Facing our demons


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previously titled 'mine' He let out what sounded like a growl of pleasure before he continued to rub his fur... More

PlEaSe StOp
Chapter 1: milo and mongrels
Chapter 2- scooby doo and weird dreams
Chapter 3: crazy voice
Chapter 4- jazz hands
Chapter 5- mates and kitten sneezes
Chapter 6 creepy demon fish
chapter 7- drunk!
Chapter 8 vegemite and confetti
Chapter 9- battle
Chapter 10- mate
Chapter 11- shivers and blushes
Chapter 12- marked
Chapter 13- mating process
Chapter 14- drunk tattoos
Chapter 15- mystery man
Chapter 16- smart ass
Chapter 17- Attitudes
Chapter 18- flashbacks
Chapter 20: manstrual cycle
Chapter 21- iris
Chapter 22- well fuck
Chapter 23- panic attacks
Chapther 24: Andy's story
Chapter 25: cliff hanger
Chapter 26- reality check
Chapter 27- proposal
Chapter 28- Hell
Chapter 29- deal
Chapter 30- war's beginning
Chapter 31- old rivals
chapter 32 betrayal
Chapter 33- mistakes
Chapter 34 the peacemaker
Chapter 35- hanky panky
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 pain
Chapter 38 closure
Bonus chapter: Family ties

Chapter 19- frantic alpha

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'She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive,
She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire,
She's the tear in my heart, Take me higher,
Than I've ever been.

The songs on the radio are ok,
But my taste in music is your face,
And it takes a song to come around to show you how'

"What do you mean, you haven't been completely honest with me?" He looked extremely nervous and kept glancing down at the ground as if it would reach out and swallow him whole in a few moments. "I....uhh.." He kept opening and closing his mouth like a fish, trying to find the right words. "I'm your uhh..... ImyourguardianangelexeptididsomethingwrongandwascastdownsoeversincethenI'vebeenlivingintheguild," He heaved out a huge sigh after letting out all of the information that I wanted, but there was still one problem; I had no idea what he just said.

"Okay Kieren you're going to have to repeat that a lot slower this time," I drawled in a slight baby voice as if I was talking to a two year old. "Okay," he inhaled a sharp breath before continuing, "okay I'll start from the beginning, when I was a child my parents died, as I have told you, I don't know why but the arch Angel took pity on me and decided to grant me angelic powers so I could protect children much like myself, am I making sense so far?" I just gave him a completely horrified look, what the actual fuck? Did he actual think I believed this?
"I'll take that as a yes, anyway he decided to let me chose a child to protect and well I heard your mum's shouts and your cries from about a mile away and decided to umm... Choose you."

I couldn't hold it anymore, I suddenly burst out into a massive laughing fit, was he demented or something? I mean werewolves are a bit of a stretch, I wouldn't even believe in them if I hadn't actually turned into a massive fluff ball on my sixteenth birthday but Angels, really? "I'm serious!"
"I'm sure you are," I laughed wiping small tears from under my eyes.
"You don't believe me huh?" I shook my head and tried to hold in my second round of laughter.
"Right then, I'll just have to show you." I looked at him confused before a horrified look took over my features as his back started to move and contort. A mass of black feathers slowly folded out from within his skin and stretched themselves out until they stood proud, attached to his back. I stood there staring at the beautiful night sky coloured wings in complete awe, watching as they stretched and shook themselves out as if they were their own being.

"I-I thought Angel wings were white." I said slowly approaching him and the glinting throngs of feathers on his back.
"They are," he shrugged looking down,
"So why aren't yours?" I asked confused.
"Because I fell when I was eleven." He looked down and kicked at the leaf covered ground in what I assumed to be shame.
"Yeah but why?" I questioned wanting to know every detail about the unnatural objects prodding out of this strange boy's back. "Simple, I questioned things I shouldn't have questioned."
"Oh," we stood there in silence for a few moments as I tried to wrap my mind around the fact that angels actually existed, this is coming from a werewolf.
"So um we should probably get you back before Andy looses his shit, huh?" Kieran asked, chuckling slightly.
"Probably," I muttered before heading off in the direction of the pack with a very awkward Angel trailing after me.

"Ow!" I squealed as Kieran's wings once again whacked me in the face.
"Can you please put them away?!" I yelled gesturing to the overgrown chicken wings on his back.
"Oh, right...sorry," he blushed, before his wings began to retract back into the safety of his skin.
"So this is where I'm going to leave you, I'll um... See you later I guess," he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.
Before I could say goodbye he was gone, leaving me completely shocked, wow this boy is just full of surprises.

I quietly snuck back into the pack house and back down to the cells where I walked into mine and locked it hoping Andy wouldn't be suspicious. About an hour later I heard erratic, fast footsteps rushing down the stairs and the sound of keys jingling. A very concerned alpha came into my view and I immediately crossed my arms over my chest, I refuse to be one of those girls in cliche werewolf books who forgive the guy immediately just because he's their mate and plus I've been told I'm very good at holding grudges. "I am so so so so sorry Alaska, I was just angry and and I-I wasn't thinking straight I'm so sorry," he came into the cell whimpering and blubbering as he ran over to me and pretty much tackled me. "Please forgive me!" He pressed my head into his chest, in what he probably thought was a comforting gesture but it just ended up cutting off my air supply.

"No," I deadpanned, staring directly at him.
"No?" He questioned, tilting his head slightly to the side, probably not used to hearing that word.
"No, I don't forgive you."
"What? Why?!" he looked absolutely frantic by this point and I found a small smirk making its way on to my face.
I took a few steps closer to him until we were only a few breaths apart.
"Because you locked me; your mate, in your pack's fucking cells among the other criminals," I paused to gesture over to the filthy, old men pressed up against the bars of their cells trying to get a peak at my body, "now does that seem like love to you?" I growled out and I have to admit I'm enjoying this new found confidence.

"I-I'm sorry Alaska, I love you with every fucking nerve in my body, please....just let me make it up to you." He breathed out taking my hand in his and looking me directly in the eyes. "Whatever," I huffed, walking passed him. How dare he? First he locks me up in a fucking dungeon and then he has the nerve to say he loves me. Maybe those boys who were watching t.v have gone so I can hijack it and watch reruns of Supernatural. Much to my disappointment those same five guys were still sitting their watching their god damn spongebob marathon. "Hey sexiest lady you'll ever ever meet, back so soon?" I rolled my eyes at the younger boy's teasing. "Yup," I sighed heaving myself down onto the soft leather of the couch.

"Hey you wanna play video games?" Another boy asks holding up a PS4 controller.
I inspected it for a second before smirking at him, "oh I'm going to kick your asses!" I exclaimed, grabbing the controller and throwing my legs up onto the coffee table hearing small laughs from the boys.
"Okay well my name is Ace." The fifteen year old said, he had very light blonde, almost white hair, defined facial features, dark blue eyes and adorable pouty lips. "I'm Ashton!" A boy with dark brown hair and green eyes yelled, before tackling a boy who looked the exact same. "...and this is my much uglier twin Aiden!" Aiden simply rolled his eyes before speaking, "we're identical twins idiot, you basically just called yourself ugly," He muttered, scowling.
"Whatever aides." Aiden's cheeks immediately turned bright red at the nickname and he slapped his brother on the back of the head. "Don't call me that!" Ashton simply smirked before returning his attention to setting up the game.

"Don't mind those idiots, my name's August by the way." A boy who looked a little older than the rest of the boys murmured, he also seemed much shyer, with his large hipster black rimmed glasses, messy brown hair, incredibly large dimples and nervous blue eyes. I sent a friendly smile his way and he smiled back. "Best for last! My name's Izreon!" A lanky boy called out getting right up in my face causing me to laugh. His jet black hair flopped over his eyes but he didn't seem to mind as his large smile remained glued in place. "Come on, let's start the game!" Ashton yelled, excitedly taking a seat next to me, handing me a controller as he did so.

We had been playing for a while and saying I was winning would be an understatement, I was flogging them. "You failed!" Izreon yelled as I died for the first time among their millions. "Yeah, so did your dad's condom!" I yelled back.
He fake gasped, placing a hand over his heart. "I am truly hurt, if anything it was the pill my mom was on that failed!" I burst out laughing along with the rest of the guys. "Izreon, Sebastian, Fate, what did you just say!" We all turned to see a middle aged woman standing behind the couch, holding numerous bags of what looked to be groceries.
"I'm sorry mom, I was just joking," Izreon defended.
"Room, now!"
"But I'm seventeen!" He called, appalled.
She gave him a death glare and he immediately ran up stairs, not even stopping to pause the game leading to the cruel death of his character.
"Savage," Aiden murmured.
"What was that Aiden?" Izreon's mom asked fixing her glare on the teen.
"Uh nothing Mrs. Fate, what was that? Oh okay coming mom! Well I've got to go bye!" He waved before leaving.
"But mom and Dad are in England, visiting family," Ashton stated, confused.
"Shut up dumbass!" Aiden called from the other room.

Well this just got a lot more interesting.
Sorry this chapter is shitty, I just wanted to update.
Anyway if your enjoying the story so far give it a like or a comment.
Have a nice existence.

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