Chapter 2- "Sleeping is the ONE thing you don't do on sleepovers!"

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Chapter 2- "Sleeping is the ONE thing you don't do on sleepovers!"


The minute school let out, the gang and I hopped into Hazel's car and decided to camp in my room while we came up with a routine. Evan and Allie choreographed our routine by looking at YouTube videos while Adrian sat with a sketchpad as she tried to figure out the costumes. Emmett and I worked on the music, mixing and cutting all the songs and making prototypes of the final song.

Day 1:

The day ended with me having my left wrist in a plaster. It all started and ended with fun, though. I proposed that I would do Evan's and Allie's homework until they choreographed but they refused. Then Emmett began cheering me up with some lame jokes.

Because everyone knows that no matter what a big nerd I am, I wouldn't do anyone else's homework unless there was a valid reason. Soon, I was all smiles and my room had turned into a pillow-fighting arena... It was great fun.. Until, my foot got tangled with a curtain and I fell on the ground, falling on my left hand.  There was a big, blue bruise on my left wrist.

Never had I been gladder to be a part of the mass of the world's population which was right-handed. Missing out on schoolwork would only add to my woes. Although now I would have to eat my lunch with my right hand, it was better than having my notebooks covered with my messy, left-handed scrawl.  Yeah, I always ate with my left hand because it reduced the risk of developing Alzheimer's. 

Day 2:

I sat by the side watching my friends sweat it out. I gave them words of encouragement and sprouted praises from the side but my physical contribution was limited to passing water bottles to them!

Evan and Allie had really worked hard and I could see Emmett and Adrian putting in real efforts. It pleased me a lot! We were all going to be dressed up as Zombies, dancing along to this weird tune that Evan and Emmett had downloaded off the net. The plan was to have me behind, Emmett and Adrian covering me completely and Evan and Allie ahead. This was just as well, seeing that the judges would probably have a barf attack on seeing me dance!

I was just going to be alone on the stage for ten seconds before Emmett and Adrian came in. And I could handle that. I would have to. My friends put up their reputation at stake for me; my stage fright was something I could give up! I wasn't worried about my reputation. The reason was simple: I never had one. Bespectacled, awkward and reserved to the outside world; I never had any friends until two years ago.

Now, all due to the confidence my friends gave me, I was sarcastic, had a good sense of humor, had some confidence in myself and was totally there for anyone who needed me.  And my awkwardness? Well, that was something I was born with. And although, I probably will never admit it again, I AM kind of proud of it!

Day 3:

Today was technically the FIRST day of practice for me. I was kind of nervous before the practice started. But then I'm a nerd, I'm nervous before everything!

Hazel stopped by today and had a look at our dance routine. She said that she was proud of me. Like elder sister proud of me. What does that even mean? Last time I checked, there weren't categories in which your pride could be divided!

Anyway, her comment kind of did the trick. It calmed me down for sure. The steps weren't hard. I could've mastered them only if I had paid attention. However, I was so poor at dance that I couldn't even pay attention. It was sad, really. I finally learnt half the routine after a tiring two hours of practice.

Since it was a Friday, the girls and I decided to have a sleepover at Allie's place. Hazel dropped off Evan and Emmett at their houses before taking me and the girls over to Allie's.

Allie's house is one of the houses that looks inviting not only from the outside but the inside as well. She lives on this street called the Hillcrest. Every house is perched upon a slight rise, looking quite majestic in itself. Allie's house is coffee brown with white highlights from the outside. Her kitchen is too sophisticated for my liking. Adrian and I only go there when there's good food! Her room is awesome. She has this One Direction bedspread. We only remove it when Adrian's around because she doesn't really like One Direction. Today, however, all of us were too tired to move a bone.

We slumped on Allie's bed. Adrian hogged the couch. We bolted her room's door so that her younger sister, Gemma, wouldn't bug us. Sisters, Sisters Everywhere! I kind of get how Gemma feels, though. I remember being in junior high and Hazel being a freshman. She used to bring her friends home and shut the door on my face just like we do to poor Gemma.

I've tried explaining this to Allie many times but she just doesn't listen. I kinda felt like getting up and inviting Gemma in. But my strained muscles and poor bones decided against it. So that was THAT!

It was kind of pointless having this sleepover. All of us skipped dinner, put on some Eminem and drifted off to sleep.  Even I know that sleeping is the ONE thing you don't do on sleepovers!

Day 4:

Today Evan and Allie went easy on us. They said that it was because they didn't want to strain us, but personally, I knew they were doing it for me. And I was really thankful. I'd have to remember this thing about Evan the next time he annoys the hell out of me and I feel like kicking his ass!

Anyway, so all we did was perfect the first half. And joke around. Apparently, laughter DOES help to alleviate stress. If you could call this stress.  We all also came to know that Emmett was crushing on this girl from his English class. He said her name was Lauren. Weird. It is weird to watch Emmett blush. His cheeks go all pink and his nose crinkles adorably!

Maybe I'm just saying that because Emmett is the only guy who blushes. Every time I tease Evan he just makes this stupid pout with his face! I liked the idea of playing cupid. I was going to meet this Lauren girl and make sure she fell for him. He was a good guy. And he deserved a good girl.

Day 5:

We all worked off our asses learning the next half of the routine. By the time we got to the end, I was actually having fun. It was really nice to let my hair down for a change. Not literally, figuratively!


Sorry for the one day delay, amigos. Had a tiring fundraiser at school. How was it? Vote, Comment and Share! Have a nice day!

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