Taking Chances✔

By GraceForever33

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They're both ambitious, both stubborn, and unbelievably arrogant. He's the rising star. Some knew his name... More

~ 27.0~
~ 49.0~


15 1 0
By GraceForever33

"The game is to play dirty"

Taylor's P.O.V

Was it possible to know someone for a long time and still get butterflies?

Well, I had big ugly brown moths flying in my stomach as I stare in the mirror waiting on Ky to arrive. 

I had gone with a classy- casual look, considering Ky ordered me not to wear a dress. 

I had on boyfriend-rip jeans, nude heels, and a gold-glittered shirt. I think this was as comfortable as I was going to get. 

Yes, I had on heels, but you have to understand. Ky is a tall individual, I wasn't going out on our first date back together since the incident looked like a midget. 

Oh my gosh. This would be our first back-together appearance. 

All of a sudden my palms got sweaty and my throat went dry. My mind began racing on what the paparazzi were going to have in store for me now. 

I wasn't a star where the comments they made didn't affect me, because I hadn't learned to ignore them yet. I was still a trainee and I couldn't help it that my heart rate sped up with the number of rumors that I would hear tonight. 

Maybe I should call and tell him that we should cancel tonight. Staying inside can be just as adventurous as going out. 

As soon as my hand reached for my phone the buzzer on our apartment went off. 

"Tay, it's Chance" I heard Kim shout from the living room. I looked back into the mirror, my eyes wide like saucers and I was wondering if I stared harder you can see my heart beating in my chest. 

C'mon Taylor, suck it up.


"I'm coming!" 

"Are you nervous or something?" I looked down to see Ruby standing by my door with her Bratz PJs on. I chuckled and scooped her up walking towards the door. 

"Wow, you look good," Ky said as soon as he saw me. I lit up like a firefly, the heat spreading in my cheeks and neck. He smiled and gestured to Ruby. "Even with the 5 years old protruding out from your side" he grinned and I chuckled. 

"You don't look too bad yourself" I complimented. 

Damn, he looked gorgeous. With his hair combed back and a jeans shirt with blue washed jeans. He looks effortlessly handsome and I got a tinge of jealousy that he can do that. 

I placed a squirming Ruby down and she ran towards a smiling Ky who picked her up and spun her around. 

"How does it go Ruby The Cutie?" he tickled her and I smiled at how close they had gotten. He really was a sucker for her and they only knew each other for a week. It's amazing really, but Ruby is a very friendly baby. 

"Uncle Ky, can you remind Aunt Tay to please bring back gummy bears," she told him and he nodded. "And don't let her eat it. She always does" she tried whispering in his ears, but she doesn't know how to do that as yet. 

I rolled my eyes and Ky looked at me questionably. 

"She does, does she?" 

I glared at him, folding my arms "You were sleeping when I got home" I defended myself. 

"Mommy puts them in the fridgeawator" she argued and I rolled my eyes, grabbing my purse. I wasn't fighting with a toddler. 

Ky was in tears laughing by now and I had to punch him in the chest. He sobered up quickly. 

"Don't worry Rubes I got you" he pointed to the 5 years old and walked out the door. 

"Let's get this on the road, huh?" he smiled cheekily at me and kissed me on the cheek. 


"You know, I was expecting you to take me to no man's land and walk me through a vast amount of trees, only to bring me to some stream of water that you stumbled upon when you were thinking. I can surely say I didn't expect this" I said looking around as I pushed a french fry into my mouth.

"Really?" Ky snorted as I chuckled with him. 

"Yeah, you know the whole romance shebang"  I waved my fry as if it was a wand. 

Ky shook his head and gestured around the crowded restaurant. "I told you tonight is unpredictable and this is one of the many surprises" 


"You don't like it?" he asks reaching over his fries to gather some of mine on his plate. Please be informed that he had a large one and I only had a small one. 

"Can you eat your own first before you stock up for later, greedy?" I snared at him, swatting his hands away. 

"C'mon babe, they're getting cold."

"I'm eating them" 

"Right! They're going to turn 80 before you touch them again!" 

"Stop whining!" I smacked his hand again when he reached for it.  He sighed. 

"I thought I would make a good impression on Khloe Kardashian that just came through the door". My head swiveled towards the entrance, peering over bald plates and overly fizzy hair to see my favorite Kardashian. 

Yes, I love Khloe. 

"I don't see her," I said, perching on my seat and cursing the fact that I fail to grow just a tad bit to blend in with humanity. 

"Faweal" I snapped back to see half of my fries lodge into Ky's fat cheeks and his mouth moving frantically to chew and swallow them.

"You are so, so" I tried to find a word, but none would come to the surface. "Urrgghh" 

"Babe, chill I can buy you another" bits of fries flying out of his mouth. 

"Why didn't you buy an extra one for yourself?" I took his drink and put it at the far end of the table. 

Two things.

He had a McCafe Strawberry and Banana Smoothie and I wanted it. 

Second, chewing all those fries requires something wet to wash them down. 

I smirked. 

"C'mon Tay" he groaned, swallowing hard. "I'm gonna need that" he stretched his neck as if that would help the number of salty potatoes he consumed go down. 

"What this?" I asked, shaking the drink in his face and then taking a sip. 

A large one. 

He reached over trying to grasp it from me, but I pulled away. 

"No, no. Have my fries, I have your drink" 

"Give me the damn drink, I'm choking" 


"Give me it" 


"Give me it" 

"Okay, here!" Ky's eyes widen as he saw the drink fly to him, but the lid wasn't on. 

Pink gushy liquid splattered all over his face and landed in his lap, his eyes huge and mouth opened as he sat there shocked. 

"OMG," I raised my hands to my mouth, trying to hide the laughter that was bubbling in my throat. "You look so cute right now," I told him. 

Some of the smoothies had landed in his hair and were making a drippy beard. 

"Taylor" he growled, his eyes turning murderous. 

"I know, I know. Give me a moment, I'll take a picture" I waved him off, fishing in my purse for my phone. 


I snapped the photo and posted it on snap chat. It's amazing how unpopular I was on that contraption, but now that I am supposedly dating The Chance I was deemed popular. I can't recall the number of people that had added me, because I stopped counting after I had to stroll down 10 times. 

"Babe, you are gonna-" my words were cut off when I felt cool liquid pouring from my head and soaking my shirt. I even felt little rocks hit my head as I looked up at a smirking Kysnor. 

"Ky!" I screamed and he doubled over in laughter. 

"Quick give me the phone! You look so cute right now" he mocked, trying to get my phone in his hands. "Oh no, it looked like it got wet too?" he feigns sadness as we both stare down at my sticky wet phone. "I'll use min-"

I shoved my open sandwich in his face making sure to smear the mayo and ketchup heavily over his tanned skin.

"You shouldn't have done that" his voice was low and warning.

Then it happened.

Fries, lettuce, soda, and even the half-eaten McFlurry were thrown around our table. I didn't even know what was my clothes and what was my food anymore. 

Wait... did we order all of this food?

I don't remember. 

Ky's laughter was echoing through the restaurant with mines squeaking right behind him. A loud scream and a clearing of the throat summoned us to stop. 

Peeling the McFlurry that had landed over my eyes away, I looked at who I assumed to be the manager heavily glaring at us. 

"Mr. Chance" she was trying so hard not to sound mad at him, but her voice is laced with too much irritation. I giggled behind my hands as Ky removed the lettuce from his head and politely answer her. 

"I'm afraid that I have to ask you and your girlfriend to leave" her eyes wandered over to mines for a brief moment and to the floor that was smeared with the food that we had accumulated. "Now, please"

"OMG, do you ever stop getting us kicked out of places" I lied and Ky tensed up. 

"I did not start this!" he pointed to the table. That was surprisingly clean. Hmm. 

"Sorry!" the manager screamed when I was about to respond to Ky. "I-" clears their throat. "Can you please leave?" she dipped her head and I looked at Ky who was smirking. 

He's going to do something stupid. I can feel it. 

Before he can open his mouth to say something, I jumped from my seat, purse in hand, and grabbed his hand. 

"We're sorry" I apologized and pulled Ky from the scene. Apparently, the whole restaurant had stopped to watch our 'little game'. 

Wow, embarrassed much?

Ky laughed as I practically dragged him outside. His bodyguards instantly came to our aid. Kyle frowned as he saw us covered in food, but didn't say anything. 

"Ugh, I'm so sticky" I groaned, pulling my clothes away from me. Sprite is not the best thing to pour on yourself. 

I mean not that any of you would intentionally do that. 

I'm just saying, you know?

"Where's the car?" I asked Ky and he shrugged. "Wha- What does that mean?" I snapped, reenacting his shrug. 

"I didn't get one" I stopped, walking, and turned to Ky who rubbed his hair. A pink gush appeared in his hand. 

"What do you mean, you didn't get one?" I could feel myself getting irritated.

We were so far from home and he didn't have a plan for what we were doing tonight. I was so not interested in walking to where ever he had in mind. 

"It's a part of my spontaneous night" he smiled and I groaned. 

"I'm sticky" I gestured to my clothes and Ky looked at me, then behind me a wicked smile came on his pink lips. 

"I have an idea" he took my hands and I looked at it wryly. "C'mon it's a good idea" 

"That doesn't really make me jump at the idea" I frowned. 

"Please!"  I didn't get to respond, because I was hoisted on his shoulder and walking full speed to somewhere. 

I should know he wouldn't take my no. 

I looked down, considering that was my only view besides Ky's ass, and saw water. 

"Kysnor," I said, slowly but it was too late I was put down in ankle-high water and shrieked! "Kysnor!" 

"You're sticky, I'm sticky and I found us water" he shrugged walking further. 

We were in a fountain. 

"I don't even think this is legal" I frowned following him and putting my hand under the spout and splashing the water on me. 

"It's not, so hurry up" I paled and he winked at me. "Chill we are alone here" he looked around the park and I followed him. 

It was true, no one was here. Not even an animal was around. 

I felt hands wrapped around my waist from behind and I relax into his warmth. 

"I'm really happy that you didn't reject my offer to take you out again. I know I don't deserve it" he murmured into my ears. I span around. 


"No Taylor, let me finish. I shouldn't have withhold that information from you. I shouldn't have accuse you of cheating on me either. I shouldn't have made you feel like that. That's not how I should treat someone I love so much" 

He releases my waist, running his hands down to hold my hands. "I think my biggest fear is losing you. It's like I constantly think of you leaving me and I can't take it. So I put you at a distance so I can protect myself. The whole thing with Rhys was me protecting myself. I didn't know how bad I loved you until I notice that you can be snatched away from me by a past love. And then my past came and I was scared to lose you again so I tried to correct it from the last time it happened" his right hand let me go running it through his hair. 

"What was she like?" I whispered, staring into his eyes. He tensed and let go of my hand completely, finding a seat on the ledge of the water spout. I walked until I was in front of him, but he kept his head down. 

"Elizabeth was- she was Elizabeth."

"Was she like me?" his head snapped up at me and he shook his head frantically, grabbing me to his lap. 

"Possibly, but I'm not sure. She was quieter, but her timid appearance completely contradicted her ambitious stride. She was always looking for something to do. Always out there." He rubbed his stubble and I frowned. 

"So she was the 2.0 of me" I quirked up a brow. 

He laughed and shook his head. "I wouldn't say she was that. You two have a list of different things about you, but I think it would be really rude to compare you guys." I nodded my head in agreement. Although, she sounded like a cupcake. 

"She was spoiled though, she knew she had power and how to control it. Her brothers-the ones that kidnapped you" He squirmed and I tightened my hands around his neck, " they didn't know that side of her. They knew her as the sweet Eliza and at the beginning that's who I fell in love with too" 

Now, it was my turn to squirm, but I asked for this. 

"She was an angel in the front of them--in front of me, but she had problems. None they knew of. Only I knew what she struggled with. I wanted to tell them exactly what she had, but she won't let me. She thought it would let them down. Make her look weak."

Curiosity nipped at my thoughts. I didn't know that I had uttered the question until Ky was answering me. 

"She was bipolar and out of control. She won't take her meds, so I covered for her. Like I always do. I loved her too much to let go" he bit his lip and looked at me. I nod my head. 

"Okay. I had a trade in the downsides of England. I was the Fernandez best, so they would always send me to the raunchy parts of their quest. I always go alone, but she was sick and was pleading with me not to go and if I go don't go without her. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place because her brothers would kill me if I didn't do it and kill me if I carried her" he ran his fingers through the thick brown mane he had and readjusted me on his lap. 

"You don't hav--"

"No, no. I got this" he reassured me and cleared his throat. I learned that was a nervous habit for him too. 

"I thought that I had convinced her enough to stay at the hotel, but I didn't. When I got to the trade location she showed up 10 minutes into the deal. It wasn't her though. Some fake mad illusion of her. She was holding a gun and pointing it at the seller. She kept ranting about how she's going to take charge and the company will be hers."

"That's what she wanted?" I asked. He looked up at me his brown hues whirling with sadness. I felt my heart skip a beat. 

"No, Tay. It was some side of her speaking. She never wanted the company. That was her constant prayer. She actually wanted out. For us to be out" he whispered and looked down. 

I raised my hands rubbing them through his hair slowly as I feel his body tense. 

"I didn't know she followed me, Tay. I mean, from she held the gun to the buyer everything went crazy. Gunshots went off and I tried to protect her but by the time I got to her, she was covered in blood and cold. I panicked and hid her body, having my own little burial for her. I'm a wuss because I couldn't tell her brothers. I'm too scared because I know they would kill me. So, I just made up a lie that she ran away. I mean it's half true, she did want to. We were going too." 


"If they knew she got killed on my watch" his eyes were boring into mines. The hurt, fear, and sadness whirling and mix with one another. 

"They won't hurt you anymore" I whispered to him and kissed his cheek. 

"I-I don't know Tay. Those guys are powerful. Sometimes, I just want to give them what they want, but I know if I do everyone around me is going down with me. I don't want that for you" 

"Ky, they won't hurt you. They're all dead" 

"That's what we think" he argued and I yanked his chin gently towards me. 

"They are dead" I stared into his eyes making sure he sees my seriousness. 

He doesn't know, because he was unconscious when it happened. 

We have Anthony to thank for that. 

Comment and vote!

Date night will be continued in the next chapter!!! 

But you see that you've learned more about Elizabeth and I am sure that you have connected the dots.

Elizabeth is the person whose text Ky read in the first chapter. 

So, GunPowderNLead You are *ding ding ding* Corrrecctt!!!

She is his ex-girlfriend/wife. 

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