It Turns Me On When You Say N...

By ToSynInFaythe

589K 9.9K 1.1K

"If you ever decide that you love a girl more than you love me, just shoot me, okay?" Heath loves Quinn. More... More

ITMOWYSN- 15 (Part 1)
ITMOWYSN- 15 (Part 2)
ITMOWYSN- Bonus Chapter!
ITMOWYSN- 20 (Finale)
My Pants Threw Themselves At You, I Swear!


16.1K 282 25
By ToSynInFaythe

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O.o it's been 9 days since an upload?! Don't ever let me do that again!

Feel free to ask any questions about anyone's family or anything! In case I confuse any of y'all.

Also, LOOK AT THE NEW COVER!!:D --> thanks to AlexValentine yet again!

* * *

(Dawn's POV)

Today was the day. I was finally going to kill those damn homosexuals down in the basement. Going to be rid of them forever.

Going to videotape it and send it to Heath.

Ever since I found out I was related to that fag, I'd been plotting against him. I'd even joined this activist group.

The Sabre Noche.

The Night Saber.

Silent Death.

The Killer of Those Who Don't Belong.

That's what this group did, got rid of those who didn't fit into this world. Executed lesbians and gays.

I shuddered at the mere thought of Heath adopting my baby. It'd been a split second decision, leaving her in the hospital, but I regretted it now. Because now, she legally belonged to Heath and Quinn.

Shaking my head, I cleared those thoughts from my brain. I strode forward, making a beeline for the nursery. There were four children turning fourteen today, and I always inducted them into the group.

To be inducted into the group was to sacrifice your life for the group.

Not literally, of course.

I ignored the rest of my thoughts, stepping inside the nursery. All of a sudden, I was accosted by the nurse.

"Miss, it wasn't my fault! I swear! I left the night nurse in charge and I came back and-" I cut off the elderly woman.

"What happened?" I glared at her in pure anger.

After nervously rocking on her heels for thirty seconds, she glanced over to where Gwendolyn's crib was.

Or used to be.

Raising my arm, I brought down my fist on the woman's cheek, making a blunt, echoing punch snap her face to the side.

"Where the fuck is my baby?! Where is she?!" I shouted at her, spit flying from my mouth as I stared her down.

"I don't know-" I hit the elderly woman once more, silencing her as she passed out.

Spotting the four fourteen-year-olds, I rose to my full height.

"What happened? What did you see?" I growled at them. "If you answer, you'll be rewarded."

The only girl in the group took a shaky step forward.

"They came in last night. The nurse lady tried to stop them, but they said they had to take Gwennie to you." Her voice trembled but she didn't back down.

"Who 'they'?"

"Two of the guards. I'm not sure which ones." She backed towards the three boys.

"No. Come here." I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her with me. The girl squealed quietly but came.

Going to the window, I looked out. The nursery was on the top floor of the compound. Three stories in the air.

Below the ground level, there were two levels of basement areas. And one level under that was a tunnel that branched out for six hundred yards on either side. And then another twenty feet below that was a bomb shelter big enough for a thousand people.

I froze. My baby was gone. Who else was gone?

I looked at the small brunette girl trembling beside me.

"Come with me. You're my assistant now." I handed her a gun.

* * *

(Hunter's POV)

Quinn had been gone for almost twelve hours by the time she started looking for him.

And when she looked, she really looked.

Dawn was calling through the speakers for each room in the compound to be searched and cleared.

"Axel." My voice came out hoarse, from lack of use. "Axel. We need to hide. They're gonna realize Quinn's gone and hurt us. We gotta hide."

Axel moaned and opened his beautiful eyes. Even though his face was swollen and there were cuts and bruises everywhere, he was still handsome.

"Hunter." Axel whispered to me. "In case we don't get out of here.... I love you. I wouldn't trade any of this. I'd go through this a thousand times if it meant I could meet you. I love you."

My eyes teared up. I had to ignore most of that for now, because we had to hide.

"I love you too, Axel. I love you too." I said quietly.

Haley and Colton had unlocked our shackles before leaving to clear the room. I couldn't believe how much they'd done to protect Quinn.

Silently praising them, I made myself stand up. I pulled Axel up with me, and we stumbled to the room where we were constantly taken by the other guards.

Locking the door, we hid in the dark, holding our breath. I don't know how long we were there.

And then...

There was a thumping at the door.

* * *

(Heath's POV)

"Quinn!" I shouted, my voice cracking as I ran down the hallway towards him. "Quinn!"

His dark head snapped up, his blue eyes flashing at me. Even though there were doctors holding him down, he struggled up and ran to me.

Quinn threw himself into my arms, and I hugged him tight. I was exhausted, sick, and probably looked like crap, but I had my Quinn back.

"Heath. I love you. I love-" I cut him off, crashing my lips onto his.

I had missed this so much. I knew there was something wrong, though.

Pulling back, I looked Quinn in the eyes. "What's wrong?"

He hesitated before answering.

"Hunter and Axel are still in the compound."

I stared at him in shock, before burying my head in his shoulders.

"Who's looking for them? When are we gonna get them back?" I asked, my mouth muffled into his hair.

"The FBI are going in now."

* * *

Sorry for the spontaneous jumping POV's, I'm trying to get everything I need in here!!

* * *

(FBI Man's POV)

We broke in through the front door, going for the direct attack.

I couldn't believe this had been going on right under our noses and we'd never noticed.

Right down the road from the FBI training academy and no one had noticed a thing.

After we crashed through the doors, we were split into groups and sent to check the entire building. As far as I could tell, there were only three levels. Even the UV scanner had showed that there was nothing beneath the ground level.

As we stormed the building, I realized something; there wasn't anyone here.

I had expected there to be at least a few people here, but there was no one.

Until we reached the top level.

And then, it was just like the man had said. Almost fifty children, aged from infants to early teens.

Three of the oldest boys came up to me.

"Help. Please, our friend is missing. She was taken with Miss Dawn, and she hasn't got brought back yet. Please help!" A blonde boy begged me, his blue eyes wide.

I shook my head at him silently, before moving closer and whispering to him.

"I can't now, but later on, ask for John and I'll help you, okay?" He nodded gratefully before stepping aside.

"Boss. We have forty-six children up here. Any one down there?" I called over my radio.

"Son, come down to ground level. Leave three men with the children. Hurry." My sergeant's voice was hushed and urgent.

I gave out orders and ran down to ground floor as fast as I could.

My body was yanked to the side, around a corner, and I suppressed a scream.

"Shh, son, we have to hide. I don't know if they can see us." Boss whispered into my ear.

I nodded, before using sign language to ask, 'Why? Who? What's wrong?'

'There are no more people here, but Quinn swears up and down there were thousands in here. Quite frankly, I believe him. Why else would this coumpound be built for so many?'

Nodding in agreement, we searched the walls around us in silence.

Through the floor came our clue, however.

Whispering. A soft roar of hushed voices, what sounded like a crowd whispering, came through solid steel floors. Or what we thought were solid steel.

One wrong step from me, however, and it all got silent again.

Looking at Boss, my eyes widened.

There were people BELOW us?

* * *

A/N: Sorry guys!! It's been forever! Forgive me!

I hope y'all like the chapter:)

Also, if I were to write another boyXboy story for Watty Awards 2012 how many of y'all would read it? Because I really want a boyXboy story to do good in Watty's:)

Vote to get Hunter and Axel out of the compound:D

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