Going Up - Now On Amazon

By Xebbex

12.8M 216K 27.2K

Sarah Jenkins is desperate to escape her tragic childhood. At 18 she runs from her abusive father finding wor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Authors Note
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four - Nick POV
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four - Part One.
Chapter Thirty Four - Part Two
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven - Nick POV
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty - Nick POV
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three + Epilogue
Sequel Update
Going up on AMAZON!!!
Vote For Letting Go Please!!
Letting Go made the TOP TEN of So You Think You Can Write!!
Going Back! - New Book in the series.

Chapter Three

322K 5.9K 822
By Xebbex

“Um, I uh. What do you mean” My mouth tripped on the words as they fought their way out. Suddenly my hands felt clammy and I wanted to run from the office, from the building.

“What I said in the elevator stands Sarah. You remind me of myself.” He replied, his voice soft.

“Oh, well you couldn’t be more wrong. I’m not running from anyone, or anything.” I lied, walking toward the door, My hand grasped the handle once again. I went to open the door when Nick cleared his throat and spoke.

“I research all my potential employees before I give my managers the go ahead on an interview Sarah….”

My stomach dropped, and I literally felt like I was about to vomit. What could he know, I’d never told anyone. No one else knew about me, or my past. Except for my father. Nick was edging closer to the part of me I didn't want to deal with. Not yet.

I dug deep to find something to get Nick off my case, but I came up with nothing. I didn't want to have this discussion with him. We may have crossed all sorts of professional and personal lines in the space of a couple of hours, but in the end, we were still strangers.

“So what exactly do you think you know, Mr Jackson?” I said boldly as I went against my own thoughts in an attempt to call Nick's bluff. I spun on my heel so that I was once again facing him. He looked surprised, taken aback by my sudden change in demeanor. Still his eyes locked on to mine and he didn’t look away.

 “I know enough, to know you don’t want to go back to Genoa Springs” Nick replied, his voice steady and serious. A chill ran down my spine, and I wondered how he knew what he knew. 

“That’s a lucky guess Mr  Jackson, but then Genoa is a small town, and most young girls like me want to escape the first moment they get the chance” I replied honestly, It was the truth too, most Genoa teenagers dreamt of turning 18 and graduating school to escape for the bright lights of the city.

Nick’s eyes narrowed and he walked to his desk and sat back down.

“Sarah, I know enough to know that you don’t want Genoa, coming to find you” he replied, his voice low and quiet. Nervously I bit my cheek and began fumbling my fingers. I racked my brain, trying to work out how he knew anything about my past, when I’d told no one about it. I reluctantly opened the pandoras box of hurt and let myself think

Then I remembered my 15th birthday. I’d been sick on and off for weeks. I’d begun to get bloated and nauseas, so I went to the doctors instead of school one day. I remember the doctor telling me I was pregnant like it was yesterday. I remember the blood draining from my face and I remember fainting in the doctors room.

He’d asked me if I was okay, if someone was hurting me. I denied it of course, the daily threat of my life ringing in my ears as a reminder to stay quiet.

Of course I didn’t tell My father about the pregnancy, and naturally around 10 weeks I miscarried. As guilty as it made me feel, I was thankful that it happened the way it did.

A tear slid down my cheek and I blinked furiously to stop any more. I shoved the hurt away and let  my sadness turned to anger when I realised that the only thing that could have given him any inkling was reading my medical records. It was almost the only thing that would have ever told any kind of story about me.

“My medical records?” I scathed, a fresh wave of nausea rushed over me, and I wanted nothing more to storm out of the office, out of the building and never return. Nick was more than right though, I need this job. Nick looked at me blankly, as if the highly illegal gathering of information was completely acceptable.

“No, I didn’t read your medical records Sarah” He replied, his voice cold and crisp. His eyes narrowed considerably and now I wasn’t sure how he thought he knew anything.

“I’m sorry” I mumbled

“Don’t be sorry, Sarah. I didn’t mean to frighten you. Your school records, which I did attain, peaked my interest. A clever girl, with one of the highest GPA’s left school on her 18th birthday, without attending graduation. It was noted on your file that you were a quiet student, one who knuckles down. No extracurricular activities however, and in 10th grade you missed an entire month of school.”

I shifted my feet around the floor and moved backwards a little toward the door. I wanted to escape, I wasn’t comfortable with anyone knowing my traumatic past, when all I wanted to do was leave it behind.

“I’m not sure what you think that tells you Mr Jackson? Perhaps that I’m unmotivated, which begs the question of why you’d hire me” I spat out without thinking.

“Miss Jenkins, it tells me that I needed to know more. Your records reminded me of my own at the same age.”

“Right, so this whole ‘you remind me of me’ thing is because you think you know me, because you don’t.” He had no idea who I was, or what I had been through, as much as he liked to think he did.

Nick stood up again and walked over to the filing cabinet. He opened it and pulled out a file.

“Read this” He said chucking the file on his desk. Reluctantly I walked back to the desk and sat down on the cushy chair. My fingers grasped at the file, It was emblazoned with my name.

“I don’t usually give my employees records to them to peruse. I research my potential employees to save my own arse Sarah. I worked incredibly hard to get where I am and its important the people I employ meet my expectations.”

I opened the file and immediately saw my application form, my high school records. What surprised me in the file was something I hadn’t expected. Something that shocked me to my core.

“You got hold of the crime report from my mothers death?” I replied confused. I’d not seen the report myself, and I looked away from the file, almost afraid to delve back in to that memory, when I'd already let myself think about my past far to much today.

“I have friends in high places. Read the report Sarah.”

“I don’t think I can” I replied the ever persistent knot returned to my throat, only this time I couldn’t swallow it back down. I looked back down at the file none the less, and gazed over the words.

I felt sick reading about that night. I’d been far too young to remember such intricate details. Everything I read, was what my father had said had happened. What surprised me was the fact in the report the cops suspected my father, but through lack of evidence were forced to close the case.

“They suspected he was involved” I mumbled, something in my head clicked and I was transported back to that night through my memories.

My seven year old self had been playing with my dolls one evening after dinner, dressing them and feeding them.

“Mommy!!” I called loudly, usually she’d reply with her beautiful silky voice and walk in. She loved me more than anything else and I knew it. This time the air was silent and she didn’t reply. I’d put my dolls down, certain she must be playing hide and go seek like we did sometimes. I hunted around the house, before I heard muffled noises in the bathroom. I peeked through the door handle and saw my mother on the ground. She looked as though she were sleeping, and I pushed open the door to give her a snuggly hug, like we did sometimes when we slept, or took naps.

“Sarah! Get out!” My father had yelled, pure evil in his eyes. He had a bottle in one hand and a lid in the other.

“Daddy, Mommy is sleeping I want cuddles” I said softly with a smile.

He laughed cruelly and tapped my mom’s body with his toes.

“Mommy isn’t sleeping, Mommy is very very sick. Now go to bed”

I bent down and kissed my mother on the head, she was warm, but I couldn’t feel hear the soft sound of her breath like I normally could.

“Shouldn’t you call an ambulance Daddy!” I yelled, unwilling to leave my mothers side. Everything was blank after that, and not because I’d blocked it out, But because he’d given me something. A Happy tablet he’d called it. When I woke My mother was gone, the ambulance and police had been. My nightmare had only just began. It was easier to believe his words, than remember what I had seen and felt

I shook my head, bringing myself back to reality. It was a struggle to hold back my tears, but I managed. I couldn’t let Nick see me lose it.

“He did it” I croaked “I should have said something. I should have fought harder”

“You were 7 Sarah, don’t be too hard on yourself.” Nick soothed, placing a glass of water in front of me.

“You don’t know the horrors I’ve dealt with Mr Jackson.” I replied without thinking, I closed the file and placed it back down. I had to get out of here now, before I lost it completely and turned into a blithering mess. I’d not expected my first day of work to incorporate so much drama.

I looked up at Nick and he furrowed his eyebrows, a thin frown formed on his face and he sat down.

“I can imagine Sarah. I’m going to let Julie know that you are heading home early today under my instructions. You can come back tomorrow and we’ll pretend today didn’t happen alright?” Nick suggested softly, as he sat on the edge of his desk, facing me. I found myself nodding in agreement, although the kisses we’d shared had rocked and shocked me, today had been an extreme emotional roller coaster and wiping it away sounded incredibly appetising.

“great, I’ll call her now, and then I will give you a lift home”

“Oh No, I’ll catch the bus it’s reall-” I began, Nick cut me off before I could finish by raising his hand and shaking his head, he looked stern and pursed his lips.

“No, you won’t. Do you need anything from your cubicle?” Nick asked “I will get Janie to run and grab it”

“Just my wallet” I replied.

Nick called both Julie and Janie and then grabbed his car keys from out of his desk.

“Where are you staying?”

“Sunset Vista, its in Compton” I whispered, embarrassed. I’d not been in LA long, but even I knew that where I was, was not nice.

“A motel?” Nick replied as though he were asking a question, I looked up and his eyebrows were raised.

“Desperate times, desperate measures. I plan to find a place after my first pay check comes in” I offered, pretending I wasn’t bothered by my “humble abode”.

Before Nick could say anything else, Janie buzzed that she had my wallet. Nick ushered me out and I took my wallet from Janie. She looked me up and down again, only this time I she smiled. Completely confused I smiled back and walked behind Nick out of the office, and back toward that stupid elevator.

“I think I might take the stairs” I groaned.

“24 flights?” Nick laughed, pressing the button

I swallowed hard and when the elevator doors opened I closed my eyes and stepped inside. Surprisingly I didn’t feel the aniexty I normally did upon entering an elevator, I didn't think of the kiss in that moment either. I just concentrated on regaining my composure.

We didn’t speak the entire way down, and while it was slightly awkward, it was preferable. The way today had gone I was seriously contemplating not returning tomorrow. When we got to the basement parking level I followed Nick out of the elevator. He headed towards a black Nissan Skyline, it was a stunning car, clearly modded out as much as it could be. Nick pulled his keys from his pocket and the deactivation alarm sounded.

“Nice Wheels” I said, trailing my fingers along the paint work as I walked alongside to the passengers door.

“Thanks. Hop in”

I opened the door and slid into the plush royal blue and black leather seats. I pulled my seat belt across and clipped it in. It occurred to me as Nick started up the beast of a car, that until now, I’d only ever been in the beat up Honda my father owned.

We drove out of the basement and out on to the road.

I didn’t attempt to make small talk, although a thirty minute drive had me thinking that at some point one of us was going to speak. I needn’t have worried however, because Nick’s phone began to ring. He answered using hands free,  but picked his earphone up and shoved it over his ear.

“Hey Amelia” He said, his voice was tense.

“No, I told you, I just had a skype meeting today. I’ve got some errands to run and then I’ll be back at my place. We can talk then” Now he just sounded plain angry

“It’s a two way street Mel. I tried calling last night to discuss that, you were out”

I felt guilty listening to his conversation, so looked out the window and attempted to distract myself with the scenary of LA.

“Sorry about that” Nick said after a few more minutes, as he threw the earphone clip in the back seat.

“It’s fine. I’m the one imposing on your time remember” I noted softly.

“You’re not imposing at all, besides I all but forced you to come Sarah.”

We got to Compton sometime later, and Nick pulled up along side the motel.

“I’m not sure I feel comfortable leaving you here” Nick said, turning the ignition off,  he gazed out the window and sighed deeply.

“Why do you care so much Mr Jackson? Am I like a new project. Someone to save?” I replied, genuinely curious. “Is that why you kissed me? because you felt sorry for me?” I added, immediately regretting it.

Nick stopped looking out the window and turned his head to me. His face was a mixture of shocked and amused. He unclipped his seat belt and pulled his keys out of the ignition.

“It’s Nick… and We’ll talk over coffee?” He suggested with a  smile.

“Fine” I shot back, as I opened the car door and hopped out.

Nick followed me to my room. I unlocked the door and he walked in behind me. He gasped audibly and I imagined it was because the place was a complete dive. The kitchenette was atrocious, and he’d just subjected himself to a coffee from here. I laughed to hide my embarrasment as I flipped the jug on.

“I obviously only have instant” I remarked, grabbing my only two mugs from the dish rack

“That’s fine, I drink my coffee black with two sugars”

“So do I” I replied with a smile.

Once the coffees were made, Nick and I sat in my lounge/bedroom/dining room. I sat on the corner of my bed, and he sat at my dinky (and broken) fold out table.

“This place is a dump” He said finally, his eyes moved around, taking in the décor.

“It’s better than back home” I said shrugging.

Nick nodded gently, and  looked over at me.

“I promised to answers questions.” He conceded

“you did”

“Alright well, First of all, I care because I’d have to be made of ice not to. When doing regular checks on a possible staff member, I came across your story and it struck a chord with me. I have my own demons Sarah, and I empathized with you. I told Julie to give you the job because I knew you needed it and because your excellent school records told me you’d do a good job. You were never a project or someone to save, and I am sorry if it comes across that way.” Nick finished talking and took a sip of his coffee

"So I got the job partly because you felt sorry for me, and partly cos I have enough brains to turn on a computer?” I scoffed. I drained my coffee, then stood up and placed the cup on the bench. I heard nick let out a chuckle

“Excels in English, Music, Photography and shows promise in Drama and dance” He recited “Pretty sure all those things make you an ideal employee for a talent agency”

I shrugged as walked back to the bed, and sat down.

“I can’t answer your last question Sarah. I don’t know what came over me in the lift. Or in my office. I don’t behave like that. It wasn’t cos I feel sorry for you. I guess I just miss My fiancée” he exclaimed

Being a mistake was one thing, but being a stand in was quite another. I tried not to show my disappoinment, but I wasn't sure I succeeded. Some of these feelings were still new to me, and I didn't know how to process them yet.

“What a player” I remarked finally, as I  clicked my tongue, I looked up at Nick with a smirk, but was surprised to see him frowning. He looked up at me, sadness in his eyes.

“I’m not a player” He replied, his tone short, and cold

“Really? Hmm  let me recount. You have your pick, literally of any woman, and you pick one of the more up close gorgeous girls in the universe. Granted, that doesn’t make you a player. What makes you a player is randomly passionately kissing a girl in and elevator, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. A girl who is average on the eye, but is no comparison for your fiancée.” I mocked, a small laugh following.

Nick’s eyes narrowed and darkened. He looked angry, as if he might throw the coffee cup against the wall even. My heart rate quickened for a moment, before I made myself realise that Nick wasn’t my father. I took a deep breath and left my eyes on Nicks.

“You’re a mouthy little thing” He warned, as he stood and walked to the kitchenette. He placed the cup down and stood there for a few seconds.

“18 years of having to be silent means I had plenty of time to build up my sarcasm and contempt” I replied without skipping a beat.

“What I did today was wrong Sarah, I admit that. Don’t sell yourself short though. You’re a beautiful girl. There isn’t anything average about you.” Nick said “In saying all I have… You know I’m not leaving you here right”

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