The Truth About Teachers

By TheTruthAboutThem464

1.5K 84 83

The story revealing the truth about life. -------------- Life isn't always what you expect it to be. It isn'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Competition Winner
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

74 3 6
By TheTruthAboutThem464

Liz Pov

It's been a hard week for all of us. Especially Dean. The fact that his ultimate crush got kidnapped when he was so close to asking her out made the situation ten times worse for him.

The police have found no traces of Adelina and they haven't found any suspects yet. But I have a feeling Alex has something to do with this, some way to get back at me. But how could he have done this alone?

My thoughts were momentarily cut off by an insistent knock on the door. Dean and I decide to break off the relationship, and just be friends. It was for the best plus Dean wasn't exactly in his best condition ever since Adelina disappeared. Not to say I wasn't affected at all, I was. The situation hurt me deeply since she was the only girl friends I had left. But it had a much larger impact on Dean.

Opening the door, I found Seb in front of me. I was surprised to say the least. What brings him here?

"Oh, hi!" I squealed, after a few minutes of thought, probably giving off the vibe that I was a bit too excited. But what do you expect? There's a hot guy standing at my door step.

"Hey," he replied. It felt kind of awkward until I realised that we were still standing at the door.

"Oh, sorry," I laughed yet again awkwardly. Why was a being so awkward? "Come in."

Seb walked in, curiously looking round my humble home. Suddenly, I felt self conscious. What if doesn't like my house? What if he doesn't like me? Questions were swarming round in my head. Did I like him? If only Adelina was here, I could've talked her.

Making himself comfortable, Seb sat on the sofa in the living room. I decided I should start a conversation, make things flow a bit. I still had no idea why he was here but that didn't mean I didn't want him to be here.

"How's it going with Adelina not being here and stuff?" I asked sincerely. He was after all her brother.

"It's been ok. I do miss her though, just like everyone else but we were closer than most siblings are," he replied honestly.

I didn't know what to say. Frankly, I didn't know how he felt since I was an only child however, Adelina was always like a sister to me and I didn't how I would feel if I didn't get to see her again.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?"

His question was random and in turn shocked me. Why does he want to go on a date with me out of all people? And why now? His sister also known as my best friend has disappeared to who knows where and he wants to take me on a date? Seb seemed to notice the confused expression on my face and answered the lingering questions.

"I really like you. Ever since I first saw you I was captured by your blue grey eyes. I thought I had no chance with you, since you were with Alexander, and that broke my heart. Then you guys got divorced, it was like my chanve had finally arrived. I just couldn't find the right moment to ask you out.

"Plus things are getting really depressing with Adelina gone and I thought this could be something that could cheer us both up," he finished, the sincerity in his mini speech overwhelming.

I had no idea he felt this way. We had seen each other a few times but I was blind to notice how he felt. Since Austin hasn't admitted his feelings to me, if he has any, I guess I should just go on this date since Seb actually likes me.

"Sure, I'll go on a date with you," I replied, a small smile spread on my face. What could possibly go wrong? And he was right I needed something to get my mind of Adelina and maybe even Austin.

A large smile was plastered on Seb's face, joy evident on his face.

"When are you free?"


Adelina POV

Gracing me with their presence, Emma Brooks, the school headteacher and Alexander Kaiser walked in.

"I see you've woken up, Adelina," Emma said, in an evil manner. What's her problem with me? What did I ever do to her?

"What the fvck do you want with me, Miss Brookes?" I shouted back, with just as much venom in my voice. I honestly hated her. Why, out of all people, was she the head? Becoming completely unaware of Alex' presence, I glared at the heartless witch standing before me.

"Now, now Adelina. No need for your foul language."

"Bullshit, Emma! Tell me why I am here, tied with ropes to a chair in what looks like a basement!"

"I've always loved Dean. But the feeling was never mutual. I couldn't force him to be with me, there wasn't a way. I didn't think he liked anyone until he dated that stupid friend of yours, what's her name? Oh yeah, Elizabeth Prior. The bitch took him away from me. Call me what you want but I followed him. Listened to all their conversations, looking for the right moment to take Elizabeth away from him. That was until I found out he actually liked you," I cut her off with a gasp. Dean liked me?

"So I took the chance and kidnapped you. Alex here helped since he wanted to get his own back on Elizabeth which would be perfect since your her best friend," she continued, cutting herself off with a scoff, "She's probably forgotten about you already."

I could feel tears building up in my eyes. She obviously wasn't speaking the truth, but I couldn't help but believe her.

"So sad. Even if anybody cared, they wouldn't be able to find you here," she went on, talking about how no one cared but I just zoned her out.

I was surprised Alex didn't say anything. He was usually the asshole he is, speaking his mind and making things ten times worse.

My kidnappers left me alone in this room, that looked like the typical one you see in movies.

I wanted to see Dean. Knowing that he liked me back made my heart warm. But I didn't know if I would see him again. If I would ever leave this hell hole I'm in.


Seb Pov

I decided to take Liz to Subway, since it is her favourite restaurant. When Adelina was here, she told me all about Liz, since she knew that I had a crush on her. However, she hid from me that Liz was dating Dean and I found out myself on the day she was kidnapped.

Another thing I knew was that Liz liked Austin and from what it looks like the feeling is mutual. I can't let him take her away from me. I may not have told her this but I love her. And I will do whatever it takes to make sure she is mine.

An awkward silence was forming and I knew I had to say something.

"We don't really know each other so why don't we play 20 questions?" I asked. Upon saying this, Liz smiled a miniature smile, a distance look in her eyes. As if she was remebering something. I wonder what it could be. Was it something to do with Austin? It better not be. That guy needs to stay out of her life or I'll show him what happens when he crosses with Sebastian Fernández.

"Yeah sure. Why ever not?" she replied. I could a hint of sarcasm in her voice. 

"Okay so why above all the places in the world to eat, is Subway your favourite?" 

"Well there's good food for a good price and I really don't need some random shit that I can't pronounce and probably isn't even that good but costs like double it should just 'cause it has some fancy name." Wow she really is one of a kind. "So what do you do for a living?"

"Well I'm a stunts instructor and co-ordinator. I've worked in the Divergent series, the Hunger Games series, Percy Jackson series, The Mortal Instruments, The Three Musketeers, Fury and other movies like that." Yep awesome right, jealous?!?!

"Wow that's really cool! Adelina never told me you're a stunts co-ordinator!"

"She just doesn't want to be showed up by me. Anyway what's your favourite film?"

"Umm Stuck in Love. Don't ask why I just like it and I feel like it's really underestimated."

"Cool." I know it's a romance movie never watched it, never going to watch it unless it's for Liz of course then what have I got to loose.

"So was it more awesome working with Theo James or Logan Lerman?"

"You're seriously asking me that? Well I guess they're both really talented people and well I really don't have a favourite." Wait! You idiot her favourite film is Stuck in Love. "But I guess if I had to choose it would be Logan Lerman."

"Really 'cause I love Logan Lerman as an actor and he was great in Fury, Percy Jackson, and The Three Musketeers but I thought that Theo James had more interesting stunts in Divergent." DAMNIT!!! I should have known she wasn't gonna be this is easy to work out.

"Since we're filming Ascendant this summer, I'm sure the director wouldn't mind if you come with me and meet the cast," I told her, smirking.

Excitement quickly overtook her beautiful features and she squealed so loud I think I might have gone deaf. But it was worth it for her.

"Oh my God! OH ME GOD! That means I get to meet Theo James! Oh my God! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

A smiled at her enthusiasm. Get in! I found a way to make her happy! Joy filled my heart and I became surprised when I felt her small arms wrap tightly around, in a warm hug.

Gradually the awkwardness between us started to fade and I could sense her starting to feel natural talking to me. And boy did it feel good.

The night ended quickly, since we were having so much fun together. Driving back to her house, I kept seeing a car that was repeatedly following me round. What the fvck?!

When we arrived at her house, I went in with her to make sure she was ok. Never would I allow what happened to Adelina happen to Liz as well. I would never forgive myself.

Just before I left I decided the time was right. I leaned over a bit, since Liz was quite short compared to my 6 foot height, and gave her a short kiss on her lips. It was like heaven. She was surprised at first but then quickly responded before I pulled away.

"Liz, I know it may seem early but do want to be my girlfriend?" I was scared to say the least. What if she rejected me?

My mind didn't have to make up stories of what could happen because the answer I longed for was given.



Austin Pov

Despite what happened with Dean, I still felt the urge to follow Liz round and see what she was doing. What do you expect? I love her and I didn't want her going out with some random guy.

Well your prayers obviously weren't answered.

Yet again my brain was correct. A random guy with dirty blonde hair was talking, laughing and eating with her at Subway, her favourite restaurant. Ugh. Why couldn't that be me?

Suddenly, Liz looked like she was really excited about something. She got up and enveloped the guy in a tight hug. This can't be happening! Does she like him?

I decided I would go to her house after he left, if he left. The thought made me clench my teeth together. I couldn't bare to lose her. She was falling for him and forgetting about me.

Night was approaching fast, and they finally left Subway. I followed the guy's car, trying to keep out of sight so he wouldn't notice me.

He parked in front of her house just as I parked a few blocks away. He went into her house, and I watched them as they talked for while until he did the unthinkable. He kissed her. He fvcking kissed her. After that he asked her a question, she nodded then kissed him again, for a longer period of time than before. No! This can't be happening to me.

Upon leaving the house, I left my car just as Liz's 'friend' got into his. But before I could move any further. By the one and only: random guy who took Liz on a date. What the hell!

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