Destiny's Embrace (Bunnymund...

By Joshu_fox

81.3K 1.8K 253

An 18 year-old named Josh with special abilities and powers lives right next door to Jamie and Sophie. Soon... More

Character description
Meeting Jack Frost
The Guardians
The Boogeyman
Meeting the Guardians and Reunion
Being a Guardian and Defending a Friend
Our Center and Trouble
The sleigh and the Tooth Palace
The Boogeyman and Josh's Powers
Teeth and Explainations
Teeth Collecting and Talking
Nightmares and Sandman
Sandy's Funeral, The Warren, and Sophie!?
Easter Preparations, Painting, and Decision
Gifts and Confessions
Pitch, Easter Disaster, and The Truth
Finding and Believing in Jack. Aster is a...bunny!?
Fighting Pitch, Jack's Center, and Regaining Believers
Strength, Sandmans Return, Fun, Goodbye Pitch, and Oath.

Change of Clothing, Gifts, and Mayhem in Jamie's Room!

3K 68 30
By Joshu_fox

(I'm just gonna skip the scene with Pitch 'cause let's all face it, nobody gives two shits about him, and I'm tired so... Continuing on.)

Later ~

Josh POV

"Aster, before we go to where the rest of the Guardians are, can you drop me off at my house? I need to get some things and plus, I sense that they are at Jamie's house right now." I asked Aster as we were traveling through one of his tunnels with me on his back since my wings can't fit through.

"Alright, mate. But try to be quick okay?" Aster told me as we popped up in front of my house. "Okay" I told him as I unlocked the door and ran into my room to grab my coat, put on gloves and different pants and shoes that go with the coat. I changed my foot ware to knee-length black boots with silver trimmings and high concave indentations in the top, and then I put on a pair of black fitting gloves and black fitting pants.

The coat that I was grabbing was a cosplay coat that I ordered three months ago, but I used my powers to change it to look and feel like an actual coat. The coat itself is a full-length white coat with a hood and a waist-high slit going up the back. It has a larger silver zipper that fastens at the top and zips down to seal the coat. It has silver drawstrings for the hood decorated with a large silver bead hanging from the end and a silver chain ornament adorned with four large cylindrical silver beads, also the coat is form fitting. But what made it really stand out, was that it was covered with intricate black designs that resemble the Nobody sigil. (Kingdom Hearts Fan!!!!! XD)

(Basically this outfit. I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to have this outfit in real life and have it be an actual outfit you could use on a daily basis instead of it being cosplaying and not the actual length that it's suppose to be.)

I put the coat on, zipped it down enough that I can move my legs, and looked at myself in the mirror. In all honesty, I looked badass!!! But enough of that, we're on an important mission. I then went to a small jewelry box I hid under my bed and opened it to a beautiful yet colorful necklace that I made for Aster for when I saw him again. The necklace itself is hung on a soft red, extremely durable rope that I made. The necklace is a sparkly rainbow wing that I made, using one of my rainbow wing feathers. The underside however, is made of pure gold, which I also made with my powers, which was difficult, but worth it.

(Imagine something similar to this, but the underside is gold)

The necklace is very special though, since I did a few extra things with it. It can't be destroyed in any way, no matter what. It also glows a bright light in dark places, if the wearer wants light. And it repels anything relating to darkness.

I put the jewelry box in my coat pocket and left the house, locking the door of course. Then I heard shushing and Aster talking in Jamie's room when I was about to jump into his window.

"I see how it is. All working together to make sure the rabbit and angel gets last place." I heard Aster say as I climbed in through the window quietly without being noticed. I blushed a little when I heard Aster calling me an angel. The guys then shushed Aster and he backed up with an 'I give' wave of his arms and paws.

"Wait, where is Josh?" Tooth asked Aster, noticing my 'absence'. "He said he needed to get some things from his house next door, he'll be back with us shortly." Aster told her.

I quietly moved towards the shadow to prevent myself from being seen. Why am I hiding? Because one: I want to see how things play out. Two: I have a gut feeling that one of these guys are gonna actually wake Jamie up since they all are shushing each other.

"You think I need help to beat a bunny and Josh? Check it out, Peter Cottontail." Jack said, holding a bag of teeth. I silently chuckled at what Jack called my Aster. My eyes widen as I blushed at what I just thought. 'My Aster!? Where did that thought come from!?' I thought.

"You call that a bag of choppers? Now that's a bag of choppers." Aster said, holding up a bag twice, almost three times the size of Jack's.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen. This is about Tooth. It's not a competition." North said as he got in between them. "But if it was..." North trailed off as he put a sack twice as big as Aster's on the ground. My eyes widened at the size of the bag. "I win!" North said happily as he soon started cheering in victory, rather loudly. Then an on flashlight was pointed at him as everyone froze in place like a deer caught in the headlights, literally! XD

I face palmed quietly at North's idiocy and carelessness. "Oh no..." North said quietly as he stared at Jamie. "Santa Claus?" Jamie said in awe as moved his flashlight towards the others. "The Easter Bunny?" Jamie said as he pointed the flashlight at him as Aster closed his eyes from the bright light. "Heh..." Aster said a bit awkwardly. Jamie then pointed it to Sandy. "Sandman?" Jamie said and then pointed it to Tooth. "The Tooth Fairy! I knew you'd come!" Jamie said in happiness. "Surprise! We came!" Tooth said to Jamie as she laughed awkwardly.

Jack POV (Yay!)

"He can see us?" I asked in a bit anticipation. "Well, most of us..." I heard the Kangaroo say as Jamie pointed his flashlight in my direction. He continued moving it a bit as if he was looking for something. I looked down in disappointment and sadness. (Sorry people!!)

Josh POV

'Oh Jack...' I thought sadly as I looked at him. Maybe Jamie was skeptical about the whole 'Jack Frost' thing. Maybe it's because the imagery of what Jack looks like was putting him off. "You guys, he's still awake." I heard Tooth say in a hushed voice. "Sandy, knock him out." Aster told Sandy, but I think Sandy must of heard it wrong because he started pounding his fists together. My eyes widened and then narrowed. 'Oh hell no!' I thought looking at Sandy. I heard Jamie say "huh?" in confusion. I was about to step out of the shadows, until Aster corrected Sandy.

"With the Dreamsand, you gumbies!" Aster said, until a growl made all of us look over at a canine growling at Aster. 'Oh no...' I thought as my eyes widened while looking at Abbey, Jamie and Sophie's pet greyhound as she started moving towards Aster threateningly.

"No, stop! That's the Easter Bunny! What are you doing, Abbey? Down!" Jamie said as he tried to get Abbey to listen to him. Actually, now that I think about it... how can Abbey see Aster!?

"All right, nobody panic." Aster said to everyone. "But that's a greyhound. Do you know what greyhounds do to rabbits?" Jack asked in slight amusement. "I think it's a pretty safe bet he's never met a rabbit like me." Aster said as Sandy made a rugged ball made of his gold sand in his right hand.

"Six-foot-one, nerves of steel. Master of tai-chi and-huh?" I heard Aster say as Abbey stopped growling and started to sniff the air around her. "What's wrong girl?" Jamie said, looking at Abbey in concern. My eyes widen as I thought. 'Wait... Abbey is a greyhound, meaning that they have a great sense of smell. Does that mean that she picked up my scent just now!?' I thought as my eyes widened more when Abbey looked in my direction and started to pant happily.

I've known Abbey for a while now and often played with her, along with Jamie and Sophie when we could. Now, Abbey sees me as a friend and loves to play with me. Abbey then barked happily as she practically pounced me and started licking my face.

Bunnymund POV

'Why did that hound just...' I would've continued my thoughts, until I heard Josh's laughter coming from one the shadows of Jamie's room.

"Hahahahaha! Okay Abbey, okay! I'm happy to see you too!" I heard Josh say as he stepped out of the shadow with that bloody hound licking my Josh's face. 'Crikey! I did it again!' I thought as I watched. "Hey Josh! Awesome coat you got on bud!" I heard the ice princess say. Ha! Ice princess! I gotta remember that! (If you know where that name came from, you rock!) "It looks good on you Josh." I heard North say to Josh.

"Thanks! I ordered it in the mail and changed it a bit to my liking." Josh said. I then took a look at what he was wearing. What I saw was a full-length white coat with a hoodie and intricate black designs all over it. I also noticed that it was form fitting at his upper body, along with the fact that he was now wearing black gloves that also fit, and knee-length black boots with silver trimmings and high concave indentations in the top. Overall, awesome isn't a good enough word to describe him.

"Josh? What are you doing here?" I heard Jamie ask Josh. "Oh... I was uh..." Josh would have continued if an alarm clock, that I'm pretty sure the ice princess set off, didn't just set off. Then the mayhem began with the bloody hound turning its attention back on me and started growling again.

"Crikey!" I yelled as I started stepping back and hopped around the room.

Josh POV

(I'm just gonna skip to where everyone is asleep on the floor with the exception of Josh, Jack, and Sandy.)

I looked around silently at the mayhem that just took place in Jamie's room. But then I started laughing when I saw the carrots from Aster's dream grab a candy cane from North's dream and started to dance. This is so priceless!!! "Oh I really wish I had a camera right now." I heard Jack say while laughing. "I... hahaha... already... hahaha... got it recorded!" I say in between laughs as I recorded the dream with my IPhone 6 Plus.

After we stopped laughing, I then turned a glare at Jack as he rubbed his hair sheepishly. "Jack..." I said menacingly as Jack's eyes widened as he moved backwards a bit scared. "W-well Tooth did say that h-he needed to go to s-sleep." Jack stuttered as he got closer to the window. "That didn't mean that you had to take the rest with him! I swear Jack that after this is over, I'm gonna!..." I would have continued but then we saw one of Pitch's Nightmare in front of us outside the window! It then took off, with Jack following it.

"Sandy! Josh! Come on! We can find Pitch!" We heard Jack yell as Sandy soon followed after him after walking over North's sleeping form. I was about to follow too, until Aster moved around in his sleep and tripped me. I don't know whether to be happy or embarrassed because once I tripped, I fell right on top of Aster and my lips miraculously landed on his lips! I blushed the same shade as my hair as I removed my lips from his.

Aster smiled in his sleep and soon hugged me close to him like a child would do to a doll or a stuffed animal. When I looked up, I either saw the cutest looking sight or the most embarrassing one. His once hilarious dancing carrot dream changed to an image of me and him laying on the ground as we made out and I snugged into his furry chest as he held me close. I then blushed a heavier shade of red as I removed myself from Aster's hug, which took me awhile because he had a strong grip! I then faced the window as I heard Jack shout again. "Josh!! Come on!! What's holding you up!?" Jack said from somewhere out of my sight.

I then shook my head to get rid of the blush and summoned my wings and flew out the window after them.

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