Wandering Alone

By Fictionwritter

85.2K 804 186

Demitra Watson is your average teenager. Scratch that, she has major issues. She cuts, she is bulimic and a... More

Wandering Alone
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 10

2.4K 25 5
By Fictionwritter

My hand hovered over the surface of Zanes desk, my fingers lightly brushing the surface.  I couldn't believe I was leaving today.  Today, I went home.  Part of me yelled to get out, to give their family the space they needed.  But the other part screamed for me to stay.  I had come to love the Angleo family so much, it was like they were my own.  They excepted me for who I was, no judging whatsoever.

Sighing, I plopped down into the desk chair, burying my face in my hands.  Deep down inside, I knew I had to go.  It wasn't an option to stay.  I couldn't intrude on this family's kindness any longer; I had been here for more than a week already.

It was Saturday.  A week and two days since my heat stroke, and a week since I found out I could sing.  Since then, I had returned to school and everything was going great.  I was back in the swing of things, which is why I was going home.  Me and Katie had worked things out, but we weren't as close as before.  For one reason or another, that didn't upset me.  Was it because I had found a family that I loved as my own? 

I was jolted from my thoughts as the door flew open and three little munchkins ran in, clothed in bathing suits and armed with water guns.  I spun around in the chair, startled to the point my heart was racing a hundred miles a minute.  They just grinned at me, their evil little grins.

"Put your hands up!"  Miles demanded, and I quickly obeyed.  But, of course, the boys had other plans in mind.  I opened my mouth to speak, but right as I did I was pelted with ice cold water.  A small scream escaped my lips and it soaked through my clothes and dripped down my chest.  I jumped up and ran out of the room, fleeing down the stairs in a desperate attempt to escape my attackers.

No such luck.

I heard their little feet hammering on the ground behind me, their laughs and shouts filling my ears.  Teaing through the hallways, I ran through the kitchen, gaining strange looks from Will and Emma, before ripping open the back door and flying off the back steps.  Because I had longer legs than the boys, I made it there in just enough time grab a water gun and fill it up - after all, I knew where they kept their supplies.

I had just finished positioning myself behind a tree when the boys ran out the door.  They skidded to a stop, tripping over each other and landing on the ground.  I pressed a hand over my mouth as I struggled not to laugh.  They looked around, confused.  Thank God this tree was big enough for me to hid behind.  But then -

The world must hate me.

"Demi?  Why are you hiding behind a tree?"  Zane was walking out of the small work shop which, unfortunately, gave him a perfect view of my hiding place.  I raised a finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet, but it was to late.

"Found you!"  Ian yelled, pelting me with another stream of water.  I screamed and shot back, missing Ian and hitting Miles.  He didn't miss a second, he shot me right back.  So, how fair is it that I had to fight three boys by myself?  That's setting me up for failure.  Which is what happened.  We ran around for twenty minutes, shooting water at each other and occasionally falling to the ground.

I glanced around and, seeing as the boys were attacking each other at the moment, decided to fill my water gun back up.  I jogged to the side of the pool and stuck the nozzle in, pulling the cap back I submerged it the rest of the way, watching the bubbles float up to the surface as the air left the gun.

And then I was under water.

It happened so fast, I didn't even scream.  I came up gasping and sputtering for breath, glaring at whoever pushed me in the water.  My eyes looked up at Zane, who was grasping his sides laughing.

"You're going to get it!" I screamed, a small smile tugging on my lips.  His face paled as he looked at me, he knew I wasn't kidding.  He ran and grabbed a water gun, filling it quickly with a hose as I worked my way out of the pool.  As I got out, I glanced down at my white shirt, which was now see through.  Bad day to wear a black, lacy bra, Demi.  Shrugging, I ran towards Zane, preparing my gun for battle.  Thunder rolled as shot at Zane, but I ignored it.

Before the water hit Zanes body, he rolled to the ground, quickly jumping to his feet.  Before I could react again he dropped his gun and charged at me.  Panic surged through my veins as I realized what he was going to do.  I turned and ran across the back yard and around the pool.  He was gaining on me fast, I had to do something.  I turned around the corner of the house, preparing myself for the jump.  The Angelos fence was only about three feet high, I was confident I could jump it.  After all, I used to be in gymnastics.

My feet lifted off the ground and for a split second I was air born, but then my feet hit the hard ground.  I made the jump and kept running, glancing over my shoulder in the process.  Zane and his brothers were following close behind me.  Zane jumpped over the fence no problem, but the younger boys had to stop and open the gate.

Looking back was a mistake.

In one motion Zane picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Didn't your mother teach you not to run from your elders?"  Zane asked, slowing his pace to a walk.

"Put me down!, Zane Angelo!"  I screamed, pounding my fists on his back.  It slightly disturbed me that all I could see was grass and his butt.

"Um, let me think...no." He then spanked me, leaving a burning sensation on my ass.  Oh no, I wouldn't take that!  Without hesitation I smacked his ass, earning a chuckle from him. 

"Yay!  You got her!"  The boys yelled in unison, poking my face that was withing their reach.  Thunder rolled again, this time the heavens opened.  It started pouring rain out of no where.  We all screeched, in seconds we were soaked to the bone.  Zane put me down and I ran to the porch where I would be safe from the pounding water droplets. 

I sat down in the rocking chair the porch occupied as I watched Zane chase his little bothers through the rain.  They were tackling each other and rolling on the ground, which was already mud soup.  I had a feeling Emma wouldn't be to happy about that, but I laughed anyway. 

They all hopped off the ground and started running, Zane chasing after the little ones.  I gasped as Zane's ankle twisted under him and he fell to the ground, landing with a loud splash.  I sat frozen as time slowed, waiting for him to get up.  The boys had disappeared around the corner a few seconds before, and still there brother didn't move.  I ran to Zane, completely forgetting the rain that soaked me.

"Zane, are you all right?!"  I landed on my knees at his side, placing a hand on his shoulder.  In a matter of seconds I was on my back, Zane looming over my face.

"I'm fine!"  He smiled at me, lifting his hands from the soupy ground.  My eyes widened and I grimaced as he ran his muddy hands across my face, "But you, my friend, are very muddy."  He whispered, his face inches from mine.  My breath hitched as his face got closer, closer...

"Demitra and Zane, come inside right now!"

Crap, Emma didn't sound happy.


"Do you have any idea how easily the boys get sick?"  Emma asked, raising her hands in the air.  "They are going to catch their death if they play in the rain like that."

"I'm really sorry Emma, it won't happen again."  I lowered my head in shame, gut clinching.  Emma was pissed.

She sighed, "I'm sure it won't dear, now go take a shower." She smiled at me, and I smiled back.  Even though she had forgiven me, I still felt horrible.  This was a sign that I needed to go home.

"If you wouldn't mind, I think I'm going to take one at home." I said timidly, playing with my fingers.

Emma looked surprised, "You're leaving so soon?  I thought you were staying for dinner."

"I was, but I'm really tired.  I think I will just go home now, if that's okay."  Lie.  I just felt to guilty to sit around their dinner table as the boys started to sniffle.  Ian was already getting sick.

"Of course dear, whatever you need." She wrapped her arms around me, despite how muddy I was, "Make sure to come back soon, Aria will be crushed that you left while she was at Meme's."

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."  I pulled out of her embrace and walked to the front door, grabbing my bag on the way.  I wasn't going to wait for Zane to be out of the shower, it was easier for me this way.  I slowly made my way down the street to my empty house.  The house I hadn't been in for more then a week.  When I opened the door, it suddenly seemed lonely and empty.  There were no screaming children to greet me, like at Zane's house.

When I reached my room, I headed straight to the shower, the caked mud was starting to itch.  I sighed as the water dripped over my shoulders and head, ridding my body of the filth that clung there.  Grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my body, I walked into my room.  I threw on a baggy shirt and shorts, not caring what I looked like.  I would make myself some dinner and fall asleep watching old I Love Lucy re-runs, it didn't matter if I looked pretty.  But as I turned around from my bed, my heart almost stopped.

There in my door way, stood my step father.  His hair was tousled and he had a cut on his face, like he had been in a fight.  My heart sped up; he only got in fights when he was drunk.  My suspicion was confirmed as he took a step towards me, falling to the ground in the process.  I stood in place, glued to the floor.  I couldn't move.  I couldn't breath.  Fear gripped me like I was a child again, afraid my mom would be mad because I peed myself.

"Hey Demitra."  He slurred as he got off the ground, staggering towards me.  "I haven't seen much of you recently."  I sucked in a breath as he touched my face, running his fingers along my cheek, "I've missed you."  He leaned forward, kissing my jaw line and neck.  No!

Move!  I yelled at myself, I had to get out of here.  But I couldn't move.  His hand slipped up my shirt, tangling with my bra strap.  It was happening so fast that I didn't know what to do.  Tears sprung to my eyes as he groped my ass, squeezing and letting out a moan.

"Get on the, bitch," He ordered, shoving me forward.  I stumbled and fell to the ground, hitting my head on the carpeted surface.  Why couldn't I run away?! "Fine, this words for my too," He grumbled, laying down on top of me.  His weight crushed my bones, making me whimper.  "Don't cry, whore, it'll be over before you know it.

I pressed my eyes closed, hot tears falling down my cheeks.  One hand covered my mouth just before I screamed, and the other started roughly pulling at my pants.  It was hard to believe this was actually going to happen. I was going to be raped, and I couldn't do anything about.

And then he was gone.

I opened my eyes and gasped.

"Zane, no!"  I tried to croak out, but it was to late.  Zane was on top of my step father, straddling him like he had me earlier.  Zane punched my step fathers face, and a sickening crunch filled the air.  In a flash they were rolling on the ground, punching and kicking each other, "Stop, please!"  Tears fell as I watched them punch and hit each other.

It went on for ten minutes, with me screaming the whole time, until my step father finally won.  He sat on top of Zane, holding him in place.  His hands slipped under the rim of his sweat pants before coming out again; he was holding a knife.  My heart stopped as he pulled the weapon up, aiming it at Zanes chest.  That's when I sprang into action.

I ran down the stars, praying to the God I didn't believe in to keep Zane safe.  I burst into my living room, scaning it carefully, searching for the phone.  Where the fuck was it?  Finally I found it under a couch cussion.  I dialed 911, and placed the phone up to my ear, running to my parents room.

"This is 911, what is your emergency?"  The man asked.

What was I supposed to say?  I only hesitated for a moment before it all came tumbling out, "Hi, my name is Demitra Watson.  My step father is upstairs with a knife, and I don't know what he's going to do!  My friend and him are fighting because stepfather was trying to rape me and Zane came in and tried to save me.  He's drunk and am afraid he is going to kill my friend!"  My words came out in three seconds as I shuffled through my parent's doors, looking for what I knew I needed.  The gun.

"Calm down ma'ma, where do you live?"

"1802 Boston street."  I ran to the bed, slipping my hand under the cushion.  My fingers brushed the metal handle, burning my skin.

"Help will be there shortly."  I dropped the phone, not even bothering to hang up.  Without thinking I ran back up the stairs as fast as I could. 

"Please don't take him."  I muttered as I ran into the room.  Zane and my step father were rolling around again, the knife still in my "fathers" hand. 

"Stop!"  I yelled, pointing the gun at my stepfather.  They froze, staring up at me.  Zane had a cut on his forehead that was bleeding profusely, causing me to gag.  My step father pushed himself off of Zane, and started to stand, "Don't move!  I'll shoot!"

"Demi, honey, calm down.  This young man attacked me, you know why I had to fight him."  He took a step forward, I pulled back the hammar of the gun, letting him know I wasn't kidding.

"I'm not fucking around.  Shut the hell up and get on the ground, now." I don't know where the balls suddenly came from, but I'm glad they showed up when they did.  My hands were still shaking, but I knew I would be able to shoot if I needed to.

"Fine."  He whispered, furring flaring in his eyes.

It happened so fast.

My "father" leaned down and, without hesitation, plunged the knife into Zane's chest.  He fell back, yelling in pain and grasping at the metal sticking out of his chest.

"NO!"  I screamed, pulling the trigger.  The gun fell to the floor as I ran to Zanes side, tears falling down my cheeks.  His face was already turning pale, he was crying.  "Zane."  I whispered, frantic.  I couldn't breathe at all, I was shaking horrendously.

"Demi...."  I could barely hear his words, they were so quiet.  They sounded like they were pained.  How was I supposed to fix this?!  Fumbling around, I yanked the sheet from my bed and hurried back to Zane.  I pulled the knife from his chest, causing him to yell and buck up. 

"Shit," I muttered as even more blood started to pool around him.  Using all my weight, I held the sheet over the wound and practically laid on his chest.  Zane was breathing heavily, eyes pressed shut and jaw set. "Hey, look at me,"  I whispered.  Slowly, with great difficulty, his unfocused eyes met mine, "It's going to be okay."

Please God, let it be okay.

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