Is This Real? (Discontinued)

By kiekole

14.1K 417 589

A series continued off my one shot. My friends from school asked me to make this into a full series. They're... More

The Visit
A Morning Discussion
The Fix
(A/N) Question for you guys
Close Call
The Escape
A/N: Thank You Guys
A/N: Crap
A/N: 1K VIEWS!?!
Side Chapter: Katelyn Didn't Like That
A/N Oops
The Real Sleepover
Regrets and Revenge

Confessions and Forgiveness

1.3K 53 38
By kiekole

Zane POV:
I wished Travis would just GO AWAY. I didn't want to talk to anyone! "What do you *hiccup* want?! You know I'm not going to accept your *sniffle* apology!" I yelled at Travis. "Besides, how are YOU supposed to fix this?!"

"Zane I know I'm dumb. I am the worst person alive, I flirt way too much, I have never gotten a REAL date, and I'm way too shy and I can't even tell m—"
Travis started to say. But I cut him off. "YOU? SHY? HA nice *sniffle* joke."
I rolled my eyes. "IM SHY BECAUSE I CAN'T EVEN TELL MY CRUSH I LIKE THEM!" Travis yelled. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I yelled!" Travis apologized."Oh crap no what have I done?!" He muttered to himself. Wait, did he just say what I think he just said? "You....have a crush?" I asked curiously. It would probably be Katelyn. "Umm heh heh, nooooo?" He responded.

Travis's POV:
Oh crap, why did my stupid mouth say that. If I could have just shut up.
"You know what? I don't care if you have a crush Travis. Just GET OUT OF MY ROOM AND NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER TALK TO ME *cough* AGAIN!" Zane yelled at me. Ok, you know what? Screw this, I already screwed up with Zane and I have one last chance to save our relationship.

"Zane.....can you look up?" I asked him. He didn't move at all still crying softly into his pillow, it was already pretty soaked up. I couldn't do this anymore, I just couldn't hold back. I slowly lifted up Zane's chin and took off his mask. Our eyes met, his eyes were clouded with fear and questioning."T-T-Travis? What are you doi—MMMPPHHH!" (Get ready for a horribly written kissing scene because I suck at romance! XD)

Zane's POV:
What was happening? My brain was literally jumbled up trying to process what was happening. Wait....was I his crush? No no Zane, don't do this, you're gonna think you have something special then he's gonna go and break your heart. I tried pulling away but then he pinned me to the bed. He slowly licked my lips, asking for a entrance. I shyly opened my lips. He thrust his tongue into my warm chasm(sorry if I made you cringe or anything XD) and explored my mouth like some exotic new place. He traced along the edges of my teeth with his tongue. The kiss started to get deeper and more passionate.

Time skip brought to you by Nyan Cat on a poptart hoverboard and because I'm too lazy to continue that kiss scene.

"I....ummm.....d-don't understand." I stuttered. Travis smiled at me nervously. "Well Zane, let's just say that crush.....was you if you haven't figured it out yet...." I was shocked. Travis.....Travis Valkrum, liked me?
"Me? But why and when did this start to happen?" I asked. "Well ever since the day I saw you I thought you were really cute when you were flustered." Travis responded. "I didn't think that you" I said avoiding his gazing eyes. "Yeah the whole flirting thing was an act so no one would find out." Travis told me.

I sighed, "But why would anyone like me? Especially you! I thought you preferred hot sexy people. Not some ugly person like me." Travis looked at me in disbelief. "You? Ugly? Ha no, you are hot and sexy as hell." I shifted uncomfortably, "I still don't see how I'm hot and sexy" *sigh* "Here let me prove it to you."

He brought our faces together and he locked onto my lips. I wasn't sure if this was his way of proving his point but–"Ahh!" All of a sudden Travis pulled my shirt up and started to run his hands up and down my chest and caressing it. I pulled away. "Wait! I think it's to soon for that....can we......take it slow?" I asked timidly. Travis smiled, "Of course! Anything for you, I don't want you uncomfortable. Plus I did that horrible thing to you..." He trailed off while his smile faltered. I take a deep breathe. "Hey it's ok, as long as you promise to fix it." He looked back up and began to smile. "I promise I'll do whatever it takes to fix my dumb mistake!" He promised. "Good, now get over here."

He clambered over to me. He embraced me, I was the little spoon! *sigh* "This feels good with you." I said. "Yeah, I agree." He kissed my cheek. I smiled, as sleep slowly overtook me as I faded into the a wonderful dream.

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