Girl Meets Rowan Blu Mavis

By angelsalwaysfly1

61K 919 259

Rowan is best friends with Riley and Maya,she's the best of both worlds,but mostly like Maya.Together they ar... More

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Girl Meets Smackle

1.5K 34 8
By angelsalwaysfly1

{History Class}
Rowan's POV

"Ancient Greece." Mr Matthews started the lesson.

"What that? What that that?" Riley asked her father.

"What's this? It's a present." He answered calmly.

"Is it for me?" Riley asked hopefully.

"Whats your game Matthews?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Game? I run no game. I just want to see who in here wants this present." He answered.

Everyone raised there hands except me and Maya.

"Oh Rowan,Maya you two think by playing hard to get,I'm going to give it to one of you?" Mr Matthews asked.

"Well yes." Maya started.

"That's one of the arrows in our quivers." I finished and Farkle shuddered.

"Medieval talk. What are you doing to me women?" Farkle asked and I shrugged.

"Riley." Mr Matthews said putting the gift on her desk.

"Yay!" She cheered happily.

She opened the box and pulled out a chalk board that said "The Trojan Horse."

"The Trojan Horse?" Riley asked her father.

"Surprise." Mr Matthews said.

"This isn't a present." Riley said disappointed.

"This is one of your life lessons,wrapped up in one of your class lessons. That was wrapped into a box of nothing." Riley said angrily.

"How ya doing honey?" Maya asked.

"I'm all worked up!" Riley pouted.

"We know." I said.

"You assumed that because it was all wrapped up nice and pretty something good was inside." Mr Matthews said.

"Ancient Troy was protected by walls.The Greeks couldn't get in." Mr Matthews started todays lesson.

"So they built a wooden horse and left it behind. What do you think they did?" Mr Matthews asked.

"They left it there because they we're afraid somebody was trying to teach them something." Riley said still on the gift thing.

"They captured it and claimed it like a trophy." Mr Matthews corrected.

"So that night Greek soldiers climbed out of the horse and defeated Troy." Mr Matthews said.

"What have we learned here?" He asked. Lucas raised his hand.

"Mr Friar."

"Don't make assumptions,based on what you see." Lucas answered.

"Riley I'm sorry I made an example out of you,here's a gift." Mr Matthews said and handed her a box.

"Ohh,no." Riley stopped herself.

"But I want to,no." Riley said.

"Pretty ribbon,no." She stopped herself again.

"I'll take my chances with that sir." Lucas said.

"No Lucas.You have to assume that the gift is no good because the first one was no good." Riley said.

"Aren't you all proud of me dad?" Riley asked with a smile.

"No." He said and her face fell.

"Two get out of detention cards." Lucas read and took out two cards.

"Ohh,give us those." Maya started.

"And we won't call you Ranger Rick for a week." I finished.

"Here you go." He handed us the cards.

"Thanks Ranger Roy." I said with a smirk.

"Lemme guess.Ranger Roy is filling in for Ranger Rick." Lucas said.

"All week." I said.

"And now you." Maya said as we both looked at Cory.

"Something gonna happen to me?" He asked.

"Oh yes it is." I said and Me and Maya got up.

"Ah dee,dee,dee,dee." Maya started humming as we climbed on his desk.

"De-de tention." I sang as we started dancing on his desk.

"But not today." Maya sang.

"Boom!" I exclaimed and shoved the card in his face.

"Read the cards." Mr Matthews chuckled.

"Huh?" Maya asked.

"Read the cards." He repeated.

"Read get out of detention free,give the two worthless cards to Rowan and Maya." I started reading.

"And watch them dance on my desk." Maya finished and we went back to our seats.

"Never assume,look more deeply.Just because something is wrapped up all pretty,doesn't mean it is." Mr Matthews said.

I turned around to glare at Lucas.

"You we're in on this." I said in an icy tone.

"I'm Ranger Roy and I'll be here all week." Lucas said tipping his imaginary hat at me.

"Ohh." I shuddered in annoyance.

{School Debate}
Rowan's POV

"In conclusion school uniforms reduce individuality which will be necessary in the real world,when you are all working for me." Farkle said.

"Thank you.I am Farkle!" He exclaimed.

"I don't understand debates." Riley said.

"We say you do." I said referring to me and Maya.

"Okay." Riley replied.

"I like debates. Exploring two sides of the same things,good and bad,light dark.All in front of you." Lucas said.

"Where else are you gonna get that?" Lucas asked.Riley and Rachel smiled at him,but me and Maya glared at him.

"Oh right here,look at you." Lucas said.

"And now from Einstein Academy,undefeated this season,72 pounds of raw intelligent power,the one your mama wishes she gave birth to. The one,the only Smackle!" Mr Matthews introduced.

Then Smackle emerged from the drawing of Albert Einstein and started doing karate moves.

"You going down chump." She said getting in Farkle's face.

"Wearing a uniform makes you surrender to conformity and sacrifices uniqueness which is our most valuable freedom.Don't let anyone tell you what to wear.Don't let anyone tell who to be.Smackle the one and only out." Smackle said and everyone clapped.

"Before I announce the winner I want everyone to know our final season of debate will be held here next week ,where our topic will be,is beauty the only skin deep." Mr Matthews said.

"Great,thank you." Mr Matthews said as a lady handed him a paper.

"So the winner of todays debate is,Isadora Smackle." Mr Matthews said and everyone clapped excluding Rachel.

"Looks like our debate team could use some help." Riley said.

"Yep,Smackles definitely got game." Lucas said agreeing with Riley.

"Smackle beats him every time." Rachel said.

"You think he's gotten use to it by now?" Riley asked as we seen Farkle on the ground sulking.

"It hurts." Farkle said groaning.

"Nope,good thing we're there for him." I said as we got up.

"Being there for him is the most important place to be." Rachel said and we turned around.

"Melon Balls." Me and Maya said and walked to the table.

"Ohh." Riley and Rachel said following.

{Still The Debate Room}
3rd Person POV

"Valiant effort as usual my arch nemesis." Smackle said holding Farkle's hand,now this got Rachel attention.

"Maybe a smoothie will take the sting out of my latest victory?" Smackle asked.

"Perhaps your right." Farkle said about to get up but Smackle kept him down.

"Smackle you fool you forgot how literal he is." Smackle told herself.

"Farkle I meant would you like to get a smoothie with me?" Smackle corrected herself and Rachel look worried.

"Isadora,what part of arch nemesis don't you understand?" Farkle asked and Rachel let out a sigh of relief.

I an so glad he's obvious. Rowan and Rachel thought.

"Farkle,I know you may find this hard to believe but I am a significant amount of fun." Smackle said.

"Would you like to see my fun face?" Smackle asked.

"That would be of interest to me." Farkle answered.

Smackle kept her normal face.

"Proceed." Farkle said.

"I'm doing it!" Smackle shouted.

"Good job Farkle,being smart and everything." Rachel said with a smile.

"Thanks for coming Rachel.Sorry you had to see me lose again." Farkle said.

"Wonderful,debate Farkle." Rachel said and clapped.

"A memory that will live with me until the next thing happens." Rachel said and hugged him,just when Riley walked over.

"Well good job Smackle,being smart and everything." Riley said and was about to walk away.

"I am sad." Smackle said in a monotone.

"What?" Riley and Rachel asked.

"Me and Farkle are perfect for each other.Why does he prefer you two?" Smackle asked.

"I don't know,if I knew I'd stop." Riley said.

"I honestly don't know." Rachel said and started to think.

Why does Farkle prefer me?I'm not as pretty as Rowan,Riley,and Maya. Rachel thought.

"Well now there's nothing left to do but get a smoothie all alone and continue this good cry I'm having." Smackle said.

"Your crying?" Rachel asked.

"Yes.A-wah,A-wah." Smackle started fake crying.

"I don't actually believe that-" Riley was cut off by Smackle fake crying even louder.

"Listen I'm going to ask you something and then regret it." Riley said.

"Do you want to come to my house?" Riley asked.

"Ohh." She said afterwards.

"Yes.I would like to come to your house,there is some much I can learn from you." Smackle answered.

Rachel widened her eyes at Riley.

Riley tried hugging Smackle but she kept turning different directions.

"Oh no,we already have two weird friends." Rowan said her mouth filled with melon.

"She means me." Riley said.

"And me." Rachel muttered.

Rowan's POV

"Why do we have be a part of campaign to befriend every little woodland creature?" Me and Maya asked.

"What woodland creature am I in your minds?" Smackle asked.

"Your like a little gopher chipmunk combo deal." I answered.

"Maya,Rowan,Rachel Smackle needs our help." Riley said.

"Yes I want you guys to teach me the equation for beauty." Smackle said

"Why?" Maya asked.

"Smackle love Farkle." Riley answered.

"Why?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"But he prefers you four over me because you guys are aesthetically pleasing,while I am less aesthetically pleasing but an superior in every other area " Smackle said.

"Say it,we don't want to help her." Rachel said with a pleading look.

"So you want us to make you beautiful?" I asked.

"Yes.But I don't expect you to change a trillion years of evolution in five seconds." Smackle said.

"Let me know when it's four seconds." Riley said picking her nails.

"We're helping her." Rachel muttered.

"Go." Maya said as we started to give Smackle a makeover.

{Couple Minutes Later}
Rowan's POV

"I'm pretty?" Smackle asked us.

"Your the hottest little gopher-chipmunk in the whole forest." I answered.

Riley handed Smackle a mirror.

"Who's the genius now?" Riley asked.

We crossed our legs and flipped our hair.

"Stop it." We said in unison.

"My current style seem to be on par with the trends that are genuinely popular." Smackle said looking in the mirror.

"Then why are you still talking like you don't know what you look like?" Maya asked as we sat on the bed.

"My speech,that's an easy fix." Smackle said.

"I don't think so." Rachel said.

"Awesome,like,giggle,question,omigosh." Smackle said saying random words.

"Do you want to explain that to us normals?" I asked.

"General observations reveal that that is I pronounce awesome,like,giggle,and omigosh as a question I will become popular." Smackle explained.

"It's not that easy Smackle." Maya said.

"E=MC squared." Smackle said.

"What'd you say that for?" I asked.

"Like E equals MC squared,omigosh awesome." Smackle said giggling.

"E equals MC squared." I whispered to Maya and Riley.

"We understand the universe." They replied. We started making exploding noises.

Rachel rolled her eyes and glared at Smackle who returned the glare.

Rowan's POV

We all walked into the room where the debate team was meeting.

"Ladies." Farkle greeted.

"Farkle." We greeted back.

"Rowan why are you wearing glasses?" Lucas asked.

"There Smackle's I'm holding them for her,on my face." I told him.

"We want to see if people will see Rowan differently if she wears glasses." Riley told the boys.

"Hello,suddenly approachable woman." One nerd said.

"What your prescription?" He asked.

"Mines 20/800 I can basically only hear you." He said.

"I don't have a prescription though I can say you guys are looking a lot less blurry." I said.

"That's the nicest thing any girl has every said to us." The other nerd said.

"I liked you better blurry." I said taking off the glasses.

"That's the second nicest thing any girl has said to us." The same nerd said.

"I think you look nice anyway you are Rowan." Farkle complimented.

"Thanks." I said.

"Wanna go out with us?" Maya asked and he fainted.

"Out like out on a date?" Farkle asked.

"Aw,no.Out with me,Maya,Riley,and Rachel." I answered.

"Because we have someone else we like to introduce you to." Maya said.

"And we think you'll really like her." Riley said.

"Yep,you'll like her,a lot." Rachel said trying to keep a brave face,though I could tell she was upset.

"I have a very specific taste in girls,is she one?" Farkle asked.

"Uh-huh." Riley nodded.

"That'll do." Farkle said

Rowans POV

"Presenting your date,the model from Paris,France." Riley began.

"The new face of Geek Chic." Maya said.

"Isadora Smackle." I finished in a french accent.

"Wow." Farkle said.

"You guys made her over." Farkle said.

"Well you know just us girls playing with our clothes and hair." Riley brushed it off.

"Are you intrigued by me Farkle?" Smackle asked.

"I'm intrigued that my friends haven't noticed your an evil genius." Farkle said.

"But a pretty evil genius right?" Riley asked.

"This is debate preparation isn't it?" Farkle asked.

"What?" I asked.

"The next debate topic is,is beauty only skin deep.Smackle doesn't want to be like you guys,Smackle want to win.You ladies have been played." Farkle explained.

"Is this true Smackle?" Riley asked.

"Affirmative." Smackle replied.

"Do we have your permission to jack her up now?" I asked.

"Negative." Riley replied.

"Smackle did you not think that your change in appearance would change your inner self?" Rachel asked.

"Of course it won't,I am Smackle.Look four red nails and one blue one,I don't know why." Smackle said shoeing Farkle her hand.

"How could any outer change,change the inner Smackle?" Smackle asked.

"Hi guys." Lucas greeted.

"Wow,Smackle you look great." Lucas complimented and she giggle.

"Did that just come from me?" Smackle asked.

"Smile at her." Farkle told Lucas and he did.

"Omigosh." Smackle said.

"Omigosh,I just said omigosh!" Smackle exclaimed.

"Like,question." Smackle said.

"Are you okay Smackle?" Riley asked.

"I don't understand what's happening to me." Smackle said.

"Why don't you sit next to her Lucas?" Farkle asked and he did.

"No one that has looked like you has sat this close." Smackle said in a daze.

"Are you sitting here because you want to be my mate?" She asked.

"I'm sitting here because the seat was empty." Lucas answered.

"You smell like pine trees." Smackle said out of nowhere.

"Thank you." Lucas thanked.

"Our feet are touching." Smackle said.

"Your doing that." Lucas said awkwardly.

"Smackle do you mind telling me what's the square root of 36?" Farkle asked.

"Who cares." She said in a daze.

"Excellent." Farkle said.

"Lucas is one our debate team,will that be a problem for you?" Farkle asked.

"Yeah,should be." Smackle replied.

"Good let's go,we got a debate to prepare for." Farkle said and they left.

"What have you done to me?" Smackle asked.

"I'm broken,I'm pretty,I'm confused." Smackle said as we took a seat.

"We can put you back." Riley offered.

"Oh,I'm not going back!" Smackle exclaimed.

"I'm not that confused." She said looking at her nails.

Rowan's POV

"Okay who's first?" Riley asked as we walked thru her bedroom door.

"Me." Auggie raised his hand.

"Farkle do you have an appointment?" Maya asked.

"No,I'm a walk-in." Farkle replied making Rachel giggle.

"Why hello Rachel." Farkle greeted.

"Hello Farkle." Rachel replied.

"Sorry Farkle but feel free to read one of our waiting room magazines.We're jammed." Riley said.

"Go." Riley told her brother.

"I want to be with Ava until the I die." Auggie told us.

"She doesn't feel the same way?" Riley asked.

"She's vague man." Auggie said.

"She messing with my mind." Auggie said dramatically.

"It doesn't matter what she says it matters what she does." Riley explained.

"Did she actually break up with you?" Rachel asked.

"No." Auggie answered.

"What?! Auggie I assumed you two broke up." Topanga said sitting at the baywindow.

"You should never assume,didn't dad teach you that?" Riley asked her mother.

"Yeah,don't you get the home versions of the lessons?" I asked.

"Your married to the guy." Maya said.

"Of course I do,there's just so many." Topanga replied.

"Oh no,I married Feeny." Topanga said gasping.

"So how is Ava messing with you?" Riley asked.

"She said we might not be together forever,but then again we might." Auggie answered.

"So you still have a girlfriend." Maya said nodding.

"And I let you eat cake with whip cream." Topanga said.

"So I've had a pretty good day." Auggie said and walked out the room with Topanga following.

"Next!" Riley shouted.

"What?" Riley asked.

"I'm tortured." Farkle answered simply.

"Why?" Rachel asked with a small smile.

"Smackle isn't going to be her best at the debate." Farkle answered and Rachel's face fell.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you guys made her better,except you didn't." Farkle answered.

"You want us to change he back?" Maya asked.

"Farkle,if we do that you'll lose the debate." Riley said thoughtfully.

"I only want to beat her when she's really her.She's the best arch nemesis ever." Farkle said.

"Otherwise if you beat her,it won't count." I said.

"Your pretty smart Rowan." Farkle complimented.

"Even without the glasses?" I asked. He nodded.

{Timeskip:Debate Competition}
Rowan's POV

"You promised you'd change her back." Farkle told us.

"We tried." Riley said.

"She didn't go for it." Rachel said.

"I didn't want to win this way Smackle.I hope you enjoy being beautiful." Farkle told Smackle going on walking to the front.

"Oh,I do." Smackle replied.

"How once mighty have fallen.The nation of Troy was charmed by a beautiful wooden horse.They neglected to consider what was inside.And they lost everything because of outer beauty.Don't be fooled by a pretty wrapper.I mean who keeps the wrapping paper." Farkle spook.

"I wear ribbons." Riley called out.

"Okay.And our concluding statement will be made by Lucas Friar." Farkle announced and people cheered.

"There can be absolutely no debate that the quest for outer beauty at the expense of one's inner self is a road to personal destruction.People make assumptions.I've been labeled a jock and a cowboy,and this is from my friends.But here's a little secret,I like school and I know I'd better get good grades,because what's inside has to be more important than what's on the outside to get into a good college and into a good life.Because beauty is not skin deep,thank you." Lucas finished his speech and people cheered.

"Omigosh,I'm totally unprepared and scared." Smackle spoke in a valley girl accent.

"We finally got her." The debate team said.

"Is what you assume I would say,considering the effort I put into my appearance." Smackle said.

"Uh-oh." The debate team said.

Smackle gave a beautiful speech and it really touched me.

"She beat us." Lucas told the team.

"Yeah." Farkle replied.

"Thanks for taking me in.I hope we can be friends." Smackle told us.

"Cool." I said.

"We've got a lot to learn from each other." Maya said.

Riley hugged Smackle and places a ribbon on her dress.

"I continue not to understand this." Riley said.

"That's what's so beautiful about you." I told her.

Rowan's POV

"Valiant effort Lucas,perhaps a smoothie will take the sting out of my latest victory." Smackle said.

"Woah,woah,back off sister." Riley said.

"I actually think that Smackle is enjoying some new found confidence,Riley." Farkle informed her.

"You know me to well arch nemesis." Smackle told him.

"She was using you to make Farkle jealous!" I exclaimed pointing at Lucas.

"Well that's a new one." Lucas chuckled.

"Tell me the truth Farkle.If Rowan,Maya,Riley,and Rachel weren't beautiful,would you still love them?" Smackle asked.

"They're beautiful? Oh yeah,I never really noticed." He answered making me smile.

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