Destiny's Embrace (Bunnymund...

By Joshu_fox

81.3K 1.8K 253

An 18 year-old named Josh with special abilities and powers lives right next door to Jamie and Sophie. Soon... More

Character description
Meeting Jack Frost
The Guardians
The Boogeyman
Meeting the Guardians and Reunion
Being a Guardian and Defending a Friend
Our Center and Trouble
The sleigh and the Tooth Palace
The Boogeyman and Josh's Powers
Teeth and Explainations
Teeth Collecting and Talking
Change of Clothing, Gifts, and Mayhem in Jamie's Room!
Sandy's Funeral, The Warren, and Sophie!?
Easter Preparations, Painting, and Decision
Gifts and Confessions
Pitch, Easter Disaster, and The Truth
Finding and Believing in Jack. Aster is a...bunny!?
Fighting Pitch, Jack's Center, and Regaining Believers
Strength, Sandmans Return, Fun, Goodbye Pitch, and Oath.

Nightmares and Sandman

2.6K 62 1
By Joshu_fox

Josh POV

Me, Jack, and Sandy are now currently chasing the Nightmares through Burgess. (Is that right?) Jack apparently is finding it fun to chase the Nightmares as he was laughing from time to time. We were chasing them all over the place! We went through houses, alleyways, on top of buildings, everywhere!

I saw Sandy jump on the back of a Nightmare and turned it into a golden sand stingray. I just shot an arrow made of light at one Nightmare that I was chasing and it turned into nothingness. I just now saw Jack chasing one of his own so I followed him.

Jack just froze his and we jumped over a billboard to see it laying dead on the ground flat covered in frost. It looked as if a giant boot just stepped on it.

"Yes!" Jack exclaimed as he looked over the flattened Nightmare. "Sandy, did you see that?" Jack yelled out. Jack then started poking it with his staff. "Look at this thing." Jack said as he continued to poke it.

"Frost? Cameron?" Pitch said behind us as we jumped and turned around to look at him. Jack then shot an ice attack at Pitch, but it missed. "You know, for a neutral party, you spend an awful lot of time with those weirdos." Pitch said as he stood on another rooftop.

"This isn't your fight, Jack, Josh." Pitch told us as he approached us. "You made it our fight when you stole those teeth!" Jack said. "Teeth? Why do you care about the teeth?" Pitch asked, until he looked down to his left to see Sandy standing there, glaring at him.

Pitch jumped back in surprise and then chuckled. "Now this is who I'm looking for." Pitch said but had to dodge as Sandy materialized golden sand whips and used them against him. Pitch in retaliation, made a big scythe out of black sand and swiped at Sandy, who dodged it and strikes back.

This pattern went on until Sandy wrapped Pitch's right wrist in his whip and smashed him against the ground and building, before he flung Pitch into the streets. Me and Jack walked up beside Sandy at the edge.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side." "Same here" Me and Jack said to Sandy as we jumped down to where Pitch is. "Okay, easy. You can't blame me for trying, Sandy. You don't know what it's like to be weak and hated. It was stupid of me to mess with your dreams. So I'll tell you what. You can have them back." Pitch said at first in a defeated manner but changed to a menacing one at the end as several of his Nightmares start to appear and surround me, Jack, and Sandy.

All three of us stood back to back as we looked around, prepared to strike back, but also a bit nervous. "You take the ones on the left, I'll take the ones on the right, and you take the ones in the front?" Jack asked nervously as me and Sandy shrugged in response. We then turned towards Jack's direction and saw Pitch on one of the Nightmares. He stared at us menacingly and said one word that sent the Nightmares to attack us.

"Boo!" Pitch said.

The Nightmares came charging at us as Sandy got his whips ready, I had my fists covered in balls of light, and Jack had his staff ready to strike. But then the rest of The Big Four came flying in on the sleigh, but not right because from the looks of it, they were still sleepy since they hit a top of a structure. Sandy then grabbed Jack and flew into the sky as I followed them with my wings. Pitch and his Nightmares followed after us, as well as North, Tooth, and Aster.

Jack was flying in the air, hitting any Nightmares that came near him with his staff as Sandy still went up higher in the air. Tooth started getting into the fight too as she flew through a bunch of Nightmares. North cut a few with his swords, and Aster hit a few with his boomerang. In my case, I tightened my fists closer to my person as they then became covered in blue flames, which then took shape of two big lion heads. (I don't own Naruto or Hinata but I want to borrow her move because it looks awesome!)

(This, if your lazy but almost twice the size!)

I hit every Nightmare that I found near me and hit them hard, some of them made glass shattering noises but no glass fell further than ten feet below me as a flew around and kept punching Nightmares. I turned around and looked down to see a Nightmare sneaking up on Aster. 'Not on my watch!' I thought as I flew towards it.

Bunnymund POV

I see Frosty land on the left wing of the sleigh as a Nightmare came towards us with my boomerang following behind it. "You might want to duck." I told Frosty as my boomerang hit its target and returns in my paw. Frosty then pointed behind me.

"Behind you!" He yelled as I turned around to see a Nightmare coming in close. I was about to throw my boomerang at it, until something hit it and the Nightmare made a glass shattering noise as me and Frosty covered our eyes, just in case if it was real glass. But I didn't feel a bloody thing.

"That was too close! Are you two alright?" I heard Josh ask us from where the Nightmare was. Me and Frosty uncovered our eyes to see... Crikey!! Josh's hands were covered in giant blue flames in the shape of lion heads!!! That just roared!!! I jumped and stared wide eyed at his fists, and I think Frosty was fairing no better than I am.

"Come on you two! Pull yourselves together!!!" Josh yelled as three more Nightmares came close and he punched, or rather, shattered them. Then he flew off to fight more. I'm not gonna sit here gobsmacked!!!

Josh POV

"We gotta help Sandy!" I heard Jack yell as I look up to see Sandy having some trouble. I then gasped as I noticed that Pitch is going to fire a black arrow at Sandy!! I started to fly towards him but Pitch's pesky Nightmares keep getting in the way!

I then looked at Sandy, to see the black arrow in his back. I gasped in horror, hoping that what I'm seeing is a nightmare. It was not, it... was real...

"NO!!!" Me and Jack yelled in unison

We then flew towards Sandy, hoping to save him. From the distance, I heard yell Jack's name, and Aster yelling my name. As we drew closer, I hear Pitch talking.

"Don't fight the fear, little man!" I heard Pitch said as he started to make me mad. The others tried to get to us, but Nightmares were holding them back.

"I'd say "sweet dreams," but there aren't any left." I heard Pitch say. Scratch what I said earlier, Pitch just pissed. Me. Off!!!

Me and Jack flew faster, but when we were getting closer, Sandy's golden sand was nowhere to be seen. Me and Jack looked on in disbelief.

"No..." Me and Jack said in disbelief.

"NO!!!" Me and Jack said angrily as we charged at Pitch.

As we drew closer to Pitch, he summoned a tsunami of black sand and Nightmares, which consumed us.

Bunnymund POV

'No... This can't be happening!!! First Sandy! And now Jack and my Josh!! No!! I refuse to believe this!!!!' I thought in distress. Until I see an icy blue light shine through the black sand. 'Is that?...' I thought in hope of it being those two. Then we got a clear view of them being surrounded by an icy blue light and sparks of ice. What happened next was unbelievable, Jack somehow froze all of Pitch's black sand and shattered them. But what Josh did was jaw dropping, he made a big eastern dragon made entirely out of ice that gave a bone chilling (pun not intended) roar and sent it charging at Pitch.

The big ice dragon opened it's jaws and ate Pitch!! But then exploded in a big flash of light, sending Pitch falling fast to the ground. I then saw the both of them falling, Jack out of exhaustion, but Tooth caught him. Josh was slightly winded, but regained his bearings and flew towards us in the sleigh. I grabbed Josh and yet again, held him close to my chest as Tooth flew down with Jack in her arms.

"Jack/ Josh, how did you do that?" Tooth and I asked in unison. "I didn't know I could." They both said in unison. I stared at Josh in awe of what he just did. 'Josh... Just how strong exactly are you?' I thought as I held him closer as we entered another of North's portal. But as soon as we entered through it, We all knew what was to come... Sandy's funeral.

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