Destiny's Embrace (Bunnymund...

By Joshu_fox

81.3K 1.8K 253

An 18 year-old named Josh with special abilities and powers lives right next door to Jamie and Sophie. Soon... More

Character description
Meeting Jack Frost
The Guardians
The Boogeyman
Meeting the Guardians and Reunion
Being a Guardian and Defending a Friend
The sleigh and the Tooth Palace
The Boogeyman and Josh's Powers
Teeth and Explainations
Teeth Collecting and Talking
Change of Clothing, Gifts, and Mayhem in Jamie's Room!
Nightmares and Sandman
Sandy's Funeral, The Warren, and Sophie!?
Easter Preparations, Painting, and Decision
Gifts and Confessions
Pitch, Easter Disaster, and The Truth
Finding and Believing in Jack. Aster is a...bunny!?
Fighting Pitch, Jack's Center, and Regaining Believers
Strength, Sandmans Return, Fun, Goodbye Pitch, and Oath.

Our Center and Trouble

3.6K 84 5
By Joshu_fox

Josh Pov

Me, Jack, and North now find ourselves in a wooden elevator going down, then the elevator stopped on the floor as we got off to what appears to be a giant workshop with many yetis working on stuff.

"It's nothing personal, North. But what you all do, it's just not our thing." Jack said

"Man in Moon says it is your thing! We will see." North said as he signed something for a yeti and moved faster.

"Slow down, would you? I've been trying to bust in here for years. I want a good look."Jack said as we caught up to North as me and him looked Jack looked around in wonder. "What do you mean, bust in?" Me and North asked Jack as we gave him an incredulous look. "Don't worry, I never got pass the yetis." Jack said as a yeti that Jack apparently knows, gave Jack a look that says 'I'm watching you'. "Hey, Phil." Jack said as said yeti punched his palm.

As me and Jack followed North, we passed by a yeti carrying a toy barn house. "Keep up, Jack, Josh, keep up!" North said to us as he was ahead of us. As me and Jack looked around more, we saw yetis working on what looked like big toy castles, fire trucks, toy robots, guitars and more! Me and Jack soon had to duck down to avoid getting hit in the face by a flying toy... duck. "I always thought the elves made the toys." Jack asked. North leaned towards us and said quietly, "We let them believe that." After that was said, we saw four elves messing with Christmas lights and decorations. "Very nice! Keep up good work." North said to the elves, trying to be nice. We then passed by another yeti, who was painting toy robots blue. "I don't like it! Paint it red!" North said to the yeti. Said yeti gave North an incredulous look as he and I looked over to find several other robots painted blue.

'Yikes!!' I thought while the yeti slam his head on the desk that he was sitting at. Being the good person I am, I decided to help out. "Hey um... Mr. Yeti sir!" I said as the yeti that was working on the robots looked at me. "Let me help, I could get all that done fast." I said to him as he looked from me, to the lots of other blue robots, and then back and gave me an incredulous look. I rolled my eyes, "watch this" I told him as I took the paint brush from him and used my powers to change the color of the paint on the brush to red. Then I used my super speed and picked up one robot after another and painted each one red in 1 second flat each. "All done!" I said smiling as I placed the last robot that I painted red on the desk. The yeti looked at me with wide eyes and then hugged me tightly before letting me down on the ground. "Your welcome!" I said smiling and then caught up to Jack and North.

A bell rung somewhere as North talked. "Step it up, everybody!" North ordered as we continued walking while seeing the yetis make even more amazing toys!

We then arrived to what looks to be North's work space. Once me and Jack entered, we looked around and saw many different ice sculptures. We turned to North as he clapped his hands. A elf then walked to North with a fruit cake in hand. "Fruit cake?" North asked us as he grabbed it from a passing elf. "Uh, no thanks/I'm good." Jack and I said, then North threw the fruit cake to the side as he walked towards us. "Now we get down to tacks of brass." North said as he cracked his knuckles. "Tacks of..." Me and Jack said before the door behind as suddenly shuts. We looked behind us at the door as it locks itself. We turned around and jumped to see North walking towards us menacingly as we backed up to the door. "Who are you, Josh Cameron, Jack Frost? What is your center?" North asked us seriously as he tapped our chests. "My center?" Me and Jack said in sync.

"If Man in Moon chose you two to be Guardians, you two must have something very special inside." North said and then 'hmm'd before walking besides us to a shelf. "Here. This is how you see me, no?" He said as he grabbed a matryoshka doll (just learned what it was called!!! XD) of himself off the shelf. "Very big, intimidating." He said as he chuckled. "But if you get to know me a little... Well, go on." He said as he handed the Russian nesting doll to Jack. Jack put his staff down to hold the doll. As I stood beside Jack as he opened the first layer to reveal a little North with a happy face. "Your downright jolly?" Jack asked as we looked at North. "But not just jolly!" North said. He continued to talk as Jack opened layer after layer with different looks on each face. "I am also mysterious, and fearless, and caring! And at my center?" North said as Jack opened the last layer over North's hand to reveal a tiny wooden baby. "There's a tiny wooden baby." Jack said. "Look closer. What do you see?" North said as we did what he said and looked at the baby's face. "You have big eyes." I said. "Yes! Big eyes. Very big. Because they are full of wonder. That is my center." North said as he walked pass us towards the middle of his work space.

"It is what I was born with. Eyes that have always seen the wonder in everything! Eyes that see lights in the trees and magic in the air." North said as the toys around him come to life as a little toy aircraft flew past a Christmas tree as it lit up and past us out the door to the workshop. "This wonder is what I put into the world! And what I protect in children. It is what makes me a Guardian." North says as we walked out into the workshop with a bunch of amazing toys in the air. He then turned to us, "It is my center. What is yours, Josh?" He asked me.

I took a moment to think. 'What is my center? Hmm...' I thought to myself. After another moment, I thought of my answer. "Well, when I was a kid, I was picked on mercilessly for my 'unnatural' shade of red hair and green eyes. Others often said that I wasn't normal, that I'm a weirdo and other hurtful stuff. I didn't think much of it though, in life, there will be times where you feel that there is only darkness in life, but that is not true. Even though it was a bit of a dark time for me, I always paid attention to the light of things. I always thought that my hair and eye color made me unique, it made me stand out from the rest. I was always determined to prove to others and help others to see that there is nothing wrong with being different or unique. Don't let others harsh words cloud your mind with dark thoughts or make you think that they are right. Things may look bleak now, but the light that is in your heart will help you prevail even in the darkest of times. That is my center." I said to North and Jack.

North smiled at me, "Nicely said Josh, what is yours Jack?" He asked. "I-I don't know..." Jack said as he looked down at the wooden baby North matryoshka doll. North rolled up Jack's fingers around the doll as Jack looked back up at him. Jack then turned to look at a window, I followed and saw Tooth and her fairies flew by fast. As soon as her figure past, Aster and Sandy came in. "We have a problem, mate. Trouble at the Tooth Palace." Aster told North.

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