Pearce Hudson: #1 My Italian...

By browneegirl

455K 14.6K 596

7 years ago I was an ignorant, naive fool blissfully happily married to my husband. 5 years later I was a det... More

1. He' back
2. Dear husband
3. I do
4. One of a kind
5. Holding on
6.New and improved
7.Hudson, Pearce Hudson
8.New kid on the block
9.The devil wears Armani
10.Old friends
12.The past
14.The truth must come out
15.Guilt trip
16.1 truth 1 lie
17.Let the game begin
18.The red dress and blue blazer
19.Dealing with the devil
20.Girl talk
21.Emperors can't rule on their own
23.Liar liar pants on fire
25.Game over
27.Speak of the devil and he shall call
28. Queen sacrifice
29.Knights, rooks & bishops
32. Loving him was red
33. Mole
34. Killers
35. What Now
36. Breakthrough
37. Never let you go
38. All is fair in love and war
Epilouge: Dante's Inferno
Author's note

22.Lose the battle, win the war

8K 293 16
By browneegirl

"I could've driven myself," Will complained as I helped him into the car.
"I needed to distract myself."
"Now I'm a distraction?"
"Quit complaining. I thought it'd be a good way to fill you in with the case."
"Okay so fill me in."
"We decided instead of directly trying to take down, we want to take down everyone who helps or works for Dante. We take away his sources, Dante will stand alone and it'll be way easier to get him."
"That's actually a pretty good plan. Good thinking, kid."
"What else?"
"You have a really pissed look on your face."
"I'm not pissed. I'm just tired."
"Is there something else-"
"I'm not pissed!" I gathered my anger then added, "I'm sorry. It's just Dante. I have court tomorrow. I have divorce to lose. It's too much."
I pulled into the parking lot of Will's condo.
"Look I mean it. If you wanna talk I'm here."
I hit the wheel, causing the honk to sound. I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled at my hair. "My dad disowned me."
"Pearce you're an adult," Will said. "Why does it matter?"
"Why does it matter?! I'm Italian okay? I was brought up this way. Disownment may not mean a lot to you but it means a lot to me."
"Well it's his loss."
"I don't get why," I shook my head. "Forget that. Do you have your meds?"
Will shook the white paper bag with the hospital logo on it.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I said as he got out of the car.
"What are you going to do now?"
"Go over the case. Think about what I might say tomorrow. You know boring stuff."
"Pearce," he said in a warning voice. "Don't do...just...good luck tomorrow."
"Good luck to what, losing a divorce?"

I've been up and down the stairs everyday. And everyday it was just two apartments across from one another. But today it looked like two options. Option A, Jake's door, you could talk to him and explain your real feelings. Or Option B, my door, avoid talking, get drunk and re-watch Downton Abbey on Netflix. Because I'm dumbass I went with option A and knocked on Jake's door.

"It's open," he shouted on the other side of the door. I found him sitting on his sofa, typing busily away at his laptop. He was shirtless, again, but in running shorts and Nikes. His chest was glistening with sweat and his hair was matted with it. He had a black band around his bulging bicep holding his phone.

"Oh hey. I was came from a run. Let me throw something on."
"No it's okay. I just wanted to check in to see if you anything on Dante's phone?" Liar.
"It's going to take some time," he said while walking towards the kitchen. I heard the fridge open and close. Then he spoke again coming out and holding two Gatorade bottles, "He has some serious encryption on his phone. It's not impossible to break." He handed me a bottle and started chugging his.

"Alright thanks then. Just checking in." I turned around and began walking to the door. Stop me. Call my name. Say anything. I'm so pathetic.
"Hey what are you doing tomorrow afternoon?"
"Nothing. I mean I don't have anything planned."
"Would like to have lunch...with me. Tomorrow at Hillstone. At around 1."
He brushes me off. He literally calls me a slut. Then he asks me out for lunch? He can't change his mind when he wants to! I will say this again I'm not that desperate. So the answer is NO!
Pathetic. Pathetic. Stupid. Stupid.

I sat laid down on the living room floor, paper and files spread across floor. A bottle of Claret opened and box of pizza uneaten. Downton Abbey blasting on as background noise. These files had everything I needed to to get the divorced finalized. To be free but no...Jessica was right. You give and give to the bureau and get nothing in return. Of course it was my choice to lose the divorce but it was the right thing to do. If it'd stop what Dante was doing, I guess I was willing to do anything.

A jangle of keys and my front made me jump to my feet. My gun was in my room so I was defenceless.
Maybe it's Jake.
Don't be stupid.

"That key is for emergencies dumbass," I rolled my eyes as Ross appeared from behind it. "You could've knocked."
"If I had knocked would you have opened the door?"

I slumped down on the sofa as Ross kicked away a few files to walk over.

"Crawford called." He took a seat beside.
"He said you're more pissy than regular."
"I'm not pissy."
"Pearce I've know you for 3 years. I can tell when you're pissy. Tell me what's wrong? Is it the divorce?"
"Yes. And Jake. And my family."
"Hold on! What about Jake?!"
"I sort said I liked him."
"You said you liked him!"
"No! I kissed him."
"Pearce you're on a case! You can't go kissing the analyst!"
"You don't think I know that? I know that."

There was a long pause before either one of us spoke again.

"Okay that was the Agent part of me," Ross sighed. "Now the Jared part of me will listen. Tell me what's going on?"
"I can't move. I'm stuck. I knew coming back would be hard but not this hard. I thought this case was all about Dante and me but there are so many moving pieces and I can't deal with this!"
"Let me worry about the moving pieces, okay?"
"What about this kissing Jake thing?"
"I like him. I do. I really do. But I don't think I kissed him because I liked him. I kissed to prove a point. For myself."
"What point?"
"That I can be normal. That I can have relationships again. Live a life without Dante."
"You can and you will. Don't rush it."
"Okay that woman is poison and she doesn't know you like I do."
"Jake asked me out. I think. He wants lunch with me tomorrow at 1."
"What did you say?"
"Yes," I replied smiling.
"You're blushing!"
"Am not!"

Another pause.

"My dad disowned me."
" you...what happened?"
"He thinks I got Paul arrested. Ugh! This life is so messed up! My dad was going to hit my mom. I can't let her stay here because I'm undercover. I can't stay at their house because I'm undercover. What can I do?"
"First you have to split your personal life from your work life."
"But now they're colliding."
"Figure out what's personal and what's work."
"You know now that I'm disowned I'm not going my share of dad's will. Neither is Peter. Not anymore."
"It doesn't look like you need the money."
"It wouldn't be bad to be you rich. Have a few bucks in the bank."
"No it wouldn't."
"Why are so nice to me?" I asked as Jared moved closer and put an arm around. I rested my head on his shoulder, accepting his comfort.
"Because we're partners and if you go crazy I lose my drinking buddy."
"Speaking of drinking. Wanna get drunk?"
"Oh how well you now me."

It was one of the most proper sleep I had in awhile. When I woke up in the morning, I felt refreshed and blissful. And the only on my mind was my lunch with Jake. Until I realized, I had a divorce to lose. Fuck. I showered and dressed in one of my most professional looks, a blue knee length dress, a blazer and heels. I pulled my hair in a ponytail and grabbed a purse.

Jared had stayed over the night. Last night we were up too late drinking, so I didn't want him to go home in that state. He was sprawled on my sofa, wrapped in my comforter. I pulled the comforter from his body and he collapsed to the white rug on the floor. Last night I had spilled beer on it, so there was a large milky brown stain. 

"What the fuck?!" he rubbed his head.
"I have to get to court and there's coffee on the counter. Can you look up after you leave?"
He slipped on his shoes and buttoned up his shirt, "I'm coming with you."
"You don't have to come. I'll be fine, beside you'd get bored."
"I'm coming Pearce."
"What are you going to wear? I don't have any formal guy clothes."
"I'll just borrow some Jake."
"Okay hurry up. I'm getting my files and I have to talk to Peter."

I poured myself a cup of coffee while I dialed Peter's number. He picked up almost instantly, "Pearce is everything fine?"
"Yeah everything's good. Have you seen mom? Talked to her?"
"I went by the house. Paul was parading at the door and wouldn't let me in. Mom came out and spoke. She's fine but she's shaken."
"What about dad?"
He laughed sadly, then spoke, "Well he made it clear he doesn't wanna see either of us again. We shame the family."
"I have to get going, then."

Ross was taller and more buff than Jake. Jake's shirt was short and tight on Ross. But Ross manged to get away with it using a tie and blazer.

"Hurry up," I told him locking my door.
"I'm dressed," he declared.
I pulled him close using his tie and sniffed him, "You smell the life booze."

I sifted through my purse until I found my mint mouth freshener and sprayed it all over him.

"You smell bad."

I had actually never been to the court, not after passing my bar exam. Well of course I did for my divorce hearing but that was in a judges chamber.

"It's ganna be alright," Ross rubbed my back we went up the steps.
"If you hear screaming please come in before I kill Dante."
"It's a promise."

Kat met us inside. She wasn't happy with my decision but she understood the circumstances.

"We're on in 5 minutes," she said. I nodded in reply taking a seat on of the benches.
"Jared can I ask you to look into something?"
"Sure I'm not ganna be doing anything exciting."
"Will you look into my brother, Paul?"
"Someone it's adding up to me."
"About what?"
"I don't know but for some reason I feel like Paul had an underlying reason for telling dad about the arrest."
"I'm on it." Kat waved her arms at motioning it was time.

I rose from the bench and followed. He was there at the door of court with Miles, talking. When he saw me he stopped talking and smiled lightly. It was more of a victory grin. Either two things had happened: he paid off the judge or he knew Miles was going to get the divorce thrown out. Well it didn't matter because the end result was all the same, I'd still be his wife. Accordibg to the law, I might add.
"Kiss me on the head," I turned to Ross.
"Make sure Dante is watching."
Ross put his arms around my back to pull me close and planted a kiss on my forehead.
"Don't go to crazy," Ross suggested.
"Can't promise I won't."

I stepped inside. The judge was there already sifting through paper. A guard was standing at the window. Good we're going to need one.  Dante and Miles were seated on their side. Kat had her briefcase open and ready to lose. I took in a deep breath and joined Kat.
"All right everyone," the judge spoke. "Let's get started." With his words the doors of the room slammed shut.

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