The Revenge of the Badass Age...

By outcasts_

200K 6K 751

5 year old Hannah had a normal life. That was until her parents were murdered. 12 years later, Hannah Porter... More

Copyright Statement
Chapter 1 - Getting ready
Chapter 2 - Introductions and a Party
Chapter 3 - I'm going to get breast cancer!
Chapter 4 - 'Who are The Slayers?'
Chapter 5 - 'You're kidding right?'
Chapter 6 - 'While I'm thinking, just don't talk to me okay?'
Chapter 7 - 'I really have to go!'
Chapter 8 - Forever until the day I die
Chapter 10 - Feelings
Chapter 11 - 'May I remind you, this is a marble floor!'
Chapter 12 - The Door
Chapter 13 - Adam
Chapter 14 - 'Dude, no offense, but you are a disgrace to mankind.'
Chapter 15 - Just a dream
Chapter 16 - Just a Little Friendly Game of Twister
Chapter 17 - Plane Ride
Chapter 18 - Italy
Chapter 19 - New Places
Chapter 20 - 'Looking for us sweetheart?'
Chapter 21 - Explanations
Chapter 22 - Getting to know each other
Chapter 23 - 'What are you doing here?'
Chapter 24 - 'Looks like I can't trust you, Noah.'
Chapter 25 - First Dates
Chapter 26 - 'Are you on your period or something?'
Chapter 27 - Taken By Surprise
Chapter 28 - All of Me, Loves all of You
Chapter 29 - 'Please open the door!'
Chapter 30 - Finally Home
Chapter 31 - The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 32 - Forgetting Him
Chapter 33 - A Step in the Right Direction
Chapter 34 - Heartbreak
Chapter 35 - Step 1 in Getting Over Noah Stone
Chapter 36 - 'What are you doing here?'
Chapter 37 - Not Your Average Sleepover
Chapter 38 - The End.

Chapter 9 - Hospital

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By outcasts_

Chapter 9 - Hospital

I felt myself slipping in and out of consciousness, and I couldn't do anything about it. Every time I became conscious, I heard snips of conversations, but I didn't stay awake long enough to know what they were saying, and who was saying it.

I felt myself waking up again, and I hoped that I would actually stay awake this time. I heard the beeping of the heart monitor, and I instantly knew where I was.

I was about to open my eyes, when I felt a searing pain go through my head. I stifled a groan and I brought my hand up to my head, trying to ease the pain even though I knew it wasn't going to work.

I opened my eyes and I closed them back immediately. Why does the light have to be so bright? I tried opening them again, and I succeeded this time. I blinked a couple of times and I could finally see clearly. I looked around and the first person I saw, was Kyle and Peter sitting next to my bed.

Peter was looking at the floor and he had lines on his forehead. Kyle, who was next to him, had his head in his hands and his shoulders were shaking slightly. I looked to the other side, and my eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when I saw who was sitting there.

Natalie was there along with Aiden, Brian, Jacob and Melissa. Melissa and Natalie were holding on to each other while crying their hearts out, and Aiden, Jacob, and Brian were all just sitting there looking at the floor with hard eyes. Aiden's eyes were tinged with red, and Jacob's bright smile was off of his face. Brian's hair looked messy and disorientated and he had big bags under his eyes.

All in all, they looked horrible.

"Guys." I rasped out. "Water."

All of their heads snapped up to mine and Natalie came and hugged me tightly. "Oh my gosh Hannah! What the hell were you thinking going after the Slayers?" I tried to answer her, but I couldn't. My throat was dry and she was pressing down on my wound.

I moaned in pain and I tried to get her off of me, but I couldn't. Brian sensed my pain, so he rushed over and picked her up from on top of me, and he dragged her away.

I let out a sigh of relief and I started to breath normally again. I pointed to my throat again so they can get me some water, but everyone just stood there looking at me like I was a retard.

I pointed again at my throat, and Jacob suddenly jumped out of his seat with an excited grin on his face. "Ooh! We're playing charades! Okay, okay. I'll start first!"

He looked at me intently trying to figure out what I was implying, but I stopped pointing at my throat to give him and incredulous look. I gave up and looked around the room hoping to find water. I almost rejoiced when I found water on the bedside table.

I reached over and took big gulps of water to quench my thirst. I sighed in relief and looked around to see everyone looking at me. Jacob suddenly snapped his fingers and said, "Oh I get it! You were thirsty! Well why didn't you just say so?"

I reached over to where he was and hit him in the back of his head. "I couldn't speak you dimwit! If I could, then I would!"

I looked over at Natalie and my friends and I got confused. "Why are you guys here? I thought you were mad at me Natalie."

Natalie looked at me with guilt in her eyes and she came forward. "I was never mad. I was just sad that you didn't tell me right when it happened. I tried to talk to you about it a few days ago, but all I got was a note saying that you went after The Slayers. Why would you do that? Why didn't you at least say good bye?"

"Wait a minute. A few days ago? How long was I out?"

"About three or four days." Aiden said. I nodded in understanding and went back to Natalie's previous question. "Well I didn't say good bye because you made it pretty clear that you didn't want to talk to me. And the reason I did that was because I thought I could take him down. We found out where they were, so we went after them.

"Yeah, it was a pretty stupid move, but I wanted this to be done and over with. When I was on my way over there, I knew I had nothing really to live for. I mean, you were mad at me, none of you guys were talking to me, my parents are dead. I was all alone. You have no idea how much I cared if I died or not. At least I had tried for my parents sake."

Natalie gaped at me. "You wouldn't care if you died or not?" I shook my head and she burst in tears. "Why wouldn't you care? You had me!"

"No I didn't. You left me all alone. I was by myself."

She came over and hugged me again, pressing on my wound in the process. I gasped in pain and pushed her off of me. She looked at me in shock and hurt, but I motioned over to my stab wound. "You pressed down on it."

Her hand flew to her mouth and she looked down to it. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Is it okay? Do you need me to call a nurse? Or maybe you need-"

"Natalie. Calm down." Brian said while putting a hand on her shoulder in attempt to calm her down. She instantly relaxed and leaned into his touch. I raised an eyebrow. Well looks like Brian got lucky.

He noticed me staring and he blushed slightly. I snickered under my breath, and turned my attention over to Kyle and Peter.

"What happened with Daniel?"

Their faces went from amused, to hard and cold. "We were going to finish him off, but then we remembered that you wanted to kill him yourself, so we just knocked him out and left him there." Kyle said with a shrug, as if it was an everyday thing.

Peter shrugged from next to him and I rolled my eyes. "Oh. Well thanks. I guess?"

They chuckled a bit. "No problem."

A nurse came in and she looked around the room. "There are too much visitors all at once. The maximum of visitors are three at a time." She looked at us expectantly and we just looked right back at her with blank faces.

"So go!" She made a sweeping hand gesture towards the door, and still none of them moved. She rolled her eyes and grabbed both Jacob and Aiden by the ear and dragged them out of the room. She opened the door and tossed them out in the hall. She came back and started for Brian and Kyle, but they both shot out of their seats, and ran so fast, I didn't even see them at all.

I stared at the door in shock. Wow. I've never seen Kyle run that fast, and he was an agent! Peter went after them, but he went at his own slow pace. The nurse watched him walk out, and he even winked at her before he passed her. She narrowed her eyes and kicked his ass on the way out.

He yelped and grabbed it before running out also. She looked at us and shot us a smile before walking out the door. We all looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"I can't be-believe she j-just did th-that!" Melissa cried out.

I was laughing so hard, I had to grip my sides in order for my stomach not to hurt that much. As I was clutching my stomach, a searing pain went through the front of it, and I stopped laughing to gasp in pain. Natalie and Melissa stopped laughing and rushed over to me.

"Oh gosh Hannah, you alright?" Melissa asked. I managed a nod, and they looked at me uncertainly. "I'm serious guys. I'm fine."

We talked for a bit, before Melissa had to go watch her siblings and Natalie had to go get some groceries for her parents. Apparently, her parents didn't know that I was in the hospital. Natalie had told them that I went on a trip with a girl from my school, and they actually bought it.

So now I was sitting in the hospital room, bored out of my mind, with nothing to do. I found the remote, so I started to flip through the channels to see if there was anything interesting on t.v., but of course there wasn't.

There was a knock on the door and I looked at it in confusion. Who could that be? The only person it could be was Natalie or Melissa, but they were both busy.

"Come in." I called.

The person started to open the door at a painfully slow rate, and I wanted nothing more than to know who it was. "Can you hurry it up already?"

The person opened it faster, and Noah stepped into the room holding a couple of flowers. "Hey." he said sheepishly.

I gaped at him, and then my gaze went to the flowers he was holding. "What are you doing here?" I asked. I guess it came out harsher than I meant it to, because hurt flashed in his eyes before he covered it up with a smile.

"Well, I heard that you were in the hospital, so I came to visit you. Are you okay?" He asked with concern in his voice.

I nodded and he came fully into the room and closed the door softly. He came over to the bed while smiling and he put the flowers in a vase that was on the bedside table.

"Do you know how I got in here?" I asked him.

That question has been bothering me ever since he showed his face, which wasn't that long ago, but still. He looked at me in confusion and answered with, "Of course I do."

My breath hitched in my throat and I looked at him with wide eyes. "Y-you do?" I asked in a shaky voice. He nodded. "Uh yeah. You were walking at home and fell down the stairs and on your stomach. You really need to be careful next time."

I let out a sigh of relief and I let my eyes rest on the bed. "Yeah, well I forgot that there was an extra step, and I kinda fell hard. My head doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would."

He laughed. "Well, like I said, you mostly fell on your stomach." I let my mouth go into and O, just for show and he chuckled. "You didn't know that did you?"

I shook my head. "Nope. I just remember falling, and then I blacked out."

"Oh." Is all he said.

I wrung my hands together in nervousness. Wait, why am I nervous. It's Noah! All the girls are after him. Surely he'll pick one of them and not me!

"Do I have a lot of homework to catch up on?" I asked, crossing my fingers hoping he would say no.

"I know you want me to say no, but I don't want to lie to you. Yes you do. A lot actually."

I let out a groan and dropped my head back onto my pillow. "Why?" I moaned.

He laughed and ran a hand through his hair. I couldn't stop myself from looking at his muscles. They would clench when he ran a hand through his hair and his hair would just fall right back in his face. I just wanted to reach over and brush it back. I wonder if his hair is as silky as it looks? What conditioner does he use? Does he-


I snap out of my trance to see him looking at me strangely. My face started to heat up and I knew that I was blushing. Wait whoa, blushing? I do NOT blush!

I forced the blush down and I pretended that I was not transfixed on his hair. I mean, usually girl are focused on the guys muscle, but no! I was focused on his hair! What kind of weirdo am I?

"Yeah?" I answered and cringed at the sound of my voice. Instead of being my normal voice, it was high pitched and girly. He raised an eyebrow and said, "Are you alright?"

I nodded immediately, probably way too fast to be normal. "Hannah..." he stated uncertainly. "Are you sure?" I nodded again, this time at normal speed.

"Okay." And by the tone of his voice, he didn't believe me, which was alright with me. As long as he didn't question me anymore, then I was good.

He reached in his backpack and pulled out about three packets of papers. They weren't even a little bit of paper. If you were to put them on a scale, they would probably weigh about three two pounds. "Well, here it is."

My mouth fell open in surprise and it stayed open. He chuckled at my reaction and he set them on the bed. I looked at them unblinkingly and I didn't make a move to get them. I kept staring at them, hoping they would disappear somehow. But they didn't. They just stared right back at me as if we were in some sort of staring competition.

"We have to do... all of that?!" I asked incredulously. He smirked and nodded. I raised an eyebrow at him. "And why do you look so smug? I bet you had to do that too!" I said, throwing my hands in the air.

Now his face went in a full-blown smile. "I didn't have to do that. I paid someone to do that for me." I looked at him and studied his face to see if I could tell if he was lying or not, but there was no trace of anything, except for amusement. I glared at him and got the papers.

"Fine. Just don't distract me while I do this."

"Yes ma'am!" He said while saluting me.

I rolled my eyes at his childlike ways and I got started. I didn't even get to finish the first problem because the nurse came in with a needle in her hand.

"Hey sweetie. You're doing homework?"

I nodded slowly. She's talking to me as if I was some sort of kid, which I'm not.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I have to give you this. It will numb any pain that might come back. It'll make you go to sleep, so if you could put away the homework, that would be great."

"Okay." I got them together and I handed them over to Noah who put them on the bedside table. "Well," he said while standing up. "I guess it's time for me to go. I'll see you when you wake up again okay?" He slung his backpack over his shoulder and I nodded.

I felt a pang in my heart and I looked down at my chest in confusion. Why did my heart act that way? Why should it matter if he left or not?

"Well see you."

He nodded at the nurse and he walked out the door. I looked back at the nurse, and I saw that she was practically drooling at the spot where Noah just was. I raised an eyebrow and called for her, but she didn't answer. I snapped my hand at her, but she still didn't answer. I looked over and I found a vase.

I got an idea. I reached over and I grabbed it in both hands. I raised it above my head, and I smashed it to the floor. She jumped up in fright and she looked over at me in alarm. I just simply smiled at her and gave a little wave while shrugging.

"What? You were all zoned out."

She looked irritated, but didn't say anything about it. She just simply came over and gave me the shot. I felt a little prick where she shot me, but it didn't really hurt.

I could feel the shot working its way down into my system, and everything started to get blurry.

I heard the nurse last say, "Goodnight." And I blacked out.



Hey guys! I updated! Sorry that I took a long time. I would've updated yesterday, but I had to go to a garage sale, and that took like half of my day. :/ At least it's up today and that's what counts right? :D

So how did you guys like this chapter? :) I know it was probably all crappy, but I wanted to post it up already so you guys will have something to read. :)

I put more of Noah and Hannah time. ;) I know it wasn't a lot and that they're not together a lot, but be patient. They'll get there. :) I'm just taking it slow :D

Thanks so much for reading this story! You have no idea how much each read means to me :) I feel like crying every time! :') haha, just kidding guys :p but I sometimes do a little happy dance :P

If you guys like this story, could you go check out my other story, Without Sight? That would be incredible! :D

If you like my work and stuff, follow me! There will be more stories to come, and I might follow a few of you ;)

Okay, so now I'm going to stop my babbling. I'll let you guys go already... Until next time everyone! :D

Don't forget to:




Bye bye guys! :D


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