Redemption of Love (Jerza, Ly...

By TheEmeraldLegend

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What is love but a game? A mere chance of fate, a roll of the dice, and everything can be changed in a flash... More

Chapter 1: Twisted Wings
Chapter 2: Who Can Help?
Chapter 3: Help From The Fairies
Chapter 4: The Single Lamia
Chapter 5: Members Of Zenmen Hakai
Chapter 6: Weird Dreams
Chapter 7: Partners
Chapter 8: River Crossing
Chapter 9: Homeless
Chapter 10: The Purple Exceed
Chapter 11: Night Before The Battle
Chapter 12: Cabin In The Woods
Chapter 14: The First Attack

Chapter 13: Morning Surprise

804 27 12
By TheEmeraldLegend

-Third Person P. O. V.-

Meredy and Lyon woke up that next morning, looking like this.

(I just wanted an excuse to use this picture again.)

They stretched awake, Lyon scratching his face.

"Morning, Mer." He groaned, getting up.

The pink haired girl giggled. "Morning, Lee."

Lyon shot her a glance. "Wow, first thing in the morning and we already have nicknames for each other?"

Meredy nodded. "Yup!"

"Though, Lee? I mean, I understand it, it's the first part of my name, but it almost seems weird."

Meredy giggled again. "Hey, I think it's cute!"

The ice make wizard chuckled. "Yeah I guess. Lee, huh? I hope I don't chop my arm off."

"Either way, you can't complain about your nickname!" Meredy said, putting her cloak back on. "What about mine? Mer? That is literally half of my name!"

Lyon smirked. "Hey, I think it's cute."

The two shared a laugh as they finished putting their clothes on. When they were done, they left the cabin.

"Well, we should be getting back now. If any of them are awake, they must be worried sick." Lyon said.

"Yeah, especially Jellal. He might think you kidnapped me." Meredy agreed.

"Or if Erza woke up before him, she could think that we're... you know..."

Meredy looked shocked. "Oh god. Jellal would be tearing through the woods to stop us from doing that."

Lyon shrugged. "Well we didn't, so we should be fine. Let's go."

Meredy nodded and the two began towards the path they took last night.

When they were stopped by a blast of water right in front of them.

They managed to avoid it, jumping back in time, but it was so sudden that they fell on the ground.

"Oh, I don't think you'll be going anywhere."

Lyon rubbed his head as he and Meredy looked up to the source of the voice.

A girl with green hair was standing on top of a tree, looking down at them with a smirk.

It was a strange smirk, not like the cocky kind, but more of an amused one, with a bit of determination.

"Hiya! Did you two have sex in there last night? I wish my love with Reito-kun could be that strong!" She said, her eyes sparkling at the last bit.

Lyon and Meredy looked at each other.

"Who... are you?" Meredy asked.

The girl looked shocked and slightly embarrassed. "Oh no! I didn't introduce myself! How embarrassing! I was just talking like we were already friends! Oh, Reito-kun wouldn't like a girl as forward as me!"

"Did... Did you say Reito?" Lyon asked. "Are you with Zenmen Hakai?"

The girl nodded. "Correct-a-mundo!" The girl spun around on her heel, flashed a peace sign, and winked. "Ame Kami, ready to rain on your parade!"

The two were speechless.

"What... was that?" Meredy asked.

Ame pouted. "I tried to be cool... That's how Josei always introduces herself, except I said a different line... I think she plays too much Smash Bros... Was that a cool introduction?"

"Yeah, I guess it was a cool introduction. Maybe I'll do that when we meet the rest of your guild..." Meredy pondered.

"Meredy no." Lyon said.

"Meredy yes." she instantly retorted.

"Anyway, how did you find us?" Lyon asked, turning back to Ame. "I know we're only about an hour's walk away from Zenmen Hakai, but how'd you know we'd be here?"

Ame bounced on her heels. "Well, I'm a Water God Slayer. I can control almost anything made of water! Except people, but still, it's a lot of things! I flew around on a cloud and then I saw a pink thing go into that cabin. That apparently was you." She pointed at Meredy. "I was going to ambush you, but I heard some... very interesting things... coming from inside. I decided not to interrupt your 'special time' so I just waited out here."

"...We did not do that, just for the record." Lyon told her.

"Suuuuuuuuuure you did. You two just fucked like hamsters in there last night!"

"We did not! How old are you?" Meredy yelled, defensively.

"I'm 18!" Ame's expression suddenly turned into a bit of a lustful gaze. She rubbed her arms as she stared up at the sky. "The exact same age as Reito-kun... We are both of legal age..."

"I'm ashamed to say, but you remind me of someone I know..." Meredy said.

"Anyway, why are you here?" Lyon questioned, getting to his feet.

"Yeah, did you come just to obsess over Reito and creep us out?" Meredy added, also getting up.

Ame giggled. "Of course not, sillies."

Suddenly, the clouds floating through the sky swarmed. The clouds darkened, as they crowded the sky. There was no more blue, only gray clouds. Thunder rolled in, and a flash of lightning missed Lyon by a hair.

The two looked up at Ame only to meet a sullen expression. Her hair covered her eyes and she gave off a dark aura. The two suddenly felt fear, afraid of this girl that had seemed so cheerful and happy before.

Her personality was completely different.

Her eyes, full of seriousness and strength stared at the two.

"I'm here to kill you."

-Jellal P. O. V.-

"Geez, it got cloudy quickly, didn't it?" Erza said, eating a few berries.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah it did."

Erik scoffed. "Maybe it'll rain on those two for leaving us without our food supply." He bit into his apple. "Serves them right, making us search for loads of fruit this early in the morning."

"They have been gone a while, haven't they?" Kinana added, carefully eating some crackers she brought. She gave one to Toishi, who sat next to her, adorably munching on it like a child.

"They've been gone since last night." Richard added.

Sawyer smirked. "Seems your little girl went off with one of our guests to put a bun in the oven, Jellal."

My fist clenched. "If that wizard thinks he can just stick his icicle somewhere it doesn't belong, he's got another thing com-" I froze.

"Jellal?" Erza put her hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong."

"There's... I can feel something! Fear..."

"Your wrist!" she cried.

I looked at my wrist and instantly knew what was happening.

"It's Meredy. She's in danger!"

My wrist had Meredy's Sensory Link on it. She must have put it on me before she left as a precautionary measure.

I thrust my wrist out to the group. "Her Sensory Link! She's afraid! She's in danger!"

Macbeth woke up. Erik threw down his apple. Kinana and Toishi looked worried.

"Let's go!" Erza yelled.

We all took off running into the woods, Toishi flying beside us, me in the lead, following what I could only feel. Meredy's feelings through the link is the only thing that can guide me.

Her link is the only thing that can save her.

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