By hannahnicolebooks

26K 894 189

COMPLETED BUT EDITING NOW :) stuck somewhere between the categories of teen fiction, humor, and mystery but i... More

Chapter 1 [EDITED]
Chapter 3 [EDITED]
Chapter 3.5 [EDITED]
Chapter 4 [EDITED]
Chapter 5 [EDITED]
Chapter 6 [EDITED]
Chapter 7 [EDITED]
Chapter 8 [EDITED]
Chapter 9 [EDITED]
Chapter 10 [EDITED]
Chapter 11 [EDITED]
Chapter 12 [EDITED]
Chapter 13 [EDITED]
Chapter 14 [EDITED]
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors Note
Sequel :))
another authors note
New book! (surprise, surprise right)
NEW BOOK hahaha

Chapter Two [EDITED]

1.1K 37 5
By hannahnicolebooks

English class had always been my favorite, and the fact that the teacher was cooler than probably any student only confirmed I would enjoy his class. They were halfway through a book already, so towards the end of class Mr. Richardson had walked back and handed me one of my all time favorite books; The Lord of the Flies.

Technically, it was a book assigned to advanced sophomores, but they said they didn't have any other material for me, and since I had already read it, I wasn't complaining.

"You'll just need to finish it by the end of next month," He told me, sliding me the book contract slip.

I nodded, and smiled, "I've read this before," I replied gesturing to the pages. "Thank you though."

He seemed slightly impressed and I smiled again. "Great start." He replied, with an easy smile.

Chemistry on the other hand, was a completely different story. For one, I hated the subject, two Mrs. Howard was the biggest bitch of the entire century, three, this kid George was assigned to be my partner and was staring at my boobs the entire hour.

Which I didn't understand, I was a proud member of the itty bitty titty committee.

And four, Carson was enrolled in the class.

As soon as he walked in, sighs filled the room. We had some from girls daydreaming about him. Mrs. Howard gave a hefty sigh at having him in her class. And the guys all sighed in defeat. It felt like high school musical.

No doubt, he was attractive, but he was an ass. And not a thicc ass, just an ass. Granted, I've barely had a conversation with the dude, but his vibes alone were enough to make me not want to have another one.

Mrs. Howard gave him a dirty look as he walked in almost three minutes late, but said nothing as he took his seat a couple rows in front of me to the left. The girls sighed again as he took his jacket off, causing the muscles in his back to flex.

Okay, I'll admit, that was pretty hot.

The rest of class was pretty uneventful. Besides my buddy George trying to lean closer and falling out of his chair. He grinned up at me playfully, and I shook my head. A friend was made.

When the bell rang, we were all eager to leave Satan's room, but she crushed our dreams by telling us we had an assembly. No one wanted an assembly, we just wanted to go home.

I followed the masses down to the gym to watch an assembly that truly scared me. The gym teacher was putting a condom on a banana; Safe sex.

"This is like free porn." A voice on my left said to me. I turned to see Jake grinning down at me from a row up. I moved my bag onto my lap, and he slid down into the space.

I shuddered. "There's only a fraction of people that really need to be seeing this, but they're already doing it under the bleachers so I don't think the message is really getting across.."

He snorted and moved a little closer. "So how's your first day going?"

"Okay," I shrug. "Could be worse, I guess."

"Very true."

We watched the assembly in silence before I asked, "So what's the deal with that Carson guy?"

"Well," He grinned. "That Carson guy happens to be my best friend."

I laugh. "No way." I pause. "But you're like a decent person."

He smirks. "So is Carson. You just gotta get through his mean guy walls."

I nod in disbelief, "If you say so,"

He nods. "Seriously, give him a chance Mia, he's really cool once you get to know him."

I put my hands up in defense. "Okay, okay." I smile and he quickly returns one. "Now, focus."

Me, being the hypocrite I am, I don't focus. Instead I look around at the gym. This school's gym was probably as big as my new house. Seemingly bigger than the rest of the school.

Woohoo another sport school.

Once the assembly on de-flowering fruit was over, someone yanked my arm and pulled me under the bleachers. I yelped and looked behind me to see Emma grinning at me. "Where have you been, I've been looking for you all day since I bailed, which I'm so sorry about."

I smile. "Oh, sorry Emma. But Jake did help me around."

Emma smiled. "That's good." I nodded. "Oh and Mia?"


"I'm sorry I just left you earlier. I shouldn't of done that.. but it was an emergency. Like a girl emergency. Like a bad one. My aunt flow came to town, and she spilled. It was a code red level-"

I cut Emma off by laughing. "You're good girl, Jake helped me around."

"Ugh, Jake is so cute," She shook her head. "Anyways, I'm really glad. Sorry, again. How did you like the assembly?"

I shuddered. "Needless to say, I won't be eating a banana anytime soon."

We laughed together. When the final bell rang, we said our goodbyes and she walked to her car, and I walked to the bus.

Boarding, I realized I was one of the only juniors on. There were practically none and there was only one senior. I sat down in my own seat and put headphones in.

I was nodding my head a long to a beat I didn't even really know the words to as one of my headphones was ripped out. The realization that someone had ripped it out didn't register until a stunning blond girl was throwing herself into the seat next to me.

Groaning, I looked at her and frowned. "Do I even want to know why you pulled my earbud out?"

"Yes, I want to listen too." She moved into my seat and stuck her hand out. "Kelly Collins."

"Mia," I offered, trying to decide whether her taking out my music made me love or hate her.

"Oh, too cool for a last name?"

"Obviously," I waved a hand over myself, disheveled t-shirt and all. "You don't get to be this attractive by using a last name."

"Add a couple more tablespoons of narcissism, and a cup of bitchiness and you'll be the next Lauren soon enough," She replied, making us both laugh.

I let her use my earbud after that, and we talked on the ride home. Right as we pulled to her stop, she gave me her number demanding that we get together to binge watch the marvel movies.

Of course, I accepted her demands, because come on, who wouldn't?

When we pulled onto my street, and I resisted the urge to yell at the kids who were plainly gawking at me and my house. It wasn't anything special and neither was I.

Walking through my front door, I noticed a bright pink slip of paper on the table, next to a plate of cookies.

Mia, I will be home a little after 6, take these to the neighbors across the street and say hello. Play nice. XO, Mom.

With a sigh, I set my book bag on the ground and walked over, careful not to trip. When I finally got to their front porch, I rang the doorbell. At first no one answered, and there wasn't any sounds, then all at once I heard about six voices screaming.

They sounded as if they were arguing. About a minute later, a guy about my age opened the door, a grin on his face.

"What can I do for you, gorgeous?"

"My mom made you these cookies," I rolled my eyes playfully. "She said it was a way to meet you guys, but personally I believe she's subconsciously trying to say sorry in advance that you have to live across from us. I'm Mia."

"Nice to meet you, doll," He eyed me. "There's no razor blades in those, right?"

"Darn, you caught me!" I started to back up slowly. "Plan foiled, guess I will have to come back later with the chloroform in order to take out this nice suburban neighborhood,"

He laughed, and reached out pulling me back. "Wait, sorry," He paused. "I'm Colton."

I shrugged, a smile on my face as a pushed the cookies forward. "Do you want em?"

He smiled, and grabbed them. "Hey, tonight is mandatory family dinner, how about you and your family come on over?"

I bit my lip lightly and nodded. "Sure, it's just me and my mom, though."

Colton nodded, not missing a beat. "Okay, well then just come over later around...seven?" He sighed. "Yeah, that should work."

"Okay, thanks Colton."

"See you later," He smiled, and I turn on my heel walking back to my humble abode.

He seemed nice enough, I just hope mom wasn't planning on Chinese tonight.

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