Chapter 30- "Hey kiddo how have you been?"

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Chapter 30- " Hey kiddo, how have you been?"


"Where have you been?" Mom asks me, a look of disdain on her face.

I glance pointedly at the bags in my hand and just shrug before walking out of the living room and towards the stairs that lead up to my room.

"Young lady, I am not going to tolerate being cheeked like this. You better come down here this instant!" Mom's shrill voice blasts through the house.

I sigh and then place all of my stuff at the foot of the stairwell before retracing my steps.

"What is it Mom?" I ask her in a bored voice.

She shoots me a death glare and gestures for me to have a seat next to Hazel, who already looks like she wants to kill herself.

I slide in one of the wooden chairs next to her and look up expectantly at Mom. She's drumming her fingers on the table top quite impatiently, a definite sign she's waiting for Dad to make an appearance.

Almost as if on cue, Dad walks in with an impassive expression on his face and stands next to Mom.

"Hey, kiddo, how have you been?" He questions, looking at me.

"It's a little too late for pleasantries now Dad, don't you think? " Hazel snaps before I can get a word in.

I gasp a little. She's never snapped at them, no matter how rude they've been to us, like ever. They must've really crossed their limits today for her to get this pissed. Either that, or their visit has unfortunately coincided with her time of the month.

As intolerable as Hazel gets during that period (pun not intended), I'd rather it was that than Mom and Dad having done something to upset her.

Mom scowls at Hazel while Dad looks taken aback and a little hurt.

"Enough. Your Dad and I are here for a reason," Mom begins, when she's cut off by Hazel whispering, "Figures; when do you ever come home without one?" I giggle a little at the sass in her statement.

It seems that Mom caught a bit of it at least because she sends yet another one of her signature scowls Hazel's way before taking a deep breath and continuing, "As I was saying before, your Dad and I are here for a reason; and that's definitely not being sassed by the two of you," she pauses, "So your father and I have a business ball to attend on Christmas day and the two of you are coming with us." She says with an air of finality in her tone.

I groan and get up from the table. "You will sit back down, Scarlett Amelia Woods" Mom commands. I grumble and crib but sit right back down.

It's maddenning that she expects us to be at the ball, but at least it's in the evening. As long as I get to go to Emmett's for the morning, I'll be good.
All of the others have Christmas dinners with their family in the evening anyway, and I suppose a ball wouldn't be that bad. I've heard these business events that my parents attend have amazingly tasty food anyway.

"What is it Mom?" I question.

"The ball is in a small town about an hour and a half's drive away from here. We'll leave at about 10 in the morning and I suppose we shall be back home by 11 in the night. Normally, we wouldn't have gone this early, but your father and I have some major socializing to do there, hence we will have to reach there as fast as we can." Mom finishes and I look at her with a surprised expression on my face.

"There's no way I'm coming to this ball to put on a fake front and socialize with people I'll never see again." Hazel says with a bored look on her face.

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