheeks.

She blushed, "Stop itttt. Who do you have a crush on."

I blushed along with her. "Lauren..."

"Oh thank god, maybe she'll dump Bread for you." She said with a frown. "He's a douche."

"I can tell." I told her truthfully.

I suddenly heard a ding come from Camila's phone. She reached down to get her phone and read the message before sighing and standing up. I followed her lead. "Dinah asked where the hell I am. Apparently we've been gone for over an hour, it's almost midnight." She told me.

I grabbed her hand, "Well let's go."I led her down the stairs and towards the direction of the venue. We walked back in a comfortable silence, just like before.

Once we got on the tour bus we were immediately met by a glaring Lauren in Brad's lap. Gross. "Where the hell were you?" She asked angrily.

"Out." I said with a sarcastic smile. It wasn't her business and why did she care?

"Camz?" Lauren turned her attention to the younger Cuban.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"Where were you?" She asked once again.

Camila looked shyly at me before turning back to Lauren with a smirk. "Out."

Uh oh, Lauren looks angry. "C'mon, Cami." I said, grabbing her hand and walking towards the back of the bus. We were then greeted by a smirking Dinah and Normani, and a glaring Alycia. Why was everyone glaring tonight? I dropped Camila's hand and went over to sit by Alycia. Camila went to sit by Dinah and Normani and was immediately bombarded by questioning whispers.

"Where were you?" Alycia whispered through gritted teeth. Not gonna lie, she reminded me of her character Lexa and it was scaring me.

I looked up to her with a sweet smile. "The old abandoned house we found last time we were here on tour." I answered honestly.

She looked at me with a sad look on her face. Her eyes also looked glossy. "You left me here and Austin wouldn't leave me alone."

I started to get extremely mad, "What'd he do?"

"He just said he couldn't wait to get me in bed." Alycia told me.

Oh I was gonna fucking kill him. "Oh I'm gonna fucking kill him." I started to stand up.

"Y/N, c'mon, I'm fine." She pulled me back down.

"If he messes with you again, he's dead." I told her while wrapping my arm around her.

"Thank you." She leaned into my side.

The other three girls in the room then looked over at us. "What happened?" Dinah asked addressing Alycia.

I answered for her. "Dorito boy."

Camila looked at her with sad eyes. "He would never leave me alone when we opened for him." She paused before continuing, "If he messes with you just tell me."

Alycia let out a little laugh, "What would you do?"

Camila giggled before answering. "I'd tell Y/N. She'll beat his ass up."

"Beat who's ass?" Lauren questioned while walking in with no lips.

"No ones." I answered shortly.

Lauren frowned. "Oh." Okay, I felt a little bad.

"Uhm, yeah. Well you guys can sit here." I said while scooting over, making enough room for the two of them. Brad smirked and sat down first, pulling Lauren into his lap. She laughed a little and pecked his lips, making my stomach get butterflies. The bad kind.

"Y/N, can you help me with something?" Camila asked, noticing the pained expression on my face.

I looked to Alycia who gave me a smile before I stood up. "Sure, let's go." I walked out of the back with Camila following closely behind.

Once we were in the front I turned to Camila and she looked up at me before speaking. "I saw the look on your face. Just so you know, Brad doesn't deserve her."

"Thanks, monkey, but maybe he does. Didn't you see the look on her face? She looked so happy." I said with a sad smile.

"You could make her happier." Camila stated.

I looked her in the eyes before shaking my head and answering her. "I'll never have a chance, but it's okay. It's just some stupid crush."

"Y/N, yo-"

"Can we please drop it." I interrupted her. She gave me a sympathetic look before nodding and grabbing my hand. She led me back to the back room before dropping my hand and letting me go back to Alycia.

"Are you alright?" Alycia asked as she cuddled into my side.

I looked to my left and saw Lauren's eyes sparkling as she looked at Brad. I gulped before looking down at Alycia and replying. "I'm fine."

Maybe this tour wasn't going to be as great as I thought.
This part was a lead into all the drama that will soon unfold

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