Forbidden Love at Waterloo Ro...

By imfeelinghappynow

95.9K 1K 188

When the Barry family move to Waterloo Road, Mr Byrne's daughter, Kaitlin becomes fascinated by the eldest so... More

Forbidden Love at Waterloo Road
Chapter 2: Going back to school and ending up in hospital
Chapter 3: The party and the kiss
Chapter 4: There's a first time for everything
Chapter 5: The return of an old face
Chapter 6: Birthday engagement
Chapter 7: Dad's opinion
Chapter 8: Sian's goodbye
Chapter 9: Exams and Easter holidays
Chapter 10: The school house
Chapter 11: First day blues
Chapter 12: Moving in
Chapter 13: Running away
Chapter 14: Josh
Chapter 15: First treatment
Chapter 16: Steve-O arrested
Chapter 17: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Chapter 18: Good bye father
Chapter 19: Wayne
Chapter 20: Kyle's back
A Sequel
Sequel: Family is only skin deep
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 3
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 4
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 5
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 6
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 7
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 8
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 9
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 10
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 11
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 12 - Christmas!
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 13
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 14
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 15
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 16
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 17
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 18
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 19
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 20
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 21
Family is only skin deep: Chapter 22
Family is only skin deep: Epilogue
New story
10 years later

Family is only skin deep: Chapter 2

1.5K 16 4
By imfeelinghappynow

I was sat alone in a pub, I was supposed to of been meeting Dynasty there but she bailed on me at the last minute when I’d already gotten myself and her fake IDs and got to the pub. I ordered one last drink and sat at the bar, it had only been 2 days since Tom died and Kyle came back, it was Saturday night now and the start of the summer holidays. This drink was supposed to be a relief from everything, just to sit down and get drunk and forget everything but Dynasty had had to cancel. I sighed a little and rested my head on my hand not looking at anyone, I knew people were looking at me mostly men, I could feel their eyes on me and I’d already turned around once to see a group of men around the age of 20 smiling over at me. “You here alone too?” someone suddenly said and I looked up to see a moderately attractive man smiling at me, from what I could see he was about 19 or 20, 21 at a push. “I’m Larry” he said and held out his hand, I took his hand and smiled myself “Kaitlin” I said and shook his hand.

I sat bolt upright almost screaming, I’d obviously being shouting out in my sleep as the next thing I knew, Maggie was scrambling into my room asking who’d been murdered. You looked at me and sat on the bed “Again?” she asked and I nodded, I’d been having bad dreams every night for the past few days since the first day back at school, every single dream included Larry. Maggie hugged me and rubbed my back before clarifying that it was just a dream and try to get a bit more sleep, I looked at the clock and saw it was only half 3 in the morning so I laid my head back on the pillow and fell instantly asleep again.

When I woke up again it was 7 o’clock and I quickly got out of bed and walked out the room, most people normally got up at about quarter past seven so I took advantage and jumped into the bathroom before nobody else could, I quickly brushed my teeth then got into the shower pouring my strawberry shower gel onto the scrunchie as I washed myself. “Jesus, why do you take so long?!” Rhiannon said when I walked out the steam clad bathroom with my towel wrapped round me, I gave her a look of annoyance then walked into my room to get ready. The second I was over the threshold I started to dry myself then pulled on my skinny jeans after my pants then buttoned up my shirt and ran downstairs doing up my tie with my cardigan and blazer in hand. “How’re you feeling this morning, pet?” Maggie asked when I walked into the kitchen, I smiled and told her I was fine as I went into the kitchen and took my medication. “Morning, Mr Budgen” I said cheerfully to my English teacher as I ran back up the stairs to do my hair and make-up then again went into the kitchen for breakfast before walking to school with Rhiannon.

“What’s going on?” I asked when me and Rhiannon walked across the car park to where loads of pupils were gathered outside the building and Barry was banging on the door “It’s bloody locked” Barry said and me and Rhiannon groaned since it was getting cold, Barry looked at me then took his jacket off, throwing it at me. “Cheers” I said and pulled his warm jacket over my arms and smiled, it felt weird wearing Barry’s clothes again since I hadn’t done that since we were together. We’d been stood outside for a further 5 minutes when Miss Spark came over to us and she herself knocked on the door as we stood and watched. “Alright keep ya hair on” Sonya said once she’d opened the door, she looked at us all then at Miss Spark who had stepped back from the opening door “Why didn’t you use the side door like everyone else?” I heard her say as I swung my legs in the air from where I was sat on the railings “Sorry, I-I didn’t know about the side door…” Miss Spark said but stuttered on her words causing me to laugh but try and stifle it. “How are people meant to get into breakfast club if the door’s shut?” Imogen’s voice suddenly came which made me jump since I didn’t see her walk over and I practically fell off from where I was sat causing the others to laugh, I looked around and glared at them so they kept quiet. “There ain’t no breakfast club. Mrs Mulgrew’s had to cancel it cos of costs” Sonya informed us all and we looked around at each other in disbelief, I knew the school would have to cut some things once we’d gone back to council but I didn’t think it would get this bad. I stood and waited as everyone walked through the doors then giggled a little when Barry held the door as Miss Spark walked through “Why thank you, Mr Barry” I said and skipped through the doors, eventually feeling the cold hands of Barry wrap around my waist and lifting me up causing me to scream to be put down. We both laughed and walked over to our friends, arm in arm, since everything that had happened with Larry, me and Barry had started to get close again. We hadn’t started dating not officially anyway but we were pretty darn close to that.

After standing around, talking for about 10 minutes we all descended down the corridor and into our form room, eventually joined by Mr Lowsley who was taking over from Tom as our form tutor. “Why were we locked out this morning?” Connor asked when Mr Lowsley walked past us, he put his brief case on the desk and started getting papers out “Because every hour the school is open costs money. Heating, lighting, staff” Mr Lowsley said and I laughed a little as we all sat down “Bet you any money that my dad would be able to run this school still, even if we are with the council again” I said and Mr Lowsley looked at me, we’d never really seen eye to eye, it wasn’t as if we didn’t get on because we did, we just had a few confrontations once in a while which Mr Lowsley actually said was a good thing. “Yes well your dad isn’t here anymore, is he Miss Byrne?” he asked and I went quiet as Barry sat down beside to me “Wait so you’re saying you can’t afford to run the school?” Imogen suddenly piped up, I seemed to keep forgetting she was actually present and again, her sudden voice startled me. “No, I’m saying there have to be cutbacks” Mr Lowsley said as he got his diary out the brief case, I looked at my form tutor then lay my head over my arms, looking at Barry and ignoring the class conversation. “Sup?” he whispered to me and I shook my head, covering my face with my arms “Headache” I mumbled through my jumper and stayed rested like that for a couple of minutes until the Theatre trip was brought up. “Oh I’ve got mine as well, sir” I shouted out as Dynasty went up to give him her permission and I went to go into my bag “Right, I’ve only just found out about this but the theatre trips been cancelled” Mr Lowsley said and we all instantly started to object to it and say it was unfair. “We can’t afford to sub trips any more. I’m really sorry!” he said to us all through our moans and groans and protests. I once again put my head on the desk and started to ignore the conversation, only listening when the register was being done and saying “here” to my name when called upon. When the bell finally went for the end of registration I walked out with Barry and went through the school to our Mandarin class, it was a boring class in my opinion but we were practically being forced to attend it so I had to, I walked into the room with Barry and sat beside him at the back. “Morning everyone, I’d like to introduce you all to your new Mandarin Teaching Assistant, Mrs Windsor” Mr Windsor said as he walked into the classroom with a relatively young and Chinese lady, I watched and smirked as most of the boys started wolf whistling but smacked Barry hard in the arm when he did it. “When you’ve all rolled your tongues back into your mouth, perhaps you’d be so kind as to offer the courtesy of an English greeting?” Mr Windsor said to us all and the boys stopped making noises before we all greeted her with the standard “Good morning, Mrs Windsor” like we were all still in primary school. I listened to what Mr Windsor was saying and laughed when about 4 boys including Kevin jumped out of their seats to pull a table and chair forwards for Mrs Windsor to sit on and at.

As usual the class was relatively boring so as soon as the bell went, I shoved all my things into my bag and walked out with Barry, closely followed by Dynasty, Kevin, Imogen and Connor as we started walking towards our next class. English with Mr Budgen. Since returning back to work, I must say, Mr Budgen had taken a new approach to teaching in the sense that he was a lot nice and calmer with his students which was an improvement for all of us. After having English, I walked out with my friends and we went to the canteen for something to eat. By about half way through break time it had come to everyone’s attention that Miss Spark used to be a flight attendant and was starting to call her ‘Sickbag’ which I personally thought a little cruel although I would of course go along with it and call it her anyway just for a laugh.  “Well no, all I’m saying is that Mr Windsor shouldn’t of really just hired his wife, it’s biased” I said to my friends since we were talking about Mr Windsor’s class “How is it? Surely as long as the teaching assistant is good, it shouldn’t matter whether or not she’s married to another teacher” Kevin protested and I rolled my eyes to Dynasty, I too had noticed that he’d taken up a warm spot to Mrs Windsor “You’re only saying that cause you fancy her, Kev, she shouldn’t of been hired because it’s like giving a teacher a favour and it’s unprofessional to hire your own wife” I said then walked off with Barry when the bell went, going to our Science class.

I waited with everyone else outside our Science classroom, talking with Barry and Rhiannon but looked up when Connor came over “So what’d she say?” I asked him, meaning Christine, he looked at me then over at Imogen before replying “Nothing much” he said simply and I leant back against the wall “Knew we shouldn’t o’ sent ‘im, shoulda just sent Barry” I said and Barry smiled at me before replying to Connor himself “Yeah, he’s on ‘er side” Barry said and I saw Connor was getting a little bit angry although it was over nothing “It’s not about sides!” Connor snapped and was about to say something when Rhiannon did a fake cough and informed us of Miss Spark coming towards us, I looked over and smiled “Alright sickbag?” I shouted as she walked towards us and everyone laughed before we were allowed into the classroom. “Morning everybody. Dynasty” Miss Spark said at the door as Dynasty walked through “Connor” she said to Kevin “Kevin” she said to Connor and “Katlin” she said to me, I rolled me eyes “It’s Kaitlin, miss, with an I” I said and everyone laughed as Miss Spark looked rather embarrassed, I laughed as well then sat down between Barry and Rhiannon. “So erm, the aim of today’s lesson is to demonstrate the oxidation of sugar using potassium chlorate, by using what is commonly known as..." Miss Spark started before opening the bag that she had in her hand and pulled out a Jelly Baby, wafting it around “The screaming Jelly Baby experiment” she said excitedly but eventually died down in the excitement as nobody was as excited as she was. “That’s not an experiment, miss” I said and laughed a little as did Barry and Rhiannon “Well I think, Kaitlin, you’ll find I know a little bit more about Science than you do” Miss Spark said in a try to be serious sort of tone, I looked at Barry and we both smirked “Ooh, didn’t you know? Both my parents were Scientists, my dad’s ex-girlfriend was a Science teacher, I lived in a very Sciencey home oh yeah and I also got the Science gene so yeah I know that’s not a proper Science experiment, not for year 6 anyway, maybe Primary school” I said and everyone laughed, Miss Spark just sort of looked at me as I smiled like I hadn’t done much, she didn’t reply to what I’d said and walked round to the back of her desk again. “So er by placing the sugar – in our case, the Jelly Baby – into the chlorate…” Miss Spark started but was interrupted by Imogen asking about what she thought about the cuts the school was making, causing me to groan in annoyance since I just wanted this lesson to be over and done with. “Is it true, Miss, that you used to be a trolley dolly?” Rhiannon suddenly piped up and Miss Spark looked at her along with a sniggering Barry and me. “So – the Jelly Baby goes into the chlorate…” Miss Spark started again, ignoring Rhiannon’s remark before she was interrupted AGAIN by Imogen “I mean, if you don’t care about our education, how are we meant to?” I looked at her and stood up in my seat “Well maybe if you shut the fuck up, we’ll be able to get our education” I snapped at Imogen and sat down again on my stool, I watched as Imogen glared at me but I just smiled back like I hadn’t done anything. “Safety goggles on please” Miss Spark said and we quickly pulled our goggles as Miss Spark started setting up the experiment. “So first, we need to heat up the chlorate” Miss Spark said as she got the lighter out and lit the Bunsen burner “Did you go to private school, Miss?” Imogen suddenly piped up again “Oh my god, Imogen guess what? Nobody cares what school she went to so shut the fuck up and let sickbag teach!” I snapped at Imogen and she again glared at me before I turned back to the front of the classroom where Miss Spark was watching “Thank you, Kaitlin but actually yes I did Imogen but the relevance of this I-“ Miss Spark started but Imogen stopped her to speak herself “I bet you didn’t have to share books” she said, Rhiannon looked at me and nodded, we’d spoken before we went into the classroom about doing the “aeroplane routine” at some point in class “Doors to manual” me and Rhiannon said and gestured our hands, causing everyone to laugh except Miss Spark “If you’d like to locate your nearest emergency exits, which are there, there and there” Me, Rhiannon and Dynasty all said together, indicating forwards, to the side and behind us like they do on aeroplanes, again causing the whole class to laugh apart from Miss Spark. “Think it was easy, do you?!” Miss Spark suddenly said a little more loudly, I looked at Rhiannon and we both “oohed” like something big was gonna happen but sniggering at the same time “Being on your feet for a 12 hour turn around? The captain treating you like a galley slave? Having to clean up other peoples’ muck and vomit?” Miss Spark snapped as she stepped down from the desk and walked round to where me, Rhiannon and Barry were sat “We were only having a laugh” Rhiannon said as she took her goggles off her head “Not just anyone can be a flight attendant, you know. There are standards. Like a height-weight ratio for a start” Miss Spark said to Rhiannon, I looked at Barry then back at Miss Spark as everyone in the class gasped in disbelief at what was just said “Aw you can’t say that, Miss, that’s well outta order” I said and I saw Rhiannon’s face, she looked like someone had smacked her round the face with a cold fish and I felt sorry for her. Miss Spark just sort of stood there a second before she walked back to the desk “Are you okay, Rhiannon?” I asked and she turned around, almost spitting the word fine when I knew she wasn’t.  “If you could all just…If you all just take a moment to look at your worksheets” Miss Spark stuttered to us all before she grabbed her phone and went over to the door to call someone, I looked at Rhiannon and took my goggles off. None of us did the work, we all just watched as Miss Spark put her phone on the side of the desk and ran out, me and Barry looked at each other then got up from our seats, going for the phone. Barry grabbed it and I watched over his shoulder as he looked through the call history, seeing the name ‘Twinkle’ at the top and started laughing. “Aw, should I start calling you Twinkle?” I said to Barry and started laughing. Barry went over to the door and I heard the clink of Miss Spark’s heels against the floor before Barry went to the side and I saw Mr Windsor go past but he wasn’t paying attention “Where is she then?” I asked and went over to the door, Barry looked at me and pointed to the supply cupboard next to classroom, I smiled up at Barry before going over quietly and slowly turning the key so it locked. I eventually ended up sitting in Barry’s lap as we looked through Miss Spark’s phone and tried calling the mystery ‘Twinkle’ “Rhiannon? What’re you doing?” I asked when I saw her put a Jelly Baby into the class pot over the Bunsen burner, she looked at me and walked back over “Why waste a good practical?” she asked and I smirked a little, turning my attention back to Barry and the phone. After a couple of minutes, I looked over at the experiment as it started to make a sound and eventually started exploding and emitting smoke that caused the fire alarm to go off, I looked at Barry and quickly grabbed my bag and blazer before running out with Barry, Rhiannon, Dynasty and Kevin, going outside into the car park. We all pretty much forgot about Miss Spark in the cupboard and ran past it going into our form groups once we were outside, I stood next to Barry and took a couple of the Jelly Babies out the bag since Rhiannon had grabbed them on the way out, I felt Barry nudge me and looked at the phone to see ‘Twinkle’ calling Miss Spark’s phone, Barry answered and I looked down the line to see Mr Lowsley on the phone himself. Barry looked at me and saw me watching our form tutor and he nodded, confirming it was him on the other end of the phone.

Eventually the fire brigade arrived and Connor and Imogen came out, once Connor and his mum had some sort of disagreement he announced that he and Imogen were on strike, I looked at Barry and we both smiled before quickly following Connor and Imogen out the school gates, closely being followed ourselves by Dynasty, Kevin, Rhiannon and the rest of our form group. “Mrs Mulgrew will have to take us seriously now” Imogen said as we walked along the street and towards the school house, Imogen was really starting to annoy me now, thinking she was the high lord of all of us. “Isn’t this the first place that they’re going to look?” Dynasty asked as she walked in front of me, Barry and Rhiannon with Kevin. “We’re not hiding. This is a protest” Imogen said as she swanned her way forwards, hand in hand with Connor the other ‘high lord’ of us all. I wasn’t listening to anything else but went with Barry as he showed Rhiannon Miss Spark’s phone then told her about ‘Twinkle’ being Mr Lowsley, we all laughed and started heading over the back garden to the school house. Once we were inside the school house, me and Dynasty went into the kitchen and quickly made some food up for everyone then I went over and started to play pool with Barry – thrashing him at it I must say – once we’d finished the game, I sat on the sofa next to the one Dynasty and Kevin was sat in and started talking until Connor’s phone went off and he informed us it was Christine before Imogen answered it. I sat and listened but could obviously only here one half of the conversation “So she’s excluding you?” Kevin asked when the phone was hung up “All of us” Imogen said and went back over to Connor, I looked at Dynasty then at Barry before slumping back on the sofa in annoyance.

After a further half an hour, we heard the school house door open and Mr Lowsley walked into the living room, me and Barry looked at each sniggering as he sat down, I was pulled onto his lap  but was only listening vaguely to what Mr Lowsley was saying, I didn’t input anything since there was nothing to input about. After some persuasion we were all taken back to school and eventually informed that we had to go back to Science and actually do the lesson since Miss Spark had been “disappointed” that she couldn’t finish the lesson. I sat between Barry and Rhiannon again and did the work as quick as I could so I could get out of there as quick as I could. At the end of the lesson I waited as Rhiannon distracted Miss Spark and Barry put the phone back, I said bye to Rhiannon as she walked out and waited at the door as Barry offered some sort of deal with Miss Spark, “Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are” Barry sang under his breath but loud enough for Miss Spark to hear as he put his arm round my shoulders and walked off with me, going to our next lesson, I had art but Barry was lucky enough to have a free so I kissed his cheek and told him where to meet me before walking into the classroom for last period.

When the bell went for the end of the day I walked out the classroom with my friend from that class then went out to meet Barry. “So, dinner at mine then we can go round to see Ashleigh?” Barry asked and he put his arm around my shoulder, I looked at him and smiled before nodding. We went back to the school house and I quickly got changed ( then walked out and back to Barry’s after telling Maggie where I was going. I smiled and hugged Carol when we walked into the house but went straight up to Barry’s room, we sat down on the bed together and he smiled at me “I’m sorry…for being a dick about Kyle and to Kyle last term…I should of listened when you said to stop…” he said and looked down, I looked at him and smiled “Yes…you should of stopped. But it’s okay, I love you, Barry, and that’s not gonna change. Ever” I said and kissed him. We stayed up in his room for about an hour before Carol called us down for dinner and we ate before walking out and going to see Ashleigh. 

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