Secret Rulebook of Cheating

By SummerIvans

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"Cheating is like casting. You need a lot of candidates to find the right person for the role of your soul ma... More

Rule #1: You're The Exception, Until It Shakes Your Hand Hello
Rule #2: Temptation is a Bitch
Rule #3: It's No Fairy-Tale
Rule #4: The Thought Doesn't Count
Rule #5: The Forbidden Fruit Tastes the Sweetest
Rule #6: Just Because I've Already Ordered...
Rule #7: Sex with an Ex is Still Sex
Rule #8: What She Doesn't Know Can't Hurt Her
Rule #9: Get It Out of Your System
Rule #10: You Can't Hide Forever
Rule #11: King Size Equals Trouble
Rule #12: Teasing is Foreplay
Rule #13: The Naked Truth Is That You Want It
Rule #14: One Bite Makes You Hungrier
Rule #15: One Hundred Miles Don't Rule Out Cold Feet
Rule #16: Friendship Comes With Benefits
Rule #17: Promises Are Made To Be Broken
Rule #18: Set Some Ground Rules
Rule #19: Master Creative Storytelling
Rule #20: Nicknames Are For Couples
Rule #21: Violence is One Way to Keep Things Under Wraps
Rule #22: Don't Get Caught
Rule #23: Keep it Physical
Rule #24: He's no Boyfriend Material
Rule #25: Bragging is a No-no
Rule #26: Dry Clean the Lipstick Off Your Shirt
Rule #27: Don't Blur the Lines
Rule #28: No Selfies
Rule #29: In the End, It Has to End
Rule #30: Hush!
Rule #31: Beware of Punches
Rule #32: Confessions Hurt
Rule #33: Things Have a Way of Working Out When You Least Expect It
Rule #34: It Starts With a Cup of Coffee


1.9K 83 20
By SummerIvans

I was resting my limbs, leaning against the pool side after a very exhausting swimming lesson. I had been taking those for almost a year now and I had really improved. I could swim a few lengths without pausing to catch my breath. Ever since I signed up, I had learned how to breathe properly, coordinate my limbs better and all the other little techniques. Who would have thought? But the truth was I had an awesome coach. My very own personal coach.

I watched Jason as his body rippled through the water, his muscles straining at every stroke. The view did things to my body I wouldn't say out loud in a room full of children, not that there were any around. I was his only 'student' for the day since it was Saturday. He liked to arrange our practices like that – either late in the evenings or on weekends – so we had the whole pool to ourselves. I didn't mind. Not at all.

He pushed himself off the opposite wall of the pool and cut across lanes to swim in my direction.

'You know, you never told me why you quit the swimming team in high school,' I told him when he stopped in front of me, placing his hands on the edge of the pool on either side of me to keep himself above water without having to kick with his legs.

'Oh, that.' Jason removed the hair that had stuck on his face and returned his hand on my side. 'Yeah, I didn't exactly quit,' he explained and I raised my eyebrows. 'I was kicked out.'

'Why?' I ignored the fact that he had twisted the truth a little. Knowing him, he had only done it to keep his ego intact.

He sighed. 'You want the truth or the story I tell the boys?'

'What do you tell the boys?' This got me curious.

'That the principle caught me hooking up with the coach in the pool. She was his wife.'

'Ew!' The image of a forty-something blonde bimbo with no doubt killer body all over what I imagined Jason looked like when he was sixteen-seventeen sprung to my mind. I pushed him back a little disgusted and he lost hold of the pool edge, sinking in the water for a second. He re-emerged quickly and returned to his old position, grinning. 'And what's the truth?' I asked.

He wiped the water from his face. 'I got caught cheating on my calculus exam.'

I couldn't hold my laugh. 'You sure know how to twist your stories.'

Jason shrugged in an 'I'm good like that' manner. Yeah, he was still the overconfident egomaniac I fell for almost two years ago. How had that even happened? My eyes glanced down his body. Oh yeah, now I remembered.

'So...' I wrapped my arms around his neck and with the most innocent look asked 'What if I hook up with my coach? Will I be in trouble?'

I saw his eyes light with excitement and a second later darken with desire. Yeah, he was that easy. 'I don't think my high school principle would have anything against it.'


Jason shook his hand and leaned closer to me. 'No,' he whispered against my lips before he knocked my socks off with a kiss.

His kisses still did that to me. We practically lived together now. Not that it was official or anything but he did spend most of his time in my one-bedroom apartment. Ever since that time we bumped into each other at the university, and I walked out on him at that coffee shop, he seemed like he didn't want to take the chance I disappeared on him again. Not that I intended to. I enjoyed him too much. We were keeping it light and fun, one day at a time, no big questions asked. I knew him too well to try and change him. But he did get home to me every night so far so that had to mean something.


I was sitting on a bench, playing with the wristband I had made for Jason as one of my assignments. It was plain leather with two snap buttons and I still couldn't believe he actually wore it. We were in the locker room and believe it or not, I was ready before him. But that was only because I had left him clear up and lock down the pool while I went to take a shower. He was now in his boxers, pulling the rest of his clothes out of his locker and I didn't mind at all if he took his time with them. He finished dressing and came to bend above me, reaching to take the wristband from my hands. He slapped a kiss on my lips as he wrapped the thing around his wrist.

'I have something for you,' Jason said as he pulled back.

My heart jumped with excitement. 'What is it?'

He went back to his locker and pulled out his tablet. He touched the display a few times, slid his fingers once or twice and came back to me. He flipped it for me to see. And I gaped. It was a website – a very fancy looking one. But it wasn't just any website. The top of the page said, written in curvy letters, Nicole Fitz's Jewellery Workshop.

'Jason!' I exclaimed. 'Did you do this?'

He nodded. 'I thought people should know about your talent.'

Oh my god, he had made me a website! I browsed through it, admiring the work. Those years of studying Graphic Design hadn't been for nothing. He had done a great job. It had a part about me with some general info about my design education, a contact page and even a catalogue. I flipped through some pictures in it. They were all of my creations, mostly things I had done for school but also a few other ideas I'd had. When had he taken those without me noticing?

'I've registered the firm for you so I guess that makes you a super talented jewellery designer and a business woman. As I recall you were pretty bent on proving you could be one once.' Jason winked at me.

'I don't know what to say,' I mumbled. I was speechless.

'Say I'm the best,' Jason helped out with my verbal difficulties.

I looked up at him grinning like an idiot. 'You are the best!'

'And,' he continued prompting, 'you've wished for someone like me all your life.'

I cocked my head to the side. 'Let's keep it real, shall we?'

'You can't get enough of me. Just admit it!'

'Never in a million years.' I flipped through some more pictures ignoring his attempt to wrench a confession out of me. 'Wait. This isn't mine.' A photo of an unfamiliar object filled the display.

'What?' Jason twisted his head to look at the screen.

'This,' I flipped it for him to see. 'What is this? A keychain? Are those beer can caps?'

'Oh yeah,' Jason let out thoughtful, exploring the image. 'That must have been on the camera before I started taking pictures. I'll remove it.'

He took the tablet from my hands and placed it on the bench next to me, freeing my hands. He caught them in his and placed them around his waist so that I was hugging him.

'So, back to you not getting enough of me,' he teased.

I slid my hands up his back to his neck and pulled him down abruptly for a kiss. 'Thank you.' I smiled when he moaned sweetly after we broke it off.

Jason straightened, guiding my hands down his chest. 'I want to take you somewhere tonight,' he said keeping them there.


'Just this party.'

'Okay,' I agreed. A party was always a fun way to spend a Saturday night.

'I have a few errands to run before that, but I'll meet you there at eight? Give me your phone. I'll type in the address.'

I fished for it in my sack and complied with his request. The display lit with our selfie filling the background. It was the first one we ever made, back on that beach a couple years ago. It was still my favourite picture of us.

'Here you go,' he said giving it back and turning to push his locker shut. I stood up and looped my arm through his, swinging my sack on my free shoulder. We started for the exit.

'You don't mind walking home, do you?' We had both come with his car today.

I shook my head. It was a less than a ten minutes' walk to the apartment.

'I'll see you later, then?' he kissed me goodbye once we were out and turned to go. 'Oh, and wear something white tonight. It's a theme party,' he called back before he climbed in his car.

'Um, okay. See ya!'


I followed the directions the navigation system gave me to the address and when it announced I was there, I parked the car in what looked like a parking lot, making that a total of one car there. It was some place just outside the city and honestly, there was nothing here. Except for the ocean. I could hear the waves crashing somewhere below. Maybe the party was on the beach.

I took some stairs down but once I reached the sand and the street lights remained behind me, it became pretty dark. If it wasn't for the glowing light some twenty feet away, I would have thought this was a prank. I pulled off my sandals and walked toward the light carrying them in one hand. The closer I got, the more details I could distinguish. There was a figure, a male figure, sitting on a blanket with his arms crossed around his knees. He was still, staring at the ocean. The source of light turned out to be a couple dozen candles that were arranged around the blanket so that the space around it was softly illuminated.

'Jason?' I called to the silhouette and his head twisted in my direction.

'Hey!' he said softly. I made the last few steps and stopped at the edge of the blanket. 'You look stunning.'

'Um, thanks,' I mumbled. I had followed the instructions and was wearing a white dress, which I had bought earlier today, after realizing I had nothing white and good to wear. It was just a strapless mini with crisscross strap accents below the neckline. 'What is this?' I asked still confused. 'I thought we were supposed to go to a party?'

'We are, just come sit here for a while.' Jason patted the blanket next to him. His expression was mild and somehow thoughtful.

'Um, okay.'

I dropped my sandals on the sand and went to sit beside him, bending my legs at the knees. That was when I noticed-

'Wait, why aren't you in white? I thought it was a theme party.'

'Uh, yeah. It is. But... uh...' Here we go. He always mumbled like that when he was nervous. And even in his eyes I could see he was. I waited for him to structure his words and while I did that I couldn't help the fluttery sensation in my stomach. Whenever he was like that, it automatically appeared there. 'Okay, listen,' he finally got the courage, 'we've been tip-toeing around this talk for quite a while now. And we have our reasons but I thought it's time I made something clear. I've been thinking a lot. About us. About everything.' Once he started it sounded like he had this whole speech prepared. Now I was the one getting nervous. 'You know how I like to take the chances life gives me.' Uh-oh. The fluttery sensation suddenly turned into a knot. What was this about? Was he going to tell me he met someone else? Another 'opportunity' life presented him with? Oh god, I didn't want to hear this. 'Well,' he prolonged and I thought I'd vomit right there. 'I think you're it.'

Wait. What?

'I think this right here is what I've been searching for in all those other... you know. I wouldn't want to miss out on a day with you for whomever else. I'd rather watch you narrow your eyes at me or listen to your witty retorts. I'd rather stick around your sometimes very irrational behaviour to like leave me behind in a coffee shop freaking out that I've let you slip through my fingers yet again,' – he was scolding a little – 'only to invite me over to a make-out session a minute later. Or thinking up of some crazy rule about not having sex in a hotel room and then undressing me on the balcony swing. Or deciding to give me a second shot after everything. I wouldn't want to miss out on any of that, Nicole. Not the crazy part, not the good part, especially, not the undressing part.'

Again. What?

'So Nicole Fitz, you want to undress with me for, um...' He paused. His eyes fell for a second but then he breathed in and pointed them at mine. 'For the rest of our breathing days?' he finished.

At this point, Jason pulled out a small box out of who knows where, I was too stunned to notice, in which, there was something I couldn't quite place at first. But then I looked at it again and I recognized it. I had seen it before. It was that thing from the 'accidental' photo on the site Jason had made for my jewellery workshop. The one with the beer can caps shaped like a keychain ring. Only, it apparently wasn't quite a keychain ring. Oh my god!

'Don't look at me like that. It's not like I asked you to marry me,' Jason uttered and it was what brought my communicating abilities back.

'You practically did! There's a ring and everything!' I cried out in panic as I pointed uncoordinatedly to the thing in the box.

'This is not a wedding ring,' he declared. Huh? 'You know I think marriage is silly.' Exactly! So what are you doing? My mind cried out, shocked. He lifted the box closer to our eyes. 'This is a non-wedding ring,' he explained like it was so obvious. 'I actually made it myself. I thought it would make the whole thing more... special. But you don't have to wear it.' He dropped the box on the blanket beside us and reached to grab my hands instead. 'So what do you say? You want to not marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?'

I didn't know how much time had passed until my brain started to function semi-normally. I mean, first I thought he'd sprung some 'I found someone else' surprise on me, then he pretty much proposed but now it's actually not a proposal? Yeah.

My heart was still slamming and I was pretty much not breathing or blinking or moving any muscle for that matter. But as more moments passed with Jason clutching my hands and watching me expectantly, I somehow managed to find my voice.

'This is the weirdest non-proposal ever,' I uttered, shaking my head in disbelief. 'And you're saying I'm the irrational one?'

Jason grinned. 'Birds of a feather flock together.'

I stared at him stunned for another moment. If this was how life with Jason was going to be, hell, yeah, I wanted to be a part of it!

I drew my right hand out of his grasp and spread my fingers. Jason's eyes lit with hope as he looked me in the eye for confirmation.

'Put it on,' I encouraged. 'Of course, I'll wear it.'

'You will?' He quickly dropped my other hand and reached for the box extracting the weirdest ring I had ever seen.

'You know you may have a hidden talent there. If you plan on starting your own jewellery workshop, tell me now so that I don't make the mistake of not marrying my competition,' I teased.

'So it's either the career or the non-wife, huh? We're not even official yet and you're already making ultimatums.' Jason clicked his tongue and shook his head pretend-disapproving.

'Take it or leave it.'

He grinned. 'I'll take it.' He slid the ring on my finger and leaned in to kiss me. And that kiss felt like the feeling of a thousand of the kisses we'd shared before, mixed together. That kiss was the beginning of the rest of our lives. Just the two of us together.

'Wait. I don't have to change my name, right?' I teased as we unglued. 'Because Nicole not-Cool doesn't sound too well.'

Jason looked at me firmly. 'If you ever change your name it would be to Nicole Can't-keep-my-hands-off-my-irresistible-boyfriend, no, scratch that - non-husband.'

'Nah.' I waved my hand dismissively. 'It's too long. I'll stick with Fitz.'

We stood there for a while, gazing at each other, grinning. This was seriously too good to be true. Two years ago, I would have never imagined I'd end up here, sitting on a deserted beach, in my white dress, with... Wait.

'So why did you make me wear this?' I suddenly asked.

Jason adopted a mischievous look. 'This is the second part of the surprise.' He stood up and stretched his hand for me to grab. 'Come!'

I clutched his hand and once I got up he literally started dragging me to somewhere. My feet caught in the sand but I was too curious to protest. We reached some rock on the beach and Jason led me to go around it. Imagine my surprise when I saw what was going on on the other side.

There was a huge fire on one side, a few people gathered around it, roasting marshmallows. But that wasn't too surprising. On the other side was a bar - a beach bar with its typical wooden structure and bamboo roof. More people were sitting on stools there, holding tall cocktail glasses. And in between the space between the fire and the bar were even more people gathered in groups, chatting actively. The whole space was lit by more candles and hanging party lights.

At first I didn't recognize the people because I only saw silhouettes but once we got closer, more and more faces became familiar. These were all friends, people we had met since we moved to this city.

'What is this?' I asked once I took in the view.

'This,' Jason turned to walk backwards, pulling me to the centre of the gathering with both hands, 'is our non-wedding party.' He grinned pleased.

I stopped short. 'You invited me to our non-wedding party?'

'You did say you wanted to see yourself in a white dress. I thought I'd give you an occasion.'

A mixture of incredulity and amazement and appreciation saturated the look I was giving him. Jason was really something.

'You're unbelievable,' I told him right before I stepped in to express my gratitude on his lips.

'Here they are, people! Let's get this party started!' I heard someone yell and music started blaring and people started cheering.

'Nikki!' I heard a familiar voice and quickly broke off the kiss to look for the source. Now, this topped the surprise.

Rob was pacing speedily our way. And he wasn't alone. Dan and Sylvia were right behind him. I could even see Mila.

'Guys!' I squeaked happily and ran to meet them midway with my arms open. I hadn't seen my friends for nearly a year. 'I can't believe you came all the way!'

'Well, how can we miss your non-wedding party?' Rob pointed out grinning, responding to my hug. Clearly, he didn't have a problem with Jason being near me anymore. That was an approval I didn't even realize I was hoping for until now. But of course I'd rather have my friends support the whole thing, whatever it was, than throw punches.

I scowled at Jason. 'So you told them before you told me? What if I said no?'

'Yeah, as if you could resist me.' He smirked.

I narrowed my eyes at him for a short second then got back to hugging the rest. 'I'm so happy to see you all. How are you guys?'

'I'm more than great,' Mila announced with a happy face. 'I just graduated in June and I already found a job at a vet clinic. Life couldn't be more perfect at the moment.' Her eyes darted to the person beside her, who I just noticed was standing there, and then looked back to me, widening her sockets and doing all sorts of other weird mimics. I knew what she was doing. 'Meet Greg, my boyfriend,' she introduced and I could tell what she really wanted to say was 'my gorgeous, super-hot boyfriend'. Her eyes did that for her.

'Hey there.' I smiled at the guy.

'Nice party,' Greg said politely.


'Let's leave her catch up with everyone,' Mila turned to her 'gorgeous, super-hot' boyfriend. 'We'll be at the bar,' she informed and looped her arm through Greg's, leading him away. After a couple steps, Mila looked above her shoulder and mouthed 'hot' and I gave her a thumbs-up. She seemed perfectly happy.

'What's been going on with you guys?' I turned my attention back to the people around me.

'Everything's great,' Sylvia said, beaming. I could tell she could barely keep herself from saying more.

'Spill it!' I encouraged.

'No. This is your day so it has to be about you.'

'Actually, it's my non-day. So tell me now, before I get it out of Dan through painful torture,' I threatened jokingly.

'God, Nikki, what has this city done to you?' Dan asked with a horrific look in his eyes.

'It's made me more convincing?' I suggested.

'Just tell, her, Sylvi. I've come here on a vacation and I intend to keep it torture free.' He threw me a pretended dirty look.

I could see the excitement building in Sylvia's eyes as she blurted out happily, 'Dan and I are living together. I moved to Worcester.'

'Aw, I'm so happy for you, guys!' I went to wrap my arms around them both again. 'It was about time!'

'I know. Best decision ever!' Dan said and gave his girl the most affectionate kiss on the cheek.

I left them to their mushiness and turned to my other friend. 'What about you, Rob? Where's Nadia?'

'Didn't I tell you? We broke up a while ago,' Rob informed.

'No! What happened?'

'I caught her cheating.'


'Yep,' Rob nodded. 'And you know what she said when I cornered her about it?' I was giving him my 'what?' face. 'That it wasn't cheating. It was casting.'

I gaped. Literally. And after a second I erupted in laughter.

'She gave you the casting theory?' Jason cried out, mocking as he joined me in my laugh.

I laughed and laughed. I was bending double. 'This is too funny,' I mumbled almost inarticulately. I tried to calm down but I just couldn't. I remembered when Rob explained the insane theory of how cheating wasn't really cheating but casting for the best person for the part. And now, he got it back hot and strong.

'Well, I'm done casting,' Jason said after he was done laughing and his hand found my lower back, sliding to the side to wrap around my waist. It was a clear statement. My laugh fading, I twisted my head to meet his eyes for one of our silent conversations. It was just a short one but very effective.

'Are you done?' Rob asked a little annoyed at our reactions.

'Yeah, I'm sorry,' I turned back to him, almost succeeding in keeping my face straight. 'I'm sorry things ended like that.'

'Nah. Don't be.' He waved a hand, dismissively. 'Plus, someone has to take Jason's place in singlehood,' Rob added, 'now that he's whipped.'

Jason shot him a sharp look. 'I'm not whipped,' he said curtly.

Now Rob was the one with the mocking chuckle. 'You so are!'


'Babe,' I interjected, using my silky tone, turning my pleading eyes to Jason, 'will you please get me something to drink? All these surprises made me famished.' I managed to say all that without so much as a hint of a smile.

'Sure babe, be right back,' he said softly, kissed me on the cheek and turned on his heel to walk to the bar. Rob and I watched as he stopped short a few steps in, took a second for the realization to sink in and then spun back to our grinning faces. 'I'm so whipped.'

We nodded sympathetically and I beckoned him with my hand to come back for a comfort hug.

'I spoke to Chloe,' Rob said in a second. 'She won't be able to make it but she said to tell you you owed her.'

'I do?' I asked puzzled.

'Yeah, she said something about her fashion advice helping you win the guy,' Rob explained like he wasn't even sure what he was saying.

I laughed. 'Of course. Typical Chloe.'

The party was at its height when I noticed a too formally dressed for the surrounding man standing beside the bar. He was browsing through the crowd, clearly looking for someone. There was a folder in his hands and my mind made some connection that caused the hitching of my breath.

'Jason,' I patted his shoulder, pulling him out of the dancing circle. I lifted a finger, directing his attention to the man. 'Why is there an officiant here if this is a non-wedding party?' I asked almost swirling back in my earlier panic.

Jason followed the direction I was pointing at and when he saw the man, his lips shaped in a pleased smile. 'He's not an officiant,' Jason said soothingly as he entwined his fingers around mine. 'He's a notary. Come.'

A notary? I let him pull me close to the place where the man was standing. I watched them as they exchanged a few words. The man brought a sheet of paper out of the folder he was holding, which Jason scribbled something on, then the man put a stamp on it and they exchanged some more words. The man nodded my way and left.

I understood nothing of this occurrence.

Jason grabbed my hand again and started pulling me in another direction. We went around the partying crowd and he led me a little bit further, where we were by ourselves. Some light and noise from the party still reached our senses.

He spun around to stand before me and handed me the sheet of paper he had taken from the notary, which was now in a roll.

'Open it!' Jason encouraged.

I extended an arm to take it. 'What is this?'

'This is my way of showing you I really meant what I said.'

I still understood nothing. I unfolded the paper. There was the stamp I had seen the notary guy put, a signature, which I supposed was what Jason had scribbled and one sentence, written in print.

I, Jason Cool, promise to sleep with you and only you for the rest of our lives.

I gave out the most sincere laugh right there. 'You said anyone who signs a document that said that is for the nut house,' I reminded him, still amazed that he had done that.

He came to wrap his hands around my waist. 'Then I'm sorry, but you have to fool around with a nuthead for the rest of your life.'

I was falling in the haze of that compelling look he was giving me, when I noticed something in the back. I scrunched my eyes to make sure it was really what I thought I was seeing. It was huddled in the dark. Jason caught my staring and looked over his shoulder to see what had gotten my attention.

'You thinking what I'm thinking?' I raised my eyebrows suggestively.

A devilish smile pulled Jason's lips slightly up. 'What you're thinking... Does it involve me peeling you out of that dress?'

I nodded and he didn't waste another moment. He grabbed for my hand again and ran in the direction of the pier we had just seen. I ran behind him, tripping in the sand and at some point, Jason swiped me off the ground and started caring me. I had to chuckle. He was so eager to get there as fast as possible. Well, so was I.

He backed me up against one of the pillars under the pier – like he had done once before – and started kissing me hungrily, his hands finding their way under my dress. I moaned in pleasure as his lips trailed down my neck.

'God, Nikki,' he mumbled against my skin, huffing out short breaths. 'I love you.'

I froze. And so did Jason. We looked at each other dazed. Weirdly, he looked just as stunned that he had said it, as I. My heartbeat was going nuts.

We stood locked like that for another second when a smile finally broke through my stupor.

'You realize you asked me to not marry you before you said 'I love you',' I observed trying to not start jumping up and down in overjoy. The familiar warmth started pouring in my chest. This was officially the most incredible day ever. And I had that guy in front of me to thank for it. And I had that same guy to thank for. He was the only guy I ever wanted close to me and he was all mine.

Jason frowned. 'Are you complaining? I can take it back.'

'I'm only complaining that you're not kissing me right now,' I retorted and put my upper arm muscles in motion to pull him closer. He didn't budge. 'What?' I asked, fake-irked.

Jason looked at me as if I it was his birthday and I had forgotten about it. 'Well, don't you want to say something to me first?'

My inner laugh echoed. I got him right where I wanted him. I pretended to be thinking about it for a second and announced, 'I can't think of anything.'

He narrowed his eyes at me.

'Okay,' I fake-thought some more. 'You, um... kiss phenomenal!' I blurted out giving him one 'that's what you wanted to hear, right?' face. He didn't move a muscle. I had to get more creative. I lowered my voice. 'And,' I found his hand with mine and pulled it up from my hip – 'when you touch me' – gliding it through all the curves of my front - 'right here' – to a particular spot just below my ear - 'I literally melt.'

Jason's eyes were so dark now that I knew I had won.

'Okay, that works for me,' he blurted and leaned in to touch that exact spot with his tongue. To which of course, I literally melted. But not before I managed to utter through my ragged breathing, 'And one more thing,' – I breathed in and out shortly - 'I love you.'

Jason pulled away abruptly and I looked at him startled. 'I knew it!' he smirked. 'You were so into me from the first time you saw me!'

I rolled my eyes. 'Just shut up and go back to loving me, you jerk!' I pulled him by the collar of his shirt and our lips locked in a kiss.


The end.


A/N: Hey, guys. This is the last part of Nikki and Jason's story. The book could use some editing but for now, I'm happy we reached this moment. I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it – I'd appreciate it if you left some comments and spread the word.

Thanks for sticking with me 'til the end.



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