It Turns Me On When You Say N...

By ToSynInFaythe

589K 9.9K 1.1K

"If you ever decide that you love a girl more than you love me, just shoot me, okay?" Heath loves Quinn. More... More

ITMOWYSN- 15 (Part 1)
ITMOWYSN- 15 (Part 2)
ITMOWYSN- Bonus Chapter!
ITMOWYSN- 20 (Finale)
My Pants Threw Themselves At You, I Swear!


15.9K 260 32
By ToSynInFaythe

In case you haven't, check out the story I'm putting up for Watty's 2012! Preview is called Paradox Of Sex;) hope ya like it!

WARNING: This chapter contains some things about religion, such as me twisting some religious beliefs to suit the Sabre Noche. Don't be offended, please, because I'm a Christian anyways, so it would offend me too. None of this is real, and remember: THEY ARE CRAZY. So no need to worry:) also, no need to post death threats to me!! O.o haha, enjoy!

* * *

(Hunter's POV)

The door we were hiding behind slammed open.

"You faggots, hurry the fuck up. We gotta catch up with the group." Dawn growled quietly at us.

I hid my disappointment as Axel and I were forced to get to our feet. I'd been hoping someone was at the door to save us, but instead we were being threatened at gunpoint. Again.

Stumbling forward, I grasped Axel's hand in the darkness.

If I was going to die, it was going to be with the man I loved, not with the woman I hated.

Silently, I prayed that Quinn and Gwennie had gotten out safely. Actually, if we were being hidden, in all probablilty, they had gotten out. If Dawn was scared, we had a reason to hope.

After what felt like an eternity, I saw a light ahead.

I tripped, forcing my numb legs to keep walking. It was dark, it was freezing, and to top it off, I had a fucking gun in my back.

We reached the light, and entered a doorway. I stopped dead, amazed and horrified at the sight in front of me.

Thousands of men and women were packed into a massive room. The walls, painted bright white, made it feel like we were in a mental institution. I snorted at the thought.

I began to settle from the shock of finding so many people here, and I started looking around.

My breath caught in my throat as I spotted a figure on the wall across the room.

Jesus Christ, nailed to a cross, with blood trickling down his arms.

Turning to Dawn, I stared at her.

"You're Christians? I find that difficult to believe." I rolled my eyes, laughing quietly until Dawn answered.

"You stupid faggot, of course not. We killed that stupid man. Jesus," she sneered," loved men, too. So away he went."

As I was silent in my disbelief, she went on.

"He was the first one. And he most certainly wasn't the last."

Both Axel and I were quiet, and we averted our gaze from the figure hanging on the wall. After being so quiet, taking in so much, I couldn't stand it any longer.

"Dawn." I stated flatly.

The tone of my voice made her look at me.

As we stood there, in the middle of a room full of people, I confronted my worst nightmare.

"Dawn, I hate you. I hate the way you look, I hate your voice. I hate the fact that Gwennie came from you. I hated touching you everyday. I can't believe I ever even slept with you." I spat at her.

After staring at me for a few seconds, Dawn grinned. A nasty, stomach-turning grin. Axel backed behind me in fear.

"Oh, is that how you feel? Really? Because we can fix that right now."

Raising the gun, she forced us into the middle of the room.

"Attention, everyone." The massive room became silent, and everyone stared at us.

"These... Men... Are the reason we are here. These men are the reason we exist. To destroy people like them! They are wrong, a perversion of nature! They. Must. Be. Destroyed." Dawn growled loudly.

"So who wants to do the honors?" She whispered, eying us in disgust.

I groped blindly for Axel's hand. This was it.

"I love you Axel. I'm so sorry you met me, even if you aren't." I had to say those words once more to him, because I knew I never would again.

"I love you, too." He whispered back.

We stood tall, facing Dawn.

She had been unable to find a willing murderer, so she was going to do it herself. I narrowed my eyes in anger. If I was going out, I was going to stare her in the eyes as I died.

All of a sudden, I felt Axel's hand slip from mine.

The emptiness prevailed.

* * *

(Dawn's POV)

I leveled the barrel of the gun at my ex and his boyfriend, who stood quivering in front of me.

"Miss. MISS" A voice hissed at me from behind.

Whipping around, I shouted at the person who was interrupting me.

"What the FUCK do you want?!" I screamed, spit flying out of my mouth.

All of a sudden, I felt the gun being ripped from my hand, and my arm being twisted behind my back.

"Arghhh! Someone stop him!" I hollered for help, but none came.

"Someone, now!"

"Please!" I resorted to begging as air was forced from my body with a chokehold.

"Axel, no! You can't kill her!" I could hear Hunter's voice echoing in my ears. What a way to die, with the voice of my ex lover ringing in my ears.

At that second, the one right before the darkness, I could breathe again.

Gasping, I fell onto the floor, where I felt a foot stab into my side, pinning me to the ground.

"Honestly, everyone. Who here actually willingly volunteered to be in this organization?" I waited to hear some agreement, but none came. "Were all of you forced? Does anyone really even like her?"

To my amazement, I heard muttered disagreements. Did I not have anyone loyal to me?

Finally, I heard a familiar voice speak. My daughter, Josie.

However, my attitude changed when I heard her words

"I hate the bitch. Step back, Hunter, so we can all have a hand in killing her!"

Shouts of jubilation and exhilaration filled the room.

And then, with a pounding in my heart, I knew, I knew I was going to die.

As I turned over to try and crawl away, a cold piece of metal met my fingertips. Grasping it, I turned back to the swarm of people bunching around me.

I spotted the faggots I'd been about to kill, and as I aimed, someone hit my arm. However, I think I still hit my mark. I could see Axel's shocked face.

Wait... Why isn't he dying?!

As I watched, I started to feel... Nothing. I couldn't feel.

I looked down, only to watch the gun fall to the ground. To watch a red spot spread across my body.

And then the crowd attacked.

* * *

(FBI Guy's POV)

I could hear shouting, but we couldn't find a way into the lower floor.

Finally, Boss just decided that were were breaking through.

We strapped two pounds of dynamite to the ground, lit the fuse, and ran.

It blew a hole straight through the floor.

Boss had himself lowered through, followed by me and seven other men.

"Spread out. We have to find them."

And with that, we split into three groups.

I led my men down a pitch-black hallway. With our night vision goggles on, we could move undetected.

As we snuck down the hall, the shouting I'd heard earlier only got louder.

And louder.

And louder.

Finally, we reached a point where it was the loudest. Feeling on the wall, I found a handle, and I twisted it open.

Roaring and screaming filled my ears.

I thought I was being attacked, at first, before I realized that there was a humongous crowd gathered around one point in the huge room.

However, off to the side, huddled together, were the two men we'd been sent in here for.

"You. Go over there and protect them." I motioned one of my men, pointing towards Hunter and Axel.

"Cover your ears." I said to the other.

Aiming my machine gun at the ceiling, I fired ten rounds off consecutively.

All at once, it was silent.

"Listen up." I shouted. "We're with the FBI. Line up against the wall with your hands above your head."

Slowly, they all did as I said.

In the middle of the room, all alone, lay a bloodied, massacred body.

"Hunter." I walked over to him, hoping he knew what'd happened.

"Who the FUCK is that?!" I asked him incredulously.

And to my astonishment, he broke out laughing. His face and body were battered, and so was Axel, but they both rolled over on the floor, clutching each other and hysterically laughing.

I eyed the figure with contempt.

"Never piss off a thousand people, I guess."

* * *

A/N: I updated!!:D yay!!

I love everyone, all of my 304 fans:)

This story shall last at least three more chapters. Maybe more. But, hey, all good things must end!

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