Chapter 31- "Let me kiss you right now."

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Chapter 31- "Let me kiss you right now."


"Who will you live with?" I ask Adrian once she has calmed down a bit.

"Well the obvious choice would be Mom. Moving to NYC with Dad would be difficult in a lot of ways you know." She replies.

"Not to mention that people will start asking questions if she moves there. Right now, the Baxters have a hospital being built out there anyway so it would not be that big of a deal if Mr.Baxter were to move there for some time. But if the children moved with him, well that would just be a field day for all the gossip-mongers." Ricky adds, looking at Adrian with concern.

Adrian nods again. "But what I don't understand is why the divorce has to be kept such a big secret. I mean what's the big deal?" Nathan questions.

"Well, my parents believe that it would be detrimental to their business if word of their divorce got out. I mean who wants to see psychoanalysts who themselves have major issues, right?" Adrian chuckles bitterly.

We all nod understandingly, Ricky still rubbing small circles on Adrian's back. The Baxters have always been a close, happy family and Adrian completely admits that she didn't see it coming.

Of course she didn't. Even if all the signs are out there, loud and clear, pointing to the very obvious;  who in their right mind would would want to wrap their heads around the fact that their Dad was having an affair?

Mr. Baxter blamed it on his wife's long working hours and disinterest in maintaining the relationship. Mrs. Baxter maintained that her only fault in the whole affair was her failure at noticing her husband's philandering ways.

Being a distant spectator, I can't comment on who's right and who's not.

I just wish that it hadn't happened though; Adrian is still shaken up about everything and it's nearing dinner time. My stomach rumbles and my cheeks turn a faint shade of pink. Luckily, no one seems to have heard it.

As if on cue, Emmett gets up from the couch and waves his phone in the air excitedly, "Chinese takeout anyone?"

He's met with a chorus of affirmative responses and then an awkward sort of silence falls over the room. Adrian is sitting by the fireplace quietly and we decide to give her some time as we clear up the Martins' living room.

Once we're done, we put on some random movie into the DVD player; our last resort to cheer Adrian up.

It sort of works because by the time the credits roll in, some of the color has returned to her face and she's joking around with Evan and Allie.

As I throw on my coat and buckle up my boots, I hear Adrian clear her throat, "Guys, I'm well aware that none of you must've envisioned your day to be like this and I'm sorry it was. You've all been so wonderful and made me feel better about it. I just, I want you guys to keep this between us. Much as I would want to the exact opposite of what he says, Dad's got a point when he says it'll affect business negatively. The last thing Mom needs is patients dropping out and an abundance of free time in her schedule to try and blame herself for it all." She finishes, laughing sardonically.

We all assure her that we'll keep our lips sealed and she hugs all of us goodbye before walking out of the door hand in hand with Ricky.

"I wish we could help her through this." Allie says.

"We can. We've just got to distract her as much as we can, we've all been through enough to know that that works." Evan replies, a grave look on his face.

Allie shakes her head understandingly, resting her head on his shoulder and looking slightly worn.


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