Don't Tell (Willow/Spike Fanf...

By StarGirlShining

3.4K 160 73

Spike/Willow fanfiction. When Willow begins to fall in love with Spike, she feels like the floor is falling... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Spike POV)
Chapter 7
Bad news fans
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

642 19 7
By StarGirlShining

*****Hey guys! This is my first fanfic, so I would really enjoy it if you left comments to tell me what you like, and if you find any errors or have tips. Also, please keep in mind I tweaked a couple details and facts about the Buffy World (which belongs to Joss Whedon, not me) Thanks everyone! (P.S. I have trouble with beginnings, but if you bear with me, I promise you'll begin to like it)******

Willow POV

My hips swayed in time to the music, letting my hair flow down around me. I was surrounded by my friends. Anya dancing with Xander, Buffy with Riley, me with Tara.  God I loved her. It sounds cheesy, but she was the sun to my moon, my better half. How could I survive without her? She keeps me here, keeps me from floating to the moon. I turned to her and dipped her, watching as a smile crept along her face, making her shine. We both giggled as I pulled her up into a kiss. Did I mention how much I love her?

I'd had a fairly normal life up until a couple of years ago. I had had the same best friend since I was two (who I also happened to have had a powerful crush on), I had gotten good grades, and I had my pet fish named Hubert, who I kept alive for a record time of 2 weeks and five days! My life was pretty good for a girl my age, I have to admit.

And then, she came into town.

It was the first day of school, and I was walking in the halls on my way to chem when I ran into Xander. 

"Hey, have you seen the new chick?" Xander looked excited, and was glancing around nervously, like someone was about to jump out and wedgie him at any moment.

"No, why? Did she do something?"

"Uh, yeah, she came to our school and guess who the first person she talked to was? Me! Me, the biggest loser in school! ME!!!!"

"So?" I asked. I was a little put out that Xander didn't even notice my new dress, which I though made me look very sexy. There had to be a way to get him to notice me! "Is she a bad girl or something?"

"What?!? A bad girl? No, she just happens to be the prettiest girl Sunnydale High has ever seen!" Xander was indignant, like I had just trampled on his family crest.

I was skeptical. She had to be fake. No way a hot girl would ever talk to Xander, not even a desperate pretty girl. "Prettier than the popular girls? Are you sure she was a student and not a talent scout looking for Cordelia?" 

Cordelia Chase was our resident rich, beautiful, and popular girl, the queen bee of our school. She had appeared on the cover of multiple magazines, but I theorized that 'Daddy' had helped out a little with some cash incentive.

I looked at Xander, only to see his eyes grow huge, and he looked over my shoulder at someone behind me. I turned to see one of cutest girls I had ever seen. She was walking down the hall way with a scared look on her face, and was nervously glancing down at her schedule. I watched her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she realized she was holding her schedule upside down. I saw that she needed some help, and I turned to Xander for advice, when I noticed he had disappeared. 

"Fudge Nuggets!" I muttered under my breath as I inhaled deeply, and started to walk towards her. 

"Hello, I'm Willow." I said cheerfully, trying not to gape as I looked at her. She was prettier up close, with light blond hair pulled into a perky ponytail on the top of her head. Her green eyes shone with nerves and excitement, the thrill of the first day getting to her. She was wearing a pink frilly blouse with a white cardigan. She didn't need any makeup, but she wore a thin layer of mascara and a a tiny bit of pale green eye shadow. She had this kind of aura around her, and despite her innocent looks it seemed like she knew a lot more about the world than she let on. How did a girl that looked like that get stuck in a place like Sunnydale? Weird stuff was always happening here. We had freak accidents, mysterious suicides, unexplained murders, and last year we had a major flu epidemic, and 7 people died. You were either born in Sunnydale or you moved in town for a couple months before moving again.

(@amyjoywriter quick shout out! Thanks for being my Buffy buddy!)

"Hi, I'm Buffy Summers." she said shyly. "I'm new here."

"Do you need any help? You look a little lost." God, I could definitely see how she had caught Xander's attention. She was waaaaaaay better looking than Cordelia.

She exhaled, obviously relieved. "Yes please. I'm looking for Mr. Brooker's chemistry class. Do you know where his room is?"

I smiled. "Hey, we're in the same class. I'll walk you there." 

For the first time in a while I had found someone I was completely comfortable talking to, and as we walked down the hall, chatting and giggling, I realized that that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

*****Hey, thanks or reading all the way to here! Comment if you want more!*****

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