Chapter 27- "I told you so!"

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Chapter 27- "I told you so!"


After a thorough pep talk from Allie and a couple of stern glares from Adrian, I make up my mind to go have dinner with Nathan and his family and try to face my fears.

However, I begin to have second thoughts about my decision as I ring the bell and stand on Nathan's porch.

I nervously tuck my hair behind my ears as I wait for someone to open the door. Lauren opens the door and greets me with a hug. She looks really cute in her outfit.

"Has Emmett arrived yet?" I ask.

"Clearly not, why else would she run to open the door?" Nathan jokes.

"Haha! Very funny!" Lauren says, shooting him a death glare.

She walks away muttering something about our immaturity. Nathan looks at me and shoots me a grin, sending my heart into a, to use the clichéd phrase, overdrive. He looks so droolworthy that I cannot help but ogle at him.

"Done checking me out?" Nathan asks, giving me a familiar sense of comfort.

"Ha, as if!" I scoff, to keep the moment going.

We both break into a smile again.

"Nathan! Get in here!" a woman screams from the kitchen.

"Coming!" he hollers, before gesturing over to the couch and asking me to sit.

I shake my head and walk into the kitchen. If I am going to make an impression on Aunt Ellen, I might as well end up making a good one. I take a step into the kitchen, feeling a little unsure about myself. It feels so strange to step into a kitchen and see someone besides Hazel working there. I don't even remember when I last saw Mom cook.

"Um, uh, Can I help with you anything?" I ask her.

"No, dear, everything is just dandy. Go along now. I'll be just a minute." She replies, patting my head.

"Please. Let me help you set the table at the very least." I insist.

Aunt Ellen looks charmed and I relax a little. Nathan helps me carry some cutlery to the mahogany table. We set the table for six and knowing that Emmett is probably going to be subjected to the same time of embarrassment as I am, makes me feel just a teensy weensy bit better.

Nathan carries a pitcher of iced lemonade and sets it on the table while Lauren helps out a little in the kitchen. The bell rings just then and Lauren runs over to open the door.

A middle aged man in a brown, suede jacket walks in. Nathan looks a lot like his Uncle, who happens to be a splitting image of his brother. Mr.Cullen or Uncle Dave as I'm supposed to call him flashes me a quick smile before disappearing into his rooms.

Lauren, who is busy sulking about her boyfriend's lack of punctuality, doesn't notice me, but her brother, who I've just realized was checking me out all this while does. I simply point to Emmett's feet. His eyebrows are knitted together in confusion, but once the realization of what he's just seen sets in, Nathan has to clutch a chair in his desperate attempt to control his laughter. While Emmett tries to pacify Lauren, Nathan and I decide to keep what we just saw to ourselves. Embarrassing Emmett is not just a fabulous piece of alliteration; it's also our plan for the evening.

Emmett shoots us a weird look but we just shrug it off. Nathan gestures for Emmett to go sit on the plush, coffee-colored couch. Lauren plops down on the couch next to Emmett, her mood suddenly a lot better. Seems like Emmett does know how to keep his girl.

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