Because I'm a Nerd.

By kayra_malhotra

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Meet Scarlett Woods; a girl different from no other, yet as rare as they come. She's a nerd, yes. She stutter... More

Chapter 1- "You're on then!"
Chapter 2- "Sleeping is the ONE thing you don't do on sleepovers!"
Chapter 3- "I would give up my hotdog to do it again!"
Chapter 4- "A monster who wears Gucci, Prada & Mango!"
Chapter 5- "Tickets to AGT!"
Chapter 6- "I'm new today..!"
Chapter 7: "Can you swap our classes for us?"
Chapter 8- "How important do you think YOU are?!"
Chapter 9- "Okay?"
Chapter 10- "Your reason is stupid. Much like you!"
Chapter 11- "Okay fine... I think I kind of like Nathan!"
Chapter 12- "Done Checking Me Out?"
Chapter 13- "I'm not pregnant. Not with your child!"
Chapter 14- "Hey... How You Doin'?"
Chapter 15- "Goodnight baby girl."
Chapter 16- "Why exactly are you dating my daughter?"
Chapter 17- "Me neither."
Chapter 18- "Guilty"
Chapter 19- "How about we call her cheeseball?"
Chapter 20- "How perverted can you be!?"
Chapter 21- "Believe me,you look perfectly gorgeous!"
Chapter 22- "What if it had been some other not so nice robber guy?!"
Chapter 23- "Because you deserve it you dwerp!"
Chapter 24- "Your blush is adorable Princess"
Chapter 25- "Strawberry ice-cream has never tasted the same"
Chapter 26- "If she can walk after what happened tonight!"
Chapter 27- "I told you so!"
Chapter 28- "You stole Joey's Huggsy!"
Chapter 29- "Did you know hippo milk is pink?"
Chapter 31- "Let me kiss you right now."
Chapter 32- "With the red cups the alcohol and the loud music!"
Chapter 33-"That was a very very brave thing you just did."

Chapter 30- "Hey kiddo how have you been?"

301 52 4
By kayra_malhotra

Chapter 30- " Hey kiddo, how have you been?"


"Where have you been?" Mom asks me, a look of disdain on her face.

I glance pointedly at the bags in my hand and just shrug before walking out of the living room and towards the stairs that lead up to my room.

"Young lady, I am not going to tolerate being cheeked like this. You better come down here this instant!" Mom's shrill voice blasts through the house.

I sigh and then place all of my stuff at the foot of the stairwell before retracing my steps.

"What is it Mom?" I ask her in a bored voice.

She shoots me a death glare and gestures for me to have a seat next to Hazel, who already looks like she wants to kill herself.

I slide in one of the wooden chairs next to her and look up expectantly at Mom. She's drumming her fingers on the table top quite impatiently, a definite sign she's waiting for Dad to make an appearance.

Almost as if on cue, Dad walks in with an impassive expression on his face and stands next to Mom.

"Hey, kiddo, how have you been?" He questions, looking at me.

"It's a little too late for pleasantries now Dad, don't you think? " Hazel snaps before I can get a word in.

I gasp a little. She's never snapped at them, no matter how rude they've been to us, like ever. They must've really crossed their limits today for her to get this pissed. Either that, or their visit has unfortunately coincided with her time of the month.

As intolerable as Hazel gets during that period (pun not intended), I'd rather it was that than Mom and Dad having done something to upset her.

Mom scowls at Hazel while Dad looks taken aback and a little hurt.

"Enough. Your Dad and I are here for a reason," Mom begins, when she's cut off by Hazel whispering, "Figures; when do you ever come home without one?" I giggle a little at the sass in her statement.

It seems that Mom caught a bit of it at least because she sends yet another one of her signature scowls Hazel's way before taking a deep breath and continuing, "As I was saying before, your Dad and I are here for a reason; and that's definitely not being sassed by the two of you," she pauses, "So your father and I have a business ball to attend on Christmas day and the two of you are coming with us." She says with an air of finality in her tone.

I groan and get up from the table. "You will sit back down, Scarlett Amelia Woods" Mom commands. I grumble and crib but sit right back down.

It's maddenning that she expects us to be at the ball, but at least it's in the evening. As long as I get to go to Emmett's for the morning, I'll be good.
All of the others have Christmas dinners with their family in the evening anyway, and I suppose a ball wouldn't be that bad. I've heard these business events that my parents attend have amazingly tasty food anyway.

"What is it Mom?" I question.

"The ball is in a small town about an hour and a half's drive away from here. We'll leave at about 10 in the morning and I suppose we shall be back home by 11 in the night. Normally, we wouldn't have gone this early, but your father and I have some major socializing to do there, hence we will have to reach there as fast as we can." Mom finishes and I look at her with a surprised expression on my face.

"There's no way I'm coming to this ball to put on a fake front and socialize with people I'll never see again." Hazel says with a bored look on her face.

"I agree with her. Moreover, I already have plans for lunch. And I'm not ditching my friends for a stupid ball that I have no interest in." I add.

Looking completely calm, Mom begins to answer, "Be that as it may, you will have to come along with us for this is a family event."

I snort. "Since when are we a family, Mom?" I retort, really pissed at the idea of not being able to meet Nathan or my friends and gauge their reactions when they open my presents.

"You will not use that tone when you address your Mother. The two of you are coming with us and that's final." Dad butts in, tired of the bickering.

"But dad that's unfair! You can't just walk in home a day before Christmas Eve and expect us to cancel all our plans according to you!" I retort.

"Well too bad what you think is of little importance to us. You're coming along with us whether you like it or not." Dad finally snaps.

I grit my teeth in anger. "Unbelievable! Dad this is not acceptable. I'm not canceling my plans at the last minute for two people who despite being my parents, didn't even have the decency to frikkin raise me!" I shout at the top of my voice, hot tears flowing down my face.

Hazel places a hand on my shoulder and adds a few harsh words of her own as well. Dad's bottom lip starts to quiver in anger and he raises his hand as if to hit me.

I flinch but don't look away. I don't mind taking a hit for expressing my opinions. If I could, I'd do it all over again.

Dad glares at me again and just as his palm is about to connect with my cheek, Mom stops him and jerks his hand away.

"Neither of these ungrateful girls are worth it, David just calm down." She says sneeringly.

Hazel grunts, "Yes sure, we're definitely ungrateful for expecting the two of you to be home for more than twenty days a year. Sue us!" She mutters, before glaring at Mom.

Rolling her eyes, mom mutters something about us never letting that go, as if it was child's play to do so. "Your outfits for the ball have been handpicked by my personal designer. They're lying on your beds. Be ready on time, the more you resist, the more compelled I will be to make sure you girls actually mingle with all our associates. And remember, David and I are not exactly ecstatic about this incase you haven't noticed yet, so just do as you're told." She finishes gruffly, before turning her back to us, her way of saying that the conversation is over.

My scowl deepens as I hear what she has to say. But I know she will actually carry out her threat and if Hazel and I push it any further, who knows what else she might do.

Don't get me wrong, she isn't abusive or anything but she might  cut off Hazel's allowance or take away her car or something like that. Worse still, she might ask some relative to move in with us or something.

And the only thing worse than living alone with your 17 year old sister and having to sort of fend for yourself for the most part, is living with a relative who'd rather be anywhere else and being forced to getting accustomed to their, frankly, unwanted presence.

As is pretty evident, ever since Mom and Dad pulled their disappearing act on us, Hazel and I aren't exactly suckers for any family except for each other.


I get up early on Christmas morning and look out to see that it's indeed still snowing lightly, and although there won't be a blanket of snow, I'll get my white Christmas all the same.

I quickly shoot all my friends a text wishing them a Merry Christmas before hopping into the shower.

As I'd finally gotten around to telling the gang about the whole scene with my parents, they'd all reassured me it wasn't a big deal and that they could reschedule for tomorrow morning.

On one hand, I didn't want them to change their plans just for me but on the other, I really wanted to see their reactions to my gifts firsthand, so although I had resisted, it was a very feeble effort.

They'd convinced me that they were all perfectly fine with the change and as no one was going on vacation anywhere anyway, I welcomed the suggestion.

Although I was still mad at my parents for forcing their plans on us like this, the fact that I could at least meet my friends for exchanging presents made me feel better. My parents are flying back to California today night anyway, so that wouldn't be a problem either.

But then there's also the fact that I don't really have a choice. Between the day before and yesterday night, my parents have made that pretty clear.

And I mean much as I dislike them, I don't hate them for some reason. I don't know if that's wrong or just plain emotional or whatever but that's just me, I guess. Also, this is a commercial event which will help rake in business for the company, which helps to pay bills so I might as well go, for this money is also what will pay for college and whatnot.

I step into the shower and wash my hair twice to degrease it. I get out and brush my teeth until I have fresh, minty breath.

I walk out to my room and slip into sweats and a tank top. I decide to change into my dress once I've had some breakfast and my hair's dry enough to not leave wet patches on the dress.

As I walk down the stairs, I hear humming from Hazel's room and suppress a giggle.

On reaching the kitchen,  I pour myself a glass of water and start to peel off two oranges. I finish breakfast with two pieces of buttered bread, a mug of coffee and a giant chocolate chip cookie from Subway.

"Where's your sister? Has she run off to Matt's or something like she threatened to? I swear, if she's not home right now, I'm gonna go drag her back wherever she is." Mom comments, spotting me having my breakfast alone.

I roll my eyes, "As important as today is for you, you need to chill. Hazel and I might not wanna be there for you guys, but we will and that's that. And for your information, she's getting ready in her room." I finish, a little tired of Mom's hyper behavior.

Mom looks mollified and gives me a curt nod before walking into her room. I sigh and clear up the little mess I had made.

I go up to my room after wiping the counter clean. My hair's more or less dry now so I just brush it a couple of times to get rid of the knots. I slip into the dress, which is very pretty, although I'd never say that to Mom.

It's dark blue and sort of body hugging, which instead of making me look fatter like I thought it would, makes me look taller and more slender. I wear my hair down, and apply a bit of eye liner and lip gloss before slipping into my two inch high heels.

I look at myself in the mirror once more and decide that I look nice. I grab a small purse from my closet and stuff my phone and some money into it.

When I walk down the stairs, I find my parents and Hazel already waiting for me by the car. I hurry up and get into the backseat next to Hazel.

Mom's wearing this brown dress that really brings out her eyes and complements her hair while Hazel's pink dress gives her a warm glow of sorts. Dad looks smart in his tuxedo as well.

The whole ride there, Hazel texts Matt and I slip on my earphones to tune out my parents.

We reach the venue in about an hour and fifteen minutes. We get out of the car and Dad hands it over to the valet.

Falling into step behind my sister, I walk into the huge hall that's hosting the event. The hall is mercifully heated and is really well decorated.

A delicious scent hangs in the air and I immediately start to feel hungry. Mom ushers Hazel and me over to our table where we have to make small talk with other kids who've been forced to come here as well.

I see a lot of good looking boys and check some of them out shamelessly to pass time. I even manage to snap a couple of pictures to the girls who fawn over the hotties just like I did. Hazel and I also catch up with each other. She tells me about her trip and I tell her about mine. Then I just look around for a bit and soak in the pretty atmosphere, all drenched liberally with the holiday spirit.

After a delicious lunch and a couple of hours of even more awkward small talk, unnecessary but frequent trips to the bathroom and fake smiling at people I vaguely remember, it's time for everyone to dance with their respective partners.

Since I obviously didn't get anyone along, I just stand by the side with Hazel and watch everyone dance. Several boys ask me to dance but I refuse, not knowing how much longer my body can hold it's coordinated act together.

I don't really have much practice with heels and it would be a shame if I fell down or something and embarrassed my parents just when stuff was going so well.

As our parents had already asked us to have early dinner so they could leave for the airport in time, Hazel and I make a beeline for the food about twenty minutes after it's laid out.

After pigging out on the dessert and letting out a most unladylike burp, I check my phone to see a text from Mom asking us to come out already.

I inform Hazel and we both troop out, full, content and exhausted from the day's events.

"That was fun, right? " Dad turns back from the passenger seat.

Hazel and I nod, because like I said, despite of what we felt before walking in, the ball turned out to be pretty nice.

"Well so us hanging out as a family isn't all that bad, eh?" He chuckles once more.

Hazel and I roll our eyes and Mom grunts, "Well David, I really wouldn't go that far, to be honest. But yes, it went a lot better than I imagined it would be."

"Yes, uh, thank you, you two!" Dad says a little gruffly, the tips of his ears growing pink as he hands us a thousand dollars each as our Christmas presents.

I know that it's sort of outrageous to do such a thing, but Hazel and I like rarely misuse it and most of the money goes in buying gifts for our friends and such, so really, it's not all bad.

An hour or so later, as we pull into our driveway, Dad walks us to the house and lugs two bags out on the porch. He wraps both of us into a half hug and puts the bags into the trunk before speeding away.

Mom, as usual, shows us no affection. She doesn't even bother to say goodbye. Sometimes I wonder if she even has any sort of attachment to us.

It wasn't the best day ever or anything of that sort, but considering how family time usually goes with the four of us, I'd say it really wasn't that bad. Not bearable enough that I'd do it again, but yes, tolerable enough that I don't regret it.

I stare at the back of the car until it's just a faint speck into the distance before going back inside.


"Hey, chump, how was last night?" Matt asks, ruffling my hair in a brotherly sort of way. I swat his hand away before I reply, "It was fun, I mean better than I expected it to be."

"Yeah, Hazel did snap me a couple of pictures of the place and all, it seemed like fun!" Jenny butts in. I nod at her.

Hazel scowls from behind the kitchen counter as she attempts to tuck a stray hair out of her eye, "C'mon lazy asses, help me out here, I can't do it on my own!" She whines.

Matt chuckles and gives her a mock salute before wearing his apron and joining her.

"Kyle's on his way here with my presents for you guys as well." Jenny says to no one in particular,  before starting to grind some cocoa for the cookies.

I tell Hazel I'm going over to Emmett's and that I'll be back after lunch. I throw my bag with everyone's presents over my shoulder and let myself out.

I hail a cab to Emmett's and reach there in ten minutes. I walk inside to a blast of  heat and wrap my arms around myself to get warm quicker.

Everyone else is already gathered around the tree and I scurry there. There's pizza for lunch, just like every year.

I hug everyone turn by turn, giving Nathan the longest hug. Then, as per tradition, we all sit cross-legged on the floor by the couch in Emmett's living room.

Emmett's parents are out visiting some relatives and his brother Max is spending the holidays with his girlfriend Brooke, so we have the house to ourselves. 

We all start swapping our presents and I look around to see that everyone's happy with their presents. Evan loves the earphones and the phone case I gifted him. Emmett and Ricky also like their shoes while Adrian is already in love with the perfume I got her. Allie likes the tops I got her  and Lauren adores the sweater too.

I look at Nathan as he unwraps his hoodie. When he does, he breaks out into a small smile.

Goddammit, I just love the way his smile forms, slowly at first, but then all at once, as if he just wants to emphasize how quickly happiness takes over him.

He shoots me a reassuring grin as if to convey that he liked my present and then motions for me to open his present. Blushing, I untie the bow gently and gasp.

It's the exact same hoodie I got him.

It does make sense since that particular design was available for both boys and girls but it's just amazing how alike we think.

The hoodie is grey and has a Hogwarts crest on it. It's warm and cozy and still has that new smell to it. If that's not a perfect hoodie, I don't know what is.

Nathan chuckles at my expression while everyone else just awws at the coincidence. Allie smirks and opens her mouth to say something when I hit her on her arm. She gets the message and subsides, although that doesn't stop her from sending a smirk my way every few minutes or so.

We all thank each other for our gifts and then we sit and talk for a little while about how our Christmas was and just other random stuff.

I want to be alone with Nathan for a while though, because as one might've guessed, the hoodie's not all I've gotten him.

As I grab a couple of slices of barbecued cottage cheese pizza, Nathan walks over to me.

"So I guess our choices aren't that bad now, eh?" He grins.

"Well we did choose each other, so I'd say they're pretty good, yeah!"I reply a tad bit flirtily.

"Great minds do think alike then!" He declares, chuckling. I shake my head, giggling.

We walk over to the couch, where Nathan asks me to meet him upstairs in ten minutes, informing me he has a surprise planned.

I nod in response and gobble up my slices quickly.

Everyone's busy doing their own thing; Allie and Evan are cuddling on the couch while Ricky and Emmett are having a contest to see who can have more pizza.

Lauren is in the kitchen fixing herself a drink and Adrian is texting someone, a huge frown on her face. I debate going up to her since she obviously is more important than a Christmas surprise but then decide against it, seeing as Lauren beats me to it. Adrian isn't the sort of person who'd be able to talk to more than one person at a time about anything disturbing her freely, so I make a mental note to ask her about it later.

Since Nathan is nowhere to be seen, I can only assume he went upstairs. Double checking that I have his present in my pocket, I run up the stairs where Nathan's waiting for me outside Emmett's room.

He smiles on seeing me and gives me a quick peck on the cheek. I blush heavily before handing him a framed slip of paper.

He looks a little confused but takes it all the same.

"This is the same slip that the counselor gave us?" He asks incredulously.

"Yes, it is. Um, why is it stupid or something? Because I am sorry, I just thought it would be sort of cute seeing how that sort of got us together. Honestly, I took a cue from when you," I start to ramble, when I'm cut off by Nathan, who gently places his finger on my lips.

"It's perfect." He croaks, before handing me a framed leaf.

"OHMYGOSH! You had it this whole time?! I was searching for it since three days!! It wasn't where I'd kept it last and I was so sad!! You could've said something you jerk!" I fake pout.

"Well, you never told me you were missing something now, did you?" He replies with a smirk.

I roll my eyes at his response."How did you get it though? You haven't been over since our date, when you gave this to me!" I add as an afterthought.

"Let's just say Allie hates algebra more than she loves you." He chuckles.

I facepalm myself mentally. Of course she had to go help him with this!

"I'd be touched but I know you'd give your left arm for a chance to solve more quadratic equations, so I'm not even gonna thank you." I tease.

He places his hand on his heart and pretends to wipe a tear, "You're mean, you know!", He says with an amused expression on his face.

I get on my tip toes and throw my arm around his neck before leaning in to kiss him. We make out for about seven minutes before I pull away, panting.

I rest my head on his chest and hearing his uneven heartbeat satisfies me; I do affect him as much he affects me.

As I'm about to look up and lean in for another kiss, I hear some sobbing from downstairs.

A picture of a crying Adrian flashes in my mind and I push Nathan to the side before running down the stairs, two at a time.

When I reach the living room, I see that I am indeed right. Adrian is sobbing uncontrollably in Ricky's arms. He's rubbing small circles on her back to try and soothe her while Lauren is filling everyone else in on what's happening.

It seems to be a little serious since neither Allie or Emmett so much as smirked as they spotted Nathan and I walking down the stairs one after the other.

I walk up to them, hoping that it's not something too bad, because if it is, then well, whoever caused Adrian to cry this way may as well call themselves history.


Nothing to say really.
Hope you liked it and it made up for the long wait.

There's a twist in store and there's a reason Adrian is crying so bad. Stay tuned to find out!

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