Pearce Hudson: #1 My Italian...

By browneegirl

455K 14.6K 596

7 years ago I was an ignorant, naive fool blissfully happily married to my husband. 5 years later I was a det... More

1. He' back
2. Dear husband
3. I do
4. One of a kind
5. Holding on
6.New and improved
7.Hudson, Pearce Hudson
8.New kid on the block
9.The devil wears Armani
10.Old friends
12.The past
14.The truth must come out
15.Guilt trip
16.1 truth 1 lie
17.Let the game begin
18.The red dress and blue blazer
19.Dealing with the devil
20.Girl talk
22.Lose the battle, win the war
23.Liar liar pants on fire
25.Game over
27.Speak of the devil and he shall call
28. Queen sacrifice
29.Knights, rooks & bishops
32. Loving him was red
33. Mole
34. Killers
35. What Now
36. Breakthrough
37. Never let you go
38. All is fair in love and war
Epilouge: Dante's Inferno
Author's note

21.Emperors can't rule on their own

8.6K 343 34
By browneegirl

"What do you want Dante?" I hissed. "And how did you get my number?"
"Made a few calls," Dante replied. "It's not hard to find your wife."
"I repeat what do you want?"
His voice dropped from a sexy, charming voice to a softer and more caring voice, "You left before I woke up."
"I did. What did except, polite talk? You were just an one night stand."
"Call it what you will. Don't tell me you didn't miss it."
"I'm hanging up."
"Wait! Wait! I have a proposal for you?"
"A business proposal. I'm in need for your private investigator skills."
"You think after everything you did to me I'd help you?!"
"For your firm possibly."
"Dante...ask another firm."
"But I'm asking you."
I didn't reply. Of course it was a yes, for the case but I had to play hard to get.
"Come by the mansion at 11."
There was a click and the line disconnected.
I dialed the Terry Price office number. Vivian picked up.
"Hey Pearce," she said. "Jessica, Jones, Green and Ross are here."
"Dante just called. He wants a meeting with the firm at his mansion. He needs private investigators."
"What did you say?" Jones asked.
"No of course. Then yes."
"Playing hard to get," Jessica commented. I could hear her smirk over the line.
"He said 11. It's 10:40. I'm thinking I should go there. So I'll call you guys when I get there."
"You're not going there alone," Jones insisted. "I would go but Dante's bodyguards could recognize me. We arrested a few back at DC."
"Not Jessica. Can't take Ross. Viv and Green?" I asked.
"I'm going back to Striptease to set up surveillance," Green replied.
"Take Jake with you," Jessica said. "He's the closest right now."
"Is there a problem?"
"No. It's fine."
I climbed back up the stairs and pounded on his door.
He opened the door wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, "Pearce I-"
"Dante wants a meeting with Terry Price Investigations. You're ganna be an associate."
"Oh okay..."
"Put on something formal."
My fingers drummed on the steering wheel as I waited for Jake. I kept going over in my head what I said to Jake and how I could've done it differently. But nothing came to mind. I can take rejection. But he was messing me up, getting me Gatorade, going to my nieces birthday even though he didn't know me, getting the present when I forgot it, letting me stay at his place, looking after my dog, zipping up my dress. I slapped my forehead, Jessica's words really got to me. I used to be cold hearted Agent Hudson, who need no man but drank like one. Now I couldn't get enough of a criminal husband. Pussy much.

The car door opened and Jake sat down. He kept the shirt, but changed his jeans to dress pants, sneakers to dress shoes and had on a blazer. Thoughts zoomed in my head. I had a bunch of comebacks in my head but all of them would make me look desperate and needy. My standard was low but desperate and needy low.

As I drove I kept one eye on Jake to see if was looking at me or going to say anything. But he kept his face looking out the window. Jackass. More like sweet ass. Shut up!
We pulled up a few blocks away from mansion to discuss the plan. "Let me do most of the talking," I told him. "And act a little flirtatious towards me, it might rile him up and may let something slip. We need a safe word in case of anything. We don't have coms. So you need to use the word in a sentence. Any suggestions?"
"How about blue Gatorade?"

Everything was familiar. Pulling up to the circular driveway, the white pillars of the mansion, the steps. I felt old Pearce, coming home from University, ready for my husband to cuddle with me while I complained about my shitty day. But that's gone.

One of the bodyguards opened the door even before climbed the stairs. "Mrs. Capaldi please follow me," he said.
"It's Ms. DeNiro and I know my way around this shithole," I cursed at him. He moved aside to let me and Jake in.
"Was it ever?" Jake asked.
"Capaldi. Mrs. Capaldi."
We stepped into the foyer. It felt like yesterday I was here leaving the mansion for good. I promised myself I wouldn't come back. I was never good at keeping promises.
"Pearce," Dante said at the top of the stairs. He walked down quickly, moving swiftly on each step. "Didn't think you'd come."

"Well here I am. Now let's get this over with. I have real client to get to."

Dante let the way to the living room. Everything was kept the way I had last seen it. The furniture, the paintings on the walls and even the silky curtains, looked untouched.

Miles Foreman was sitting on one of the sofas. If I had become a lawyer I would've probably been like Foreman defending criminals and hiding the truth. Now that I was a FBI Agent I could judge him for that.

"Miles," I rolled my eyes.

"Pearce I should say it's good to see you but then I'd be lying," he snapped.
"Not the first time you lied."
"Enough," Dante took a seat. "When I called I meant it. I need your help."
Jake and I took a seat, and iPad in Jake's hands.
"Alright. What's your problem?" I asked.
"What ever my client says to your firm falls under client confidentiality, correct?" Miles inquired.
"Yes it does," I replied.
Miles motioned for Dante to speak. "Last night one of my bodyguards went missing. And one got attacked."
Miles slid a file across the glass coffee table. Jake grabbed it and opened it up.
"James Gomez," Dante said. "He started working for me a few weeks ago."
There was a picture of Gomez and his personal information.
"What about the other bodyguard?"
"Jack Bloom. He's worked for me a long time. He was found in the bathroom gagged and tied up. He said he was injected with a ketamine injection my bodyguards carried," Dante continued.
"Ketamine? Why do your bodyguards carry ketamine injections?" I questioned.
"For non-lethal purposes obviously," Miles interjected.
"Why not go to the Police?" Jake spoke up.
"We did. We filed a missing persons. But we have to wait 48 hours," Dante said.
"And you don't want to wait because..." I shrugged.

Miles and Dante exchanged looks and Miles spoke, "Dante is a very successful businessman and these bodyguards revolve around him 24 hours. Gomez could've kidnapped by rival businessmen for trade secrets."

"Well if you need our help we need to know everything," I said. "We need access to everything."
Miles and Dante looked at each other again. "Okay," Dante said.
Jake turned on his iPad and handed it to Miles, "This is a standard contract for all our clients. We can of course negotiate the terms."
"Let's do that," Miles said leading Jake out of the living room. Jake turned around and I gave him a slight nod to assure him.
I walked over to the deck doors. I felt Dante staring a hole into my back.
"Dante stop staring at my back!"
"Does it bother you?"
"No it annoys me."
"Just...Shut up!"
I grabbed my purse and coat from where it was lying on the sofa. He gently grabbed my wrist and drew me closer. "Don't go."
"You know me well enough to know sweet talk doesn't work on me."

"I know it doesn't. Just give me another chance, Pearce! All I want is a second chance."

"A second chance at what? Our marriage, our life, us? Open your eyes Dante. We've spent more time apart than together."

"That's exactly why I want a second chance."

I shook my head and his eyes slowly saddened as he released my arm. "I'll have someone from my firm contact you if we need anything else."

Jake and Miles spoke out loud as I walked into the foyer.

"You ready to go?" I asked Jake.

"Yeah. Mr. Foreman looked over the contract and agreed to the terms," Jake informed.

"That's good," I smiled at him, then turned to Miles. "I can't believe you're still defending him."

"Are you implying something Pearce?" Miles arched his eyebrows

"Miles you know he's a criminal. And yet you defend him. You're a real piece of work."

"I'm not only his lawyer I'm also his friend."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Emperors can't rule on their own, Pearce. He needs me less than he needs you. Go back to him. Give him a chance."

Dante appeared behind Miles.

I looked back at Miles, "Keep telling yourself that."

"So did you get anything out of Dante?" Jake asked as we pulled out of the driveway.

"No we barely spoke. Mostly angry glances. What about you?"

"Miles is very careful. I'll say that. Went through everything with fine tooth comb."

I glanced at the clock in the car. Shit. I was running late to meet Kat.

"Hey I have to meet my lawyer. I'd drop you off but I'm running late."

"It's alright."

My phone rang. It was Peter. "Hey Pete I'm driving make this quick."

"I think Paul blabbed to mom and dad."

"What?!" I abruptly stopped the car, then started driving again. "About what?"

"I'm guessing about the FBI. I don't know. Dad's screaming bloody murder. Just get here."

"Fine. I'll be there in five."

I parked the car in front of the brownstone, and hopped out. I was in a rush and didn't manage to tell Jake to stay in the car, so he followed me. Before I could ring the doorbell, Peter was at the door.

"Thank God you're here,"  Peter breathed out. "Paul brought Nonna."

I cursed in Italian. "What's wrong?" Jake asked.

"Nonna, my dad's mom. Paul is her golden grandchild. She's going to make a scene for Paul now. Just watch."

"What's going on?" I asked walking into the living room. Paul was sitting on sofa beside Nonna, Mackenzie on the armrest. My parents opposite of them. "I don't have time. So what's the problem?"

"The problem is that you're FBI friends arrested Paul!" dad growled.

"They didn't arrest him, they took him in for questioning," I replied keeping my cool.

"Questioning him for a missing case that happened seven years ago!"

"Yeah you're granddaughter. Look I don't see the issue here."

"The issue is you turned your back on your brother!" dad jumped up as mom tried to calm him down.

"You and your husband," Paul spat at me.

"Pedro," mom softly said.

"That is what I'm trying to do! I'm trying to help the FBI put him in jail! Paul was withholding evidence! And you're screaming at me?"

"Marito traditore,"  Nonna spat at me. (Husband traitor)

"Nonna...cosa intendi? Dante rapito Alessandra," I told her. (Grandma...what do you mean? He kidnapped Alessandra).

She rolled her eyes, "Egli è tuo marito. Si dovrebbe stato con lui." (He is your husband. You should've stayed with him).

"You know what Nonna? I don't care what you think or have to say about my marriage. The only reason why you're here is because Paul needs you to make me look bad in front of mom and dad."

"Pearce!" Dad shouted. "Apologize to your grandma! NOW!"

"I don't owe anyone an apology! I l do the right thing and I get shouted at? Paul does more stupid shit than me and gets off scott free. So no I'm not apologizing!"

"Pedro cosa c'è di sbagliato con Peter e Pearce. Ti avevo detto di non sposare una donna greca," Nonna told dad. "Una rovina il suo matrimonio e l'altro si arruolò nell'esercito." (Pedro what's wrong with Peter and Pearce. I told you not marry a Greek woman. One ruined her marriage and the other joined the army).

"Isabella!" mom stood up addressing my grandma. "Do not talk about my children like that! Pearce wouldn't be in this situation if you and Pedro hadn't breathed down her neck to get married!"

My father whipped around, anger flashed in his eyes, he raised one arm ready to slap my mom. I grabbed it just in time, pinning it behind his arm. He tried to use his weight on me, but I knew Krav Maga.

Peter pulled me off my dad and held me back from hurting him anymore. "Pearce let it go! It's dad. What are you going to do, beat him to a pulp?" Jake said, holding me back.

"Voi due siete una vergogna per questa famiglia. Non voglio vederti di nuovo. Ti sto rinnegare. Fuori dalla mia vista!"  Dad shouted. (You two are a disgrace to this family. I don't want to see you again. I'm disowning you. Get out of my sight!)

"Gladly," I shouted back. "Let's go Peter."

"You know Paul did that purposely," Peter said as we walked down the steps. "Dad disowns us. The whole family fortune goes to him."

I punched him in the shoulder. "What was that for?" Peter rubbed his shoulder.

"You joined the army?!"

"You became a FBI agent."

"That's different."


"Not everyone is shooting at me all the time."

"Pearce you have to meet your attorney," Jake interrupted us.

"This conversation isn't over," I told him getting into the car. "We'll talk later."

We made it to the restaurant five minutes late. Kat was already there.

"Hey sorry I'm late," I gave her a quick hug. "Kat this is Jake. Jake this is Kat. Jake is my partner on the case."

"Let's get straight to business," Kat said. "Even though they appealed I have a strong case against them. We can win this. If we can get someone from your family to testify that they were forcing you into this marriage, you're a free woman."

"Well that's not happening any time soon," I muttered.



"Anyway we have a court appointment tomorrow. Let's win this."

"Kat," I gulped. "I need you to lose this divorce."

"I don't understand."

"It's for the case. If it looks like I lose this divorce. Dante will reach out to me, try to win me back. It'll make him vulnerable. We need him vulnerable," I told her.

"Pearce you should be free of him. You've given up being a lawyer, seeing your family, on any relationship you had because of him."

"I know that. But this way I can throw him in jail. Trust me I wanna be free. And if that means, that it'll take time, I can wait."

"Okay," Kat nodded. "How are we losing this?"

I rubbed my face tiredly, "Their nuclear option."

"Pearce are you okay?" Jake asked as I bustled out of the restaurant.

"I just. I couldn't breathe," I gasped.

Jake's arms caged me from falling down.

"What's wrong?"

"Their nuclear option," I whispered in his shirt. "Is my pregnancy."

"You have a kid?"

"No! I had a miscarriage. The doctor's visit and ultrasound will be on file. We need Dante's defense team to find it I wanna lose this divorce."

"Let's get you back to the office," Jake said putting me into the car.

"I'm fine it's just this and Paul using Nonna to get what he wanted," I explained as Jake started up the car.

"Emperors can't rule on their own," Jake said.

"No they can't."

"Paul was being an ass. I'm sure your dad didn't disown you."

"Wait what did you say before?"

"Emperors can't rule on their own. Miles said-"

"Oh we were so stupid!"

"What? What is it?"

"We have been trying to take down Dante all this time!"

"Well...that's what we're supposed to do-"

"No! I mean Dante doesn't do it on his own. He has people cover up for him, defend him, advice him, protect him. Jake this is all a big chess game. In chess if you checkmate then the game is over. We need to take out his pawns, bishops, knights and rooks, then we get the king."

"And we already have the strongest piece."

"What's that?"

"You. We have his queen."

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