Sara Sidle and Gill Grissom R...

Von AlanaBanana470

11.4K 219 37

Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom Romance, Fan fiction, Basically what i would love to happen in season 14, GSR fan'... Mehr


Sara Sidle & Gill Grissom (CSI Fan Fiction)

2.8K 39 9
Von AlanaBanana470


It had been a really long night. All I wanted to do was go home have a long soak and crawl into bed. I had just spent the day in autopsy with Doc Robbins, trying to figure what could have killed our victim of the recent homicide. I walked in the door and turned off the alarm code. Straight away I saw the huge framed picture of me and Gil hanging up on the wall. My stomach turned over. I'd been kidding myself so much about my marriage, telling myself we could get through everything, that we were fine. We weren't though and Gil knew that or else, He wouldn't have stayed in Peru and told me we should end it over the phone. Man, I really wish he was here. I still love him with my whole life.

I felt really bad about making out with Taylor Wynard though a week after we'd split up, like it was really wrong for me to do that. Now that Taylor was dead though - I felt my eyes well up with tears. At least Ronald was behind bars now. That bastard nearly ruint my life. I was glad though that Nick and Greg Knew about me and Grissom. I didn't feel so alone now. They were great friends to have.

I looked at the picture again, I really must take down all the pictures of the two of us, I just couldn't face it though. I dropped my forensic kit and my handbag on the floor and walked into the sunroom. The sun was in the sky now and the room was brightly lit. I walked into my bedroom and brushed out my hair and started to undress. I turned on the bath and went into my kitchen. I really needed a soda. I went into the kitchen and got a huge sense of de ja vu. Just last week the exact same thing had happened to me and i found the murder weapon that killed Taylor Wynard in my dishwasher. It was times like those that I really, really wished Grissom was around.

I got my soda, and went into the bathroom. I looked in the steamy mirror. The stresses of the last few days were showing. I had dark purplish bags under my eyes, and my skin was pale. Nothing that a long soak and a good night sleep can solve. I got into the bath and relaxed and let the hot water relax my muscles. Perfect. Soothing.

I woke to the ringing of my cell phone, I opened my eyes. The water had gone clear and it was lukewarm. Crap! I thought I fell asleep in the bath. I dragged myself out of the bath and slowly dried myself. If it was work, I could call them back. I unplugged the bath and walked into my room. My cell had stopped ringing at this point. I picked it up and saw who the missed call was from.... Gil Grissom. Why would he do this do me? I put back the phone on the dresser and backed away from it and sat down on the bed. To call him back or not? No, I couldn't. Still staring at the phone i got into bed and took two sleeping pills.

Hope you guys like this, i noticed how there wasn't much GSR fan fictions on wattpad. So this is for all you guys. Tell me What you think so far!! I own no CSI Characters
