Believe in Sherlock

By AutumnEmbers

514K 17.4K 6.3K

When Sherlock reunites with his best friend from his childhood, Margaret Jones, he can't seem to get her off... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9-Maggie's POV
Chapter 10-Maggie's POV
Chapter 11-Maggie's POV
Chapter 12-Sherlock POV
Chapter 13-Maggie's POV
Chapter 14- Maggie's POV
Chapter 15-Maggie's POV
Chapter 16-John's POV
Chapter 17-Maggie's POV
Chapter 18-Maggie POV
Chapter 19-Maggie's POV
Chapter 20-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 21-Maggie's POV
Chapter 22-John's POV
Chapter 23-Maggie's POV
Chapter 24-Maggie's POV
Chapter 25-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 26-Maggie's POV
Chapter 27-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 28-John's POV
Chapter 29-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 30-Maggie's POV
Chapter 31-Maggie's POV
Chapter 32-John's POV
Chapter 33-Maggie's POV
Chapter 34-Maggie's POV
Chapter 35-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 36-Maggie's POV
Chapter 37-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 38-Maggie's POV
Chapter 39-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 40-Maggie's POV
Chapter 41-Sherlock's POV
Chapter 42-Maggie's POV
Chapter 43-Maggie's POV
End Credits of Sorts
Sequel Released!!

Chapter 5

19.4K 629 596
By AutumnEmbers

Sherlock argued with John for ten minutes about calling Maggie. Eventually, Sherlock ended up taking the phone from John and talking to Maggie himself.

"Happy now?" John asked as Sherlock hung up.

"Yes. As a matter of facts yes, I am rather happy now." Sherlock grinned quickly as if to prove he was 'happy'. He replaced the grin with a frown as he turned back to the newspaper he held in his hand.

"So, when and where?" John asked and sat down on the couch.

Sherlock looked up from his newspaper. "When and where, what?" He asked rather seriously.

"Dinner. With Maggie. You do remember that, right?" John asked making sure Sherlock wasn't going bonkers already.

He gave John a confused look before it was replaced with wide eyes and a mouth that stood slightly agape.

"Oh my god! I actually have something to do! Oh joy!" He smiled and jumped up from his chair.

The newspaper was trampled by his bare feet as he ran to his room to change.

John sighed heavily and stood up to grab the rumpled newspaper.

"Don't touch that! That's my newspaper!" Sherlock's voice made the army doctor jump and look over to see Sherlock tucking in his button up shirt. Sherlock quickly moved over to where John was standing and looked down at the newspaper.

Sherlock bent down and stopped just before he touched it. He straightened and backed up a few steps. He tilted his head slightly and looked at the newspaper.

"Sherlock, you alright?" John asked and took a slow step closer to the mad man.

"Shhh, stop talking John! Your voice is interrupting my thoughts." Sherlock said and held a finger up as if it would silence his friend.

John stood there and watched him look at the newspaper.

"Oh for god's sake, Sherlock! It's a newspaper!" John shouted with frustration clear in his voice.

"I'm on the cover." Sherlock said with a flat tone.

He swiftly picked up the paper and looked at the front page.

"You didn't notice that before?" John asked and looked at the picture of Sherlock on the front.

"I don't read the front page often. It's too obvious." He muttered and looked at the picture. "What is it with the hat?" He asked and looked at John.

"I don't know. People like it." John guessed.

"It's got ear flaps. What the hell are they helpful for?" He continued. "It's more like a death frisbee if you ask me."

"Yes Sherlock, I get it! You don't like the hat! You don't have to wear it!" John shouted, becoming impatient.

"It's not even mine." Sherlock continued.

John groaned and sat back down.

John picked up his cup of tea that he had abandoned at the beginning of the argument of the phone.

He ignored the rest of Sherlock's dialogue and focused on sipping his tea.

John was excited to meet Maggie again. He knew nothing about her and Sherlock's relationship so it should be interesting.

"When and where?" Sherlock's voice made John jump.

"What?" John asked, still slightly stunned.

"Dinner. When and where?" Sherlock asked.

John had no idea. Before he could tell Sherlock that he was, as Sherlock always called him, clueless, he was typing on his phone and sending his message.

"Never mind. I already sent Maggie a message. Come along, Watson!" He said and ran to the flat door.

"Since when do you call me Watson?" John called down after him.

"I thought it was cool. No? Alright then. Come Along, John!" Sherlock called back at him.

John followed Sherlock outside. He was already in the cab as John walked out the door to 221b.

The cab started driving and Sherlock got on his phone.

John didn't even attempt to make small talk in the small cab. He knew Sherlock would dismiss any questions or somehow find a way to turn it around on the blogger.

The cab ride was quick and John paid the cabbie, as usual. Sherlock was already sweeping dramatically into the small restaurant that he had picked to meet Maggie at. John followed him inside and they chose to sit at a table in the corner of the room.

"That's my chair." Sherlock said as John went to pull a chair back from the table.

"No it's not. It doesn't matter, Sherlock just sit down." John said and pulled the chair out. Sherlock sat down on the chair he was pulling out before John could.

"Sherlock- You know what, fine. It's just a chair." John gave up and sat down across from Sherlock. The last remaining seat between the two detectives.

"In case you were wondering, I like this seat because I can keep an eye on the front door and the back door at the same time." Sherlock moved his gaze to the front door that was behind John.

"And that matters because...?" John questioned.

Sherlock sighed. "I can't keep my back to everyone. What if someone decides to choke me from behind?"

"You think I wouldn't let you know if there was a lunatic in the restaurant or not?" John retorted.

"Well, I can't count on you all the time, John. Sometimes you can be a bit...out of it." Sherlock said emotionlessly and kept his gaze on the front door.

"Gee, nice to know you trust me, Sherlock." John mumbled.

Sherlock ignored him and started playing with the end of his blue scarf. He looked rather nervous which was unusual for him. He always kept his emotions under lock and key unless he was angry or excited about a case. Everything else is stored away.

John heard the bell at the door ring and Sherlock stiffened.

John turned around to see Maggie walking towards our table.

John's heart felt as if it were caught in his throat when he saw her. What?

John cleared his throat quietly and she sat down at the empty chair beside Sherlock and John.

"Hello boys." She greeted and smiled slightly.

"Hello Maggie." John said with a friendly smile on my face.

"Hi Margaret." Sherlock muttered and resumed playing with his scarf.

"Well you seem happy today." She said sarcastically to Sherlock.

Sherlock narrowed his eyes at her and she ignored him.

"So John, how long have you lived with Sherlock?" Maggie asked John.

"How did you know I lived with him?" John asked and moved his gaze to Sherlock.

"You both have the same smell of shampoo in your hair. Fruity." She smirked and looked up at the waiter who was making his way over to them.

They ordered their tea and the waiter headed back to the kitchen. Maggie kept watching the door as if it were challenging her personally. Sherlock must've noticed too.

"Why do you keep looking at the door?" He asked.

She moved her eyes over to Sherlock. "You can never be too aware, Sherlock. You of all people should know that."

Sherlock's jaw tensed and he looked away.

"So, how long have you known Sherlock?" John changed the subject quickly, sensing an awkward silence coming.

"I first met Sherlock back in eighth grade. Long story." Maggie muttered and glanced at John before looking down at the table.

"I don't remember him ever mentioning you." John said and looked at Sherlock questioningly.

"I wouldn't expect him to. Sherlock isn't the type of person to spat out his childhood like a rain spout." Maggie whispered.

John laughed and sat back in his seat.

"So Sherlock, anything interesting happen lately. It's getting rather dull around here." Maggie asked.

Sherlock looked over at her for the first time since she sat down.

"Nothing that concerns you." Sherlock muttered.

"Sherlock!" John warned him.

"It's alright. Sherlock just seems to be in a mood today. Too bad. I was going to get him to help me on a case but since he seems to busy with his scarf to talk then you can help me, John." Maggie looked at John with a strange gleam in her eyes. It resembled the look Sherlock got when he had a plan.

Sherlock's head shot up and his scarf dropped out of his hands.

"What case?" Sherlock said.

"Nothing that concerns you." Maggie mocked his earlier comment.

Sherlock sat back and pouted.

"So you in?" Maggie asked John with a raised eyebrow. She was clearly pleased with herself that she interested Sherlock with a case and then shot him down quicker than he shot the wall back at his flat.

"Of course." John smiled and she returned it.

John's heart fluttered slightly when she smiled. That doesn't happen often.

"So you're just here to torture me?" Sherlock questioned.

"Well if you were a bit more respectful you could join us." Maggie offered. "Do you remember when we first met?"

Sherlock looked at her with a sad expression on his face.

"Yeah I do." He grumbled.

"Do you remember what the first thing you said to me was?" Maggie asked.

Sherlock nodded slowly.

"You cared then. Why aren't you caring now?" Maggie questioned.

"Who said I didn't care?" Sherlock asked emotionlessly.

"Who said you did?" Maggie retorted.

'What did he say to Maggie?' John wondered to himself.

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