Ugly Girl

Door NychelleHeartsYou

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All her father said was "YOU'RE AN UGLY GIRL AND YOU'LL NEVER BE LIKE YOUR SISTER." After that her self confi... Meer

Ugly Girl
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Ugly Girl
Chapter 3: Kayla
Chapter 4: Welcome To High School
Chapter 5: Afternoon With Jacob
Chapter 6: Slumber Party.
Chapter 7: A Difference
Chapter 8: Emergency Home
Chapter 9: Senior.
Chapter 10: Mommy & Me
Chapter 11: You're Cordially Invited.
Chapter 12: Spring Break.
Chapter 13: Spring Break Part 2
Chapter 14: Graduation
Chapter 15: Make Mommy Happy.
Chapter 16: The Big Apple
Chapter 17: College
Chapter 18: Confusion
Chapter 19: Surprise.
Chapter 20: Christmas In New York
Chapter 21: Tragic.
Chapter 22: A Better Life
Chapter 23: Marry Me?
Chapter 24: Talk.
Chapter 25: Dominique's Wedding Week.
Chapter 27: Dream Wedding
Chapter 28: Take A Blow
Chapter 29: Confrontation
Chapter 30: Dark Skinned Girls Rock Too!
Chapter 31: Thank You.
Chapter 32 : The Move. *FINAL*

Chapter 26: Opposite Turns

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Door NychelleHeartsYou

Two months after Dominique's wedding, she began to alternate into a different person. She also began to hang around Kayla less. Kelsiee even noticed Julissa couldn't hardly play with her after school anymore. Everything was shifting around strangely for Kayla and Kelsiee.

It was the month of February and Kayla was going to glance around at bridal gowns. Dominique was supposed to come along, but Kayla couldn't contact her at all. She wouldn't answer the phone and it was making Kayla solicitous because she always had her phone with her. Kayla decided to try to call her once more and finally she answered.

"Hello." Aaron answered instead of Dominique.

"Hey can I speak to Dominique?" Kayla overlooked him and spoke in an happy tone.

"She's sleep. Why do you want her?" Aaron asked defensively.

"Because she's supposed to be going bridal shopping with me." Kayla said in an agitated tone. "Oh don't think you slick, trying to make Nick look like he messes with kids. He's never TOUCHED Julissa and you know it."

"Listen, I sense him touching Julissa. You should check out Kelsiee." Aaron said in a devious tone.

"Shut up Aaron! You're becoming crazy. Tell Domi to meet me outside." Kayla barked loudly.

"No. That's final! I'm not crazy, so you shut up." Aaron ended the call before Kayla could speak again.

From the couch, Kelsiee could see her mother's mood change from excited and ready to angry and confused. As she listened to her mother's conversation, she figured out why Aaron asked Julissa was she safe. He thought Nick was being nasty to her and he wasn't. According to Julissa, she thought Nick was a pretty cool and nice guy. Also Kelsiee never felt like Nick was nasty to her either.

"It's okay mommy. Aaron is just jealous of Nick." Kelsiee shrugged as Kayla nodded

"I know he is. Put on your shoes. You're coming with me to Michelle's house." Kayla grabbed her car keys.

Kelsiee smiled and slipped on her black boots as she followed her mother out of the door. Kayla began to travel to Michelle and Devon's house in an hour due to the elongated traffic in the city. As they slowly arrived, Kayla noticed Devon was just coming back from wherever he was at. The two quickly hopped out of the car rushing to the front door along with Devon. He quickly turned the key pushing the door open, so the girls could walk in first.

"Heey Kayla." Michelle leaped off the brown leather couch.

"Heyy." Kayla embraced her as if she hasn't seen her in years.

Michelle moved from Kayla and shared a kiss & hug with Devon. After the two had their adorable moment, Devon excused himself upstairs as Michelle immediately turned her attention back to Kayla.

"Girl, we have some serious talking to do before we go to the bridal shop." Michelle took a seat back on the couch as Kayla and Kelsiee sat near her.

"What's wrong?" Kayla asked in a worried tone.

"Dee hasn't been the same since Aaron dodged him from being his best man at the wedding." Michelle said in a low sad tone. "They haven't talked normally since the wedding and it's really hurting him because Aaron's been his best friend since he moved to New York." Michelle gave off a sad look. "Dee usually talks to me about his day at work, but now he just kisses and goes upstairs. I want Devon back."

"Aww poor Dee. Well maybe you two should go on a nice vacation to get his mind off things." Kayla nodded. "Plus something is going on with Aaron because I couldn't even talk to Domi this morning because she was 'sleep'." Kayla rolled her eyes and used air quotations over sleep.

"Yeah you're right. I'll think about it because we both need a vacation." Michelle slightly smiled. "Aaron sounds like a controller." Michelle shook her head.

"I know and I need to talk to Dominique before Aaron becomes extremely controlling." Kayla looked down. "I don't want her to be stuck with someone who doesn't let her get say in anything."

"Yeah you're right."

Kayla decided to drive to the bridal shop along with Michelle and Kelsiee. 35 minutes later, they arrived at the shop and Kelsiee noticed a car that looked just like Dominique's. Her car was white and a blue streak went down the middle of the car. The three of the girls decided to go inside of the shop to look around for Dominique. As they quickly walked in, Dominique was found sitting on the waiting bench with her phone in her hand.

"Hey why didn't you call me?" Kayla asked Dominique as she plopped down on the bench.

"Oh I thought maybe I should surprise you." Dominique said in a dull tone and shrugged without smiling.

"Well... Thanks for the surprise." Kayla stood up and walked over to the receptionist desk.

Kayla didn't like Dominique's dreadful attitude, so she decided to began searching for a happy & helpful employee to help her discover the perfect gown that befits her. As she perambulated through the shop with her friends and her daughter, she finally found a benevolent worker willing to help.

The worker was a dark skinned female with hazel eyes; a nice smile; her long hair was half shaved on the left; she had on a black suit set with black pumps and she was also kind of thick in the upper body. The female worker revealed her name was Kelly.

"So what's your style for bridal gowns?" Kelly asked in a friendly tone with benignant smile.

"I was hoping to find a short bridal gown. Something that stops a little before my knees." Kayla smiled. "Did that make sense?" Kayla asked nervously hoping the women knew what she was talking about.

"Yes that made sense. Follow me." Kelly let out a small giggle as she lead the ladies to the short bridal gowns.

As the ladies made their way to the short bridal gowns, Kayla became even more astonished and eager to try the gowns on. They finally appeared in front of the beautiful, white, short gowns and Kayla's face continued to glow brightly. She liked how all of them looked and could hardly choose what to try on first.

"So how much skin do you want to show?" Kelly asked benevolently.

"A lot , but still very suitable for the family." Kayla stood inert holding her hands together.

"Oh okay." Kelly nodded as she picked out a short gown.

The gown was of course white and short as Kayla desired. It was formed as if it was an halter top dress, abundance of sequins were placed at the bottom of the dress as large diamonds were placed on each breast part of the gown. Although it seemed beautiful and fun to wear for a wedding, Kayla strongly disliked it. It was too much for her style due to the flashy diamonds and sequins.

Since Kayla didn't like that gown, Kelly picked out similar short gowns that were less flashy. Kayla decided to try on the picked out gowns. The first gown she tried on was completely white and ruffled at the bottom. Kayla and Michelle adored the ruffles, but something about it wasn't amazing her. The second gown was extremely short and wasn't appealing to her body. As she continued trying the short gowns, she figured out that they were actually better for receptions. She decided to try on longer gowns instead. As she took glances at the longer gowns, one of them caught her eye. It was a long white sleeveless gown with triangular laced bottom along with a small amount of sprinkled silver sequins on it

"That is one beautiful dress." Kayla stared as if she was in love. "How much for this one?"

"$9,150." Kelly smiled brightly. "I think you should try it on first though, just to make sure it fits well."

"Okay. I won't be able to get the dress now, so can I pay it off bit by bit?" Kayla asked as she took the dress to the dressing room.

"Yes, of course." Kelly nodded.

As Kayla headed into the dressing room, Michelle decided to chat a little with Dominique. The two didn't really know eachother well, but Michelle needed to discuss about Devon & Aaron's situation.

"Um Domi how's your marriage going?" Michelle asked in an amicable tone.

"Great thanks for asking." Dominique said expeditiously without looking from her phone.

"That's good." Michelle rolled her eyes at the fact that she didn't look at her. "Ya know how Aaron and Devon were so close and best friends?"

"Yeaaa, what do you mean about they were? They still are." Dominique slowly began making eye contact. "Aren't they?"

"Well no because on your wedding day, Aaron became drunk before you two got married. Devon was trying to stop him from getting drunk and Aaron kicked him out of the wedding instantly." Michelle became angrier as she spoke.

"I really didn't know about that. I'll talk to Aaron about that." Dominique said in a caring tone. "I know you and Devon are fuming over Aaron's behavior."

"Okay guys tell me what you think about this dress." Kayla blurted out as she slowly came around the corner with the gown on.

Kayla's gown touched the floor, but it befitted her body amazingly. It wasn't too cramped or too liberated. It was just right for her to breathe and adore perfectly. Michelle and Kelsiee glanced at the dress excitedly as Dominique glanced at in an okay fashion.

"Mommy you look stunning. I love it." Kelsiee said in a happy tone as she giggled a little.

"Thank you baby." Kayla twirled around. "So Michelle and Domi do you like it?" Kayla said with a excited smile on her face.

"Yessss. The dress looks gorgeous on you." Michelle became filled up with happiness. "The dress was calling you girl, that's why it caught your eye."

"I guess so." Kayla giggled. "Domi I have to take the dress off, so do you like it?"

"Yeah it's nice." Dominique said in a insipid tone. "It makes you look good." Dominique shrugged as Michelle and Kayla gave her a bewildered look.

"Okaay." Kayla shook her head and headed back to the dressing room to release the dress off of her body.

"So what was that? You sounded really monotonous like you didn't even care." Michelle asked in a sinister tone.

"I don't know. Tell Kayla I have to go." Dominique picked up her black and gold studded purse and began exit the shop.

"Yeah I guess you have to go back to that controlling husband of yours." Michelle said unhesitant tone.

Dominique turned around and continued processing what she just said. "Listen, Aaron isn't close to being controlling. He's a sweet and caring guy. My husband is my business not yours. Forget about me talking to him about Devon and his situation." Dominique exited the bridal gowns reluctantly.

Kelsiee sat there wondering what was the argument about. She didn't understand anything they were saying because it happened expeditiously. Michelle sat inert wondering why Dominique was being entirely obnoxious through this whole bridal gown experience. She was actually worried about what was going on in her household because she thought about how her mother stayed with her controlling father for eight years.

She also reminisced how her controlling father slowly became abusive and Michelle didn't want Dominique to go through that. Yet, along with that she didn't want her daughter to become slowly scared of her father either.

As Kayla came around the corner happily, she was ready to leave and start the payment on the gown. She noticed Dominique was gone and without asking she shook her head in a discontented manner. Kayla couldn't conclude why Dominique wasn't supporting her wedding preparations as she was for hers. She began to pay a little for the gown and handed it to Kelly , so she could put it somewhere safely.

"Did Domi say why she was leaving?" Kayla hopped into her car.


"I am so sick and tired of Domi being stubborn and obnoxious. She's been extremely different after her wedding." Kayla said in an agitated tone.

"Kay , you can talk to her. She only lives two houses down from you." Michelle stared out the window.

"I guess you're right. It's just that I supported her during her whole wedding plans and she's doing the opposite for mines. Even if I didn't like something I wouldn't be rude or seem uninterested." Kayla said in an unhappy tone.

For the rest of the ride to Michelle's house, the girls were completely silent. As Kayla returned to Michelle's driveway, Michelle released some horrible news. Kam's mother passed away 30 minutes ago. Kayla and Michelle began exchanging gloomy looks as Kelsiee quietly examined her mother and Michelle's cold and sorrowful faces.

"So what are we gonna do?" Michelle asked giving Kayla full eye contact.

"After the funeral, we have to move Kam here. She can't stay in California isolated away from us." Kayla nodded in a sad manner. "She can stay with me until I can help her get situated in her own place."

"Aww Kay that's so sweet. She would love that. I agree with you because your house is bigger than mines." Michelle began to look pleased. "Well I enjoyed looking at gowns with you and I'm interested in helping you prepare for the wedding."

"Yeah I know and aww thanks. I wanted to meet up with my wedding planner, but I'm not in the mood today." Kayla shrugged. "I'll talk to you later."

"Okay drive safe girl." Michelle smiled as she hopped out of the car.

Kayla attentively watched Michelle tread back to her doorstep and reversed her car out of the driveway. She made her way home quickly because she was extremely distressed with Dominique & Aaron's drama. She also was saddened for Kam's mother passing away. At the moment, she just wanted to rest comfortably in her bedroom.

Meanwhile Dominique and Aaron began arguing for their thousandth time making Julissa bawl out tears repetitiously into her pillow. She wished her mother and father would get along like they did before they were married. In Julissa's bedroom, she sat near her window and waited patiently for Kayla's car to park in the driveway of their home. She really wanted to play with Kelsiee because she hasn't seen her in a long time.

As Julissa began to crawl back onto her bed, she heard her father become louder. It scared her so much that she had to eavesdrop on what was going on. She quietly crawled out of her room and sat on the top stair , listening to the conversation.

"I don't get it. You still hang with Kayla when her fiancé touched Julissa." Aaron sighed heavily. "I told you to stay home but noooo...." Dominique cut Aaron off.

"He has never put his hands on Julissa. Nick is a sweet guy and...."

"Don't you EVER cut me off." Aaron barked as he pointed his index finger in her face. "You hear me?"

"Y-y-yes I hear you." Dominique said nervously.

"Good. Now did you act bored when Kayla was trying on her dresses?" Aaron asked with a devious smile.

"Yes." Dominique looked down.

"Good. I bet she was so angry at you." Aaron chuckled. "I love you baby." Aaron kissed her lips covered in red lipstick.

"I love you too." Dominique smiled as she held onto him gently.

Julissa shook her head, silently crying softly. She couldn't believe what her father was saying about Nick. Julissa always knew he was very nice and caring because he would treat her as if she was apart of their family. On top of that Dominique was being submissive to everything Aaron said. Julissa thought she heard enough from the both of them, so she headed back to her bedroom. She was planning not to talk to her mother or father at all.

Kayla and Kelsiee arrived at home 15 minutes later with a box of pizza. As Kayla prepared two slices of pizza on a plate for Kelsiee, Nick returned home from work. Without greeting his fiancée with a soft kiss and hug, he immediately collapsed on the couch. After Kayla fed Kelsiee, she checked on Nick to make sure he was okay. Of course he was fine, however he was just extremely tired from a long day.

"Hey I'm tired too, so come lay with me." Kayla bent down near Nick and planted a kiss on his cheek.

When Nick and Kayla were about to head up to their room, someone began knocking on the door. Kayla began opening the door and all she noticed was Aaron making her exasperatedly roll her eyes. She continued opening the door , letting the family inside. As the three came inside of their home, Kayla gave off an irritated look as Nick shrugged sadly. Instead of Kelsiee acting annoyed as well , she dropped her pizza on her plate, and embraced Julissa tightly. They swiftly headed to Kelsiee's room as the adults took a seat on the couch.

"So what are you two doing here?" Kayla asked in a disinterested tone.

"Well ya know, we decided to talk about anything you have a problem with." Aaron said with a devious smile. "We don't want grudges being held against us."

Kayla sighed deeply. "Alright, what makes you think Nick put his hands on Julissa? And don't you say you sense it." Kayla asked trying to keep herself calm.

"I...well she's always quiet when she comes home from here." Aaron cocked his head back.

"Maybe she doesn't want to talk to you." Kayla said in an angry tone.

"I don't get it." Nick finally began speaking. "I've never done anything to you or your family. I mean we've never even talked for you to judge me like this." Nick said in a hurt tone. "I would never touch a child because that is downright wrong and disgusting."

"Yeah Yeah. You just wanna make yourself sound like a good guy." Aaron scoffed. "You disgust me. Imma make sure my child stay safe. Right Domi?" Aaron smiled as he held Dominique's waist.

"Yes." Dominique looked and as she spoke hesitantly.

"Nooo Domi, tell me you don't think Nick is touching Julissa." Kayla barked. "You know Nick is nothing like that."

"I didn't agree with Aaron, but I do wanna make sure Julissa is safe." Dominique's eyes began to gloss up.

"Hmm.." Aaron squinted his eyes evilly at Dominique as if she had said the wrong thing.

"Aaron you're crazy and Dominique , you're close to being on the same page with him." Kayla said in a non regretting tone. "Oh Domi why'd you act so rude at the bridal shop? I mean you were so...."

"Listen, I'm not gonna let you call me crazy Kay and maybe that was my mood at the time." Dominique snapped. "I'm also not gonna let you talk about Aaron like that because he's my husband. Mine. So you watch..."

"I don't have to watch anything in my own house. I'm gonna be real about anything, so what I say is my honest opinion." Kayla snarled.

"Okay. Forget you Kayla." Dominique barked as she grabbed her purse. "I hope your wedding goes down the drain and your marriage won't last." Dominique growled unhesitant as she walked to the door. "Come on Aaron."

"Alright baby. Julissa , we're going home. Come on. " Aaron yelled out.

"No. I'm not going." Julissa said at the top of the stairs as Kelsiee stood beside her.

"Get down here now!!" Dominique barked.

"I don't wanna go home with you two. I wanna stay here with Kelsiee. We haven't got to hang out because you guys keep getting angry at eachother." Julissa weeped softly.

Aaron was annoyed with Julissa being defiant, so he quickly walked upstairs and grabbed her small body. Julissa's eyes began to stream tears as she began to scream horrifically . After they began walking out the door, Kayla pushed Aaron out and slammed the door behind them. On the other hand, Kelsiee became saddened as she marched back to her room. She took her pretty pink journal out and began to write down her full thoughts about this situation. It read :

Kelsiee's Thoughts

I wish Julissa and I could run away from the feud between our parents. I wish Aaron would stop acting ludicrous about Nick touching Julissa. Nick is so sweet and nice to my mommy and I. I couldn't even picture my soon to be stepfather touching Julissa inappropriately. Everytime Julissa hangs out, Nick fixes us a snack and goes on with my mommy or if Julissa stays over too long close to dinner time, he makes sure she can eat too. He's so caring and Aaron is not understanding. I wish Dominique wouldn't have been so harsh to my mommy. She made me start to dislike her. I just wish everyone could be happy and get along.

Kelsiee Richmond-Banks.

After Kelsiee finished writing, she drew a picture of everyone being happy and friendly to each other. As she sat quietly in her room, Kayla came in without Nick surprisingly. She took a seat beside Kelsiee as she acted as if her mother was invisible.

"I know you're mad at me Kelsiee, but Julissa is not my kid." Kayla said in a sad tone. "I can't go against Dominique and Aaron when it comes to her."

"I know mommy, but we shouldn't be in your big mess. We can't play together because you guys." Kelsiee barked.

"Kelsiee, you guys see each other at school. It's not like you guys don't see each other at all." Kayla held her hands out.

"So, we don't get to play with dolls and watch tv at school. I thought it would be fun to stay near a best friend, but maybe it isn't." Kelsiee shook her head.

"Listen Kels, it'll get better one day but right now, Domi and I aren't clicking due to Aaron.

"Oh. I understand." Kelsiee lied her journal and sketchpad on her nightstand. "I'm just gonna go to sleep. I'm tired." Kelsiee slipped into her covers without even removing her day clothes.

"Goodnight." Kayla kissed her cheek.

"Night." Kelsiee said in a monotonous tone.

Kayla teared up as she headed back to her room. She couldn't believe that for once Kelsiee was ignoring her and tuning her out. All 7 years of her life, she has never been rude but maybe made some mistakes. As Kayla returned to her room, Nick just finished getting comfortable for bed.

"Kay, baby what's wrong?" Nick waited patiently for Kayla to hop on the bed.

"It's Kelsiee. She's angry with me." Kayla strolled over to the bed and softly lied down. "I mean I can't control when her and Julissa are able to hang out,"

"Well it is kind of ridiculous that they can't see eachother because of Aaron." Nick shrugged. "I'm sure they'll get to play again later, but too much is going on right now."

"Right that's what I told her." Kayla sighed as she kissed Nick's soft lips. "Night baby, now we can sleep."

"Yeah I know." Nick kissed her back. "Night."

2 weeks later, after Kam's mother funeral happened, Kam stayed in a guest room at Kayla's house as promised. Kayla, Michelle, and Kam began to hang out more often just like their high school and college days. Dominique continued being submissive to Aaron because she didn't think she could find another supportive man in her household.

Also Dominique was starting to feel as if Kayla and Michelle were right about her husband being controlling. According to Julissa, she wanted to run away more often. She felt like she was the only one who wanted to make peace in her family. Julissa also began to dislike her father after watching him put his hands on her mother. No one knew he slowly became abusive except Julissa and Dominique. Aaron also became hooked on alcohol which made his abusive powers worse. He of course still believes Julissa has been touched by Nick, but will not report it.

As the two months progressed slowly, Kayla became more efficient about her wedding with the help of Julie (wedding planner) , Michelle, Kam , Uncle Lenny & Charity's money. Kayla didn't need to follow up what Dominique hoped for her wedding. She knew her wedding would be twice as better with or without her. Kayla was about to Mrs. Campbell and she didn't have to worry about Nick switching up on her.

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